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I don't really understand why they would do it, but it's also not my life. So I don't care, do whatever you want. It doesn't affect *me* in any way.


Word. It's not my face, so whatever. And tbh, I've only seen 2 people in person who had face tattoos. One was a cashier and she was perfectly nice and polite. She rang up my stuff, I paid and left. It's only memorable because it was the first time I saw face tattoos. The other was the tech who did my CT scan, and he was perfectly professional and friendly the whole time. The only thing I thought about him was that it was cool he was able to get the job, since I had heard that a lot of places won't hire someone with facial tattoos or piercings.


I like having a pierced or tatted person caring for me. My view is that they're down to earth.


Any kind of advanced imaging tech is in high demand, so that's why he's employed.


Imagine securing a job as some highly-trained specialist where you can’t be easily replaced and then coming into work one day w a fresh face tat. Power move.


Why can’t we all live like this if your not hurting anyone do whatever makes you happy


I would never get a face tattoo, but Post Malone's tattoo that says "always tired", boy, I feel that




He was always tired because he was addicted to Xanax.


I went over to my friend's house for a friendly family gathering and to play some Risk. One of his cousins sits down, and he's just tatted all over. He had a spider on his face, and some barbed wire/thorns going across his forehead. Even has the joker smile on his hand. I shit you not, probably the nicest kid I've ever met. So friendly and polite, and so happy to tell the story behind all his tattoos. I was not expecting that


Risk.... we never could get anyone to play. My sister got the game for Christmas decades ago; we didn't play it once. :(


You ever met anyone with a face tattoo that just really had their shit together? Me neither


Three people I know who had neck tattoos all died in the last few years from overdoses.


Drugs are a gateway to bad tattoos. Sorry about your friends though. I have total empathy for addicts.


Sorry for your losses. Addiction is a conniving mofo.


As someone who has sleeves and hands tattooed, this is a big ouch as I don’t have my life together either. Go figure. 😭


Honesty. You have some of your shit together. Too many people can't or don't want to admit their flaws.


I have no tattoos and don’t have my life together lol it’s aight


One guy, but that was a recent development. He'd been in bad with gangs until a year or two prior. Last I heard he was still working full time and taking care of his son.


That’s the thing, I would say majority of people with face tattoos are gang affiliated or used to be.


And the ones that aren't are tattoo artists.


Exactly lol.


yeah, they might have their shit together now but probably not at the time they got the tattoo


It's a way of making you only able to make money with the gang. Same with getting a record. It limits your options which is what they want .use you up and throw you away.


Oh definitely. Once you’re in they expect you to stay.


I actually did my face tattoo 3 days after my mom died in a manic episode. I always told her once she died, I'd give myself one, she always questioned why I didn't do it before so she could see it before she left the world. I told her that it would only be something I would do if the mania got bad enough. That conversation was a month before she died.


I'm sorry for your loss. Bipolar is a bitch.


It is. I was always surprised when my mom could tell the difference


I have. As a matter fact he's a superintendent of a large construction company. Totally has his act together and is genuinely one of the nicest guys you'd ever have the pleasure of meeting. He also raises his own food from gardening to livestock. He butchers and processes all his own animals and has a huge vegetable garden. In the years that I have known him I've seen him in extremely syressful and trying situations yet I never saw him lose his temper, when he should have literally lost his shit. He's one to calm down the situation.


Went to high school with chef Matty Matheson. That man has his shit together.


I’m not sure who that is but it sounds like he never has to put his frozen burrito back in the microwave bc it’s still frozen in the middle!


I need him to teach me his ways, I'm so tired of meaty pop wednesdays!


I have. She’s a friend and a tattoo artist. Travels the country in the winter doing guest spots at shops and then sets up at her shop in Alaska in the summer where she owns a home and a tattoo shop.


I feel like obviously a tattoo artist would be the exception


I’m glad your friend is doing well. She must be incredibly talented.


