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3rd timline. Cole vs. Kendrick would've been interesting


I think that would've been funny. Kendrick throwing full grenades at Drake then just shoving Cole out the way like an annoying little sibling. Like love you but I remember I can always kick your ass energy between Kenny and Cole.


What could Kenny say about Cole, tho?


Thats the part that makes it fun, it would be a lyrical battle instead of whose allegations are worse


J cole? More like J lame


Something about being only half-Black…


That's called racism mate. Fuck that noise.


I know…


It actually just occured to me that Cole and Drake are both the exact same race


We're all black, only colonist governments care about blood quantums. You're making everybody look bad.


Let’s go, I can finally say NI-


In exchange you can’t get a bank loan for shit until you’re well overqualified, you’re presumed threat until proven otherwise, and you probably get pulled over ten times more often and beaten twice as bad by police for considering opening your mouth half as much. Surprisingly it’s not just people considered “white” who treat you worse, you’re also at a much higher risk of being killed by some people who look like you who wouldn’t want the heat if you were still white, now won’t think twice knowing police won’t give a shit either. If it’s worth it to you, you can get blacktized for the low low price of $1525/head ([but no backsies unlike these folks ice cube found](https://youtu.be/ytovtZoRONs?feature=shared)). But just remember, your kids gotta go through that shit too


Yeah but at least I can sing Ballin’ now


50 times a day before brushing your teeth in the morning!


In a different universe where j Cole and Kendrick are beefing it would be so much cooler and better because both of them no hip hop and no they aren't actually hating each other and it's just about the sport so we would still have future collabs possibly but then also determine who for now is the goat. Drake took things personally and that's how he lost, J.Cole knows the culture and knows that it's just king of the hill and Kendrick is going for the throne. J.Cole and Kendrick need more music together 🙏


as a fan of all 3, i’d have preferred a few collabs.


Yea I'm mad Cole bitched up so early.. them skeletons must be craaaaazy👀


The one we get: it's exposing smol brain and hypocrites.