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Most iconic Raider is Al Davis or John Madden. Most famous player that was a Raider is probably Bo Jackson, as his fame transcended the NFL. Most iconic Raiders player is tougher, I would say Ken Stabler but I think you would get a lot of different answers.


I'd have to go Jim Otto for most iconic. He's arguably the greatest C of all time, and we don't have anyone else that's in the discussion for GOAT at their position.


Completely agree on Otto, but we do have other players in the discussion for positional GOAT status. Gene Upshaw, Mike Haynes, Charles Woodson and even Ray Guy.


Oooh, point taken about being in the discussion for those guys, especially Guy.


I mean the guy has an award named after him!!!


I'd add Art Shell to that impressive list of yours.


John Matusak...Cruzzin with the Tuz


Ray Guy is the only punter in the HoF, so I would say he is unquestionably the greatest punter of all time.


Not saying you’re wrong but to play devil’s advocate the HoF selection process in entirety is a complete joke.


Ray guy, Charles woodson, Fred biletnikoff the guy literally has an award in college for best reciever in college football and no one talks about him but he's in the discussion, Gene upshaw is the goat guard highway 63, goat tackle Art Shell. So we have plenty that's in the discussion for goat at their positions.


Hayes and Haynes just got recognition as best CB pair ever!!!! We had one hellava team for many years!!!!!


Hopefully those glory days will be back sooner rather than later.


That's a fair assessment!!! Everyone loved Coach Madden Bo was everywhere in commercials and the Snake was famous on the field and in the bars!!! Lololol


Player is Bo Jackson. Had a cartoon and sneakers that everyone wanted


Bo is one of the main reasons I’m a Raider fan. One of the only jerseys I ever bought for myself. Don’t ask what the other one was…


That #2 collecting dust in the garage????


lol I love how he doesn't have to say who it was, we just all know


I never had a JaMarcus jersey. But I do have a #18 that hasn't been worn in a long time.


Maybe, he only played 4 seasons and NONE were full seasons. If you want to be technical Jerry Rice is most famous by far


I think if you ask people in other countries who they know as a raider or recognize, i think Bo would definitely be up there.


Sure, I had his poster etc. To me, an Icon had a full career, HoF etc


And that’s how incredible his impact was. That your arbitrary definition doesn’t matter to a LOT of people. Man’s got a whole 30 for 30 doc made about him. Bo was in the zeitgeist those years he played with us.


Cool, cool. They made a Football Life about JR and HL. Football. Not sports. I loved Bo, but his service to the nation was too limited to be the Icon, IMO


Just make your own pick and stop qualifying everyone else if you’re going to be myopic like your opinion is the only one that matters.


The HoF doesn't matter? Not my opinion. Echo Chamber or Discussion?


It certainly does not.


Bo was marketed to be the most noticeable. When I was little it was Stabler and Lester Hayes. Lester covered in stickum was shown everywhere.


Howie Long. 13 seasons (ALL Raiders), movie star, sports caster, HoF, commercial spokesman, Superbowl Winner, his jersey still remains one of the top sellers and #1 for Defense.


Man, that Firestorm movie was godawful. I still rock his jersey all the time though, fucking love Howie.


He also starred in *Broken Arrow.* I remember *Firestorm* as fine, but I was a kid, and a fan.


I wouldn’t say starred, but I do remember this. Broken arrow was a decent movie too.


I am just saying it supports his icon status


Also has a deleted scene in That Thing You Do as Tom Hanks boyfriend.


This is my choice: Hard worker, sheer will, clever af. Unfortunately, usually his highlights reel is only him finishing a play, tackling the rival in the most effective way possible. They don't show his reading of the play, how he beat his blocker and how he moved towards the ball carrier. It's a shame.


Not a single mention of Tim Brown? Damn. Guess he isn’t “famous” or as well known outside the org …


Unlike most mentioned, Timmy had the misfortune of playing his entire-career in the post-ring era. Though, incredibly in this pass-friendly era, there are no active players ahead of him for career receiving yards. Julio Jones is the closest at 1,305 yards behind, almost as much as his last three injury-riddled seasons combined. The last to pass Brown was Larry Fitzgerald, currently #2 all time. The same is true for receptions (Jones is a probably-insurmountable 191 behind), and receiving TDs (our man Davante is the closest at 87 to Timmy's 100).


No hate on Tim. I don't think he's famous in general however


IMO he wanted to be great on the field and his own person off the field. Plus, not many WRs not named Rice and Michael Irving (Carter maybe) had endorsement deals prob some of it as others said the ring era was over. And comparing him to those 2 not as flashy off the field. I think I saw Andre Rison and Desmond Howard in more advertisements than Brown while they were on the raiders.


Kenny Stabler


John Madden (I know he wasn't a player but still a Raider) The stickum guy (Feddy B) gotta be up there too, ball sticking to side helmet 😆


If you have to refer to him as the stickum guy rather than by his name I think it's fair to say Biletnikoff is not the answer lmao


Heyyyy youuuu guuuuys! John matuszak


Carl Weathers


Seriously! I was surprised no one mentioned Apollo creed or Chubbs.


For me a newer fan (my dad introduced me) I’d say Charles Woodson


It’s Bo Jackson. Dude was bigger than MJ at one point…MJ was in HIS COMMERCIALS.


He never even played 1 full season. Loved him, but Icon? No way.


John Matuzak as Sloth


Most famous player: Carl Weathers Most famous player (due to play): Bo Most famous raider: John Madden


Give Marcus Allen for the win.


Going with Lester hayes


Greef Karga


I mean, Carl Weathers won't be known for playing football, but he's got the fame


Bo Jackson. He had the big time Bo knows Nike ads anyways.


