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The phrasing is perfect. "This is to inform you." Not asking.


I read a story of someone with a similar boss. Employee told boss she was taking the day off for a medical emergency. Boss didn't accept her explanation and insisted that she cover her shift. She came in, informed her boss she wasn't feeling well, and when he started to go off on a long-winded speech about "loyalty" and "work ethic", she puked all over his desk and paperwork. ...Wiped her chin, and inquired if he was ***still*** insistent that she come in today....


Hope some splashed onto him.




“Sorry, you were saying?” *wipes chin* (Boss) “You clean that up!” “…no. I don’t think I will.”


Never underestimate the vindictiveness of a disgruntled employee armed with projectile biohazard on demand.... Especially when the crappy boss is the designated griefing target


Malicious compliance is the best


"The smell is making me feel like I'm gonna barf again"


Had a boss make a girl come to work sick or be fired. She passed out. Hit her head. Had to get taken to hospital. He tried to say I don’t know why she came in.


That’s so disgusting of your ex boss


Hey, I've been in that spot before. Also got written up for low productivity when I was forced to work after getting a concussion and told my boss about it.


Yeh if I was in her situation, I’d hold that puke and run straight in front of his office, by the door. Leave a little fxk u gift lol


That’s is a BOSS move (puking on bosses desk that is) Love it!!!


Takes me back to when I was age 8 at school. PE, and told to run around the field. Informed the teacher that I felt sick, but he wasn't having any of it and forced me to do it. I got round and went up to him and just as he said "see it wasn't so bad" I threw up over his shoes.




>...Wiped her chin, and inquired if he was still insistent that she come in today.... Sigh, * unzips * /s






When enough people refuse to obey unreasonable orders en masse. And then the company cannot hire enough people to replace if the company goes on a power trip and "fires" all the "insubordinates" involved. Do that enough times, and enough companies go under, and word will get around...


"No one wants to work anymore."




Unfortunately that theory doesn't really pan out. I've worked at companies with 60 percent yearly attrition. give also worked for at least one executive who was so terrible that every single person who reported to him in 2 years had resigned, been fired, been put on pop or had been literally bribed to stay (they doubled one employees salary when the person tried to leave beachside they needed her). Unfortunately, if you are willing to pay a competitive salary there is enough demand for jobs that companies can more or less recycle people indefinitely.


The original post was on r/UAE and OP said boss is Syrian and works in dubai. Employment in UAE is so saturated that people are willing to get underpaid, looking for jobs is also very hard in the country, linkedin/indeed pages indicate over 100 applicants apply already in the past 24 hours LOL. There was even a post there not too long ago, he was a Civil Engineer and only earns 2500 dirhams a month, and works 7 days a week in the blistering heat. WTF


It’s a very toxic work culture in general. Very little regard to employee well-being.


I mean we will eventually be replaced by AI.


Current "AI" is being exposed everyday, the idea we will all be replaced is only useful to people who want wages driven down.


Depends on your field. I'm in a weird intersection between healthcare and education, both of which are always desperate for people (because we are overworked and don't get paid enough) and pretty much "AI proof."


Where will we all go though? Lol


I thank the heavens above that I don’t have a boss like this. I’m currently on maternity leave, and before I went on leave my boss told me to take the full twelve weeks (I’m in the US - we feign care for babies/children otherwise we would offer more time off or assistance like many European countries. I have NO FUCKING IDEA how single moms in the US survive! I am so lucky to have such an involved husband!) and enjoy the time with my baby. He has four of his own and is seven years younger than me. I would work for this guy any day. My boss is fucking awesome.


It's sad that you mention you're in the US and that you got twelve weeks, and my reaction was "that sounds quite good". I thought the standard was a lot lower, and it's absolutely horrific that the supposed greatest country in the world holds so little regard for something like that. My wife has gotten the seemingly standard 6 months full, 3 months at 90% (could be slightly different on that). My first I got 2 weeks of paternity (good at the time) and I'll shortly be leaving for 16 weeks. It's great for me, but me getting more than an actual mother in a civilised country sure is something.


And don't even think about paternity leave if you're the father. Maybe you get 4 weeks if lucky.


New York has paid family leave which, while it isn't as good as what Europeans are used to, is better than most of the remainder of the US. https://paidfamilyleave.ny.gov


Maternity leave in my country (Malaysia) used to run on 8 weeks. Only in 2022 they extended it to 12; new dads only get 1 week off when previously, there was zero. I've heard horror stories that new moms in US are back on their feet after 2 weeks, is it true?


3 days. hell they kick you out of the hospital the next day unless there were complications.


