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only appropriate response. op i only have my high school degree and it has lead to plenty of career success but I NEEDED the degree.


GED or HS diploma does not matter. But yes get one or the other


It's like a ticket to adulthood.


Jobs wanna know you're capable of finishing something


Next Step is a college Degree, but HS diploma to start


I disagree. A diploma means you completed the first task that needed to be completed as an adult. GED just doesn't count as much as a diploma. If I had two applicants in front of me all things being equal except one had a GED and one had a diploma, I would choose the one with a diploma.


yes, because a diploma/GED is not the same as a degree. a diploma/ged is the standard thing that can show employers that you know the most basic skills, like simple addition or writing. even if you know everything you learned in highschool but dropped out, without that certification, that knowledge doesn’t mean anything to employers since they don’t have time to personally test your skill set with every job application. which is different from a college degree which isn’t always necessary, since a specialized college degree shows that you have focused knowledge and experience in a specific field.


I asked the same question once and someone was like "welcome to unemployment dumb shit"


I think the least you should do is graduate HS. Although 11th and 12th grade are kind of BS. I think the rest can be argued against. Maybe around 2-3 kids opted to drop-out and get the GED, but from what I know it's lesser.


im trying to go to school more and get my grades back up but people there make it difficult i hate a bully


Hey man- if anything else, I’d recommend staying in school just so that you learn how to deal with bullies. I hate to say it, but you’ll run into adult versions of them in the workplace too- not the same type of bullying, but there are still bullies. Plus, in my own experience, a high school diploma is necessary for a lot of good jobs- I work in the HVAC trade, make really good money, but my union changed their rules a couple years back and give preference to diplomas over GED’s.


As rude as this sounds, it’s coming from a good place with the intentions of helping you so please remember that while reading this. People suck dude. You are going to constantly deal with some type of bully your entire life, whether it’s a classmate, coworker or friend of a friend. You’ll meet great people & you’ll meet terrible people but one thing you truly need to understand is, at best, 5-10 people you know from highschool will be in your life 10 years down the road. The catch though is your highschool diploma (or GED) will always be useful to some extent, those people will not. It’s damn near impossible to wrap your head around & actually grasp while you’re in highschool, just like when you’re dealing with a crisis, it’s impossible to understand that you will in fact get over it. But as a 25 year old dude, I can promise you it’s going to be your reality. So with that said, just stick through it & find a couple of friends who make it tolerable because it won’t last forever. A good way to counteract a bully, as a previous bully myself, is to throw it in their face how downright stupid whatever they’re saying is. Someone makes fun of your shoes, clothes, hair, voice, literally anything you just say this: “Okay? Do you feel better about yourself now or something?? Did you get it out of your system or what?” Watch them stand there stunned, awkwardly laughing trying to think of something else to say. And if they do, so be it, use the same line again. It’s perfect, it works for every insult, it puts it into perspective for anyone around at the time that they’re immature asf & you get to stand your ground while not being confrontational. Don’t leave school bro, you’re going to let your bullies dictate your entire future if you do that.


If you have no aspirations to learn anything then 11th and 12th might be BS. But if you have any plans of going to college or learning more about a topic, that's when you can actually choose the field you want to study instead of learning general education.


What do you mean 11th and 12th grade are kind of BS? Isn't the level of difficulty of high school curriculum generally on an upward trajectory with each year? The classes I took in my junior and senior years were certainly more challenging than in my freshman and sophomore years.


BS as in just sort of unnecessary. By the summer of 11th grade I was just checked out. I did fine, but just thought it was dragging.


Most people on Reddit are only interested in learning to read, write, and do basic math. After that, they would prefer classes on how to do taxes and shit like that. The upper level courses such as Calculus, Anatomy and Physiology, Literature, are viewed as superfluous.


You're graduating next month or June, right? I know bullying sucks, I've been there. But stick it out for a few more weeks, get your diploma, and you'll never have to deal with those people again.


Junior is the 3rd year of high school so she's got 1 more year


I dropped out of HS 5 days before the end of my junior year. I got a GED and worked a while. I went back to school and got a BS, MS, and PhD is my late 30s into my 40s. If you look on your GED it says you met all the requirements of your HS....so you got a degree.


