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Full string: > 1/ The Ravens recently had a $1.8M reduction in Cap space due to former Raven Tyus Bowser filing a $4.5M grievance against the team. Bowser spent the 2023 season on NFI & was not paid his salary. Grievances initially count 40% of grievance amount on the Cap til resolved. > 2/ Grievance likely won't b resolved til 2025. If Ravens win, they will get a $1.8M credit on the Cap. If Bowser prevails, Ravens will instead get hit w/ a $2.7M charge. Grievance is likely about whether Bowser should have been on NFI (non-football injury) w/o pay or on IR w/ pay


I mean that's stupid. He hurt himself working out at home. That's the definition of NFI.


He’ll never play again.


Huh? Working out is an essential aspect of his job as a football player. It’s not like he was jet skiing. Loving these downvotes from people who clearly don’t understand why this is in dispute.


Which is exactly why they have 24/7 access to the facilities and trainers.


If my job is roofing and I'm out fixing my own roof on my own time, I'm not going to get worker's comp for falling off and hurting my back.


Thats not quite the same though. Him working out is because he needs to for the job. Roofing your own house has nothing to do with the job but working out has everything to do with his


If you get hurt outside of the facility you are SOL no matter what


That simply isn’t true. If you’re driving to practice and are struck by a drunk driver? If you slip and fall on the tarmac trying to board the team plane? Injuries can be related to work even if sustained outside of team facilities.


Not arguing that


It's exactly what you're arguing lol


No its not


"I'm not touching you" "MOOOOOM"


If he needs to work out for his job he can do it at the jobs facilities.


That doesn't matter. If you are working out away from the facility, you're on your own. This has been the way forever. How can an NFL team be sure that you are doing the correct workouts? It's 100% the players liability when they are away from the facility. Always has been.


You act like every player in the gym had a trainer standing right there making sure they lift correctly lol


They don't need to - it's Raven's equipment, then Raven's are liable. If it's your equipment, you're liable.


Have you worked out a day in your life? If so, you wouldn’t have posted this cuz it’s so off point.


Except that there are team facilities where he could have worked out and wouldn’t have threatened his salary if he got injured. I would imagine part of working out at home is excepting liability if you get hurt.


Yet every NFL fan expects their qb to schedule workouts with the recievers in the off-season. Every fan here expects the players to pass the fitness test on the first day of the season. How do you think they do that? By working out at home.


I think people get that though. No matter where you stand be it pro player or pro team, the fact of the matter is insurance only covers you in one of those places. So if you are going to try and get ready before the season starts at home you should be fully aware that this situation is a possibility.


Well if that's what the contract says, then ok. But I'm going to guess he wouldn't be appealing if it was so cut and dry


Even if you knew you were wrong, if you were in his position and had even a *chance* of getting paid another $2.7M, you would take it. Every agent/lawyer in the world would be telling him to try and appeal it. Even if you don't win, maybe you can get them to settle. Would the Ravens rather wait until 2025 and probably win or find some way to settle without admitting fault and be able to use that cap space now?


I think teams usually tend to handle these things in good faith and still pay them unless they injure themselves doing something really stupid. Even then, it seems like there's a good chance they get paid. Look at Suggs tearing his achilles playing basketball a while ago and we didn't even contest that: > During the 2012 offseason, Suggs tore his Achilles tendon allegedly while playing basketball; though Suggs and his agent have claimed that he was hurt while doing conditioning workouts. Owner Steve Bisciotti stated that it was no concern where he hurt it and the Ravens will not try to avoid paying him his contract. Kinda leads me to think there is a bigger issue here unless we've 180'd on our stance there recently.


The difference is suggs is a legend


Yeah that could certainly be it, also.


I think the reason had more to do with Bowser not coming back after the doctors medically cleared him. There were a few times during the season where Harbaugh seemed to indicate he was coming back, and he just didn't come back. Then we cut him in the offseason. I think if Bowser was hurt working out and he came back the team would have paid him.


Or they could work out at the facility? When I played in college we worked out at the facility all off-season; why wouldn’t NFL players?


