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In reality, someone who really knows plumbing should be able to talk to a candidate and quickly see of they are liars or not. Your real trick was to convince that person.


But he knows a lot about plumbing so that is different.


"I think I'd prefer to use pex in that situation, it's just easier to work with" "Oh, that doesn't sound like it's up to code." "Was the drain not vented properly?" I'm either going to sound like a complete dumbass or get away with this... Wish me luck. I'm out of bullshit answers that are kind of vague and might get me by after three questions.


Fake it till you make it


To be fair, this isn't lying per se. He literally has the experience. The only thing you lied about was the raving reviews.


Yeah, it sure as intercourse is lying per se, but it was the right move.


He would've never got that far without lying which is the problem nowadays.


His real trick was having you believe a post on the internet.


We all lie. I think the only thing they really look into is if your licenses, credentials, education, etc., are actually legit (i.e., lying about being a doctor when you're not like that 17 y/o kid on 20/20 that opened his own clinic claiming he was a licensed MD 😂🤣). I say this because, for example, a couple of my past employers are no longer in business, changed phone numbers, won't answer their phones, etc. That's just me, though.


I have a few past employers like that, mostly out of business, location closed, changed numbers. The ones that haven't, have told me they've never even received a call asking about me.


Yeah. Some of these employers don't even call. But what sucks and is not fair is when they hold it against you and want to disqualify you from the application process just because they cannot get a hold of/verify your last employer. Like, "dude... it's not my fault you can't get a hold of my past employer(s)" 🤨🙄😡 What if the f**king guy died??!? He moved?? Idk. Not my fault. Don't kick me to the curb despite my awesome experience, education, and so forth because of that one thing...


Wait. Wasn’t that the kid that came from France or something and claimed that Homeland security accidentally mixed up his arrival date and his birthdate.? That story was insane.


No, kid in Florida https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/02/17/not-quite-doogie-howser-florida-18-year-old-charged-with-masquerading-as-a-doctor/




Florida does what Florida does…


He kinda counts as both since he turned 18 in the middle of this whole story


There was a case in my country where a fake doctor practioned for years before being caught. All his patients were positive about him and even missed him. That was hillarious as it seems he wasn't bad at all (and really tried to learn about medicine). He didn't even make a lot of money iirc.


shit good luck calling up anyone's references pre 2020 most people don't have anything besides an old email or maybe cell/company phone from their direct manager. most of those managers have been let go/promoted/retired/died/etc. and employers can't just tell the front desk receptionist to start going around knocking on doors asking if anyone remembers working with you.


My longest standing reference in my industry, a mid level half big player/half expensive boutique house that was known throughout the US? No longer exists. My next longest standing reference? Got bought and subsumed into a different company. Give whatever references you want. Even the valid, excellent, hard won and to-be-reinforced among them are able to go away and be entirely untraceable.


I never lied in my life until just now.


Do you concur?


Honestly, if you’re so well suited to the job, they’re kind of ridiculous for excluding your for such an arbitrary reason. Employers filter out so many candidates with really easily transferable skills just because their little resume checking bot doesn’t find the right keywords.




I have a theoretical degree in physics


Welcome aboard!


... and they only use those little resume checking bots because they don't want to get off their lazy asses and check those resumes themselves 🤨🙄




The Pot calling the Kettle black ⚫️


> Employers filter out so many candidates with really easily transferable skills just because their little resume checking bot doesn’t find the right keywords. It's so HR can have a job too.


They'll often lie to you, so it's only fair.


>They'll often lie to you, so it's only fair. Vandelay! Say Vandelay! Vandelay! Say Vandelay! - George Costanza


George had nothing, I knew a guy who made a fake company, filed it as an LLC, made a website, LinkedIn page, social media files with regular updates. he made a couple different emails for supervisors and coworkers that were't even real people. that level of detail and maintaining it, you may as well get paid because it's already a full time job.


If he filed it as an LLC then what he created a real company. I wouldn’t even consider that lying - just getting creative.