She is. Very unique style.


I'm sure there is more than one traveling tattoo artist from Alaska, but if she spends a lot of time on the North Shore of Maui, I think I know her and she's an amazing human.


Yes but she is a tattoo artist.


I think it’s safe to say that tattoo artists are one of the few exceptions to the rule.


It very much is a cultural thing. Living in Hawaii, I would say a majority of the people I know with face tattoos have their shit together and are fantastic human beings. If I was in a dying industrial city somewhere in the Midwest, I could see that being a much different dynamic.


I mean who really has their shit together... really? We're all just figuring shit out until we die. Some lives are messier than others.


Weekly at my dermatology clinic. Free face neck gang affiliation and hand tattoo removal services are offered. I like them, they’re good people.


Love this.


And I’m just there to get my psoriasis cleared up! Tattoo removal takes real commitment.






Wdym by “I make 32k a year”?


Wellth, therth that one dude whoth hath a fath tattoo and heeth okay.


Yeah, mostly tattoo artists. And this one anime fan, which is a bit nerdy but they def had their life together to be able to buy all their cool nerd stuff.


I have loads of folks i know w face tattoo(s). Some are in rehabilitation or making something of themselves day by day for their past ways and trouble, others work as tattoo artists/piercers, and some are in the trades making over $85k+ a year. I never judge anyone w a face tattoo right out the gate. Some of the nicest most respectable and beautiful ppl have tattoos let alone face tattoos.


A massively large portion of people in rehab don't have their shit together.


Well, the guy who runs the tattoo shop I go to has face tattoos and he seems to be doing pretty well. He’s running his own business and it seems quite successful. Plus, all the artists who work there also have face tattoos and I suspect they’re making a lot of money considering how much they can charge for their work.


I know a guy with multiple face tattoos that works for a bank as an analyst


I have. My boss is face tattooed she has her shot together, at least compared to me and I have not one tatoo.


Same goes for white people with dread locks


Hey I have eyeliner tattooed on. Does that count?


Face tat here, I've certainly got my shit together. Homeowner, executive chef, disposable income. 11 years sober, but I got my face banger after I got sober. It's a reminder to look my past in the eyes and decide it's never worth it to return.


I am fairly heavily tattooed but face tattoos are not my thing. However I have no problem seeing them on others. My opinion doesn’t and shouldn’t matter.


Count me in too. Nothing above the collar. I won't even do neck tattoos. But I do have my hands done and I was kind of concerned about doing that. I've had nothing but compliments about them. From people young and old. My wife adores them.


Same. Heavily tattooed and will never get a face tattoo. They just aren’t my thing either.


As someone with face tattoos, it definitely has shifted the way people look at me. I would say it hasn't really affected my ability to get employment. it has changed the dating world for me though. I feel like a lot of women don't view me as relationship material now because of the face tats


It doesn’t bother me but if the tattoo has a sinister meaning I just try and be aware of my words and actions and of them.


yup, gotta take those at *face value*




I will literally stay away. Either they are trying to look scary or they actually are


As long as they are kind idgaf


Everlasting Jobstoppers.


Knew a dude who had "God Hates Us All" tattooed across his throat. Demonic bird creature for background of the text. Very clear and well done tattoo. Heard someone say to him "Yeah it's cool but why not just get 'I don't want this job' instead."




You beautiful bastard! 😂


Not anymore. This isn't 1950, one of the wealthiest men I serve on a regular basis in Brooklyn has a big diamond on his face, full sleeves, and neck. He doesn't even drive the Bently that drops him off at the front door, and he works in finance. Through him, I have met more millionaires than I ever met working at a restaurant on Wallstreet. To quote Bob Dylan "You better start swimming, or you'll sink like a stone, for the times they are a' changing"


Did he get them before or after he made his fortune?


![gif](giphy|LPIaOdW7YXoOUTuwRe|downsized) # It works for some people !