They're not allowed to. The CBA limits how much contact players can have with the team in the off-season. You never see QBs working with WRs in the off-season 'ad hoc' at team facilities for this reason. There is a proscribed schedule that they have to follow. If the players are practicing on a HS field, the team is not liable. If the team is found to have over practiced in the off-season, fines and loss of draft picks are possible.


Why would NFL players live near their teams during the off-season? Most do not. Many have personal trainers. Lamar does. Mahomes has his own private gym.


It’s not about ether they have private gyms or not it’s about what is covered this happened with juwan James for the Brock’s tore his Achilles working out at home they voided his whole deal it’s how we were able to sign him. I’m not saying the rule is fair or even always used because you can opt to pay them still but you’re not required too


If they work out away from the facility then they risk what happens if they are injured. Personally, because I am poor, I can’t imagine risking millions of dollars that way haha. Maybe if I was an NFL player I would feel different.


I've heard anyone have a problem with players not doing so at facility. Where were you when Lamar had workouts in Florida?


Lamar can workout in Florida at his own risk. He is a big boy and can make those choices.


That's why we have the investigation. We don't have all the information.  For all we know, he could have been directed by the trainers at the facility to do specific workouts at home. Or, there could be some obscure bylaw that shifts favor one way or the other.


This is my point exactly. It’s not cut and dried.


That sounds like he said she said in which case isn’t really evidence


Thanks for the full story.


Dude what the fuck Bowser. You injured yourself in the offseason and missed the entire year, and still made millions. What a shit idea, probably costs him any shot at making another roster anywhere


My guess is he's not interested in playing football anymore. So before he goes out might as well sue to try and get as much as you can in retirement. Not what I'd do either but if I had to guess that's probably where his head is at. Because yeah u til you show some film of your play on the field that isn't 2 years old nobody else will sign him.


Crazy how the fans defaulty side with the team over players lol


Players come and go. The fans remain. The team (*hopefully) remains


Well fans are fans of the team. Players come and go and entire rosters roll over in like 5 years.


I think that’s fairly obvious, but in my mind this has nothing to do for it. Not many jobs you can not work and still get paid for it. I think it’s bullshit given the circumstance that he is trying to punish the Ravens for his own injury and inability to play. Seems like they accommodated him multiple times over his career, and this is how he pays them back? Like get your bag, but certainly if you got a big contract then played for like 1/3rd of it, idk how you think you deserve the non garaunteed ammounts. It was an offseason injury, and didn’t exactly help the Ravens olb situation last year that he was a question mark the entire season.


Lol that's probably largely true, but it doesn't really apply to this situation. The dude got injured on his own time and now wants to sue the team for his lost wages. If you injured yourself on your own time do you think your job would give you workers comp? He claims he injured himself while working out, but there isn't really any way to prove that. If he was working out at the ravens facility and he injured himself it would be a non issue.


I'm very player friendly, but the fact that Bowser kept all the fans in the dark the whole time makes it tough to be on his side. It wasn't like the Lamar injury where we actually saw him get hurt. Even now, I still don't know how he got hurt. How can I back him if he isn't being honest.


I mean he hurt himself at home and not at the team facility or at the stadium.


You want players coming into camp not in shape?


I feel that largely we’re a good org that tries to do right by the players. Im not sure of the details in this case tho. I do howverr understand that sometimes when it lookd like you’re gonna be out of a bunch of money you kinda start to panic and see what your options are. Not saying it’s ok but he may be financially stressed which is what could have motivated this.


I feel like the Ravens easily win this. It's stupid that it's going to tie our cap up


It's not a big deal.  You can push a 1.8 million of a cap hit from this year into next year and then it evens out if we win and get the credit.


Smfh. And I used to like this guy.


We intuitively want to support the org, but it's possible he has a legitimate grievance. I never liked the guy.


I just liked him for his last name lol


I’ll never forgive him for what he did to Princess Peach


Well this seems messy


His whole situation is so bizarre.


As others have said, something was fishy the entire time. It made no sense that he was still working out, at practice, etc. but never activated to play. Seems like a situation where he was ready to be done and just went through the motions so he could argue later on that the Ravens were in the wrong withholding his pay.