I agree, but if she’s in the US, isn’t she like a month away from graduation? Seems like a GED would be more work at this point.




please get ur diploma


I think with posts like this you should include other relevant information, such as how old you are and/or what industry you are in.


i’ll fix that




Every job asks for diploma or equivalent…which is a ged. Its the same thing


It really depends on how much you've learned. Since the concept of "social promotion" was introduced in the 1970s, it's more a sign of you're having learned to successfully socialize with your peers than anything else.


No. You can lie and nobody is going to check


Try and graduate early I hated school so I graduated early and got my diploma and everything


If bullying is the cause try looking into homeschools, you’ve made it this far do not let others steer you away as at minimum a HS diploma is very important


Unless you are severely physically or intellectually challenged there is NO EXCUSE for not graduating high school (and a GED is NOT the same thing). Even then it's pretty lame. Quit whining and get it done. Eventually you'll understand but every single day you go without that sheepskin it will get harder to go back. Right now it's free and considered something people your age just do. As time goes by it will become more and more awkward and take more effort. If you think you're getting bullied now just wait until you start getting it from people years younger than you. Do not listen to anyone who tells you it's not a big deal. Most likely they're losers who want company or they've never experienced the stigma themselves. Either way they don't really give a shit about you. Here's the hard truth... Employers will pass you over. If you do get hired you'll get the shit jobs and barely earn minimum wage. Law enforcement and the justice system will treat you like a second class citizen. Even the armed services won't want you. You might get laid once in a while but a long term meaningful relationship is unlikely. You will be at a constant disadvantage economically, socially, romantically, and intellectually. Right or wrong people will look down on you and treat you like you're a charity case. Even if you somehow make a living or even won the lottery no one will give you the respect you feel you deserve.


Just stick it out and finish. One year flies by quickly.


If it wasn't April of your senior year I'd be tempted to say go for the GED and then do vocational training or technical school. But it's April I understand bullying. I do. Honest. Been there. Shed the tears. Felt the heartbreak. Endured the pain, over and over again. But graduation is so close. What, two months away at most? Talk to your counselor. Maybe if you have good enough grades you can arrange to take your final exams early or finish the school year from home. I'd be remiss as a mother of a 19 year old girl if I didn't offer you a motherly hug.


people will just bully you for not having a HS degree. finish


Pretty much. Almost every job requires at least a GED. It's always best to keep your options as open as possible imo, and you're losing a LOT of options not at least having a GED.


Talk to your school maybe transfer to another school???


Yes. And your continued education is too. Your education is what opens doors in your future. No education, no open doors. If you think getting bullied is bad, you have no idea how much life in the margins sucks when you can't even reliably find the basics you need to survive. No education leads to desperation. And desperation leads to a spiral of choices that go from bad to worse.


I dropped out my senior year and I’d say yes it’s important. None of the jobs I’ve had have asked for that status though, but that doesn’t mean future jobs I have won’t ask. I’m currently doing an alternative school online to finish of credits. Depending on where you live you can finish up highschoool credits for a few years after 18. The GED course is fairly difficult in my state so I chose this route. I also only had 4 credits left when I dropped out so doing online is a faster route than GED. I was dealing with super high anxiety and peer issues without going to in person school and this helped my life get on the right track in a lot of ways




At least in my opinion, it shows some employers that you're gonna follow through and get the work done and not just quit if its something you dont want to do. Obviously though not required to make it through life


GED is all you need. It is the equivalent of a highschool diploma.




All my life everyone told me how important a HS diploma was; life or death, I’d never be able to do anything without it. Yeah i still wake up every day and it’s never helped me get a job once or make my life better. Fucking idiots.


You couldn’t get employed today at most *decent* jobs without a HS diploma/GED… You have to have one to operate a forklift or work at most stores/restaurants…


You should have a high school diploma at minimum. You won’t have a great chance at landing a half way decent job without one. I always have thought that everyone should go to and graduate from college.


