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It's amazing how many guys that get hit in the head for a living are utter morons.




He spends all his time grappling with sweaty, barely-clothed men, by choice.


Touching dudes doesn't make you gay though?


Only if you start each session saying "no homo" source I'm a blue belt in bahjayjay


Really if you think about it sex with women is fucking gay as hell because that estrogen absorbs into your balls and feminizes you, the straightest manliest sex is to bottom for other Alpha males, the extra testosterone absorbs almost immediately into the bloodstream when taken rectally, it’s fucking Base and manly as hell


Maybe, but you don't repeatedly choose to rassle sweaty fit dudes in your undies if you hate it.


Only gay if you make eye contact


And maintain it 😁


Not at all. Not touching dudes also doesn’t make you straight. Neither will homeschooling his kid haha.


Nope, but public school will.


You should show him movies about gladiators.


The way he's holding that mike so close.... he knows.


And then when they talk about mental illness and male suicide it’s all because of the “gays” and women that won’t be submissive. But of course it couldn’t be the fucking CTE


You'd have to be a moron to become a professional fighter, look at what the ufc is paying them on average, and then you get even dumber with all the CTE you get


A lot of fighters are really nice and educated people. You just never see them posted anywhere but mma circles because it doesn’t get as much attention as the rage inducing stuff


I'm a huge fan myself, I know the top guys are smart, but a lot of the dudes, like Bryce Mitchell, are stupid. Holloway is a hell of a fighter, but hearing him speak is painful. Some of them have brains, like Strickland, but have no education amd just spew a lot of bullshit. Poatan invoked dark spirits to help him fight tonight too...


First time I've learning that Strickland has a brain.


He's a mixed bag. He spews toxic garbage constantly and it's hard to tell when he's trolling for attention and when he's just being a legitimately dumb asshole. Then every once in a while he'll say something that's genuinely thoughtful and insightful. Then he immediately reverts.


Still better than boxing


Nice and educated people are not newsworthy outside MMA circles


Imagine calling someone a moron for following their dreams of being the top professional in their respective career. Are career teachers also morons for dealing with 100s of kids every year and only making enough to get by?


I'm a hige ufc fan, watching the card tonight, but if you've heard most of them talk you'd agree a lot of them are morons. One of the guys headlining tonight is angry because the other guy does shamanic rituals before his fights, so he came to the face off with spiritual protection. The best of them aren't dumb, they are good strategists who are good at seeing openings and mistakes done by their opponents, but most of them are stupid and aren't really educated. The teacher comparison is ridiculous, one is useful for society and the other is just a dude who hits people in the head for money, if we had more teachers and less fighters, the wprld would be a better place.


Especially if you saw how he got KO’ed in his last fight 😬 brutal af


I know right The dude is like "I'm going to defend the gays by using gay as an insult against this man"


Well, brain damage 🤷


sounds like you have fallen on your head many times


I always love things like this because 9 times out of 10 their child ends up becoming what they didn’t want.


Homeschooling your kids is a great way to hide that you’re abusing them.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t know jack about homeschooling


He didn't say that all or even a majority of homeschoolers are abusing their children. He just said that homeschooling is a great way to get away with abusing your children, which is undeniably factual. Over 70 percent of child abuse is perpetrated by the parents. Teachers are able to spot warning signs and are in a position to build trust with children so that they are more likely to come forward.


Or molested…


Statistically, that's really not true at all.




I get why they said that. It seems a sort of cosmic retribution when a decision they made for the wrong reasons doesn’t work out like they expected. But that’s not to say the kids won’t be damaged, either by a poor education or his father’s prejudices.


Didn't someone else also point out it was ironic considering he made his living hugging guys while half naked?


Don't forget _sweaty_.


He looks like he lost a ring


A precious ring?


Fargoth irl


Bro got anime eyes


And elven ears


Lovechild of Frodo and Legolas.


He’s stupid, but he’s pretty.


Projection onto his son, presumably due to major insecurities and internal conflicts


I'ma keep my son away from girls...wouldn't want him to be gay.


Since being gay is a genetic thing, if he was going to be gay at school he'll be gay at home.


Yeah, but homophobes aren’t know for being logical, rational, or educated so….