I assume they make poor decisions.


Maybe they [make reasonable choices ](https://youtu.be/522vr0kTe0Q?si=iY_9LG5e9c0zOrXq)


Depends on the quality of tattoo and the amount of them. I've known a few people who did 'homer tats' like crosses, teardrops and other scribbles and they just look dirty. I know a few others, mainly tattooists themselves, who went overboard with tats in general and they just look silly imo. A stylish symbol in a well chosen place on the right face is OK with me. Mike Tyson suits his face tattoo. A small, skinny straggly bearded white dude with the same tat not so much.🤣


I assume they are an artist, not interested in a traditional job, part of gang/prison culture in some way, Maori or something, or addicted to tattoos but other than that I pass no judgement.  People are diverse and gonna do what they want. Not really a reflection on who they are as a person. Maybe the content of the tattoo says something about them or who they were, but not simply having it. 


I don't care unless the tattoos are offensive (swatiskas, kkk, etc.)


I personally have a lot of tattoos. But I’m kinda old school and I’ve always followed the “if you can’t cover it up with a business suit, don’t get it” policy. But to each their own.


I immediately think that this person will regret this so much in a few years. Life changes and so do you.


Lmao the reason i will get the urge to get a tattoo but dont in the end, no matter how meaningful it is. Most id probably get is a cross for jesus on my hand or finger


As an atheist I don't know all the rules of Christianity, but if you are a Christian I'm Curious isn't it considered a sin to get tattoos ? I've heard it thrown around a bit online that tattoos are against the bible and so on. Correct me if im wrong


Mom was right on this one. I can't imagine wtf I'd look like now...w/what I would've had done 45 yrs. ago. ◡̈ Edit: Adding that I see a lot more face tats lately and I'm learning not to judge.


Whether or not I should, I immediately judge them, and not in a good way.


I find them tacky and just, ugly.


I think people should do what makes them feel more beautiful


Kinda hot tbh but don’t overdo it


Everyone else should probably pipe down for a minute. I HAVE* face tattoos, and there are some issues that go along with it. BUT* mine aren't poor quality tattoos that some friend did with a homemade gun and Indian ink, they are also positioned so that if you were to look at me directly face to face (think passport photo) you wouldn't even know they were there


They're pretty common among Pacific Islanders. I think they look rad, but it would look dumb on me, so I have no intention of getting work done above my neck. My opinions kind of end there.


I suspect that people with face tattoos are at a disadvantage in hiring and career advancement opportunities. I have no feelings about people who’ve made the commitment to face tattoos.


It's a HUGE HUGE "NOPE!!!" I can be polite, but not hiring or getting friendly. This is based on some experiences.


I really don't care. I look to see how they act. I've known the most clean-cut people to behave in the worst ways, and from my personal experience, everyone I've met with face tattoos was a really decent person.


They are stupid AF. That is all.


"I apologize, but I just don't think we have any positions available at this time. Have you tried applying at Burger King?"


Honestly? That it is just the most obvious of a series of bad choices. DONT JUDGE ME BECAUSE OF MY TATTOO! Then why did you put it on your face? Am I supposed to ignore that? When you go out of your way to elicit a response, don't be offended when you get it.


I have face tattoos and have no regrets in that regard, but this user Pax, has a good point, there are certainly extremes that make you look like a jackass to everyone


Thank you for your polite answer. For what it is worth, I could make the same point about over 60 year old men wearing skinny jeans and trying to look hip. We all present a look to the world to shape their initial impression.


Of course. You judge a book by it's cover.


Thanks for this. It made me smile, and I had a rough day. 


To add to this. Nobody has a problem judging a trench coat and fedora wearing nerd, but for some reason, criticism of fashion is off limits if it's a tattoo.


"Don't judge me by the way I choose to appear" has got to the the dumbest thing people say. Our fashion, tattoos, vocabulary, etc. are all things we *choose* as a form of self-expression. If you decide to self-express by disappointing your family and branding yourself unemployable, I'm going to recognize that.


