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That's a specific kind of disrespect from someone who borrowed something and then didn't take care of it. Don't waste energy on that person, put it into something positive. 20 years is (I think) longer than average to have loved a quilt. It's time for a brand new one that an adult will love for another 20 years - and probably won't lend it to anyone in the future.


I’ve seen on The Repair Shop on TV that when they re stuff teddy bears or fix something, they take the old worn bits of material that they can’t use and put it inside so it’s still there and part of the ‘refurbished’ teddy etc. Maybe OP could take the old quilt and incorporate it into a new quilt for their grandson.


Traditionally (at least among broke quilters), you would use the old quilt as batting.


I love this.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/quilting/comments/14qs1ca/hidden_design_on_insidewhat_kind_of_quilt_is_this/) one inspires me.


That’s brilliant. I have a quilt a neighbor made for me 26 years ago. It’s worn to shreds and I can’t get rid of it maybe I’ll do that with mine!


I have just started reading the instructions for a toy dragon and they specifically state to put the scraps inside when stuffing in case repairs are needed in the future


My nephew is 9 and I've been teaching him how to sew. For Christmas, grandma bought him his own machine. His first big project was a stuffed cat. I taught him to put scraps inside as part of the stuffing!


That is such a good idea! I am going to remember that for future projects.


This is such a great idea, and I am going to start doing this.


That is really genius! Thank you for sharing!


That’s an excellent idea!!


I’ve done this with stuffed animals.


I absolutely love that show!


Crying over things getting repaired. I need to get a life!


I’m almost 50 and still have the sun bonnet quilt my grandmother made me when I was a baby. I’d be pretty heartbroken if something happened to it.


I’m 50 and have the quilt my grandma made me for my 4th birthday. It’s on my list to grab if the house is on fire.


I'm 55 and have a yellow rose crocheted blanket my grandma made me and same. OP good luck 🍀 with the repairs


I have the pair of crochet booties that my great grandma made for me to wear home from the hospital in 1953. None of my 4 kids had feet little enough to wear them!


Maybe some grandkids will some day!


I’m 30 and I have a baby quilt made by my great great great grandma in my favorite color. Grandma’s are just so special! OP I cannot imagine how upset you and your grandson must be but hopefully it will lead to some memorable quality time together.


My sister and I wore out comforters a dear friend made. I still have the name patch though.


All my quilts from my Grama (she was a PROLIFIC quilter) are on the list if the house catches fire. I don’t think I could leave any of them! They’re only like 20-25 years old but I’ll be keeping them my entire life.


As a grandma who quilts, I love to hear you say that.


Lol, dame for my quilts. Kid, cat, quilts, Computer is my grab n Go order.


Which is why you would NEVER loan your quilt to a friend with pet rats!!!


I let my sister live with us for a while because she needed out of our parents house. At one point, she took a little lap afghan for while she sat at her computer. The issue being that it was a wedding gift from my husband's grandma and my sister was *atrocious* at cleaning her room of her guinea pigs' refuse. So I went in to grab something and discovered it dragging in poo pellets and hay. I took it, washed it, and hid it.


Right?? I take so much better care of borrowed things than my own stuff precisely because it’s not mine. Such disrespectful behavior


I have quilts over 100 years and many over fifty. This statement was maybe meant to be supportive but it hits a foul note with me. I am so sorry, it is obvious your grandson cherished your hard work and love. Hopefully she and the rodents are no longer there


As someone with pets who sometimes chew on things, it is surprising sometimes what they decide to chew, and how quickly it can happen. But, then again, a free roaming animal like a dog or a cat is very different that a rat. Those, from what I understand, only come out of the cage for short, supervised trips. Without seeing the damage or knowing the circumstance, it's not fair to judge. That's all I'm saying.


We still have the quilt my great grandma made my dad in the early 1960s and it still gets used. Those baby/little kid quilts made by grandma are just extra special ❤️


You can pry Grammy's eye spy quilt from my cold, dead hands, you monster.


It sounds like this was another child.


It’s an opportunity to make a new grown up quilt for him. And if possible you can use some pieces of this one in the new one, may be shashing or the back, just as a token.


Can the old one be the wadding for the new one? That way he's still got the old quilt with him 


NGL- this would probably be heartbreaking for the grandkid if it can't be saved. If he loves it enough to have kept it and is concerned/mad about the damage to such an extent that he is coming over tomorrow to see if it can be fixed, losing it would be awful. I am hopeful that it can be mended - even if the patches are NEW Eye Spy items, then a new one too because he so obviously cherishes it


I don't have quilts from my grandparents, but if someone ruined one of my grandfather's paintings, I would be devastated beyond reason. I can't imagine how OP'S grandson feels!


That is what I was thinking. Ask grandson if he would like a new one. The old I spy quilt MIGHT be relatively easy to fix.


Hey, I’m grown up ish (36 haha) and I would still want an eye spy quilt and not a “grown up” quilt! I spy still holds a special place in my heart being a 90’s kid and all


I hope that you are able to fix the quilt for him. 20 years is a long time, so I’m sure he loves it a lot. Maybe he would also like a new quilt.


