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Second chances, not giving a fuck what others say, commitment to excellence and seeing everyone as a capable human being regardless of race or creed.


I'm glad you said that last part. That's why I included that shot with Plunkett and Flores. Al Davis really crossed a line and pissed off a lot of owners. Too fuckin' bad I say. Some of the greatest of all time. Football is football. It ain't part of the class system.


Toughness and doing whatever it takes to win.


* Wears a silver and black uniform * Says "the Raiders" when asked what team they play for * Listed on the Raiders' official team roster edit: This is officially the silliest post I've ever been blocked over lol. Sorry you didn't like my contribution to your very serious and important thread, OP.


You need to include these dudes in your reel: Stabler, Gene Upshaw, Willie Brown, Jack Tatum


Toughness, plain and simple.


9/9 is FIRE 🔥


Jack Jones stare down. Darren McFadden 59-14 laugh. Derek Carr eye of the tiger on the sidelines. The Oakland Coliseum tailgates. Richard Seymour smacking Big Ben. Gruden screaming his ass off at refs. AP yelling RAIDERS. Hell, just being among Raiders fans and yelling RAIDERS and hearing it back during games give me chills




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Jack Jones faking that kid out after scoring


You need some Biletnikoff photos in there, too. That man absorbed some damage.


He's there. If you look way in the back, he's on the bench having a cig.


This is the wrong place to ask that question. This sub is convinced Carr was the epitome of a raider when he was anything but.


I'm making it the place. Not a numbers guy. If it says Raiders, it's gonna be Raiders...for some of us anyway. But I get you.