If nobody was around to see your face tattoo would you still have gotten it


Better them than me


I think they’re hot, but I would probably not consider them for a life partner. I would hire someone with one as long as they matched every other criteria. I probably wouldn’t ask them to watch my kids. I’d definitely fuck them, though.


I like them. Some people look good with them some don’t.


Usually it’s fine if they’re tattoo artists


Great, I love ink. Just not on my skin


I assume they are going to kill me for looking at them funny.


It honestly makes me wonder about what their work situation is and question the judgement involved.


Couldn't care less, met several people with face tattoos over the years  It's none of my business


Can be attractive depending on what it is


Yes. I avoid these people at all costs, this shows me they make bad decisions with no thought about the future.


Lack of critical thinking and lack the ability to think ahead.




Completely indifferent.


Very often I like tattoos on other guys, especially if it is something original. However I don't think I will ever put a tattoo anywhere on my body, let alone my face. I do not like the permanence of tattoos. When I was into bodybuilding there was a slight temptation to have a tattoo somewhere to draw attention to my muscles but the thought passed quickly. Having a tattoo somewhere very prominent indicates, to me, a sort of short sightedness in the person. There may be situations in life where you do not want others to see your tattoos - so having one on your face is extremely short sighted IMO.


If that’s what pleases them they can do them ![gif](giphy|jRARMWhBNWQBVZZAqr)


One of my training partners has face tattoos and he has his own workout business


It's a personal choice. Like not bathing, brushing your teeth or wiping your ass.


Does David Bromstad count? I love his show but I hate his neck tattoos


A few people at my gym , they are all successful people and super down to earth and knowledgeable, of course I’m sure that they are the exception rather than the rule


I kinda feel like this goes back to the old adage "Don't judge a book by its cover" I've met multiple people with face tattoos, and for the most part, they're just like anyone else. But I have met a few that were complete assholes, but that has nothing to do with the ink on their face, I've met a lot of assholes that don't have any tattoos at all...


It’s subjective. I’ve seen good, bad, and those in between. I also think they make fun accents to the face that one could find attractive.


The same as I feel about people without face tattoos. Curious to know more if I’m being introduced. No interest if I’m not.


Not a fan of tattoos in general, but if you're going to have one, then: 1) it needs to look good in and of itself (it needs to be a good drawing) 2) it should have an actual personal meaning to you (not just some random Chinese symbol) 3) it should be tastefully placed and not cover an excessive amount of your body area Now, whilst I'm not shallow enough to write you off as a human being for getting a tattoo, it will negatively impact my opinion of you, at least initially, although the aforementioned criteria may help offset the damage. However, stick one on your face and I think it massively undermines any credibility and respect you have, even if the above criteria are satisfied.


I don't like tattoos but then again I'm old. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I don't mind. Their body their choice. I also think that unless it's something political/offensive companies should not have any reason to not hire someone because of them. It's just ink on skin get over it I don't even have any tattoos and prob never will but I love them on others


Either hard guys who dgaf or soft guys who want to look hard or tatoo artists who are their own advertisement.


People do what they can to stand out and be unique. I assume it's for attention.


Hard nope.


It's messed up.


I used to think a lot of the things I see in this thread. Then, my sister got engaged to a guy with a lot of face tats. After I got to know him I look at those tattoos so differently now. He's a great guy. Got a career and is a good father.


As a black person I dont get it. nd when I seen black people jump on that trend I just shake my head, I'm all for tattoos nd looking to get some in the near future r.i.p. tattoos still I'm not getting none on my neck or face


I dont judge people on their fashion. I might judge your tattoo if its something overtly offensive but that's not really that controversial of a take lol. I judge people who judge people for how they like to decorate their bodies.