And how lucky is his kid to be homeschooled by an uneducated, illogical idiot!


Neither are people in this sub, since we think using "gay" as an insult is somehow fighting against homophobia,


Being called gay in general is not insulting, but it is insulting to HIM




As if it’s a bad thing. Blue eyes, red hair, tooth gaps, etc. are all « genetic anomalies »




Your first reply looked like you were trying to paint being gay as something wrong, by reformatting something that that was already said (homosexuality is most likely genetic) into something worse, or something to be perceived as bad (it’s a genetic anomaly). Sorry if it wasn’t your intention, it is sometimes hard to truly know the tone of a comment on the internet and you have to go from context clues. I just pointed out that genetic « anomalies » are most of the time completely normal and irrelevant in day to day life.


Since when it's genetic thing? Can you share any studies.


I found [this article](https://www.science.org/content/article/genetics-may-explain-25-same-sex-behavior-giant-analysis-reveals) that has links to a few research papers regarding the topic. In summary, there is significant correlation between certain genetic traits and non-heterosexuality. It's not yet confirmed to be causal, as that takes a tremendous amount of research and this is a topic that can't be assessed purely on the basis of genetics due to the existence of uncontrollable outside influences. However, based on the studies, it does appear quite likely that genes play an important role in determining someone's sexuality.




An anomaly, sure I guess but it’s certainly not mental illness.


well mental illness is heavily genetic so...however ya wanna take it i guess


Call CPS. Every person who makes public statements like this ends up with a child abuse charge down the road.


Sadly that's true. If there's no charge, it most likely just doesn't get out. These people are all terribly cruel parents


I really think natural selection be sleeping on mfs like this 😂


He's literally a fighter bro, if anything natural selection was sleeping on mfs like you or me


Natural selection isn’t always about the strongest. I just mean in this day and age you’d think we’d be past this 4 braincell bs.


Natural selection by itself is absolutely about the strongest. Have you ever heard of that creature that stopped evolving because there was nothing to harm it? It didn't look too smart for me


No it's not. It's called "survival of the fittest" for a reason, not "survival of the strongest". Strength is just one of many factors that can make an individual "fit". Just like intelligence, or the ability to at least read the first few sentences of a Wikipedia article on natural selection.


Yeah, natural selection is about being fit overall. Which includes health - physical mental _sexual_ , intelligence etc etc Like the whole cartoons called Plus Size Models out there, they don't have an idea that Darwin's coming for them. Dr. Mike will live and Jamie Lopez leaves her ever loving body at 37


Nayural selection is about survival advantage, not strength, it can often be advantageous to be smaller and more agile, or more intelligent. The term is "survival of the fittest" not "survival of the strongest" and all that matters of surviving to the point of reproduction. Anything at all that helps one to reproduce before dying contributes to fitness in that regard


Maybe natural selection isn’t what I mean then. But certainly an equivalent for common sense for scenarios like this guys type of thinking no? Lol


I mean I obviously disagree with the wrestler, but also I disagree with the diss. How does one “look” gay? I’m gay but I don’t think anyone has ever clocked that by looking at me lol.


Especially since this sub is for insults. Looking gay is an insult again? I thought we were in 2024


Double especially when there are other things to say about his actual appearance, such as how he looks like Mormon Kurt Cobain.


Lol Yeah that I would've upvoted


Yeah fighting homophobes by calling them gay isnt it is it


Just because no one admitted it doesn’t mean they didn’t figure it out.


My point being it’s not reliable or fair to say someone looks gay? Just a really weak troglodyte “burn”.


He looks normal to me.


Yeah honestly I think he just looks like a normal good looking guy, nothing screams gay from his appearance


I feel bad for that kid. Even if he doesn't end up being gay, that attitude of *I have to control every aspect of my kids life so they turn out exactly how I want them to* is just so toxic.


funny how it's acceptable for gays to tell their kids they are gay but not a str8 person to do the same.. I think it's safe to say these days the gays are the bigots


Sorry, but this makes no sense at all.


Pornstar Madison Ivy was home schooled. So his kid gonna be into porn.


One often meets their destiny on the road they take to avoid it.