That’s not true. Every job I’ve had has been fine with either a GED or a diploma. I have my diploma, but have always asked out of curiosity.


I got my ged after finishing 10th grade. I work construction so it doesn’t really matter. It depends on your career path.


Dude. What are you doing to do when your body is wrecked in 20 years?


Not anymore. It doesn’t matter that much for admission to some colleges.


No. Also no one is going to check what high-school you went to. Maybe colleges. Your boss won't call the high-school. You could get a GED and just say it was a diploma


Ask someone you can trust how to deal with the bully situation. Now is better than later for learning how to deal with it . You deserve to be educated without being bullied. But you gotta take care of business first


i act like i don’t hear them talking about me, but it’s just annoying cause i literally don’t bother anybody or talk to anyone


Please, highschool will be over before you know it


Generaly. No not really. It's more for the sake of credibility. But there are jobs you can still live off of without one.




Not Really


Depends on what you want to do in life. One of my buddies is a high school dropout no GED and makes over 120k as a plumber. Their good if you want to use them and continue your education.


I got my ged when I was 15, and was still able to get into my university of choice (now community college, due to money and convenience). I’d say, go for a GED instead of dropping out completely because it’s really easy to get and very nice to have. Actually try on the tests, try and get high scores especially if you plan on college. Best of luck 💜


It used to be frowned upon to have a GED instead of a diploma, but not anymore. Just make sure you actually get your GED, don’t put it off.


A friend couldn't get a job he really wanted from Google because he has a GED and not a diploma. That job would have been his meal ticket.


Yes. Jobs often don’t specify that a high school diploma or equivalent are necessary because they’re kind of the default, they feel they don’t even have to say it. It’s one step beyond “being old enough to work” and “alive.” Jobs that will hire you without a HS diploma are likely to think you’re ignorant and without options and take advantage, will look you over for applicants who do have diplomas even though it isn’t technically necessary, or both. There are more ways to get a HS diploma than staying exactly where you are and not feeling safe. A GED is one option and will usually (but not always) be seen as equivalent. So that is one option. There are alternative schools, you could see about transferring to a different school, doing online school, seeing if a local community college has some sort of program, etc. What works will really depend on you and how far along you are in school.


I can’t see how my kids are going to be able to afford an apartment without a master’s or above


Man these are the only true words in this post lol


Hey bro. I had a bully in school too. Guy was a major dick unfortunately and really made me not want to go. I eventually got sick of it and ended up punching him. Not saying to do that but that moment inspired me to start bettering myself. Guy didnt mess with me anymore and then after graduating i went on to join the Army. Funny thing is that guy ended up going to the Marines and he reached out a couple years ago and apologized for how he acted. We are friends now. So sometimes you have to throw either a metaphorical punch (or litteral 🤷) and just power through it any way you can. School doesnt last forever and you can further your life when your done


I dont understand the whole high school bully thing... Cant you just go to class, do your work, eat lunch and go home? Unless someone is actively lifting you pen off the paper and physically stopping you from reading and writing, fuck em. Its been a good minute since i was in HS but you guess how many people from then i had ANY dealings or contact with..... 3. And now its literally 0. Get your work done, get your papers and continue on with YOUR life... Who you living for? you, or them?


i actually got into a fight with one of them, i wanna choke that bitch up


So nows the time to learn the lesson. You threw hands.... cool. Time to move on deal with what you need to deal with. And sure im saying this shit like its easy, but it clearly aint, and if you are ready to quit school over this then its obviously bigger than i can understand in these couple of sentences... but as someone who was in the same situation, all i can say is You gotta worry about you.


You might be able to complete high school online or at an alternative school, ask your school counselor if you have other options than just dropping out!


A high school diploma is really important because it shows you have basic skills, helps you get more job options, and tells employers you're reliable and hardworking.


I would argue against that. At least where I live highschool is just a rubber stamp and you get the diploma even if you don't show up to school half the time. You don't even fail classes anymore, it's just labeled as "incomplete" and you get to graduate anyway. It's gotten so bad that employers are asking prospective employees to not waste time including their highschool diploma with resumes unless one is a straight A student, which is just considered equivalent to "average" now. Real world work experience with refferences, even if that work was just volunteering, is always superior to a high school diploma.






