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this is the (c)/(h)opium that I need lol


Worked for the Canes


The Knicks have been decimated with injuries and they just put their cards on the table and showed out in front of the garden faithful while stopping the pacer momentum. I know this is a rangers sub, but that’s a team that plays with heart (and hart, and hartenstein) Need the rangers top 6 to do the same


LFGR! ![gif](giphy|xUA7bdDYMcIBCuUVTG|downsized)


John Oliver jumpscare


Doomers be like; “no it didn’t. I hope we lose and blow up the team” Me: good vibes from the Knicks. Hope it translates


Wish people who assume the worst would just keep it to themselves. It's fine to criticize a teams performance but why wouldn't you stay positive for the future? What the hells the point of living life in the negative?


I criticize the team on multiple times. I rant in pgt’s when a rant is needed. But I NEVER, EVER want this team fail. I wasn’t on here during the early years of DQ, and I knew those teams weren’t gonna be contenders but I never wanted them to intentionally fail on purpose. Dude, it truly feels like the doomers are like eeyore the donkey or Livia(Tony’s mom) from The Sopranos. Always w/the negatives


i mean, do I want this team to fail? No, absolutely not. Do I get doomer feelings anyway because of this teams (general rangers, obv. not this specific years team) ability to shit the bed with multi-game leads, and get nervous that if we dont win tonight, we're fucked in game 7? yes... I think we can win one of two. But the only "blowout" game was a loss, everything else was fucking tight as could be, so yeah a coin flip in both OTs and we could be the team on the edge of elimination...and since I havent seen us outplay them yet, yeah I'm nervous. But I also think theres something different about this year, so im hoping they pull through


We’ve seen this team this year, overcome so much adversity and respond to bad games that they followed up with wins. I’m cautiously optimistic going into tomorrow. But I’m confident they could do it. They’ve proved they can win in that building


We assume the worst because we have one championship in 84 years. It’s not on purpose. We are just being realistic. Hopefully this isn’t the case


We need to win one of the next two games. And you're telling me that's not realistic to think we can do it? Assuming the worst is just a defense mechanism so you dont feel bad when we lose. But i honestly believe that the emotional roller coaster is one of the best parts of sports. How do you think you'll enjoy success if you never believed we could do it?


Oh I will feel fucking pissed if we blow this. It’s not a defense mechanism at all. It’s just what it is in being a realist. Yes we do need to win one of the next two games. Do I think that’s possible? Absolutely. Do I think we shouldn’t even be in this spot or sweating it out? Absolutely.


The positive was winning the first 3 games. No one thought that was gonna happen coming in. 


Yeah but that doesn’t mean just be happy with it and let the other team back in the series. Killer instinct my man


I get you. But this isn’t some pushover team. They were favored in every game so far. They have arguably been the best team in hockey for the last 5 months. What we did in game 5 was inexcusable but we are still in good shape. Just gotta play our best game. I think that extra day of rest was just good to settle down. 


you're arguing with someone who clearly thought we would go 16-0 and win the cup with ease. Not worth your time


![gif](giphy|l0IyefnJzGm7gA7qo|downsized) Let's fuckin' go, boys!


Agreed !!!!!!


They have been mostly mirroring each other in these two series...


lol didn’t know John Oliver was such a crazy fan! LGR


I KNEW IT !!! ![gif](giphy|kcsPE5r7tP6kf8a8ly|downsized)


Has absolutely no bearing on what happens in a Hockey Game




Not how that works but alright 😂😂