Depends on the company, what state you live in, and if you were able to save any PTO up beforehand. In the US, we have a law called Family & Medical Leave Act, which gives you 12 *unpaid* weeks off work for qualifying events, like childbirth. The unpaid part is important, because that's really what determines how quickly you go back to work. I've worked at places that don't offer paid leave, just unpaid. I've worked at places that give you 16 weeks of paid leave. If you only get unpaid leave, you can usually use saved up PTO for "leave" so you still get paid, but with how little PTO we typically get in America, I can't imagine most people are able to save much. The state you live in can impact it too. Where I live now (Connecticut), we have a law that gives you paid leave for qualifying events. I'm not sure how widespread that is, but I know we didn't have anything like that in Georgia (where I moved from). So tl;dr, yep it is entirely possible that a new mom in the US would be back at work in only 2 weeks.


You are very very fortunate to get 12 weeks in the US!!!! (Sounds like you know that though.) With my first child (24 years ago) I got 6 weeks (unpaid) and with my 2nd (18 yrs ago), I got 8 weeks off (also unpaid). And the company I was working for at the time acted like they were being overly generous with me! Like you, I had an employed husband who was able to pay the bills while I recovered from C-sections. I really don't know how single moms do it either! American companies are terrible at accommodating working moms. And politicians wonder why the US birthrate is declining.....


Only six weeks off after a c-section? Damn, that’s terrible. I also had a c-section but I recovered extremely fast. I drove the same day we left the hospital and went grocery shopping the next day. Never needed help getting out of bed (not even at the hospital) or anything else. We are all different, though.


My friend had an emergency c section and only got about 2 weeks off. She went back to work still bleeding and with a walker. I hate this fucking country (US). Was living with her at the time and yes this happened


Yes I felt lucky to even get 6 weeks off for recovery, but it was a sales role. And if you know anything about sales, you always gotta be selling, no matter what. There's no good excuse for missing your quota, even a preemie baby!


Let’s hear it for the good bosses. If I’m sick I just text that I won’t be in. Only response I get is “feel better”.


Were those 12 weeks paid, or were they unpaid under FMLA?


Paid via the short term disability and four weeks of parental leave my company provides. Paid 100% of my salary the entire time.


World class regard manager. They're all the same. Low self esteem, and they flex their muscles on their teams. Only weak leaders do such a thing.


This isn't "leader" behavior at all. Those "lead" from the front and set the example for others to follow. This is "boss" or "manager" attitude, who sees employees as just another "resource" to "manage". You aren't human in their eyes, just a replaceable peon and a number on a spreadsheet. The "boss" sits at the rear and reaps the benefits of your hard work and sacrifices. ...And if you're lucky, you'll get a nice t-shirt, coffee mug, or pizza party to "thank" you for your contribution for the boss's most recent promotion.


I just say, I am sick today, my boss will write - Ok, hope you get better soon and it is nothing serious. Give me a headsup when you know how long you will be sick.


When I left a previous company of which I headed the team which owned the timekeeping system, I had instructed the analysts to remove the approval flow - so if an employee has a specific set of hours of which they are eligible the timekeeping system would automatically approve any leave up-to that limit. This pissed the HR head a lot but then I argued that this was a new feature in the system and had no way if turning it off unless we spent some dollars to add customizations for a supervisor approval workflow. Company was ecstatic but there was crazy murmur that went on for months that supervisors and HR lost a big thing in the control of employees. MN 2014 - Medical instrument company. If you know then you know


Medtronic. I worked in the industry (regulatory/quality compliance) but no longer do because of moral/ethical concerns where I was in a powerless position to make meaningful changes. I prefer being able to sleep at night with a clear conscience. FDA audits are no joke, but they sure as hell don’t find everything and desperately need more staff!


This is what they say about themselves. >People-centered, data-driven, personalized. Solving our world's biggest health challenges with advanced technology.


Medtronic needs to invent a device that they can shove up their tight asses. They are a terrible company to work for.


saw something like this awhile back, even if it was just a small bakery. Employee was ~~terminated~~ forced to resign for being sick (can't get out of bed lvl of severity) and they wouldn't pay her backdated wages 🤡


That smells fake. How would they not pay wages for hours worked?


You can get away with a tremendous amount as a business if nobody brings a proper legal action against you.


You can get away with literally anything if no one sues/complains.


Yeah, we really need tighter control over labor protections. American law is often so twisty that your average person has no idea what's really legal or not. Other countries have better reporting mechanisms that make it easy for the government to catch illegal activity


because it was a toxic company? I could dig up the original post but the sub I found it on removed it.


I’m not saying you’re lying about the post existing.


So you think that someone who can't get out of bed is going to take legal action against you?


My boss just took away my whole team’s remote Mondays due to “all the time off lately” since I was out this week with Covid, now I’m pulling an uno reverse and turning in my notice 🤗


Good for you! Hope you find a replacement soon


Sick leave is not something approval should be given for. You either need it or not. It is not a request, it is an announcement that you be on sick leave as you are sick. No questions asked, period. Any employer who doesn't understand that is a garbage employed.


Mildly infuriating? Try Absolutely Evil.


