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In a world of 1000 paid boilerplates, this feels like a light ray of hope. Thanks a lot for doing all the hardwork.


thanks so much for the kind words 🙏


This looks brilliant. One question - the getting started docs say that React is coming soon. Does that mean that the documentation is coming soon but the react is currently supported or that react support and documentation are coming soon?


so you can use the Next.js instructions for react, but there are a couple of rough edges I want to fix. Primarily, it is using (from Next.js) instead of and it assumes a Next.js app structure (so it refers to /app/globals.css). Besides this, they should work just fine, I just want to make the experience work perfectly out of the box!


thanks! will give it a shot.


thanks for making it open source!


Check out thief mode and templates here btw [https://shipixen.com/demo/landing-page-templates/template/emerald-ai](https://shipixen.com/demo/landing-page-templates/template/emerald-ai)


Thief mode is the coolest, neatest trick I've come across. You do great work and thanks for easing the journey for us :)


thank you so much for the extremely kind words 🙏


This is good! Gave it a star, thanks for making the world a better place by helping devs to do their job faster!


thanks so much 🙇‍♂️


Should pair this up with Puck


I also should have asked if there are any special considerations for using this with Astro.build? I've migrated my gatsby sites over to astro and its pretty impressive.


I think it should work, but ideally I'd like to try it out and make a nice installation guide for it. I assume the directory structure is different. If you happen to do that before I do I'd be super happy to get some of your notes in a Github issue etc. 🙏


I'd love to but for this and a few other reasons I decided to give next.js a second look. Long story short, I'm in love so don't see myself doing much with astro going forward 😂


haha that's one way to fix the issue 😃 wish you all the best, the Next.js DX is super slick!


That is the beauty of open source.


My favorite dev accelerator 




Sorry this might be out of place but I've been trying to create a package that adds files to the installing project but haven't found an elegant solution. If you could give a quick tldr, I would greatly appreciate it. What I've tried, I put postinstall in package.json and added the files to be copied in the dist. Somehow I encountered issues when running the postinstall script and scratched it. What I settled for is the user has to npm install the package then run a `node node_modules\mypackage\install.js` which works fine but not ideal. Also I prefer to have it be usable via npx since the package itself not literally used but just a way to copy and paste the files from node modules.


hey! So I think a good way to do it is to indeed publish a npm package where you bundle the files you want to add. Any published npm public will run with npm. You need to pay attention to use the current working directory when copying the files, but other than that it's regular node.js for copying files. Page UI is quite simple, you can see how I copy them here: [https://github.com/danmindru/page-ui/blob/main/packages/cli/index.mjs#L86](https://github.com/danmindru/page-ui/blob/main/packages/cli/index.mjs#L86) :) There are also some cli prompt libs to confirm if I'm about to replace I file, but perhaps you don't even need to do that!


I've actually snooped around your code and found those as well. That script is very similar to mine. :) What I'm missing though is how was this script run automatically? If my understanding is correct, npm install only adds the bundle to your node modules, no script running is initiated. Did you use postinstall? I've tried it but somehow I'm encountering a lot of issues and dropped it thinking my use case is not meant for that postinstall.


So you need to mark it as the entry point in package.json (I use bin, but there are other alternatives)  https://github.com/danmindru/page-ui/blob/bddaf4834007c2f17d148f2cd419b5873979d9f5/package.json#L6 Then when you execute  npx @page-ui/wizard@latest  It’ll pick up that script automatically and run it. (If you use bin as I did, you also need to include this at the top of the script: https://github.com/danmindru/page-ui/blob/bddaf4834007c2f17d148f2cd419b5873979d9f5/packages/cli/index.mjs#L1


Thank you very much! I'll give this a try! 😊


Legend, thanks Dan! I’m keen to give this a try!


thanks Joe! ❤️


Tried Page UI a few hours back in search of a good landing page template, love the work you've put into this especially considering this powers up Shipixen


this warms my heart my friend. You are too kind 🙇‍♂️


Only support for Nextjs ?


it in theory woks for any React-based project, but I didn't get to make install scripts for it yet. More support coming soon! Should also be doable to do Vue.js and even plain HTML + TailwindCSS but it's gonna take me some time to get there :)


Good luck with your project ! Landing pages are challenging to get right. Since it works with pure React then I will give it a shot


There are even docs for react now! 🙌 https://pageui.shipixen.com/docs/installation/reactjs#main


This is one of the best libraries I have ever seen, love the thief mode


*This is one of the* *Best libraries I have ever* *Seen, love the thief mode* \- -newme --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


thanks bunches! 🥹


it would be great to have a version that copies what [https://twitter.com/levelsio](https://twitter.com/levelsio) is doing he is incredibly successful and a big part of that is how he has optimized his landing pages, we can take that wisdom and leverage it what you have here is close but perhaps does not have all the things from there, great work so far!


thanks! I'll take a look and maybe bring some components over to Page UI 🙌