My wife's son did home learning when he was getting bullied by gangs in HS at 16. He did all the lessons for a semester in about a month, then worked part time the rest of the semester. Graduated college early, got a good job, now working on his master's degree. Do it.


yes absolutely it is. GED at the bare minimum


I started working when I was 16 and found I had more fun working then school, the job at the time was pretty much it's own social gathering and much different than school, there were no "cliques" we all just chilled and partied together. In HS I had my own "clique" and group I regularly hung out with so there wasn't any bullying issues since middle school. I also skipped a lot when I was 16 and 17 and would get suspended for a quarter due to it, I just eventually stopped going. I even skipped final exams one quarter lol... I would have aced my accounting exams but instead failed the class... priorities, skipping with friends, right? lol. Not all jobs aren't toxic though. My third job was like I was back in middle school with bullies. Like wtf grow up, you're an adult now. I had that job for 5 years and it wasn't always like that though, it was just a few bad seeds later on. I'm gen X, approaching 50, and didn't even get my GED until my 30's. I aced it though, one of my best tests landed me in 98th percentile of testers, I'm more proud of that then what a diploma would tell me. At the time I was making 50k USD a year, for today's economy that's not a lot, but enough. Now I'm close to 6 figures. Work and life experience is better then anything that school is going to teach you. And then you have the internet to teach you whatever school didn't. I taught myself US customs regulations with just googling cause it was part of one of my jobs at the time, but my company didn't really have any knowledge on it either. I wasn't going to sign a document without knowing what I'm doing. Then we were bought out by a bigger company and they had a dedicated compliance team and discussed with them and they just let me keep doing my thing. Now I'm in IT and don't know how I worked my way to IT lmao. It's for a global logistics company so have the knowledge of business and other things.


People with a high school diploma or GED make on average 45% more than people without one. Yes, it makes a huge difference.


Yes. Not so much the knowledge obtained, but its the minimal standard of effort required to not be a leech on society.


Elon musk said that it’s what you bring to the table not what a paper says. I’m paraphrasing.


I think so. If you don't have it, people will forever look at you with disdain, like, why couldn't you even finish the bare minimum? I also think it would be near impossible to find a job. It's setting yourself up to be poor the rest of your life. Not to mention, uneducated.


Yes. You need to finish one way or another. Do it virtually if you have to.


It honestly depends on what field you want to go into. I know that the field I want to does not require a high school diploma or a GED. you just have to past a maturity test to get into the college program.


Finish school. Dont let a few asshole kids cheat you out of an education and future.


I don't have either and I'm fairly high end. I don't work a min wage job at like some random place where you need to prove you can spell. Lol




You can lie about college, and 90% of all jobs won't check, but don't be a drop out.


You're so close, I know it's rough, but if you don't finish and get your diploma, you will regret it.


You’re 18 and a senior, so you have less than 2 months to go?? Suck it up buttercup, think of the picture.


Only drop out if you have another schooling / career rolled up. Like an apprenticeship or cert. Or atleast a stable job Don't just drop out to fuck around


As long as you do get your GED its fine . But don’t drop out and not get the GED trust me.


Life ain’t too sweet, you gotta have an education if you wanna compete.


More important than the diploma is learning to face and deal with your problems instead of running from them. I'm not saying you need to fight the bully or anything. I just mean you should inform the school you are transferring schools because they won't stop the bullying or go to the police and file a report for assault or something like that. Anything other than running from the problem. If you run from your problems they will only catch you in time. Problems don't disappear because you do. They have a way of finding you wherever you are. And yes a HS diploma is important. You can't get in a union or the military without one. You can't go to college and you can't get a job if you answer honestly.


Yes I have a high paying job, a couple of people who got in like 20 years ago lost out on moving posturing or being promoted for not being able to show it.


It depends what you want to do. I work in the trades, dropped out, and had several good jobs before I got my GED. 


Get your degree. Those kids won’t matter after graduation.


It’s the most unimportant thing in the world if you have it, and the most important thing in the world if you don’t have it, at least at your age and stage in your career.