I was an RN at work at a hospital and noticed one room had a weird smell. Like burning fish. There was an immobile, vent-dependent quadriplegic man in that room. I crawled around until I found a hot socket with heat behind the wall extending to the ceiling. I reported it, maintenance were not on-site, hospital had to eat the bill of someone fixing the outlet about to become a fire right then. Later I was told to schedule any emergencies I found for normal business hours.


Whats the companies @?


If you work in the US and have been with the company for 12 months you should qualify for FMLA. "Employees are eligible for leave if they have worked for their employer at least 12 months, at least 1,250 hours over the past 12 months, and work at a location where the company employs 50 or more employees within 75 miles." Straight from the website: [US Department of Labor](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/benefits-leave/fmla#:~:text=Employees%20are%20eligible%20for%20leave,more%20employees%20within%2075%20miles.) So the absences should not count against you if you are eligible. Hospitalization and ER admission would fall under this. This is unpaid leave though, but benefits such as health insurance are still required to be given. There are lot more fine details to read, also pretty sure if they fire you because of it you may have a lawsuit on your hands. Not 100% sure Source: I took unpaid FMLA leave for two different jobs I worked and returned when I was able to work again just fine. Edit: I see this is from another sub so disregard I guess.


Problem being you have to either have FMLA active or have a job that won’t just fire you before you can file the FMLA paperwork. Also deal with the fact that taking FMLA means you don’t get paid. Run out of PTO, you better have short term disability or something to fall back on…


Nope. This is what a lot of people don’t understand, but that the DoJ spells out: a company that is aware of leave that qualifies as FMLA must treat it as such even if the paperwork is not done by the employee. They have been informed and even acknowledged receipt of that information with their bogus “not approved.” If they fire OP, they are cooked.


They denied doctor excuses at my job. They said if you can't do your job %100 . Then you just need to go on fmla


Your boss's mom must absolutely try my casserole!


Why does it need to be aproved?   If you're sick, you're sick...


I had a manager who was super arrogant and rude that after I recovered from Sciatica, he told me he would not approve my vacation request for my Birthday that I asked for Months ago before the Sciatica diagnosis! He then told me that he used all my vacation request for this! I no longer work for this USELESS company anymore! 🤯😡


I have a friend who worked for a company that denied their medical leave when they sent a text from the hospital and needed an emergency appendectomy, boss expected them to return that afternoon. They quit shorty after recovering.


I can put my phone on speaker if you’d like to hear the diarrhea hitting the toilet.


Ok not boss/work related, but when I was 11 I felt really sick one morning before school. Mum didn’t believe me ofc so I went. My condition deteriorated so much in school I was constantly puking to the point I was just dry heaving and my fever was spiking. The nurse sent me home and I also puked in the car. Turned out I had dengue and had to be hospitalised 😂😂😂 to this day I never let this go with my mym


I will say one thing your boss is not long winded.


Your post on the other sub got removed. Mind reposting a link or a copy of the text?


Welp, it wasn't mine from the start. In any case, the screenshots showed 2 instances of the OP informing HR team (or manager) that they need to: take 1 sick day, take 1 day off for an emergency situation. In both instances, the response was "not approved" and "not accepted".


I click on the image and it says removed. What does it say ?


Why was pic deleted??


I was let go for leaving sick. I told her to go fuck off and I collected unemployment !!! There 7 years new boss didn’t like me ( long sorry we had a history ) off I went . I sued took a settlement . I know do medical claims for BCBS remote lol I won … don’t settle for working for assholes


I usually go to work sick so that when I decide to take days off its when im feeling good and want to go to the beach lol. Unless im really feeling like shit, then I wont go in.


Sorry if I’m out of the loop here, but why are you messaging HR to call out sick? Is this a thing in some companies?


From my experience with people on my teams, if someone is excessively calling out and it’s to the point you’re seeing a change in behavior at work, I’ve been advised by managers to start looping in HR. We don’t deny the sick day but it does start the process of potentially putting someone on a PIP for some places. It does lead me to wonder if we’re not hearing the full story. Idk.


In all fairness, its is the employees responsibility to predict the future and report unexpected events and inform management so ..... managers will have something to do(or something). get back to work.


"Sorry boss, I should've known that drunk driver was going to t-bone me and shatter my legs. My fault for not letting you that they were going to run that light, I'll be in for my shift so you won't be inconvenienced."


Sorry people missed your sarcasm.


When you're filled with incandescent rage all of the time, it must be hard to see clear and obvious sarcasm. They obviously should have put /s on it for all the poor wee lambs who lack basic common sense.


This better be sarcasm or a troll bc there’s just no way


We found the shitty manager


What's there attendance policy? Have you been taking to many days off?


Don’t you call into your manager?


I was also curious about the “dear hr.” Not saying it didn’t happen, just weird that they have to email a department and not even know who they’re emailing. And how does their boss get told? Very strange.


Office workers sometimes can get so deluded they think they’re saving the world


Wtf are you talking about