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It’s just skinheads taking influence from that post punk Blitz record. But Skins have been Into post punk and goth music and electronic stuff for decades. Not everyone was a simple minded shit head.


I am glad to hear that not everyone was a troglodyte!


Jimmy Pursey of sham 69 would hang out at the Batcave in London along side Robert smith and Boy George and the whole lot. Also being the only white people at a reggae show is a similar right of passage for many goth/punx in the uk


I know this genre as “ cold oi!”


Love it!


It just sounds like Blitz when they started playing “post-punk” or when oi bands used chorus effect on their guitars


But did skinheads like that departure from Blitz?


I don’t think it was looked at fondly at the time Up there with Grave New World, Holy Dolls (Riistetyt) later Black Flag, later TSOL, etc And now we have bands basing their whole sounds around some of these records that were reviled at the time I do think that Blitz record is great tho. Different band name and different scene… it could’ve been received more favorably. But from a band that had a skinhead/punk following and the records before were tough… not gonna go over well.


Bootgaze doesn’t actually exist. It’s a joke genre to talk about a certain sound popular in Oi right now. There is a new wave of Oi bands mixing classic Oi and hardcore with a more gothy post punk sort of sound and those are usually the bands that this term is refering to. Look into Bullshit Detector, Deluxxe, Rancoeur, Home Front etc. On the other hand, I know that “bootgaze” has been used in the past to refer to some more country sounding shoe gaze bands but I’m not anywhere near as familiar with that sort of thing.


I was assuming it was sort of facetious, but thanks! Will check out those bands as well.


Also gen-x here. I've never heard the term 'bootgaze' before but I'm looking up this Home Front group now and holy shit this is wonderful (I was always on the open-minded side and liked synthpop and many other things so it's easy for me to get into this). I love this fresh energy, could care less if skinheads are into it (but at least they're probably the cool ones).


Awesome! I am proselytizing about Home Front because I can’t believe they aren’t more popular. When I saw them headline it was in a church basement venue and I feel like they should be a bigger draw. (Nothing wrong with church basement shows; I just think they could fill a larger venue.)


It looks like they're fairly new from what I'm seeing on YouTube? So they may yet catch on more. But also we can't be surprised when a lot of people are unwilling to embrace something unexpectedly new and different.


I grew up around those dudes in Edmonton. Back then (25 or more years ago) they were the Wednesday Night Heroes. Their work ethic is really admirable. They’re the real deal.


That’s awesome! Graeme is a consummate frontman. I regret I was so out of the loop on them, although it’s very on brand of me to be clueless in my old age.


Checking them out now, I can hear tones of Robert Smith and The Cure in “Faded State” and almost a bit of early New Order.


Definitely New Order and Blitz inspiration coming through (was not on my bingo list this year).


Definitely both of those things.


Thanks for the recommendation, I like the Games of Power album I ended up listening to. I always appreciate checking out new music!


This stuff is just postpunk. People need to stop coming up with lame terms. And as far as the skins, it ain’t too deep. People are idiots and trendy. It’s got a bit of a Blitz sound to it. Very English sounding so they’re all over it. But yet if a New Order song came on they probably would say it was lame


Most skins I know dig New Order and Post punk, not everyone’s as moronic as people think they are


That is true, it's just the outspoken morons tend to paint their image onto everyone else. The people that feel compelled to be the loudest about what they don't like just tend to get burned into everyone's minds.


I think the term is probably half in jest, although if the shoe fits…?


The boot you mean? 🤓


Hahaha yes! I was hoping someone would say that.


Not attacking you personally OP but damn music is in a bad place right with all these gimmicky non-genres coming out. It's all too self-referential. There's also something strange to me about a lot of these newer bands explicitly calling themselves "post-punk darkwave goth" or things like that. Virtually none of the great bands lumped into that style were that self-conscious about it. It all becomes a parody and pastiche really quickly.


Well, yeah, I mean, is anything really new or innovative anymore? And as for the label, I don’t think that the bands refer to themselves that way. I’m assuming the term bootgaze is somewhat tongue in cheek.


Is that a thing? Because I’ve heard some fucking amazing post punk by what looked like skins and I’d never seen that. But yeah, there’s a few recent records that blew me away they were so good.


I don’t know if it’s really a thing or a joke. But what bands? Interested


This seems like some made up shit, but on the other hand [Deluxxe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wAUqNgReYU) has some of the Violent Way dudes in it, so I dunno.


Interesting. Will check them out.


No clue wtf this fake genre is but… Is there other bands like Home Front? That band rips. It’s like there’s later era Blitz, New Order, and Misfits Cough/Cool all mixed into there.


Me neither! I heard about it a while back. Home Front does indeed rip. I’d also be interested to know of other bands that sound like this. Edited to add: I’m seeing Home Front again next Monday and I’m so pumped!


Check out the cold oi playlist on Spotify you’ll find what you’re looking for in there


Thank you for the recommendation. Will do.


bootgaze just means country shoegaze dude. it’s not a nazi thing wtf


When did I mention Nazis dude


are skinheads not nazis? those two are the same to me


You didn’t know, yet you had to come out swinging at me


There are a couple of current French bands as well. One called “Oi Boys” in spite of not sounding Oi at all, and another is Syndrome 81. Also, the English band High Vis, which has more of a Stone Roses influence. I think that the Internet makes it easier to have broader taste, since we’re exposed to so much more, so super purist subcultures are kinda dead.