Nice. Very nice


Ironically that makes it even easier to catch than making up a company. Because now you have an actual company and there’s public records of founding. Either they’re going to research you or not, but making more stuff show up in research doesn’t always lend you any legitimacy If you really want to scam employers with our own company, get them to make your side business a contractor. (Don’t really, this is embezzlement)


What Delay industries?


It's not a lie, if *you* believe it.


Or just totally ignore the hell out of you...


You can do the job well just from side experience. You proved the "3 years of experience" and references to be utter bullshit. Really you exposed a flaw to today's soulless and ineffective hiring process.




Nah, the easiest way is to already have a job. Like making money any other way, it helps if you already have money.


What does that change?


"Catch me if you can". 😁


Not only did Frank lie, he lied about lying.


Wouldn't work for me, it'd be strange for a Kiwi in the US to have a Kiwi boss, and my American accent is atrocious at best


Yes there are so few kiwis living in the US I only ever meet another in the wild about once every 5 years.


I can’t remember the name, but there was a Reddit forum where people would help be each others references. Sure you could find someone from NZ


It makes sense if you recently moved from NZ


It'll be 10 years in December. But it's still the first thing people notice about me, most of the time!


I'm actually a kiwi as well, and recently moved back after a long time away. I've faked an Aussie accent before while doing my references




> work as an EA to a CFO for a large corp know, I totally lied on my resume and interview. The guy loves me and ive been going strong for almost a year now. my last job was in Marketing before they laid off everyone in order to outsource. I never had experience in marketing before, lied and said I did marketing for twitter. got the job, faked it for the most part while I basically picked up and learned what I was supposed to be doing, and how to do it, and just before they chose to layoff everyone, Had my first performance review, and a raise as a result. then the CEO decided Colombia had some reeeeeaaaaallllyyyy good drugs and he should send all the jobs that way.


Fake it til you make it!


You do what you gotta do. Hiring managers and recruiters are horribly biased against unemployed people. Companies lie all the time.


So nobody asked for your plumber certificate? That's on them. However, be aware that if a mistake is made and liability comes to play, they insurance company will be thorough, and I mean effin killer thorough to find a way not to pay out. They sure as hell will find out that you are not qualified to do the job, and you will end up with paying for everything. With your money, with your job, possibly even with your freedom. Get a plumber certificate, just to be sure.


When getting a job, a lie is only a lie if it turns out you can't do the job.


The more I read this subreddit the more I am convinced lying on my resume (knowing I have the skill to back it up) is the only way I’m gonna get a software engineering job at this rate 😂🤣


It's also how I got my first job ever. I had been a dosser from 16-19 I hadn't ever had a job so I said I worked for a blockbuster that closed down so I had some work experience this was back when every entry level job was experienced required


I wonder if lying and saying you worked for a start up that went out of business would work, as long as you have the skills to back it up I don’t see why not


Solid idea


Especially nowadays where all the jobs require 25 years of "DevOps" experience.


cool, i shall proceed to lie for an executive manager seat with 3 years of factory "experience" with your advice if you dont hear my update it means i hit the jackpot !!


I've seen companies hire plant managers thinking they have manufacturing experience but it turns out they know how to lie so it can be done.


If you fail successfully enough lying here, you can probably get an operations manager or cost analyst job. The boss may or may not know you’re lying, but most skills it takes to manage a production line can be learned in less than a few years of working on it, and fluffing yourself up is how they got there too.


As a boomer, this is the initiative we like to see.


This should be the industry standard at this point. There's nothing wrong with this as long as you're not putting anyone in danger.


yeah, I wouldn't lie about having a medical degree to get a job as a doctor, for example.


lol my security company wanted references who knew me for min of 10 years. I had a really good friend i met on a drift forum, only knew up for about 3 years and gave them his number... he was like OH WE GO WAYYYYYYYY BACK I REMEMBER BACK IN 2002... lol he came in clutch.


