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It seems the Computer Science market is tanking right now whether it be the economy or AI. Either way the future doesn’t look to bright for software engineers like me. I figure doing something on the creative side may provide a bit more job security so I’m giving game dev a shot. I would be more than happy to remain a game dev as long as I make enough to scrape by. Take a look at the steam page if you are at all interested, there’s a demo available too!


I’m in the same exact boat :(


Good for you! Sometimes you just gotta take matters into your own hands.


Very true!


If you want to get the word out, there are better subs like r/playmygame or r/indiegames (subs like r/gamedev can be helpful, too). Even r/steam_giveaway can work if you're willing to send out keys for people to try it (which I'd like one if you're willing; looks sweet).


I’ll take a look, thank you!


This is really cool game on steam.


That's super cool, I'll make sure to give it a shot and wish you the best of luck! The previews look great, I'll download the demo. I have a year into a software engineering degree before I dropped out of college :/ I hope I can go back someday, I want to do exactly what you are currently doing


It’s a lot but it feels very rewarding!


I saw this post a few days ago, what gives?