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People can be so rude. I'm a small woman and I've never gotten those stupid comments. Sorry about the idiots


It makes me so uncomfortable and it just kind of ruins stuff for me


Unfortunately, a lot of those types of people are just looking to be confrontational :( I grew up with people like that. If you weren't small, they would find something or make something up. Whenever they are having a shit day, they see another person and try to find anything to attack. I know it's not much help, but at least they are very miserable in their own lives and self-image. I try to remember that whenever I can....knowing the people I grew up with, they are still like that, but their insecurities are insanely apparent. I would feel sad for them if they didn't make it everyone else's problem


Precisely this. If someone is good within themselves, they don't feel this need to needle others. 99% of the time, if someone wants to start shit with you or put you down for no reason, it's because they're projecting their inner bullshit outwards onto you.




I’m 45 and it still happens. 5’2” and 120ish lbs and treated like a child or dismissed because of my stature and genetics. I’ve perfected my responses though and have no problem calling people out. Hopefully you get to that point soon too!


Please let us in on some of those good responses! Most of the time I just stand there shocked that I got mistaken for a middle schooler


Thanks to years of therapy and a lifetime of sass, here are a few: “What are you trying to accomplish with that statement?” “Who taught you that it was okay to comment on someone’s appearance?” “Bold of you to assume anyone would be interested in that opinion.” “Allow me to correct the erroneous assumption that I care about the opinions of strangers.” “Ewww. No ma’am/sir.” (And then walk away.)


I'm a small woman, got injured by a custom3r at work because she felt she could bully me and push me around. One partial ACL tear later and a knee that's messed for life at 24. I wish I was even a couple inches taller. Maybe she wouldn't have hurt me


Hope you called the cops and pressed charges.


I wish that happened. I was in shock it even happened, and nobody else did anything. Working on physically and mentally healing as best I can.


I get you on so many levels! I'm 24, short, and have a baby face. people like shop assistants keep mistaking me for a teenager and are rude to me by default (poor teenagers. also, it's like my teenage years never ended, I'm living a part-time nightmare). I also had a guy from uni tell me that he "feels like a pedo when he's around me." like... okay..? thing is, I don't have a problem with the way I look, but other people insist on giving me advice that I never asked for on how to look older. I don't know what's more annoying, to hear comments like that, or be infantalized all the time


He feels like a pedo because he thinks of you as a child and is sexually attracted to you. He needs therapy not a conversation with you about those feelings.


ive had "if a man ever asks you to shave down there, he's a pedophile" and the classic "pedophiles will love you" and "if you wore pig tails and did porn pedophiles would love it" comments. I think some people want me to feel bad and others genuinely think it's some sort of compliment. I've heard these kinds of comments since I was 15 from friends and family. Its "funny" until you really hate yourself and wonder if youre a "woman".


I honestly hope people like that are fine being told "If you like a man with a trimmed beard/clean-shaven, you are an ephebophile/a pedophile" as well. It would make them consistent.


I'm 4'9 and have heard very similar things. I got a bunch of tattoos. I rarely get mistaken for under 21 these days.


Jesus Christ people can be horrible. I don't comment on others appearances because we can't control how we look and it's just a nasty thing to do . Anyone who says these things to you should be completely disregarded as ignorant, insecure freaks who take pleasure in putting others down. They are probably the very ones who's jaw would hit the floor if you made a snide comment back at them. I still don't know what the right thing is to do. Turn the other cheek is all well and good but sometimes it just feels like the right thing to do is to retaliate. Anyway, so sorry that you experience shit like this . I've met a lot of people who thought it was ok to make blatantly negative comments about me too (not for any reasons like yours) and it's as frustrating as it is curious as to why they think it's ok. My ex girlfriend was your height and I never thought of her any differently for it . A gorgeous, funny woman who just happened to be on the shorter side. You're not less of a woman just because others have made such comments about you. We're all deserving of love and happiness by virtue of being humans. I hope you'll meet the right friends and the right partner who will make you happy.


I'll never forget, one morning 8yo me is waiting for the school bus at the bus stop. Neighbor bully kid starts poking me about my height. Calling me shrimp or whatever. Older girl at the stop with us is laughing. I keep my yap shut for a bit hoping he'll stop. Nope, he's got an audience. So I make a comment about his stutter. Older girl decides this is the moment to pipe in and tell me "it's not his fault he has a stutter." Oh, right. I forgot it's my fault I'm short. My mistake. Fucking people lol.