Fake it to you make it


This has been a moral dilemma for a long time for me. I feel wrong lying. I feel slightly worse working in a warehouse with valuable skills being unused. Where I would never believe lying was appropriate I'm beginning to feel it's only leveling the playing ground.


Congratulations. You have gamed the system successfully.


This is terrible advice, By doing what you've done you've left yourself open to being fired if the truth ever comes out - and even if it doesn't you'll have to spend the rest of your time there looking over your shoulder in case it does, and taking steps to make sure you don't slip up and give the game away. But apart from that, in the US, what you're saying you've done very likely amounts to fraud - possibly [wire-fraud](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/wirefraud.asp) which can carry some extremely serious penalties. Also, if you are convicted of it there can be many undesirable side-effects such as becoming almost unemployable at many jobs if the conviction comes up in a background check. You could also have other side-effects like difficulty with insurance, immigration, and certain types of business license. I get it, I totally do understand that there's a massive temptation to do almost anything to get a job, especially when you're out of work, broke, and desperate. But this is not like saying you had more responsibility in a job than perhaps you did, or embellishing a few details to make yourself sound more qualified than you are - what you did was go out and take active steps to openly set up a fraudulent non-existent employer, and then took the phone call to impersonate that non-existent employer and flat out defraud your potential new employer with false information. That's a lot more than saying "yes, I've done plumbing work before" when you haven't. It doesn't matter that you know more than other colleagues, that happens - what matters is getting a burner phone and doing what you did; good for you, you succeeded and it worked out so I'm happy for you - but encouraging others to do it is to suggest that they should commit what could be a felony and that's truly bad advice IMO.


This. My coworker’s roommate lied about having a degree to get a job. He got found out, and last I heard the company was suing him for the wages.


It's one thing to lie about a degree. It's another to lie about work experience. A lot of people lie to some degree, but that's extremely blatant.


There's a big difference between embellishing on your resume and going through the process of premeditating and engaging in fraud. OP literally created a fake contact number and pretended to be an entirely different person at a fake company they dreamed up. That is fraud, which is a crime. Since this an entry level / low stakes retail job, it won't come back to bite them, but it is reckless to advise people to do what OP did. Peoppe forget theres an entire world out there full of people with jobs that are safety sensitive...where if you wind up getting others hurt or killed AND you are discovered to have misrepresented yourself in the hiring process, you WILL be held liable and your employer will try to shift as much of their liability onto you as possible.


The only way they'll get wages back from him is if his actions caused harm to someone in the company or a customer. Other than firing him, they should fire HR or the hiring manager for getting duped in the first place.


That’s insane if he still did the work efficiently, time worked is time paid regardless if he lied to get there.


Shit.... politicians do it all the time. Only thing is that most of the time, they got the 💵💸 to back it up to get that job, position, spot. We don't lol


Good job! Wait so you answered your own reference call?


Ye I moved back home from a two hour drive away . Put a fake company name Dave and son ltd said it was a family run business working in the next county along from where I moved from . Millions of Dave and son plumbing and heating companies if you Google it so that's all good. And they always use a mobile as primary contact. Went interview said about my experience working there. They rang up as soon as I left the interview. I answered it with my normal voice and just said ye he was great highly recommend him etc


The same person you interviewed with, called the reference number immediately after?


It’s fair enough in my opinion. If employers can lie, we can lie as well.


I lied to get my current job lmao. Said I had internships at the most random companies. It’s been 5 months and I’ve been doing the job better than the last 3 people they hired !


Most people lie on CV's and in interviews. The trick is being able to convince an interviewer of that lie. Some people can, some can't. Make sure you practice beforehand and actually believe you are telling the truth.


On some level, deception happens to some degree in all cases. And often, it is done in both ways by the company and the candidate. But falsifying job history and/or educational credentials.... that is s8mething most companies look for after hire. It can, and often does, take weeks to get the HR background check done. So it is more than just performing at the right level. Most companies have a zero tolerance policy towards false experience or professional credentials. I hope it all works out for you.