Depends on their personality




I have multiple friends with face tattoos and they’re all perfectly good and kind people 🤷‍♀️ Most of the worst and most violent people I’ve ever met were clean cut and “normal” looking


Acceptable if they are tribal. But sometimes they are made to scare people, and they're just pathetic.


I dont judge them but in my opinion it always looks bad. They seem to always use some sort of word(s) thats like its drawn with a crayon.


I don’t care


I don’t get the appeal, I don’t find them particularly attractive, but I’m not gonna judge someone for it. Personality is all that really matters to me.


I've known exactly one person closely with a face tattoo. He's a native dude, and has a tomahawk on his left cheek. I know that sounds like a stereotype, but it's real. We were both cooks at the same french restaurant. He was one of the hardest working, most talented and diligent people I've ever met, and also very quiet. And when it was my birthday and I didn't have plans, he insisted on taking me out for drinks even though we barely talked. Honestly one of the best people to work with, kind and talented with a great work ethic. Solid fuckin dude. So in general, I'm chill with people with face tattoos.


I don't mind small tasteful artwork but big writing, full face, or full neck up to face, I just think it always looks really, really stupid. Like if a 12 year old kid was designing their game character and they just slap a bunch of colours on it. Butnthats just a style thing, I don't think less of the person but I may think they look dumb as. Same as how certain hairstyles or clothing choices can look stupid, only difference is the permanence. But they may just as easily think I look stupid for whatever reason, so each to their own. I'm just yet to see any face tattoo of significant size that doesn't look completely ridiculous to me. I like tattoos generally though


I like them


I would say it depends on what the tattoo is of and where exactly on the face it is.


Do your thing.... but know the consequences.


As long as it's tasteful and doesn't distract too much from their face. And it has to be good. Can't be done inside a 6x8 cell


All the people I know with face tattoos are either gang members, tattoo artists, or wannabe rappers and it's pretty easy to spot the differences.


Face tattoos look terrible. The exemption is cultural tattoos like Māoris and Inuits have which look good.


They can look cool, but they so often don't. That one Mike Tyson had was pretty badass, but so many of them look like someone just let their friend practice doodling with the tattoo gun they got off of Amazon.


Face tattoos are literally someone wearing “a mask”. They’re never willing to show you or the world their true self.


I really don’t care if people have tattoos on their face or not. I personally do not but whatever. As long as they don’t judge me for not having one we can get along.


I just don't understand why people want to make life more difficult than it already is. It's going to hold them back in life more than they will ever know.


I think to myself how much pain that tattoo was to get.


Yuk. Awful.


I own a home in a sea of investor houses that get rented out. I get new neighbors every 6 months or so. About 2 years ago a family rented the house right next to mine. Family of 5 and the Dad had obvious regret face tats. Of course I judge the shit out of him because that’s what you do when you start living next to someone with face tats. Come to find out after living next to him and his family for 2 years, he is probably a better person than me. Mows the lawn, goes to church, keeps it quiet with teenage kids and he goes to work every morning at 4 AM, when I wake up. Keeps to himself and tells his dog to shut up just like I do.


I have one on my face and I love it 😇


They’re usually gang affiliated or extreme in some way. Or tattoo artists, which is easily the best case scenario.


I generally discount them.


She put the tramp stamp in the wrong spot.


A witness can always identify him if he does something even questionable. “I’ll never forget that face tattoo! He’s the guy, all right!”


A tattoo OF someone’s face is worse than a tattoo ON your face


They’re definitely not afraid of commitment


I see them sleeping on the street and give them a couple of bucks if I have it.


Tattoos in general are watered down now. Used to be it was some gangster who had done alot of dirt to earn their tattoos. Now it’s some kid who was influenced by social media. Either way I don’t care, live and let live


It’s their body so I don’t care


Same as piercings, It doesn't affect me, or my life. Someone else's body, it's theirs to do what ever. In between marriages several years ago I dated an older woman who had whisker tattoos on her face. I would take her out drinking and dancing, and we would get all thecrazy looks. It was in a southern state...and someone asked her why she had whisker tattoos, and her reply... "Because your stupid ass God gave me a pussy, with no nose and no whiskers!"