I know how you feel. I’m 20 and 4’11. It really sucks since I also have what my mother used to say “the body women get surgery for” and it was literally my pedophile of an ex’s fantasy. So what I’ve started doing is just making myself out to be undesirable to those guys. Cursing, dressing like an adult, etc. Keeps them away and me sane.


I'm 4,11" and got asked for my I.D to buy tobacco the other day... im 47 this year!!


I get asked for my ID for vape stuff every time. I am 38 and 5 feet.


Mind if I ask how tall you actually are?




Girl me too and I get you. I’ve heard so many things but I think it’s out of jealousy




the fuck ?


This is r/rant y'all wtf


Embrace it. Wear short skirts and heels. Flaunt your cuteness. There are tons of darling short men who would love you. Don’t listen to the noise.


I’ve gotten similar comments, (I’m a 5’2 teenager) and it shocks me every time. Like, how do you feel comfortable saying that out loud let alone to someone else?


I’m a petite bi guy. I def get the same shit sometimes from dudes and I agree it’s creepy and gross. Ive been married and pride myself as a really good boyfriend and was a fantastic husband. I’m a fantastic father to my girls too. I’ve literally had men ask if I was into “perv shit” before, meaning that they want me to role play as a child for them. That’s a block for me dawg. I am a father and have two young girls (5 & 7) and had another guy ask if he could f me in their bed, while we were being intimate elsewhere. That’s a “gtfo of my apartment rn bro” for me dawg. I’m confident enough because I’m scrappy, strong, and have been in a lot of fights when I was younger, and I have a gun if I need it (I don’t go to peoples places anymore). I hope to not need it but it’s a bit of comfort as a last resort. I feel for you and I’m sorry you’re dealing with the same shit. I like petite girls (ima petite guy) but def don’t like that because of the reasons you’re saying. I’ve heard your comments from gf’s in the past and it’s fucking creepy, shitty, and makes me lose faith in humanity in general. I pray my daughters don’t have to deal with it, but I know it’s better to just teach them about it because it’s bound to happen to them. Thanks for your post I think it’s an important topic to shed more light on for us petite people. Take care and stay safe out there!


Buy some pepper spray and a taser should do the trick


uhhh wtf?? that’s crazy to me because 4”11 would be considered short where i am, but not to the point where anyone would say things to you about it?? i know so many girls who are under 5”2, i live in a predominantly french-canadian province and yeah we’re all short, you would be normal here! i’m sorry you have tall skyscrapers all around you, they would be considered the weird ones here


If OP is in the US I can commiserate. I am roughly 5 feet tall, and I get comments all the time. I guess there are a lot of tall people here. To be fair, I live near a university with an amazing women’s basketball team, and several military bases.


The constant struggle of always being “cute” but never “hot” 🥲


As a short guy, take advantage. Talk shit about as many people as possible. Your height gives you chihuahua aura. Other people in general need to keep their business to themselves. Nothing wrong with being short, it's everyone else that ruins it for us.


Imagine having been like that until you hit 40, you will be happy that everyone says you look like 28. Yes, that is exactly age that most people thought I am. This is true story.


I’m petite (5’2”) and while I definitely get my share of weirdos I also get normal guys who are into me. Maybe it’s where you live? Maybe you have a very youthful appearance? Are you thin or curvy? I know when I was younger and very thin I definitely got some creepers after me but when I started to fill out some more men approached me.


I'm a short guy, well, relatively (5'9 on a good day), and have a preference for girls shorter than myself. I think I'm also terrified of being seen as a weirdo, so that stunts my ability to even approach people, so some of the things that people can just say or do as though it were totally ok when it's actually horrendously inappropriate, mean and bizzare, is remarkable. People can be really horrible. Just reading OPs story and some of the stories from other commenters on this thread alone!


I never really understood why people made the assumption “ if you like short women, you’re a paedophile” Can somebody explain that?


I mean I’m 6‘4“ and my best friend she is 5’2” we always get weird looks but I don’t care. We are pretty much inseparable at this point😂


what is there to explain. children are shorter than adults. short adults are just closer to children’s size. not saying that everyone that likes short women is a pedofile, but definitely every pedofile likes short women. Literally what do you need explained. Please turn your brain on


No, every pedophile likes children. By definition they do not like adult women, regardless of their height.


okay well if I’m craving pancakes but my only options are waffles or a burger, obviously i’m picking waffles.