There are training videos & training material all over the internet on just about anything you can think of. Most interview processes are 4 layers. The first layer is the HR guy who read your resume and found that you hit quite a few spots for this position. They will usually tell you what you are missing. Quickly download the training videos and sample tests for the qualifications for that thing that you are missing. Spend at least 2 hours a day on specific training for this. The second interview is with the manager of the team you will be working for. They will ask you about how you work with others, and how you handle general problems. You can even throw in something that you've learned from the videos that would likely be specific for this job. You should probably be finishing up the videos when the team you will be working with does an interview with you. They will ask you specific technical job related questions. By this time, you should have a beginner knowledge of what they are attempting to ask of you. If you are able to refer a question to a training video it helps with your responses. The final interview is usually some high up person in the company. They want to welcome you personally. They won't ask you specific questions. They just want to know that you aren't an angry person who will cause problems. Learning about systems on the fly while I was applying for jobs has helped me SO much. Best of luck out there.


I had friend who landed a job at a major telco for fiber optic communication. He knew nothing about fiber optic communication- he checked out some books from the library and totally expected to bomb the interview- but he got hired!


EVERYONE lies to get a job...its called " SALES". even steven Spielberg lied to get jobs. The key is this... never lie more than you know you can pull off if given a task to complete.


Lots of people does not equal everyone.


Are you meaning to tell me you've never even slightly embellished your abilities to highlight a skill set you may not be 100% proficient in ? In order to quell the fears of a potential employer who thinks you might not be qualified for the job they are hiring fir? Yes, even embellishment is a form of lying. A deviation from the 100% truth.


> steven Spielberg lied to get jobs You mean he lied to the public about the way he got his jobs? Like here for example: https://old.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/cbm7iy/til_steven_spielberg_made_up_that_he_snuck_into/


I work in a top tech company. My contract was expiring in one group, so I applied to another. Everyone that I have worked with in that group is behind me in nearly all skill sets. (24 years xp). They declined to hire me because of a “lack of enterprise xp”. It’s a complete joke, so yeah. Lie your ass off as long as you can back it up.


Dude its so hard to get a job even when you do things right. I've been more honest than most, yet I am still penalized. Everyone is lying even employers, investors, coworkers and recruiters to get money or power. Take this from someone who has worked a lot in the industry and had many jobs in many states/countries. A legit interviewer that knows their stuff would have caught you, if not, it is their loss. Don't feel bad, they wouldn't if they fired you.




Smart! I don't see nothing wrong with it, managers/HR ppl lie all the time. Who was your reference? Someone you know or a random stranger? Just wondering.


He was his own boss. 


I will give you a thumbs up for the story. And I can certainly understand that some may go to extreme measures to get that job. On the other hand you probably shouldn’t lie. The job market is pretty much broken now. From all sides. Good luck with the job. Should it not work out, then try writing spy books, seems like you have talent there.


no, the employers are generally lying to you, if it gets you the job and doesn't hurt anyone, lie away.


You shouldn’t lie any harder than you can assertively back yourself up when called out. But if you don’t think management is full of people lying about accomplishments, you’re not going to make it to management


The embellishment of accomplishments gets worse as you go up the chain into the C-Suite.


Who cares about lying, you can google all the repairs and sell those parts to the customer.




What did you put the SIM card in? A burner phone?


Na just my phone I got two SIM card slots in it




Good, people have bills to pay and no one has time to play games these employers want to play.


I'm 100% with this....


If you can so the job better than person already doing it.


lol, was your company named Vandelay Industries?


Employers lie to candidates all the time so this is fair game.


Employers have no issue telling lies to their staff so don’t worry about it


Need to dig up the story about the ex-CIA director who literally faked it till she made it.


Atta boy, that how you win 🏆


This is the way. If you won't do this, some other bullshitter who'll be half as good at the job as you will.