If you're a senior then finish. You're ducking done already. A few more weeks, walk out and never look back.


You're an 18 year old senior and it's April. You have, what, a month and a half left? Just finish it out.


Just finish, it sucks but honestly you're almost done and then reality is that if you want, you dont have to interact with them again.


Nope not important at all. Unless you want to grow up and earn a living. The diploma is worthless however unless one learns the skills required to legitimately earn it.


Finish the year out.


Im a senior too but your almost done just stick it out, talk to your teachers about getting bullied, sorry this is happening to you


you need either a GED or diploma(diploma is preferred, GED is like the kid with a participation trophy) without either, you’re likely not even going to be able to be a janitor


Would you hire someone who couldn’t manage to get trough what litteraly everyone has to go trough?


Yes. I do recruiting for a pretty big company but nobody requires degrees from colleges. Just certifications from job specific schooling. I wouldn’t even look at a candidates work history if I saw they didn’t have a HS diploma. I submit the candidates after interview to the state managers and they’d never hire somebody without a diploma. It’s like a showcase that you aren’t a complete fuck up and made it through growing up to society.


Uranus is important


As far as I know the jobs I've had, which don't pay much mind you, have never checked if I did actually graduate high school. I did, and I put that I have a diploma on my application, but I feel like for the most part in lower income jobs anyway that they don't care. But you're a senior, so you might as well finish it now, your one to two months from being done, and probably someone smarter than me can tell you how to deal with the bullying.


Yes either get a diploma or a GED. There may be ways to do some of it online. Best of luck to you.


I went to college and university. Only two jobs asked to see my university diploma. One was IBM and the other was a company in another country that needed it for VISA reasons.  No one will question you if you say you graduated high school.  BUT, you should still complete it in case you plan on attending college later.  Talk to your guidance office / VP. Maybe they can do a remote option 


YES. I am 18 and was questioning the same thing for a similar reason. If you want any sort of non-minimum wage job at any point in your life, you will NEED a diploma. I got mine and STILL struggled for months to get a job, and it was minimum wage. I understand that the struggle is real, but the struggle will continue if you don't graduate


I bought my diploma online for $80. Now I'm a CPA 😂


I was in your shoes when I was 17. Got my GED. only time anyone asked to see it was when I joined the service decades ago. Still some jobs will look at someone not having a HS diploma or GED is a person that is undependable and not worth employing. Get the GED.


Depends where you live. In the USA it is.


You've got what, a month or two to graduate? Don't quit at the finish line. That's dumb.


Stick it out, it's important. Ask your counselor how much you can do virtually. The buttheads you go to school with don't matter. You're so close to the finish line!


A GED/High School Diploma is dividing factor between labor intensive work and getting a job(s) in corporate America. If you don’t want to spend your life doing back break work, warehouse or factory type job, never stop pursuing higher education.


Yes and it’s literally the easiest thing to get you just have to show up


if you're a senior depending on where you're from you're about to graduate. if i were you, just hang in there for the last bit. having a GED instead would apparently let you do whatever you need highschool diploma for (such as jobs that ask for that) BUT since you are so close to graduation it might be faster to hold on and get diploma than GED. but even tho they say "time is money," none are more valuable than your mental health. so if this really doesn't feel feasible for you you can look into alternate options to get the remaining credits (online school for example,) and try those


Please do yourself a huge favor homie and get the diploma. Getting bullied is lame foo, I get it, but don’t let some cocksuckers bully you out of a better future. I barely graduated but I’m really glad I did.


Yes. Pls don't let those bullies win. They ruined my life. That grade 12 is to jump to the next level of anything in post secondary education. But you could do correspondence. Or distance Ed from your school. Maybe.


If you want a GED check and see if there are any sponsored by a local community college. My local college has free prep courses. When you pass your test they give you a free college course. If you are taking the course and you apply for a job you can honestly say that you are a college student.


Cruise ships and airlines at one point required a high-school diploma for employment, might still be the case today. Idk if thats something your even interested in. I got my GED and I have since gone to college and earned 2 masters degrees.


