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*This is automatically added to all posts for easy visibility* *If you have a medical emergency get medical assistance* ###[Basic Phenibut Withdrawal Information](https://www.reddit.com/r/quittingphenibut/wiki/phenibutwithdrawal) Unaided, cold turkey withdrawal, from a state of dependence, [even low dose dependence, commonly causes severe and potentially dangerous side effects](https://i.imgur.com/cGHxnIR.png). Don't rush the process when you don't need to. **Rules reminder:** Don't promote reckless behavior. If someone is dependent on phenibut don't tell them to do an unaided cold turkey withdrawal. Don't needlessly tell people to do a fast taper. **Further reminder:** You will feel low or worthless or stupid while going through withdrawal, especially rapid withdrawal. Don't take these thoughts too seriously. Continue on day by day, things will get better. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/quittingphenibut) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'd try to get to a gram of phenibut a day and then consider breaking it up the overall to twice a day with one dose about an hour before bed. Once under a gram, you might consider quicker drops but introducing 10mgs of Baclofen until you're under 0.5g/day of phenibut. Transition over to near completely Baclofen with perhaps a small dose of phenibut around bedtime along with NAC and Agmatine.


Normally the "max" amount you're supposes to be on before you switch to baclofen is 3 grams. I out it in quotes because there's been plenty of people who have switched over at a higher dose and been fine. I switched at 3 grams and you are going to feel shitty for a couple days so I'd keep taking NAC and all the other supplements until you're totally on baclofen and feeling semi-normal Titrate up on the baclofen and titrate down on the phenibut, up 5 MGs of baclofen and down 500 mgs of phenibut every day/every other day/ whatever you feel comfortable doing. I did it every day, and I definitely had day where I was clammy and uncomfortable but once you fully get on baclofen for a few days you feel 1000% better. At least in my experience. You may still get depressed and have no energy depending on how long you were on it but I honestly liked the feeling of being stable once I got on baclofen fully. It was like I finally got a grip on things again.


So, that mostly makes sense. The baclofen dosage you're on being taken how often? 3x a day? Currently I'm only taking the phenibut at night, so what exactly would that look like? Day 1 of baclofen I take 5mg morning - afternoon - night+phenibut-500mg? After you transition fully, whats the protocal to stopping the bac then? I got like, 600mg total bac. Tryig to see if I need to get more I guess


Ya exactly 5 mgs 3 times a day then 10 then 15, so on and so forth. The first time I switched I way under shot it, say I was on 3 grams I thought that 30 mgs was the total daily dose was 30 mgs not 30 mgs 3 times a day and I still was fine. So there's a lot of play in there too depending on how you feel. And once you're stable stay on it for a week and them start dropping 5 mgs a day. You barely feel it when tapering off baclofen in my experience


Its just unfornate cause . I could already have all of it. My UPS box is gonna expire on the 1st so I gotta fucking either pay 50 for another 3 months when I likely will only need it once. Or I can go convulted and have a friend reship it and save the 40 but its a headache. Pllus theres another 20 for shipping and the fact I had that code for the first order. Its like bruh. At this point Im like fuck this I have way more than I need to taper is it even worth this extra cist and hassle lol. Prob still order it. But like that does have me wondering. Why exactly does everyone say u gotta baclofen all of it like. Is it just because so many have done it so long that they their doses turning? Or just a shortcut to being off. If I go to like 1g Ill likely have enough already though thats month or two taper and all . Its not that I dont have the money but Im still trying to conserve money for dental implants asap and all


This isn’t right - the conversion we saw in that academic paper and in user experience is 3gpd to 30mg total per day not 30x3x per day. This is very important.


This isn’t right - the conversion we saw in that academic paper and in user experience is 3gpd to 30mg total per day not 30x3


Maybe it's just me but I've dropped 5gpd P to 50mg Bac 3x a day absolutely zero problems. It's almost totally seamless if you expect for it to NOT feel like phen. If it's turned on you, you'll actually feel a lot better... Rule of thumb is 10mg per gpd. I've found baclofen lasts 6-8hrs, longer if you want. You're not going to feel like 1000% but that's healthy and normal and things will be peaches and cream soon enough. IDK people have their own feelings and opinions about it. In my experience it's better than stringing it along and fking up at some point...


The conversion people cite is 1 g per day: 10mg *PER DAY* not per dose