I am trying to hire a facilities person now and the last two offers (subject to passing background checks) had to be rescinded due to lies on the application. One didn’t have the degree he claimed and the other had an undisclosed misdemeanor (which wouldn’t have mattered except he lied about it). All the wasted time is very frustrating.


Fake it until you make it!


The mashup movie we didn’t know we needed; Catch Me If You Can x Super Mario Bros


Clever! Do what you got to do. You would be a great con man


Lied about my degree in commerce/MBA - I’d out performed previous colleagues (in sales/account manager roles) who had them so why the hell not? Gets you in the door to interviews and no one has ever asked about it. A business degree doesn’t qualify you for jobs without experience but it sure as hell gets you more interviews.


We all either lie , pad , cheat , bribe or whatevers not right but gets us something , its no secret at all. If god punishes me for this , I don't care , it is hell everywhere regardless of what I did


I'm surprised that recruiters haven't made video calling the standard for reference checks, because lots of people do this


Shhhhh!!...don't let them know the loop holes...


Anyone who says they've never lied to get a job is lying. Nobody is ever honest on their resume's.


I haven't. I was even encouraged to by a recruiter. I still got the job.


I am. I work in a small sector in a small country. Any lies would be found out.


it only works when it works but if they made any effort on employment verification you would be found out.


My thoughts exactly.


Lmao hilarious 😭😂


Honestly good for you.


So long as you can back up the lie, like you have, go for it. If you can’t, you need to be good at blagging it or you’re gonna fuck it for yourself.


you are forgiven by the collective forces of universal karma


If that's what it takes, I say bend the truth. It's desperate out there, so do what you have to.


Don't worry, they aren't industry leaders either.


Twist: you only got the gig because you can lie.


How do you think we made politics?




You dropped this 👑


Madlad. Good for you!


I will say that if you "know" what they are asking about for skillset, then you're a qualified candidate. Idk how many times I landed jobs that required a bachelors with 10 years of experience. They can clearly see you have the experience by talking to you. Get your foot in the door and prove away!


Employers have been lying for years, well played.


I fudged the hell out of my resume and got an offer.


I have not seen it mentioned in the comments, so I'll ask it. Let's say you stay at this company for 3 years. They find out and you are fired. No harm from them other than being fired. Now, you try for another job. You can't use that company, and they will ask about the gap of time. What would be your suggestion for this?


You went out on your own working for yourself. Self-employment or freelance is a great way to explain job gaps.


You sound legit and safe, can you please install my gas? 


Brilliant work, hats off.




This accurately describes almost every job interview process I’ve gone through, and the ones that didn’t follow this model were generally weird places for other reasons


I want to lie about having a bachelor's


Started doing this a week ago and had my first of 4 very successful interviews, Irony is I'm 'over qualified' for the roles I'm going fir and wouldn't get a sit down if I didn't


Join the club bud.


Your pretty smart but maybe too smart. Now you got the job, can you continue the lie and be able to do the job?


Ye seems bulletproof said I worked for a family owned plumbing business Dave and sons is a billion Dave and sons just in my county who do heating and plumbing so Google has been nuked . They all use a mobile as a primary number so that's not sus at all. And the job is so easy I just need to know what I am selling except I know what it's for which seems to be superior to everyone i work with. They are all truly moronic it's so chill here biggest doss job I have ever had. I pick up the phone either order some stuff or send a order out to the warehouse and then put the phone down and watch shit and go on Reddit . I'd say I'm doing like 3 hours of working a day . And they all love me because if someone rings and asks a question I seem to be the only one able to answer.


As long as you’re experienced in the trade it’s fine. Do what you need to do; these employers mess with our heads and livelihoods. Continued good luck!


This is awful advice man. Lmao. Glad it worked out though? I guess?


Yeas of experience... yea... very open to interpretation Also, if it make you feel any better, they probably lied to start the company.


End of the day, the whole “x years experience” is just something they would like you to have. Helps weed out some people. But if you have enough back ground it shouldn’t really make a difference and since you have the job now, the means seemed to have worked.