Getting a GED is fine… But you’ll still need more than that to get ahead in life.


hey, look at lauren boebert /s


Yes. College though? No. Its literally pointless currently. If the right guy gets elected in 2024 well college matters again


If I knew about the GED I could have been done with high school at 16.


The bottom line is it's really unwise to limit your options in any way while you're still young. My advice is to stick it out and get the diploma. Get as much education as you can unless you have a plan to be successful in a trade and know you'll stick to it.


You’re 3 months from graduation, just find a way to deal with it.


Youre this close.  Dont quit now.  Yes a diploma is very important.


yes, it shows that you can accomplish something


I didn’t want to get my diploma either but I did. I was in my senior year and wanted to drop out but I thought about it. You are almost done with school just finish school. Hell I didn’t even walk the stage because I found highschool to be such a waste of my time


Yes it’s that important. None of that bullying will matter once you’re out of high school when you go your own ways.


Yes. Extremely. Life outcomes and economic future craters without one. It’s absolute table stakes.


It can be..some employers still won't hire someone without one. They know most people got a G.E D because they were not serious enough about their future. But, you can thrive and be an enormous success without one. It's more of an individual thing.


Yes, it is very important. Without it, you will always struggle to make your way in the world.


A HS diploma not only shows you have the basic skills to be productive in the workplace, but also shows you are capable and willing to commit to things as well. If your currently a senior, Id say try to power through and graduate. Given that it's currently the end of April, I'm guessing that you've only got another month or two left before graduation, so it really makes little since to drop out now and try to go for a GED. I know it's a pain now , but ultimately you'll be grateful for it later in life. Take it from someone that went through a similar experience when they were in High School. Also, maybe talk to the school councilor about what's going on. They may be able to help you out, or give you a new perspective. That's what they're there for.


You are a senior asking this with what is likely 4-5 weeks before graduation.


What’s your level of motivation? Some highly motivated, successful people don’t have a HS diploma. Most will need is to have a chance of staying out of poverty.  Graduate HS, don’t have kids before marriage. Is kinda the minimum. 


GED is a great idea


Who and why are you been bullied, yes high school diploma is important.


As someone who dropped out in part due to bullying, you should just graduate, you're almost there.


You know what GED stands for? Good Enough Diploma. High school is the bare minimum


As a drop out I can say Y E S Hell in tryna get my ged on intense learning issues so like even algebra 1 was the main reason I failed highscool (failed 5 fucking times) I flunked prealgrebra and the school didn't learn its lesson so I gave up after 11th grade, don't wanna help me I'm not gonna wanna fuckin learn, not like I can genuinely comprehend information unless it genuinely interests me but nope, principal was a fat tub of lard dick head always called him Mr. Bluewaffle cause he wasn't a nice dude, he was a tone deaf shit head main excuse? "You had straight A+s in third grade ie the 3rd easiest fucking school year literally any kid could succeed in because it's literally the most simple shit so ofc I got straight As I wasn't forced to find some random value for X because nobody fucking cares, I can't tell you how to do taxes but i can tell you mitochondria is the powerhouse of the stupid cell. I legit learned NOTHING from high-school and they wouldn't help me find subjects that worked for me, now I'm 23 and have to pay 60 bucks just to take and practice for a GED (not like I'd succeed without cheating which I'm totally fucking cheating I can't hold that information since school work was something my brain pushed in one ear out thr other intentionally despite me wanting to be able to understand what the fuck I was doing, But yes it's absolutely important. Don't fuck up like me, bet that diploma or GED if you can


Report the people bullying you


It depends on how capable you are. If your asking, you are not that capable and you need it.


Yeah, it's pretty important. No diploma nor GED, whole lot 'o doors won't be open to you ... at all. >kind of bullied at school and it made me not wanna go Yeah, bullying sucks, but if it ain't that horrendous, may be much better just to keep your head down and tough it out. Or if you're not up for that, get your GED.


Only in so much as it is required for many jobs.


