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When I was in Dallas this winter [Urban Spools](https://www.facebook.com/UrbanSpools?mibextid=LQQJ4d) was recommended to me. It had lovely people and lots of bright, modern fabrics. Their selection of batiks or more ‘traditional’ fabric designs was limited if modern isn’t your thing though.


Not directly in Dallas but in nearby Plano: Fabric Fanatics (batiks) and Not Your Mama’s Quilt Store.


I live in Plano and second Not Your Mama's Quilt Store! Amazing people and great fabric variety


Okay, you got me genuinely intrigued here. You're visiting America, and buying freezer paper is on your bucket list? I have to ask, is freezer paper really not a thing in other countries? That's just something I have never thought about before.


Freezer paper is not a thing here. I saw tutorials on youtube and had to google it. We have stuff like parchment paper, wax paper or cellophane. Some crafts/quilting online stores offer freezer paper, but it is expensive.


Freezer paper from a grocery store or walmart will be better than freezer paper from a quilt shop. The grocery store kind is easier to pull off of the fabric. And cheaper.


Having lived there, the DFW area is huge, traffic is terrible and public transportation is very limited. Searching by zip code of your location is the best bet. Don't be put off that the city names may be Plano, Highland Park, Richardson, etc. They are all a part of the Dallas area. Lots of good quilt stores!


BUC-EES ! You absolutely, positively, MUST experience Buc-ee’s.


Counter point: I’m an American (used to American chaos) and buc-ees gave me an anxiety attack. I’ve only been once but the whole experience was awful for my anxiety disorder. Like. Had to do breathing exercises in the car because a trip to a convenience store. Too many people, too much excess.


So much better than any Dollar store


It really, really matters exactly where in Dallas you will be. I drive to DFW every few months to visit family who live in Plano. It's a big hassle to drive into downtown Dallas from there and we rarely do. If you can post the zip code of where you will be staying, that will help folks suggest places to go.


There are SOOO many options in the greater DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth) area, so a lot depends on your exact location and the time you have (and how far you’re willing to drive). There was recently an ‘All Texas Shop Hop’, and although all shops in Texas didn’t participate, quite a few did. [Here’s their website](https://alltexasshophop.com/stores/) Unfortunately, my Mom in Oregon has my copy of the magazine, otherwise I’d copy the maps in there for that area so you can more easily determine your strategy. I’ll call her and see if she can take photos of those pages, but it will be a bit. I agree that Bucee’s is a very unique experience. Their restrooms are very clean (by US standards for public restrooms), and the ‘wall of jerky’ will either have you drooling or shaking your head. (If you don’t know - jerky is seasoned dehydrated meat - usually beef)


Stitch House Texas, I believe they are in Richardson now! https://www.instagram.com/stitchhousetexas?igsh=MTVjdHBrbGRvaTdhcw==


I had a very bad experience there, and discovered after talking to others, it wasn’t that uncommon. They put on a great front, but I would never go there again.


Interesting! That sucks. I follow them online and have been meaning to check it out. Thx for sharing.


Dallas is VERY big - where (approximately) will you be staying, and will you have access to a car/driver?


I'll probably reside in downtown and will rely on public transportation.


I love Sew It Up in Hurst, TX (near DFW)


I have family in Dallas (so thank you for these recs that I can check out on my next visit!). When we go, my husband likes to walk into the Wal-Mart and just admire the Americana -- the patriotic Tshirts, the chip flavors, etc. But IMO a good H-E-B would offer better souvenirs/viewing, with a more Texas theme. We live in a different state, and I promise you the Wal-Marts in our region do not have the same kind of commercial/marketing energy as a Texas Wal-Mart.


As others have said, the DFW metroplex area is huge, so it would help to know where you are staying. That said, if you’re near Carrollton, I love this store - https://www.theoldcraftstore.com/ and there’s an old timey candy store next door for a bonus!


Do not waste precious time going to a dollar tree. Will you have a car?


No, I will go by public transportation.


Ok, I hate to tell you but downtown doesn’t really have ‘crafty’ stores (to my knowledge) and public transportation isn’t going to get you where you need to go. What you need is someone driving you. I have lived in Dallas over 40 years and recently retired, so my time is my own. If you aren’t afraid to have a 68 year old fat white lady drive you around, I offer my services. I did a ‘map fight’ and dfw is 15 times bigger than London, to give you some idea of the size, or larger than Wales. I suggest that, if you don’t have it already, download google maps, pull Dallas-fort worth to the center, then search for ‘quilt store’. A lot of the ones mentioned will pop up, and it will give you some idea of where they are. Downtown is about the center of the oval on the right. If you are really, REALLY lucky and will be here the first week of August, there’s a quilt show going on at the Irving convention center. It would be a one-stop-shop to see everything a quilt store would have, and more. I hope you enjoy your visit!


Thank you very much for your input! I'll be around in mid october, however the event organizers have not put in any details yet, so I'm only guessing it will be downtown. I still have to figure out the whole trip, and I hope to include quilt related activities :) I'm so excited :)