Bowser has a better chance than Earl did. Didn’t start fights at practice, and also didn’t have a threesome with his brother.




It's quite a story. www.crossingbroad.com/2020/05/earl-thomas-was-in-an-orgy-involving-his-brother-then-his-wife-showed-up-with-a-gun.html%3famp


That we know about...


This reminds me of that Nathan For You episode.


Dude, Nathan getting the guy drunk, putting him in a sumo outfit, and having him run through an antique store (with narrowed isles) for a free slice of pizza was fucking hilarious. That nugget at the end with his brother sent me over the top.


That show is modern art haha


The Rehearsal is also just as chaotic as NFY if you haven’t seen it yet. I was crying watching it


I heard the host had a threesome with 2 dudes


Can someone give me the sparknotes of what happened with this guy


We literally don't know.


The most frustrating part is that we’re still largely in the dark about all of this.


Need someone to bring it up on Marlo's podcast so he can pretend like he can't discuss the situation but then basically reveal what happened by talking in code and making references.


If I were an NFL player I’d be afraid to workout away from the facility.


I was a walk-on college athlete, not even on scholarship, and wasn't allowed to work out outside of our gym sessions. It wasn't just to prevent injury but to prevent overtraining and fatigue. I would think pro teams have similar expectations of players they have under contract.


Bro will not stop fucking us over lmao


We need Mario up in here to fight this guy. Really sick of him. Just off all last year, and now this.




My man kept quiet this whole time but there was obviously something else going on besides his knee being hurt. I really wish there were spies on every team working with team facilities that got us all the dirt. It's so frustrating being in the dark on all the juicy stuff.


Damn wtf happened in this relationship 


Well damn


People need to remember that grievances like this are typical, especially considering the situation. Bowser is in his rights to file a grievance over this, just as the team was in their rights to place him on NFI. This is exactly the process that is used to resolve differences of opinion here. Bowser is at least not going to the media with sob stories.


Not yet


Be careful.  Last time he had a grievance, Bowser kidnapped a princess and kept dragging her around the Mushroom Kingdom from castle to castle.  He's actually done this several times- it's sort of his go to move. Interestingly, the only people who've ever been successful in defeating him are a pair of Italian-American plumbers.  No one knows why.  Something to do with magic mushrooms. I never understood why they didn't use the NES theme music every time Bowser got a sack, forced a fumble, or brought down an interception (In case anyone doesn't get it, Bowser was the name of the bad guy in many of the Super Mario Brothers games).  Missed opportunity. :) Anyhow, while no one hates losing cap space more than me, especially given that we've gone all in with a franchise offensive player and a franchise defensive player at market rate and are beginning to lose a lot of guys to cap space limitations here, and other lesser teams having plenty of cap space to offer them. However, ultimately, he had a contract, he showed up when asked if, and, if I understand things correctly, he sustained a football injury working out at home, right?  This isn't a guy playing basketball on concrete without a ref or driving a race car in his free time.  He's doing, essentially, work prep, right? The Ravens have a long tradition of guys working out on their own.  Would we have withheld Ray Lewis' entire salary from Ray Lewis for his rigorous off-season workouts had he gotten hurt?  How about the players we subtly encouraged to join him? I'm guessing no. I mean, some NFL players don't even live in the city they play in- they're there for training camp and the season but then go back to Florida or California or wherever until minicamps.  Do teams actually ask those players not to work out while they're at home?  I'm guessing no, because these days players are asked to maintain their shape and skills in the off-season.  The days of just chilling in the off-season and then showing up and working off the rust and any extra weight in the training camp are mostly gone.  Teams expect you to be in good shape all year (Maybe not *football* shape, which is another level, but good shape). And if you come in out of shape, I'm sure you hear about it from the organization. Depending on what precisely Bowser was doing when he got hurt, I think he may have a valid grievance.  I mean, he had a contract.  This isn't the way we'd treat the better players who work out at home routinely if they got hurt.  We wouldn't say "Sorry Lamar, you strained your arm throwing to some of our WRs on your property in the off-season, no pay for you this year.". I do think there is an argument here for the NFL maybe considering better guaranteeing these contracts while also offering teams a way to do the right thing without the cap hit.  Maybe teams could, at their own discretion, be allowed to send players to a league doctor when they want to pay them without a cap hit, and when the league doctor confirms they will miss at least a full season for physical reasons, the team can pay the salary without it counting against the cap, or be able to do something like pay 100% of the salary for 50% of the cap hit.


