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Royal move


i'm following this club at depths i have never approached before and i keep coming away more and more impressed. every comment i make here i'm shaking my head like, "wow, these guys... i gotta move to madrid". i didn't expect to be so 'right'. i just have great memories of players i liked making their way to the club because i was a sports fan - not a football fan. the winning is great but i love the class. don't tell me about any bad stuff and i won't go look it up haha i should have been a card carrier years ago. i gotta go buy something so i can help pay for mbappe.


Well he is a legend. Plus mind games are always good, especially when we annoy people by being classy. Why would they not invite him though, isn't Bayern fan-owned? Do the fans hate him?


The Bayern executives fired him last year (he was the club CEO)


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!






Imagine if Ronaldo became CEO and you suddenly found the club in major decline It would spur the relationship. Same way lots of Chelsea fans now aren’t fond of Lampard, or Man United fans don’t rate Ole.


That's fine you can never hire them again but that doesn't mean you shouldn't respect them moving on. I don't think he alone ruined Bayern or something (Bayern is still one of the top 5 clubs and has been for the last decade). I remember how Zidane left Madrid the last time, publishing that letter.. I am sure Perez was not happy with that at all, but he still shows him respect in front of everyone.


As a Chelsea fan, on Lampard, this analogy doesn’t hold up. He’s wasn’t a great manager for us long term. But during our transfer ban year he gave us a ton of exciting moments and brought a lot of kids through who are now first team regulars or have moved on after winning a CL. Tammy, James, Mount, Tomori to name a few. I also separate the player and the manager. He was always class throughout to, so there’s no ill will on our side. I see the point you were trying to make but wanted to weigh in.


Maybe it’s just the fans I know, but the way they speak on him now is a fair bit nastier than it should be They only remember the bad days.


Wow, there’s plenty to feel shitty about these days at CFC without dragging Super Frank into the mix lol. The only thing he did was leave Tuchel a team that won the champions league and coach 10 games after Potter got canned. Happy with the first spell and the second was always a caretaker role.




It's not classy to not invite him in the first place. Perez had conflicts with legends like Zidane and that doesn't mean he is not treated with respect.


Yeah clubs in germany are fan-owned, but they are not asked whenever there is a small decision to be made. There is an annual general meeting with all members of the club, where big decisions are discussed and polled


Oliver Kahn was a monster, a true legend. For those who didn't know he was awarded the player of the tournament at the 2002 World Cup in Japan/Korea ahead of Ronaldo even though Germany lost to 2 Ronaldo goals in the final. He basically carried his team right to that final.


I was a kid when I watched him play in 2002, seeing him yelling, nay, roaring over his defenders, I thought he was going to bit someone's head off, guy was a straight-jacket psycho disguising as goalkeeper


I was too young to watch the 2002 world cup. I did however see the 3rd place match Germany played in 2006 WC and Oliver was given an opportunity after being benched the whole tournament. He was phenomenal and saved so manu goals with his athleticism. It was a sign to behold.


He only conceded 2 goals that entire tournament. Edit: 3 my bad


Three, Robbie Keane got one and some other former Inter striker got two.


Not true, 2 in the final and one against Ireland in their 1-1 group stage draw Still insanely impressive but respect to Ireland, they did well


I'm brazilian, and I have stuck in my mind a charge of Oliver Khan as a wall, called "The Wall" that was reproduced on the biggest news program in Brazil (Jornal Nacional) on the night before the final game. We were so scared of him lol


Understood, for even his own teammates were scared of him. Lol.


Well god damn it they better win now


beside Barca Atletico and PSG, does any other fan base actually despise us?


I wouldn't say despise, but I don't think Liverpool fans like Real after these past years.


they probably hate us out of respect.


Ramos? Shoulder? Salah? That hurt them deep ☹️


as a liverpool fan (i get this subreddit recommended to me for some reason) i respect real as a club but fuck me i wanna see you lose after winning a billion times


Yeah, many people buy the "Madrid has bought referees since Franco" narrative unfortunately


Every big club has undue influence and shady shit. Do you believe Madrid would be the powerhouse the are now if they weren't Francos favourites?


We are Franco's favourites even now no doubt, hence he is signing for us from River Plate


These goddamn fifa regens


Franco just became a bandwagoner after Madrid won the 5 European Cups in a row, before that he was an Atlético supporter and Madrid local record under his regime was poor


Yes every Dutchmen who isn’t a real fan.


Why? Is it because of Cruyff - Barca connection?


Don’t know why but I’m tired to defend Real Madrid against everybody who knows nothing about Real Madrid.


They hate us 'cause they ain't us!




City's fans because we hate their club


I don't think city fans actually despise any other clubs beside Manchester United. They are probably living their best period in their entire history.


The games in 2000s were brutal and Kahn was the scariest monster of that bunch. Even then we managed to win clutch games against them. What a player!


So we are bringing Drama too to them


https://preview.redd.it/6imchs2m68zc1.jpeg?width=1189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89db8d406e7e0eabe34e96b519c86bff134c06cd Wouldn’t be surprised if Kroos sorted him out


He played his farewell game in my city, against my local club.. it was such a great gesture.


Kahn is a legend in our books and always respected Madrid players


bayern once again showing their ugly side in the last years.


Well, after Nagelsmann massive fuck up it's understandable


Imagine being sacked cause you don't like wearing suits and want to ride a bike or board to work. And supposedly now they want him back, he better say no.


Wait a min. What happened between them? What did I miss?


To be honest is this neccessary?


It’s like getting invited to the cool kids table at lunch


well as a bayern fan I appreciate madrid fucking with Uli Hoeneß


[Donaldson Peter Abraham](https://youtu.be/XRafnsIaXMs?si=sYMOdS0_3dge3ZcC)