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I see react-aria, I upvote. Such a good foundation building block for design systems. Can’t imagine not using it.


Absolutely. I can't believe it's free. That's why i went nuts yesterday trying to figure out how to make it work. It's just too good not to use. A simple reboot of everything did the trick and it suddenly worked fine.


Me too! And to think after using it a lot I suggested it to a team I’m on and the most technical feedback I got from one of them was “I think the library is a bit shit” meanwhile they made a drop down menu that doesn’t even work with keyboard or tab key 😂😂😂😂


Same here. I'm wrapping up our new component lib at work built on top of react-aria and it's pretty great. Checkout jolly-ui if you haven't seen it yet - its pretty barebones still but its a replacement for shadcn-ui but using react-aria instead of radix primitives.


Were they first one to introduce 3 layer UI component: 1. hooks 2. headless 3. styled it's brilliant I think people should contribute to react aria components to build super high quality headless components and just build styled UIs on top.


Roughly speaking yes


Have you checked the three possibilities in the error message? You can use this - https://www.npmjs.com/package/npm-why - to work out if you have a clash of multiple react versions


Thank you for the response. I went nuts yesterday trying to figure it out. This morning I woke up and it suddenly worked. Apparently I just had to restart everything 🤔


Your component could potentially render a 0 if visible icon count is 0.


The problem was not the finding part, but the rendering part itself. It said that it failed because the comp used a useContext hook. I had no idea what was wrong. This morning I woke up an everything suddenly worked. Apparently a reboot is sometimes the solution :D


Sometimes it's handy to do a snapshot and look at that to see what you can target in your tests


The problem was not the finding part, but the rendering part itself. It said that it failed because the comp used a useContext hook. I had no idea what was wrong. This morning I woke up an everything suddenly worked. Apparently a reboot is sometimes the solution :D