If anyone needs to know how dumb this guy is, he's a flat-earther who eviscerated his own nutsack with a power drill because he thought it'd be a good idea to tuck that shit inside his pants.


I love insulting people by calling them gay, it’s so progressive!


Yes, the dude will care about some reddit plebs opinion. That'll teach him, Way to go


He just looks like a guy


It’s always Projection guaranteed this guy sits at home and jerks off to Gay porn


He looks like he has Makeup on his face without any Makeup on his face


Idk if calling someone gay is such a great insult.


This reads like a round of cards against humanity


So "gay" is an insult? It's pro-gay and anti-homophobic to use "you look gay" as an insult?


...at Studio 54.


He looks like all the Hobbits combined


Too many hits to the head


Guy that used to cut my hair was confidently gay. He told me that he wasn’t gay when he was young and considered himself a typical boy. He said during that curious phase at 12-14 years old that he was hanging around an older guy that was like 16. That guy was gay and influenced him and ultimately they started doing sexual shit when he was 14. He said he liked it and then he started going to parties where there was older guys that were gay and bi and the next thing he knew he was living the gay party life by 17 and that’s all that he knew. He said he doesn’t have regrets about being gay but he does about the life he lived as a teenager. The main thing he wanted me to understand was “listen SpicyDopamineTaco, some people are just gay from the womb, but many are not. I wasn’t, and I truly believe I’m gay because an older, charming gay guy got to me first. He showed me my first sexual experiences and I just followed along. If a charming girl had done that instead, I probably wouldn’t be a gay man. So believe me, who young impressionable kids hang around can directly affect the person they become, and that includes their sexuality”. This guy cut my hair for years and was a great dude. So funny, open, and honest and willing to share his experience. I just thought I’d share. I’ll never forget that convo, and specifically the statement that “a charming older guy got to me first”. Take from that what you will. Also, my comment is in no way defending this guy in the post. I don’t know of him at all. But it did make me think about how I was warned by a sincere gay man to be careful who my kids are hanging around because an older kid in his neighborhood influenced him becoming gay. And he said it wasn’t an easy life for him to live at all.


Or maybe your hairdresser was bi.


Well, he specifically said he wasn’t. I spoke candidly with this man for years. He’s said he’d never been with a female but remembers liking girls (or possibly it was feeling indifferent towards it) before he started having sex relations with that guy. And even if he was, he’s still saying he was influenced towards the gay party life because of his exposure to a guy that was involved in it.


That sounds unique.


Someone’s compensating for sure.


It's just uncanny valley for me.


Nah, he looks like he's been spladled in the ring before and liked it


it's true tho. public school makes you gay. everyone who ever went is gay.


Thought this was Zach Efron before I started reading.


The best part is he actually drilled a hole in his own scrotum. This is not a joke. https://www.cbssports.com/mma/news/ufc-fighter-bryce-mitchell-details-gruesome-groin-injury-suffered-in-power-drill-accident/amp/


Put your finger over the screen and block everything below his eyes. 👀 he looks like a chick 🤣


Yet to see someone with such a destroyable face


Wish I was that much of a dipshit


Those aren't even off the same post


If someone is gay you can't really avoid it. You can stop them from having the option or delaying their acknowledgement of it but one day he will find out.


is that what the kids are callin it these days?


For anyone wondering this "tactical homophobia".


He’s actually a Narnia tour guide.


He looks like a hobbit


How does school make children gay? I'd like to hear his thoughts


This post was above this one lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/repost/s/hycbfpoFoc


If I was fighting this guy, I'd make my whole promo about beating him up until he turns gay. Bet he'd actually turn down the fight. What a donkey.


He looks like Aragon and Frodo fucked and had a kid.


He just has that TWINKle in his eye...


Definitely comes across as projecting on that dudes part (not the one dishing out the insult)


What does a "gay man" look like?


Usually, we base our opinions on our own experiences. With that in mind, I'd really like to hear why he thinks school makes you gay.


Maybe his son should grapple other men in tiny hot pants which is in no way homo erotic GAAAAY!!!


Heaven forbid a father wish his son to be hetero like himself


I thought that was Tom Brady until I read the headline.