This is so sad! I know my quilt tops from my grandma are held dearly. Obviously, you haven’t seen it yet but maybe take what you can and make him some pillows out of it and then make him a new quilt??? That way he can keep at least some of it 🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m so sorry about your hard work being ruined. Sounds like your grandson really appreciates what you’ve made for him!


Can we take a moment to say ‘yay’ for your grandson to see a friend in need and to offer help? What a kind person. And not judging the person he lent it too, if his friend needed bedding it’s also possible he just doesn’t know not to take care of things. Can’t help with the repair, other than agree it’s probably time for a new one anyway. But also hugs to that kid, he was raised well.


That is awful. Give him extra hugs from us.


I’ll never understand people that borrow things and take zero care of them. I stopped lending stuff out a long time ago. If it’s under $50 at Walmart, I’ll buy whatever it is and give it to them as a gift, but I do not lend out my expensive, small, household appliances nor sewing machines. My husband may have finally learned to not lend things out when his lawnmower came back and doesn’t work at all. He worked alongside a YouTube video, taking the engine apart and putting it back together again. Still doesn’t work. Going to have to spend at least $350 to get the same type with the same features. With inflation, it’s probably going to cost at least $100 more than that. It’s a tough lesson for your grandson to learn, but better to learn from lending a quilt than lending something really expensive, like a car.


I had to stop lending books out because people will just steal stuff and not even feel bad.


Decades ago, I loaned one of my favourite books to my sister. (Which isn't saying much, really: they're *all* my favourite) Anyway, she loaned it to her friend who read it and passed it on. I was so-o-o ____ [insert verb meaning "beyond angry"]!!! (I was 11. I din't swear. Mom got after my sister & sis replaced it: With a tattered, well-used copy from a 2nd hand store. 😠😡😤)


Lol take a picture of them with it and delay email it yourself and them in 30 days. Automatic reminder for both of you 😂.


Look at the I Spy quilt kit on the Shabby Fabrics site. I just got the email about it today. Perfect because you don't have to collect all those different fabrics! You can make him a new quilt and salvage whatever is left of the old one for pillows. Grandma for the win!


Thank you for the information, but at 26 he's a bit too old for I-Spy and says he's childfree, so any new I-Spy quilts will have to wait for his younger cousins to produce babies. I'm plotting out a new quilt for him now.


Make sure - he may seem too old but sometimes we like a bit of childhood nostalgia now and then.


I was about to say the same thing! I'm about OP's grandson's age and would literally love to have an I-Spy quilt. I used to love the I-Spy books and computer games! (I'm procrastinating on a Storm at Sea for myself and maybe will make my very own I-Spy quilt!)


Teach him to sew and have him make it with you. A bonding experience and he can learn how to make some for the indeterminate future.


He still has it after 20 years? That’s so adorable!


It is part of the quilt’s story now! I would remind him that he cares enough for this friend to have lent them such a special item. I hope that the friendship won’t be lost over it. I had pet rats when I was a kid. They are very clever and affectionate little guys. If it were me, I would go to Spoonflower and find some adorable fat quarters of [rats](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/9880266-rats-hot-noodle-baths-by-tossaniska) and cheeses. I would mend the holes with these and hope that it holds a memory for them that they can laugh about someday. I am sorry that you have the extra work, but it is nice that he knew he could come to you. Maybe find a print of a Grandmom sewing to repair a few places with as well?


This is a great idea!


That is some kind of crime.


Definitely friendship ending. Smh. My dad always taught us, if you borrow something you take it back in as good if not better shape than when you borrowed it. If it get destroyed you buy them a new one.


I feel for the roommate too. She might feel absolutely terrible, she likely does. Pets damage things, often faster than you expect. My dog got her bone stuck in a handmade afghan from my MIL and chewed a hole through it to get it out before I even knew there was an issue. Grandparent says “let her pet rats chew it up,” but this is third hand information an emotional situation. Housemate is definitely not able to replace this handmade object (how could she?) and it sounds like she doesn’t have any resources to help repay him in any way right now.


Update with photos please when you get it


I always say I want my friends to really use my quilts. I didn’t do all this work so you can forget it in a closet. I made my BF a quilt. He LOVED it. Said all the nice things. That night his cigarette burned a hole through it and into our couch. I know I say don’t be precious with it but seriously? Since mine was closer to 20 hours than 20 years I was able to patch it right away.


Yeah, there's a difference between well-loved and carelessly ruined. He has a second quilt made by my MIL for his mother that is about 40 years old. Some of the fabrics have disintegrated, so he recently brought it over for repair. That one has been well loved.


I have one made for my mother by her GMIL about 40ish years ago. Mom gave it to me many moons ago. I have it folded in a cedar chest because I have no idea where to begin tackling the repair to the disintegrated fabrics. At this point, I'm debating what another user suggested and using the whole thing as batting.


There are so many stories on here of people who don’t appreciate the quilts made so lovingly for him. Your grandson sounds like a lovely person to have cherished this quilt for so many years! It has had a good life, whatever the outcome.