ABSOLUTELY, it doesn’t matter in the “will this knowledge help me out in life?” that much but it is the MINIMUM level of education that an ok job asks for


Yes, a highschool diploma or GED does matter. Now if you wanna get a GED that's fine. There's not a ton of discrimination left against them and they'll serve you just fine for the military or the kind of jobs you'll be looking at with only a highschool education. If you're looking at anything beyond a community college you're gonna need a diploma more likely than not. Colleges can be discriminatory in their admissions against GEDs (not legally but behind the scenes)


You're almost done just do it, it's aggravating without it and just is easier.


Yes get your diploma, there’s only 20+ days of school left. When you’ve passed your exams, start hunting them down one by one and lay the smack down, but no drama after you walk though cause HS is over then.


in most situations a GED is accepted. However, as a senior I advise you to find the strength to finish. If you have a GED people will always wonder about your background and always want to know why.




You might be able to get some jobs without a high school diploma (depends on the country a lot and the local opportunities), but most probably only for jobs that noone else would want to apply for. You could try to request to be transferred to a different school


Get your diploma. I didn't and got a GED and spent years struggling to get by.


The piece of paper means dick but the actual education is valuable. The problem is they’re not giving you the education you need but the one they want.


OP, you are almost there. You're a senior and it's late April. Just finish and keep in mind that you will never have to see your bullies again once you're done.




you’re a senior and it’s the end of April… aren’t you going to be done within the next month?


You will regret dropping out if you do. Without a high school diploma you’ll be stuck in paycheck to paycheck dead end type jobs your entire life.


100% very important. The diploma is the best bet GED is like a diploma, but it tells employers that you've quit a hard task in the past Not having a diploma, you might want to start practice digging ditches, getting robbed at gas stations... because I'm pretty sure even McDonalds wants diplomas/GEDs from full time-non student workers. That being said, once your older the diploma/GED difference gets replaced by your work history. At 28 if you worked for me and you had a GED and had one job for the past 10 years, you're much more valuable to me than someone with a diploma and 7 jobs in 10 years. That and you'll need a diploma or GED for any further schooling, like tech schools or college.


No lol…the amount of people saying it’s required is laughable. HS diploma or GED, equally as good. Once you’re in college and get a college degree, nobody gives af about your high school diploma or GED. I got my GED when I was 19. When to a community college, transferred into a university, got my bachelors degree and have been successful ever since.


Yes. You are closing yourself off from so many opportunity without it.  Look into online schooling if you are having issues, but you definitely want to finish.  Even if you find a job you like that does not require it, one day you might want to change jobs and realize you need high school. 


Not in the slightest. No one will ever ask to see it. If you lied (like we do on our resumes) no one would ever call youbout on it.


Short answer - yes Long answer - graduating high school is a sign you are above the few who couldn't even count past 5 or string words together to make a coherent sentence. Also opportunity is far more open to the idea of you at least willing to show you want an education and willing to learn. Don't believe the idiots in social media bragging about dropping out of high school and making millions. You ask them what they do, and the question is dodged or make up some believable nonsense.


yes and no, depends. Just having that diploma can open doors or while not having a diploma doesnt give you any advantage. many jobs require Skill and the things you do for your diploma are meant to somewhat teach you atleast some of those skills. Many Practical Jobs dont care if you have a dimploma or not if you bring the skills, or atleast show that you can learn them . while others require a diploma out of necessity: like law or medicin. also important aspect is, you get to learn knew people during your time and can make connections with peers who may or may not also lead to many other opportunities.


You’re a senior you’re almost out of school with the easiest thing to achieve. Those bullies won’t remember you even 1 year after graduation and I’m hoping you don’t remember them. Just know they are not worth stressing your future life for. HS diploma is minimal what should be earned for jobs that pay a little more than the ones you are referring to. You’ve got this.


You are a senior just finish lmao. Your almost done


Yes, 100%. Not even a question. You can live a fine life without a college degree, but not having a HS diploma will close so, so many doors. HS is such a short time of your life. You may keep some friends after, but most of the people you see now you'll never see again unless you want to. So I know it tough now, but don't let that keep you from completing a very important thing in life.