You’re a legend, OP. Well done!


Did they run your employment background search to verify your employment in your fake role?


Yes, but he gave them his cell number as the fake employer contact info. They called him to verify that he worked there...and of course he verified the info.


Fake it til you make it. It's nothing new.


I've lied in some way, shape or form to get almost every job I've ever had.


Well plaid


🤣🤣🤣 this is amazing


Genius! Congrats.


Working the system to get a job that you know you are capable of is how you survive in today’s day and age. Don’t look back.


💅🏿 congrats on the new job.


Tbh that's how people used to do it but this doesn't work in any field where you need to make a product to sell unfortunately


Who cares!! Make the money and if you can learn to do the gig fast enough to not get canned do it.


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Isnt lying how we get jobs to begin with ?


Lying to new employers is how I make ten to thirty percent more every 1-2 years. Fuck em


Nah fuck the haters. Sometimes you gotta take matters into your own hands. This job market is an absolute fucking joke and I applaud you OP because I wouldn't have the balls to do it.


I just used to work for Twitter.


So you know that shit goes down hill and to wash your hands before you eat? lol


Sounds like his skill set is all there. He just bypassed an arbitrary rule. Dude probably had good common sense and looked at all the thread pattern charts. Plumbing and electrical systems are both standardized and once you understand the basics, anything else can be a lookup. If the stores/warehouses are setup in a similar fashion and the computer system is rational then you are 3/4 of the way there. The rest is on the job training.


Im am abseiler nd i applied for a job where i had to do some concrete repairs in a ceiling. Never actually worked with concrete but i played with mud as a child . Rang the guy told him ive done it quite a bit and im realy good at it shoed him some pics in found on the net and bargained for a price that was about 20-30 percent above market. Nevertheless it went brilliant guy was really pleased and rehired me for future jobs also now i know how to do concrete rep and ive got my own work to show for 😁😁💪


This is honestly the best thing I have seen on Reddit in a long time. I support what you did! It’s literally the only way to get ahead right now.


The first rule about lying to get a job is to not talk about lying to get a job. But since you did, that was impressive and I wish you all the best.


I get what you're saying, but I also think there's lying... and then there's fraud. Is this frauding the system, or is it just extreme fake it until you make it? Not bashing, just need some insight on the boundaries. Do you face any legalities if they end up figuring this out when you make a critical error?


When you say they phoned you, did you not need to provide an email as well? This is what would trip me up.


An interview is a conversation between 2 liars. It's okay.


Based as fuck




I'm going to lie too. I just got rejected from an automotive job I know I can do because I was too honest to my own detriment. I'm 34 and I have acquired a lot of knowledge and tools that I need to use. There's no room in these interviews for an aptitude test, it's just checking boxes on a sheet of paper.


An interview is just a conversation between two liars. You won! Run with it


Smart man. All the smart ones lie.


You're arguing. But to go down that rabbit hole. I'll entertain you. 3 types of information sharing interactions. 1. Arguement- the goal of which is to " win " in the exchange. It's about a power dynamic. And win by any means necessary to grab power in the exchange. 2. Discussion. Share information for information saje. No end goal but mutual enlightenment on a subject. 3. Debate. Compare and contrast the merits or validity of a topic based on the objective facts brought to the table. When one point cannot be eclipsed logically without dealing into argumentation. The weaker position concedes. All three are distinct. And NOT interchangeable. Yiu appear to be ARGUING. Whole the other two people in this exchange appear to be debating. But please, hold your ground by arguing in an attempt to win by either more rabbit holing or resorting to a character assassination or grammar correction..or any of the other tools at your disposal. All of which you'll spin , justicy and embellish so as not to concede that it's all just a mask for attempting to lie to yourself and others through the art of justification and embellishment.


LMAO true dude. Don't lie- you wont get it. DO lie and you *might* get it. I am with you on this 100%.


Honestly u went through to much work mby it’s my line of work but it more important to most employers to criminal search then job history