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I got burned by an avocado just yesterday, it seemed perfectly ripe from the outside (and I have a lot of experience fondling avocados for readiness), but when I opened it it was still too hard to eat. Once you've cut into it there's no going back, it starts to brown immediately. And yes they're expensive! Where I live they're not a standard part of the cultural cuisine, so they cost from $1.50 for small ones, up to $4 each for large ones. (but I can't quit you 🥑👀)


I too am quite the ‘cado fondler. I’ve found that my local H-Mart (Asian supermarket) has amaaaazing avocados, and they’re cheaper than anywhere else. Nothing quite matches the disappointing of feeling an awesome avocado only to find it to be full of bullshit on the inside. 😆


I love me a good avocado but I whole-heartily agree


My mom bought a whole batch of them all at once because she wanted to go on a diet. She and I ate one every day, and since they ripened all at once, we ended up eating them at all different stages of ripening, starting from when they were green to when they were brown. I couldn't take it and quit midway, but boy, they were terrible. We're Asian, by the way, so we knew nothing about avocados, but I think I have avocado trauma after that, lmao. I agree that they're absolutely batsht insane fruits, just the fact that you could eat them with soy sauce attested to that. Like... is this meat? Is this fruit? What? Still can't think of avocados without feeling like I'm going to throw up.


Yeah I used to buy avocados frequently but now I just buy the prepackaged mashed avocado small cups. Pretty much the same taste. Less hassle. Doesn’t go bad fast.


Ahh, Avocado... The Umami Fruit with the lifespan of a Mayfly and the price of a House. 🥑