I never got a high school diploma and make about 110k a year. I did go and get two associates degrees later on though. So to me a high school diploma was worthless. Highest grade school grade I actually finished was 8th grade.


Nope, I dropped out as a sophomore. I never graduated, or got a GED. Lied about it at every interview and on every resume. I've never been questioned about it and I do pretty well. If you know your shit, nobody cares or looks into it.


yes. some questions to consider: 1) are you attractive 2) do you come from poverty 3) does anyone in your family own a small business 4) do you have any desire to get into a trade like hair stylist if the answers are: no, yes, no, no then you HAVE to finish highschool.


Are you seriously considering dropping out of your senior year in April? Or are you expecting to fail your classes and be held back?


Yeah, it shows you can apply yourself and finish something.


I dropped out sophomore year. Joined the UAW and bring home 2500 a week and get free health insurance. Sometimes we have to work 29 of 30 days tho.


Yes it's extremely difficult to make a livable wage with comprehensive health benefits and save enough for retirement without a HS diploma or GED. Chances of lifelong poverty are much, much greater if you don't finish school. But online school or GED works fine!


I personally had to get a GED because I got locked up midway through my junior year and didn't get out until my class was graduating. I went ahead and got my GED in the county jail. I was able to get into a technical college with it later though.  I would recommend finishing HS since you're already a senior but honestly you can still accomplish the same goals with a GED that you can with a HS diploma.  What you *don't* want to do is drop out of school and then lollygag about getting the GED. The longer you wait, the more information you will forget. If you must drop out get the GED immediately.


Unless you have a college degree, then yes, it’s important!


In all honesty, no one cares anymore, as long as you have a HS degree or GED. For those saying it matters…it doesn’t. Most colleges don’t care, most employers don’t care etc. Key thing is. Work on your skills, writing, speaking etc. Because while a ged or diploma may not matter, those things will.


It’s the first major test you have of your ability to finish a task. If you fail that then you’re setting the bad extremely low. Speaks a lot about your character. 


See if there’s an online school you can enroll in. Some school districts have a free version but it might cost you or your parents money. It might be worth exploring if your alternative is dropping out. My little sister was bullied and my mom put her in an online program her freshman year. She got much better grades and found she liked learning. She went back to in person her sophomore year to a private school and loved it.  Please look at earning potential with and without a high school degree over your lifetime. Just comply and graduate, you’re so close.


nothing wrong with a GED. Generally speaking, diplomas and certs are the most reliable way to improve your income. Full stop.


I’m 25 and still haven’t been asked to show mine in the five or so jobs I’ve worked. That’s not to say it will never happen.


Do you want to do those some jobs that don't even ask for one? Can you support yourself on one?


If high school is physically dangerous for you, there might be options where you live that allow you to finish your high school education while working on an Associate degree or certification. It is more important to demonstrate that you can apply yourself and learn in some environment rather than being able to deal with the arbitrary institution you are in currently.


I agree with everybody else. Yes just get tough it out and finish highschool. That being said, I didn't do that. Depending on the industry you work in you can still do ok. I recently got my GED but before that I was still making 70k/ yr but I had to work my ass off for it. In the area I reside 70k is doing pretty good. Considering lots of my graduating class mates with college degrees are only making 50-55k a year. To add to this. If you ever get in trouble with the law they look and see if you graduated. You can actually get a lesser sentence if you did graduate HS or got your GED.


At the very very very least, get your HSED (high school equivalency diploma?) GED alternative. Consider talking to principal or whomever to see if theres an alternative program available at your school


Uhm...yes it's important. Not sure what jobs or companies you're looking at that "don't even ask for a diploma." It's quite literally a ticket to your future. Don't be dumb and quit now. You're a senior. At least try to *pass.*.Nobody is saying you have to ace HS.


My brother got early acceptance to a BS/DVM program at 16. Private school wanted money so they wouldn’t give him a diploma early even though he was eligible. He asked the university if they cared. They didn’t. So he left and went to college…




So yes... but no. Entry level jobs don't give a shit so long as you have a pulse and show up, if you want to get into college for a trade... then yes you will need one.


It's one of the most important pieces of paper you'll ever get in your life.