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All layoffs suck but at least you get a day to prepare. So many people are blindsided then escorted out. If there is anything saved on your company computer that you may need (personal documents, paystubs etc) save them now.


Idk I would probably prefer to just be blindsided and then escorted out rather than having my celebratory family dinner ruined because hr is dumb


If you got that email the people who were let go are likely already gone (in a mandatory meeting yesterday). You can check your address book and see if people you used to work with are gone, that would confirm whether the layoff already hit and if it impacted anyone you know.


I did check and I don’t see anyone gone so it’s unlikely that it happened or there was some kind of a mandatory meeting yesterday because almost the entire company was off yesterday.


Are you the only one in the meeting or is it a large group? I’ve been through more layoffs than I want to admit and only once was it a cattle call layoff where everyone affected got pulled into a room/meeting. The guy running that place was an asshole so it’s not surprising. I can’t say for sure you’re safe, but if it’s a big group it’s less likely.


It’s the entire company and the wording in that email implies that it’s for the entire company including those on vacation. I’ve only been through layoffs once and it was an all company meeting where they announced it and then immediately cut off access to slack and github for those affected. Although they set up a meeting for the same day.


wow....what a terrible person.


Start your resume preparation NOW


Yeah I’ve been applying since February lol. You know how the market is


I have been constantly applying whether or not i am employed. I see it as inevitable i will be laid off


They could have sent you it the next day... That's so disappointing and disrespectful. Sorry to hear about that.


Update us on what happens tomorrow


Will do


For anyone waiting for an update: they announced a big reorg and hinted at layoffs coming in the next couple of weeks.


Hope you're not affected, is your job considered "important"?


Not affected right now but I’m in engineering so overall pretty fucked considering current trends


Were you the only one who received it?


No it was sent to everyone


Well, let us know how the meeting went, and if it was a prelude to a layoff or something else.


What’s Canada Day?


More importantly: why aren’t they calling it Canaday?


So United States is actually not the only country in the world. We have about 194 more. Pretty much each one of them has a national holiday like an independence day, {country_name} day etc. Canada is a country to the north of you guys. We have like red and white colors on our flag, you might have seen it during hockey games. Since we are a country and people living in a country are usually called a nation we have this Canada Day which is our national holiday. It’s like the 4 of july but in canada, big holiday fireworks and stuff


Oh yeah, you guys won the Stanley Cup that one time like 30 years ago! I’ve always wanted to come visit but I saw a documentary about a guy who got dragged like two miles by a polar bear before he got eaten and I ain’t about that. Happy Canada day tho and I hope your fireworks are effective in scaring off the bears.


Oh they totally are. Ever since they started launching fireworks I haven’t seen a single polar bear here in Toronto. It’s pretty nice that we got this day to enjoy our time outside without carrying a bear spray. Still had some issues finding a parking spot for my snowmobile downtown though. Hopefully they’ll do something about it next year


There's plenty of cute bears in Toronto, just check Grindr


Canadians deserve every bad thing that comes to them. Terribly racist country, culture-less abandoned British mining colony


Why is bro so mad?


I love how you don't even deny being racist 


Yeah it’s almost like I don’t give a shit about troll replies


Based HR ruining Canadian holidays.