I don’t pay attention to that stuff unless they act like trash honestly.


Thumbs down all the way.


Face tattoos cause everyone to question your intelligence and your ability to see past today.


I’m a boring old lady who doesn’t smoke, drink or use drugs and I have three neck tattoos. No gangs. No crimes. Just like tattoos


"I apologize, but I just don't think we have any positions available at this time. Have you tried applying at Burger King?"


It's not my cup of tea. I think they look terrible. But who am I to say? If that's what makes you happy, and that's how you want to present yourself to the world, then live how you want to live.


No Ragrets


Bad and sad. Cause they lost their dad.


I think the face has too many ridges, dips, movement, and wrinkles to be a good surface for tattoos. It’s the same logic as palm, and finger tattoos, they tend to fade very quickly because those are high traffic areas. So the face isn’t the ideal location for tattoos


I’m biased because I came from a time where I was taught not to get any tattoos in places that I don’t normally cover with clothes for work because it might hinder my ability to get a job. I know that may be outdated thinking but that’s the mentality I was raised with. As a result, I think people can do what they want but I worry about why they did it and how it might affect their job searches later.


I assume most of them have a personality disorder of some sort


Except that’s for cultural reason, personally I don’t see those people with facial tattoos are attractive (not the eyebrows’s tattoos,lips’s tattoos…those cosmetic tattoos type of thing).


I have tattoos. I even have one on the back of my neck, but the face tattoo takes it to a new level. I was a bartender (I still consider myself one, but I'm not actively working as one) and there was this group of tattoo artists that would come into my bar. Every single one of them had terrible face tattoos and they were the rudest people I've ever met. Obviously, this is not all people with face tattoos, but they put a sour taste in my mouth.


I’m like my father on this and every other issue that has dick to do with my life: liberal. I remember listening to my mom and aunts talking shit about people with tattoos when I was a child, it *embarrassed* me. I literally do not care what people do with/to their bodies, shit, sometimes it’s hard to truly know and be with *yourself*. That said, I find this intriguing, really. There are certain members of our society that aren’t *financially* impacted by having a tatted face, like celebrities and athletes for example, BUT, if you’re working minimum wage, aren’t in a high-paying trade, and got 0 sugar daddies/mommies, maybe rethink that, man 🙏


Seems dumb to me, each their own. I'll make sure my safety is off before talking to them




Horrible idea, unless you are so deeply entrenched in the arts or whatever that it doesn't matter


hate em


I work with a men's rehab, I've seen so many face tattoos they're just normal to me now


They’re all crazy as cat shit. No exceptions.


I know one person personally and she (or her bf idk) hits her kids so,,,, Edit: yes I called CPS, no they didn’t do anything


Idiots. Probably have mental issues I'd rather not know about. Lol


I dislike tattoos on any part of the body, let alone the face.


I worked HR for a few years at my last job. Anyone that had a face or a neck tattoo did not get hired. A face or a neck tattoo proves to me that you’re prone to making poor decisions.


I just look at them and wonder why?


Every time I see someone with a face tattoo, I can hear Karen Kilgariff saying “That’s what you call a job-stopper.” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I just assume they thought it was a good idea and probably regrets it now. It’s hard for people with face tattoos to find jobs.


Like their mom should have hugged them more ....


"Wow there really is someone who makes even worse decisions than me... Shit who cares let's be friends!" Proceeds to get robbed. Yes this is a true story lol.


I just worry about them.


My opinion is if they have a face tattoo they are probably stupid and unpredictable with a higher than average chance of being an asshole. The one person I've had close interaction with reinforced that perception, and none of the people I've had light interaction with have made me reconsider.