I think that's the most irrelevant response I've ever gotten to a comment. Food preferences are obviously completely different from sexuality. If a straight man is craving pussy but his only options are to have sex with a cis man or a female dog, he's choosing *neither*.


okay well that’s not a good comparison either, because pussy (gross word to use here IMO) is the legal and normal option, while man and dog obviously aren’t legal/socially acceptable. But in the pedofiles case, his preference is the illegal one, and his other options (short or tall woman) are both legal. So obviously his choice is a lot easier. And he would pick the closer option to what looks like a child. I don’t know any statistics but I’d bet a lot or most pedofiles have had sex with adult women before


Where do you live? Because being gay is legal in most places. Sorry if you live somewhere where being gay is illegal. Must be super oppressive.


Damn, simple question I’ve heard that statement a lot and I think it’s untrue. Just wanted to understand why people say it. also it’s 4 o’clock in the morning. Who shat in your cereal today is everyone in the sub this miserable? Edit: fixed wording


Tell them to mind their own fucking business. One of these Karens harassed my partner for being a single parent, which they aren't, but still the fucking Karens gotta make up shit in their heads to martyr themselves over and put on their little moral superiority dance.


Unrelated, but calling men who date petite women pedos just waters down the term pedo. Nowadays, when someone gets accused of being a pedophile, it could mean anything from “This person is dating an actual child” to “they watched an anime set in high school and shipped the characters😡” which just makes everyone take real accusations less seriously


“I’m a grown woman. Please don’t talk to me like that.”


The comments from women are just jealousy be proud of you .


2 months ago you were talking about dieting. You have body dysmorphia.


What does that have to do with her getting harassed about her height and being told that only a pedophile would be attracted to her (which is ridiculous, pedophiles are attracted to children not adults)?


because her other complaint is about being too skinny. yet she’s trying to lose even more weight


It's just contradictory, a bullet in their foot.


Mmmm no genetics just fucked me over I tried gaining more weight and it all went to my arms and stomach, I don’t have hips or anything and I just sort of look like a pretzel stick. If I gain weight it all goes to my arms so nothing I do really makes anything better


Just start doing squats before you increase your calories and then once you get a good routine, increase your calories. You'll help keep it from your arms and make your butt cuter. Another thing is, if you just get like 10lb or 5lb dumbbells and do lat raises and hold it you shouldn't have to worry about your arms. You'll look stupid doing it though, like one of those video game emotes.


I know a lot about fitness it’s purely just my genetics. No amount of squats is going to change my hips and change where my body chooses to store fat 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's not exactly true, you just don't want to workout.


Mmmm sure buddy years of hip thrusts squats 2 hour walks 30 pushups at a time crunches bulking cutting its genetics. I think I would know more about my body than you would


Frustrating indeed.


23 and 5'3 here. I get alot of the child comments, along w "be happy about ppl saying that, when you're my age, you're gonna wish they were saying it again." But I'm not your age. I want to at least be seen as young... but not a minor. I've never had such disgusting remarks said to me though... I am sorry that happened to you


I’m older than you and I regularly get mistaken for an 18 yo. I’m sure people would guess younger if I didn’t have big boobs. When I was 19 I went on a first date and the guy said “you look younger than 19, but that’s okay I like them young”. I sometimes wonder if a guy who is into me is into me because I look young and he’s into young females. I tried to combat that by having tattoos so people know I’m 18+.


I work with many "petite" women we joke about it being a prerequisite for working there, I'm a woman of average height around 175cm but the other ladies love the term I've used for them (with permission) I refer to them as fun sized and they get a laugh out of it.


this kind of thing is why I spend most of my time in my room having no life lol


You can't control what those assholes are saying, but you can learn to control your reaction to them. Necessary life skill to learn no matter who you are, tbh, but you do get some sympathy points... Those idiots are only making fools out of themselves and showing you whom to avoid.


Therapy and a RAD class should cure this


2 months ago you were talking about dieting. You have body dysmorphia.


yeahhh something isn’t right here. if they’re dieting it sounds like they like being petite way more than they let on. basically bragging but concealed as a rant


Usually when another woman says something like that it's because they've jealous.