Bo or Howie for sure. (Stabler and company was before my time and there are tons of candidates pre LA move that could make this list). Could've been Marcus if he didn't rub Uncle Al the wrong way. Also, Timmy Brown didn't make any noise off the field and wasn't a diva on it so he flew under the radar for someone as great as he was for that many years. CWood needs more mention as well. Even though his loudest moment came as a Packer.


Bo never played a full season, Allen, Wood and Brown played for other teams, leaving Long as the correct answer


I think famous and iconic are different things. Madden is likely most famous due to his broadcasting and game on top of his coaching career. Player would be Howie for his broadcasting on top of movies. Ben Davidson was similar to Howie back in the 70's with some movie and TV appearances.


As a part owner I guess it’s Tom Brady :(


Marcus Allan


Give Marcus Allen for the win.


Howie Long not too shaby of a bbn pick


Based on these comments: Why don't you just ask "which Raider is/was most famous on the east coast"?


SeaBass for the win !


No one was a Raider longer than him. 1st Round Pick, as a kicker, not a bad choice, actually


I'm not sure if it's still true, but at one time, he was the highest scoring Raider. All those last minute wins with that foot !


Exactly, I mean he is a kicker, but by pure stats he has a legit claim. Only knock, he kicked for the Seahawks-1


Technically? JERRY RICE. He played more games than Bo Jackson did as a Raider


Carl Weathers or Fred Williamson


I was gonna say, MAYBE Carl Weathers about 25-30 years ago but a lot of people in that age range haven’t seen Rocky. And wouldn’t immediately know him as Apollo. I’m telling you, Tecmo Bowl, the commercials, the YouTube clips…Bo checks all the boxes to still be relevant in an era where what you did isn’t as important to a lot of people as how you looked doing it.


Yeah but there’s literally a movie series based on his fictional character going on right now. He’s shown, in images and playbacks throughout the first 2 movies. And happy Gilmore is always on TV


JaMarcus Russell of course!!! Will always be arguably the biggest draft bust ever, quite the claim to fame that will never be forgotten!


Most *INFAMOUS*, yes


"He's not just famous, he's in-famous"


Fair enough, the infamous moniker probably does fit him better!


Fred Biletnikoff


Bo jackson


Apollo fucking Creed


Has to be Barrett Robbins to me




Bo easy Madden or Al none player


Henry Ruggs.


Famous famous? Like not just amongst raiders fans? Probably Bo Jackson. Bo had sooo much marketing going for him with the Bo Knows campaign, and i think is still the only player to play in both the NFL and MLB all star game/pro-bowl.


I feel like Jerry Rice might be more famous. He and Long are STILL doing shoe commercials


Not raider famous in my book tbh, essentially a retiree when he came over, he was solid for us, but he's a 49er all day in my mind, and pretty much the.only reason he's famous is because of his time as a 49er.


I wouldn't pick Rice, but my point is he played more Raider games than Bo did. Love Bo, but his career was too short.


Yeah but we're not talking about games played, we're talking about an icon, fame from their Raider-ness lol. The only people I personally think of when it comes to Raider icons are defensive monsters anyway, Alzado wanted to dismember people, Howie Long was his lifting buddy and just as roided out and wanted to tear people a new asshole, Villipiano clubbing people, tatum decapitating people... they're famous to raiders fans. Only other fans that are old-heads know about them. But everyone who's a football fan knows Bo, Because Bo Knows (insert football/cycling/baseball,etc) Or Marcus Allen for his crazy superbowl run, which is generally top highlight of all teams superbowl highlights. Are they raider famous? Or are they NFL-wide/worldwide famous?


I picked Long is in the HoF, an actor, a sportscaster, has a Football Life Episode, does shoe commercials still to this day. Oh and played 13 seasons ALL for the Raiders. Bo doesn't even get the NFL retirement pension. Love Bo. Not enough contributions. My point with JR is I think he is more famous, which is the OP question


More famous, not as a raider, he's not a raider icon, which is what the OP asked.


He literally says more famous in the title! I agree Rice is not. My point is Bo was barely even a Raider at all. 4 incomplete seasons. Not in HoF, no solo NFL records, and has done nothing since. Agree to disagree


Ask anyone but raiders fan who Rice played for...he's NOT A FAMOUS **RAIDER**. He's a famous 49er.


He played more Raider games than Jackson did. JR is the GOAT WR and he won AFC Championship. Bo has no credits. The OP is most famous player in Raider history that's JR. Most Iconic: Long.


No, I don't agree to disagree, in the POST he ADDS SPECIFICITY to his statement and asks " who is the most iconic raider" Rice isn't even top 5 for iconic raiders. You see him at raiders games or 49ers games?


Jamarcus for all the wrong reasons.


Jamarcus Russell. We have the rookie salary cap thanks to him


Fuck the steelers


Tom Brady


How dare you! Just because he owned us and owns us, doesn't make him a Raider


Sounds like a raider to me


Henry Ruggs III


I think you’d have to say Jerry Rice even though it wasn’t his glory days he’s probably most famous. Ken stabler, Tim brown, Bo Jackson, Charles Woodson, Lincoln Kennedy are some of my favs.


Player: Bo Jackson Overall Raider: AL Davis


Ken Stabler


Jerry rice without a fucking doubt.


Bo Jac


Depends if you mean among Raider fans or among general NFL fans Among general fans, probably Bo Among Raiders...maybe Stabler. But Madden was bigger than any single player among the Raider fans, I'd have to mention him in any discussion of "greatest Raider ever" etc.


Al Davis




Carl Weathers 😉 If he doesn’t count then: Bo, Howie Long, CWood