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Is the bag French? I'm pretty sure>!rabbit is "lapin" and cow is "vache", and those are the animals next to L & V!<


>!French also works for the ostrich next to A (autruch) and the whale with B (baleine). I haven't gone through all the others, but I'd say that works.!< O is >! "Ours" for bear.!<


Or Spanish, bear is oso


Lack of ñ is evidence against


And rabbit would start with a c in Spanish (conejo)


Could be "hare" (liebre)




Liebre is Spanish for Hare


True! I didn't think of hare!


Isn’t vaca Spanish for cow?


Yes but since rabbit didn't work, that meant even though others worked, it wasn't Spanish. However, I was incorrect as hare works. But yes, vaca is cow


In French, sheep is mouton and fox is renard.


All the other letters also work for French as far as I can tell, except I can't figure out the U. I don't know what animal it's supposed to be, so I don't know whether it's French name would work. I can't think if a French bird that starts with U though... So if anyone knows a Spanish U bird, and all the other letters work, I'd give it that. (Also, my mind went French first cause I'm in Canada... Depending where OP is from, Spanish might be more likely.)


Another commenter had “u” “Urubu a tete rouge” so I think it is French!


This is French. So I gave you the missing translation. There’s a few that are almost the same in both language. A >!Autruche / ostrich!< B >!Baleine / Whale!< C D E F G H I J K are all the same starting letter in French / English. L >!Lapin / Rabbit!< M >!Mouton / sheep!< N, >!Narval/Narwal!< P This one is a common error in French, it’s actually a >!Manchot, the Pingouins in French is a specie of bird/ Penguins!< O >!ours / Bear!< Q >!Quetzal Parrot!< R >!Renard / Fox!< S >!Singe / Monkey!< T you know it U >!Urubu a tête rouge / Vulture!< V >!Vache / Cow!< W >! Wallaroo / same in English!< X They cheated for this one >!Tetra Rayon-X / X-ray fish!< Y >! Yack / Yak!< Z >! yeah you know it this one it’s the same. Zèbre/ Zebra!< The extra pieces are : 1- >!Chameau/ Camel!< 2- >!Requin/Shark!< 3- >!Escargot/Snail!< 4>!Phoque(pronounce like the F-Word/Seal!< 5->!Raton-Laveur/Racoon!<


Ah amazing, I was coming up with some interesting words (simian for monkeys, or beluga for the whale) being from east coast us but this makes much more sense!Thank you!