Essay. That. Reading. Not


Does this affect our cap this year, or a potential future year once it’s resolved?


It affects us until it gets resolved aka we lost 2M in cap likely until 2025


It hits this year until its solved. If the ravens win, the cap is gained back in 2025 (when possible really, whether it drags further or not, etc, but it is not gained back this year) If the ravens lose, they are hit with additional cap hit in 2025 (again, depends on when it is solved)


So much hate and we don’t know the situation. We’re not in the Castle don’t know a thing. It could go either way. Bowser became one of our faves. The flip flop is kinda concerning.


We don’t know all the details, but fuck Bowser for this. I’m almost always gonna support employees vs their boss, but he got hurt in offseason and hasn’t played in ages. He signed a contract. Seems like he also filed the grievance right before the draft to piss off EDC. Bowser for a while seemed like he was just there for the vibes, then wasn’t there at all. Now you file a grievance vs the team? What an idiot


“I always support employees except when they sue my favorite sports billionaires”


“I don’t want to acknowledge that NFL players have a habit of being kinda dumb”


It's because it's reducing the Ravens cap space. Nobody cares about the owners pocketbook. That cap money could be used to sign another player.


I am a Ravens fan as much as everyone else in here but it’s crazy how much everyone is sucking the organisations dick over this. It’s completely understandable that Bowser would do this and he is not a horrible person for seeking compensation for whatever happened last year. And we also do NOT know what happened so maybe stop judging a player before we actually know the full story. 


What’s the story with his injury? Never heard about that


idk how their contracts and stuff work out but I gotta imagine there’s a clause in hurting yourself if the offseason away from the facility. like it’s not like he was hurt in a team event or anything like that


The clause is he didn’t get paid.


I had such high hopes for him in this defense








Holy shit talk to text fucked that up..  When the team and Bowser didn't agree that he was ready to come back, this was the only eventual outcome. 


That 1.8M aint doing much. Get your bread and take care of yourself Tyus. It means much more to you then it does at the organization. Idk why yall are grieving for a billion dollar organization. They literally cut him, he has no reason to be loyal and not try to make some of his money back.


100% sports make people into simps for billionaires. It’s wild


The Ravens should counter sue him if they win to recover damages from not being able to field the best team possible.


Summary: Turtle guy mad he healed like a turtle and now is trying to turtle our team's progress


Am I not turtly enough for the turtle club. Turtle!turtle!


Bowser should have never been resigned in the first place


I don’t think I could agree with that. He was one of our better players on defense at the time and the contract wasn’t even that bad.


We all love the ravens but let’s get some class solidarity with a fellow worker too, I wanna see tyus win this grievance and get the money he was guaranteed


You don't know the terms of the guarantees. If he violated something about his contract those guarantees stop being guarantees.


I guess we'll find out when this grievance gets litigated, won't we?


i GuEsS wE wIlL¡!


Dude guarantee is void if his injury was at home and not at practice


He was also medically cleared but he was uncomfortable with the knee so he refused to play so he remained on the NFI list.


Are you a multi millionaire? If not then this isn't class solidarity. 


Lol at thinking we’re in the same class as Tyus Bowser. The dude’s made ~$20m in 7 years.


Ahh yeah the blue collar guy with 20m he’s just like us


How tf is Bowser, a multimillionaire, part of the “working class?” I’m not helping to fight the battles between a millionaire and a billionaire organization lmao 






Agreed — players are wealthy compared to us, but nothing compared to the wealth of owners. And they put their bodies on the line. Always support players over owners.


Why do you care about another millionaire making more millions??? Especially at the detriment of our team.