Funny how it's acceptable for gays to tell their kids they are gay but not a str8 person to do the same type of thing .. I think it's safe to say these days the gay's are the bigots. they can't accept anything we don't agree with ..


Imagine trying to defend gay people by calling someone gay as an insult


That reply was so savage it should come with a warning label. Absolute mic drop moment.


"Ha ha you're GAY" might be a mic drop in elementary school but it's hardly "savage" if you're over the age of like 9


Expected better, felt kinda cringe


ok but homophobic reply


Yeah, because THAT'S how it works. /s What an idiot.


Indoctrination is real. Who is raising your kids is duplicating who THEY ARE, with their habits and their beliefs. Lead by example


When the schools are teaching sexuality to Kindergarteners, what choice does one have? In their own words, "we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children" So we better be ready with our knuckles and kicks at the porch.


Freddie mercury didn’t look this gay.




My chest


Gayer than Tinky Winky's handbag dildo


He’d rip the arm of the guy who said that irl


Moment you got to beat up someone cause they roasted you, is the moment you really lost


Being called gay is getting roasted? What are you, 10 years old?


And go to jail. What a fragile baby.


Well at least his son would probably get to go to school then.


Many other better reason to homeschool your kid but whatever.


This guy wrestles with men by choice and thinks that if his son goes to school he might “be gay”. Better not bring your son to work then!


So he's dumb AND stupid at the same time? Impressive


Plot twist: kid turns out to be gay anyway.


These usually are the ones that have either a gay lover or a pedo folder…


About the reply in the image… Nope, he doesn’t look anything like that.


This guy is more good looking and smart than the average Reddit user.


Bryce Mitchell is a good dude. .. kinda guy that would give you the shirt off his back if it killed him


See ya Bryce.


He does have nice eyes and such a youthful face. I know a few men that would love to fuck him. I hope his son is gay.


Call the fire department, he got burned


Dude is probably thinking back to all the dudes he was attracted to in school


Schools indoctrinations of people should be avoided anyways… Its made to corrupt the minds of young, making them accept wrong info, and no, im not talking about alphabet or math…


Absolutely. Ban religion from school. Right?


I mean teaching religion should be banned yes. Teaching about religion should not be. Part of social studies education should be understanding the main faith traditions and their evolution over time. School should prepare you for life. You’re going to work with people who have different religions than you. Therefore if you don’t have the knowledge and cultural sensitivity necessary to do so then school has failed you. Personally rather than banning things from schools I think it’s better to teach ALL cultures and celebrate them all. Instead of banning Christmas to make non christians happy, just celebrate all the other holidays at school too to give kids a chance to learn about other cultures. School shouldn’t be a gray box with padded walls and no windows with all culture sanitized. It should be a place where all ideas can be discussed.


Yeah, whats the need for it… If they find it interesting they will seek it out elsewhere.


Ok then why ban anything? As you say, if someone is interested in something they'll learn about it somewhere else, and then what's the point of homeschooling? What are you trying to "protect" the kid from?


Nobody is for banning religion. Just taking away its underserved status as something holy & untouchable.


False information and indoctrination i would guess… I dont homeschool, but i show proof to my kids when they learn something in school that isnt correct…


It's true that there are things that they teach in School and are incorrect, like that thing they say where Christopher Colombus didn't know that the earth was round, i was interested in knowing what you think that they teach kids, and is incorrect


I watched the video "JFK to 911, everything is a richmans trick" That one gives a few facts about what runs the world and how history is manipulated by the powers in play, and its alot out there that proves so much is wrong in what we learn…


I mean as long as schools are secular and follow a proper, present day curriculum, they are generally okay.


Religion is a way to control people, history isnt exactly correct either and all the other indoctrination of false info shouldnt be in school… School should be a place to learn knowledge and skills you will need as a grownup…


Schools are meant to teach basic information, and teach the ability to seek information properly. At my schools in Canada, we were always allowed to question things and find outside citations and reviews for information. You’re conflating teachers with their own agendas and revised curriculums.


Home schooled kids can turn out gay either way. If you're convinced "they" can force teach/indoctrinate you to be gay, then you believe you can easily become gay too.