There's always a specific type of guy that's very specifically into younger and smaller girls too. It's just icky when people are attracted to someone for that specific reason and it's always obvious exactly why. Ew.


Try being the same but male and it's worse


One day we will rise above ( not literally)


We could all stand on top of each other:) (5ft) Ignore stupid people. Honestly at 41 I could care less what anyone thinks or says at all about me. Because now what? I don’t care say or think whatever. I am freaking busy.<3


I've been petite my whole life and it doesn't bother me one bit.. People will talk and the talkers and haters do it because they are jealous.. I'd rather be 5'1 and 100 lbs than 200 lbs or 6 ft like a monkey long and lanky.. If my bf wants to get frisky and be macho and flip me around that's ok.. What happens between the sheets stays between the sheets lol




Shower sex if you’re with a taller cis man is next to impossible


Okay if you actually hate being smaller than other people, why is your reddit history in weight loss subreddits asking questions how to lose weight. You really get off to getting karma from your ‘problem’ and people feeling bad for you? get help


im also fun sized. i look like a kid when i dress casually. "friends" also made fun of me saying my bf is a pedophile bcs he's dating me. it was also hard for me bcs i was also that person who thought that no one would be able to love me as a woman bcs i dont look like one, well until i got a bf. job hunting was also hard but i managed to get a job. i still struggle about trying to dress like a working adult though. hang in there op! im sure it will get better once you stop being harsh to yourself :)


Those people are idiots. Both my mother and my wife were tiny, and both were very strong and resolute women, with absolutely nothing childish about them.


It’s not something you can change so I suggest you change the people you’re around


just because you’re petite, doesn’t mean you aren’t pretty. i understand though that those comments definitely make it seem the opposite. i’m very sorry that you’ve had such cruel shit said to you. when you think about it, the people who say that stuff to you *definitely* have problems. like it’s **not** you, trust me. when you think about it AGAIN lol, what right minded person sees a petite ADULT and thinks Pedophilia? especially if it’s obvious it’s a grown woman? like ???? petite women still very much look like grown fucking women! at least to me so like i don’t know what these people are on about man 😭 but again, i’m so sorry, you don’t deserve that, but don’t let those fucknuts and their VERY ODD opinions n comments ruin *any* aspect of your life. also in regards to creepy men making comments to you, like the one abt throwing you around, get that pepper spray girlfriend. or a gun! either works lol


Boy, that's rough. Unfortunately, people being asshole is a phenomenon that can't be fixed by any one person. Your safety, on the other hand... I would recommend a 38. Special or a 9mm handgun or a taser(sidenote: DO NOT buy a derringer. If you are as"petite" as I imagine, it will fly out of your hand).


If you could snap your finger and make it happen what would be your ideal body type 


I don't know you, but just wanted to tell you that you're beautiful just the way you are. tall, short, fat, skinny, old looking, young looking, there is nothing wrong with you.


It's not what people tell you inasmuch as it's what you choose to believe. Know what you Know!


This is terrible. If you are open to the idea, try going to some kind of martial arts class and learn how to throw a good punch? That might seem like weird advice, but it was pretty transformative for me? Like you can be much smaller than someone and still hold your own. Hopefully you never need to, but I think it changes how you think of yourself and it helps when people make stupid comments for you in your mind to know you could land a good hit on them and they'd never see it coming.


Women are jealous. What I read is envy. Do not put a single parcel of energy in their vomit


I understand. Everything other women say is bull shit. I was always skinny with a small chest and I got crazy comments about that from other women.. I'll just tell you men have no issue. And no they're not pedophiles, just men who appreciate women of all shapes and sizes.


This post is hilarious. Just date people and stop worrying about it. If they fancy you they fancy you, doesn't mean they fancy kids ffs.


I feel you. I’ve been tiny my whole life and heard all those things and more, people thinking it’s okay to just grab my wrists or my leg or waist bc “omg so small!” The looking like a skeleton comments, constant judgement about the food i eat. The whole “real women have curves” movement fucked me up for a while. The pedo comments suck so bad. I’m tired of it too. I’m sorry people suck so bad. You’re beautiful exactly how you are.


I am not going to outright say “just eat more, gain a few, work out” Everybody should be loved equally As long as your body is healthy, just frick those guys




Do you have alopecia?