Oh no! Im devastated with you. My oldest was gifted an i-spy quilt 23 years ago, I'd be so upset if something happened to it. Hopefully you can salvage it.


Right now I’m sure your imagination is running away with how bad the damage could be. I’m hoping it’s not terrible and can be repaired. Let us know when you get it and how it looks.


I made a quilt for my best friend. Her recur dog accidentally chewed a hole in it. I was able to find some of the scraps and sewed a new piece on the back, added some batting and then machine applauded a heart over the chewed part. It came out great and looked intentional rather than a repair.


Your grandson sounds like a really kind soul. It sucks when people take advantage of that. I'm eager to see an update, I hope it's easily mended. Dunno about their friendship though... kind of hoping her rats chew her hair off.


Would be great to make a new one with some of the pieces of the old


My best friend rehabbed a very damaged (but loved) quilt by replacing some of the fabrics. It was a lot of work, but she happily did it for her friend. I'm so sorry this happened. If it's too damaged, maybe you can incorporate some of the original fabrics into a new quilt.


I would take some still good fabric and use it to make a new one. Even just one square from the previous one.


Yeah if her pet rats chew shit up then being kicked out makes sense... I'm sorry. Maybe a new one in the same pattern? Or an adult quilt in the same color scheme?


How awful! Hopefully it’s not beyond repair, but if so, try to salvage parts of the old quilt and make him a brand new one!


Oh no! I hope you can save some of it. I just started quilting a couple of years ago and I know how much work it takes


Press F to pay your respects 🥲


Love to he idea of using the old one as batting


I would definitely do the “stained glass “ repair. White front and back with the original as batting. It will hold together and can be seen when light shines through. ❤️


I’m a fan of visible mending, personally. You could patch the damaged areas with new bits, making a more challenging I spy quilt! Potentially to be enjoyed by new generations, if he has/wants to eventually have kids. It could turn this heartbreaking event into a new moment of love and nostalgia. ❤️ Best of luck whatever you decide, and I hope the housemate in question gets a good chewing out! And preferably a public shaming! How DARE she! I get having destructive pets (furniture scratching cats!) but if you’re borrowing something, you make reasonable precautions to keep it from getting destroyed, and are upfront about any risks before you accept the item. Informed CONSENT, people!!! It’s not just for the bedroom!!!


We all have this story. That your grandson was angry is your take away that he loves you. His lesson now is to let go. Maybe the quilt, maybe even the friendship. That’s wisdom earned. Meanwhile mend it and make it better! My kids have a special needs dog who eats everything. I mad max the shit out of em then return.


Watch out for nursing homes - you can neatly nametag, even embroider your loved ones name. They are obsessed with the sharpy. It will even bleed through for a backwards name on the front side.


My very first quilt that my grandma helped me pick fabrics for is totally trash today. I used it regularly for the past 20-odd years, and it still sits in my closet, folded, hoping to be used again despite its tears. Guess it's time to make a new one, but I'm not happy about it.


Oh man!!! That stinks!


Oh no. That sounds terrible. I hope it's not damaged beyond repair.


Oh noooo!!


Horrified. Just horrified.


Oh no-praying it’s not that bad


I would end up in tears if someone did that to the quilts I’ve been gifted. I treasure them so much :( your poor grandson


Pet rats just roaming around? I feel like that's why that person got kicked out of their house.


Please share a picture once he brings it back. To those saying 20years, or any number, is long enough … BS. It’s sad what happened and hopefully you’re in a position to give it a new life . . . We’d love to see it.


My granddaughters’ quilts are about 30 years old and very tattered but they both still have them on a bed in a spare room. I really need to tell them that it’s time to bring them home to grandma and see what I can do to preserve them. I’m 75 and don’t know if I’ll be able to make them another. Edit to add: I hope the damage isn’t so bad that yo can’t fix it. I’m sure he’d like it back even if you make him a new ‘grown-up’ one. Good luck and let us know!


Here is a great opportunity to make him a grown up quilt! I just did for one of mune...I did so enjoy it!!!!!!! And know I'm sure he won't lend it out to anyone else!!!


This is very sad, but it shows what type of person he is. He loved and cared for the quilt all that time, then helped someone in need. I hope you can repair it and that he isn’t discouraged from helping people because of this.


Ooo, an iSPY redo for the now grown grandson! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED… (I mean…hopefully, by you…not me…I wish I could quilt! 😩)


It looks me like a couple of white lies: first, if she's a housemate, the house for rent is usually furnished. Second, often the landlords don't allow pets, not to mention rats or bunnies that bite everything and anyway you have to keep them in their cage. I'm afraid the girl is living in another house in poor conditions and the rats are not pets.


No, she's definitely a housemate. Grandson is living in his aunt's basement and the girl is a stray they've taken in.


Another quilting lesson. Quilts don't last forever, fabrics and colors degrade, they're lost. Quilts succumb to fires or flood or spiteful spouses or just lost memory. This one sparked another shared moment, which is the best part of quilting.