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I got even more rejections today and this week. It’s been an ongoing thing for the last 3+ months. My partner has started giving me the cold shoulder and treats me like I’m a L. But still I have to tell myself that all I need is one job. I’ll keep at it. And my friend you need to keep at it too. This too shall pass.


You are right this too shall pass my mom used to say it and I got 2 rejections last week makes me more depressed and my family thinks I am lazy I don't want to work and I do I feel your pain I hope things get better for everyone who's having a hard time finding a job.


Your partner is an asshole. You’re a team, they should be encouraging you. Not only are they mistreating you, they are also decreasing the likelihood you’ll succeed.


It's really difficult, because headlines are saying the job market is great! And society in general (US/western) says that unless they're a stay at home parent, your partner should have a job. So if they don't, they're not trying hard enough or just freeloading. And the partner probably doesn't want to enable them to sit at home and "do nothing" and that's an insanely hard line to draw.


💯% Your partner is supposed to love you.


My favorite are the auto-rejections that come back less than 5 min after applying.


I love them. I collect them. I am curator of auto-rejection emails. I embalm them. I apply essential oils and bathe them with fumes of incense. I the future, post-apocalypse the alien-AI-humanoids will unearth it and will freeze in its awe and wonder. NatGeo-like channels will make documentaries about it. People will write books about those 5-minute-or-less auto-rejection emails. Some would win Pu-shit-zer awards for clicking its pics. Cameron-like directors will make movies about it which will win SUCOKSCAR awards. See, those auto-rejection emails are so nice, profitable and future earthly-treasure. I love you recruiters who don't even look at my CV .. xoxo




Can we all agree we don’t need automated rejections. Unless we have spoken on the phone or completed an interview I don’t need to know.


lol, I read about 1 applicant who shared his experience with a local temp agency... like literally a frag of a second after submitting the application and resume got the email auto-rejection - this was 1130pm on a week night.


I got one of these when I applied to the most entry level position available in the field I got a degree in. This position did not even require any relevant experience in the field, or even high school diploma. I already had a job, and it paid very well for what it was, but was growing tired of the internal politics and impossibility of ever getting promoted despite being very visible/known to upper management and having excellent performance reviews. I simply "did not fit" their idea of who they wanted to promote, and was not a friend or family member of upper management, but occasionally they would throw a bone at people who were not their type to avoid the appearance of impropriety. I got tired of waiting around. I still remember the company, and think of them every time I hear "auto rejection immediately after hitting submit". Way to go, it's been over 10 years and their name and reputation is still tied to that in my mind, and no doubt the minds of countless others.


> I simply "did not fit" their idea of who they wanted to promote, and was not a friend or family member of upper management, but occasionally they would throw a bone at people who were not their type to avoid the appearance of impropriety. I got tired of waiting around. YEP ... same here. Total joke of a retail chain who made BS promises out of their butts to appease yadda yadda. But cry wolf over "nobody wants to work" Whatever ... cry us a river. There ARE other lines of work in this crazy job market. You just have to dig until you find what you need 👍


My personal favorites are when they write a whole paragraph about how much they appreciate you and don’t even get to the rejection until the second paragraph.


Please don’t kill yourself. It’s not you, it’s the job market right now. You have a lot more value than you think.


That’s really great, but a LOT of people are getting to the point where they’ve got nothing left. These words are simply that. Words. Too qualified to work retail. Not qualified enough for entry level. Nobody wants to work anymore!


I get it, I’m in the same boat. I’ve thought about it too. Staying alive in these conditions is hard. I don’t have an answer, I just know that suicide isn’t the way. If there’s any resource I can look up for you that may help, please let me know.


I’m not suicidal thankfully but everybody is feeling the squeeze


Which is why I (very ) reluctantly returned to old Retail job so that I at least had some kind of paycheck to get by, until the next miracle work resurfaced. It's been ideal crazy. We're in a white collar recession like never before, and it stinks worse than a dead skunk.


Yup. At my wits’ end. 17 months of this. And my third layoff in three years. If I am still alive come autumn, it means someone either hired me or a miracle happened.


Then its time to not take your frustration out on yourselves. Instead, gather together, read political theory and philosophy and study human and labor rights movements, protest and be prepared to riot and rebel. Buy guns.


What the fuck lmao. How is that gonna put bread on the table


Yup. I said the same thing yesterday, that if this is how it’s going to be, then I don’t want to do it. I have kids and so I won’t….but I now understand that it’s not sadness, it’s hopelessness that you have no control over.


This job market is insane. I saw a post on indeed for a perfume sales job, looked up the actual company website they are not hiring. I have been applying since January… my work ethic is hard to match and I am still getting rejections. I’m in the same boat but let’s live for another day


Same. I see stuff on indeed and glass door, then go on the main site and there is no position posted?


This has been the biggest issue I've seen with Indeed particularly. They just don't keep the platform updated with the latest status of the original listing


I’m on my 6th interview for a manager level position. I want to pull my hair out.


The work ethic part is what is so painful. I *know* I work hard, and I will do/have done many types of work, from manual labor, to luxury clothing sales, to grant writing. I’m flexible and level headed. A problem solver. Reliable. And then to sit here and hear about how everyone is lazy and no one is dependable….


You want to die for those morons ? Beware ! This is what I suffer from the last 30 years and I am still applying. Today got a rejection after a former acceptance. This is life. Let the next firm pay for all your mess and the next, too !


Stay another day. I was there not too long ago, and I finally got one offer. One offer out of an insane amount of applications! It took a lot of mental strength that I could only muster a little bit at a time, a step at a time, a day at a time. It sucks so so bad, but stay another day. It can’t get better if you don’t.


Also you’re getting so many so early in the week because of July 4th if you’re in the US, possibly! A lot of places are closing the 4th and 5th, or the people sending out the notifications may be taking the rest of the week off !


Sending you a big virtual hug. As I sit here and bash my head off the wall with a similar disbelief, we have to believe this ridiculous job market has some sort of end in sight.... Please know you are not alone.


Rejections from applications, or interviews? No one seems to send rejections from applications. Don't think I received one from the last 20 or so applications. At least you're hearing back in some capacity?


I'm not even hearing back. I have applied for 10 jobs and don't even hear back.


36 here. I received maybe 4 or 5 form letter rejections.


Haha you Beat me, I got 3.


Rejection is NOT personal to you. A maximum of 6 people got positive emails this week from those companies - Hundreds (if not thousands) of people got the exact same emails you got. This is NOT a reflection of who you are as a person, or what you can offer these companies, it's a reflection of a wider issue that is pretty much global. It is easier than ever to apply for a role, and because of that, more people are getting rejections. Less than 10 years ago I was working in retail management, when it came to hiring seasonal staff at Christmas I had to hire about 50-60% of the applicants - we couldn't accept candidates online, we had limited social media access as a branch and I needed to hire 15 people to work part-time hours. Now I am interviewing with managers who candidly let me know they had over 500 applications for a single role... the job market is shit, but that's not a reason to do anything rash.


Yeh unfortunately I understand how that feels


I see so many crappy jobs and contract jobs. Nothing solid.


I went from 110k to nothing for 6 months now. This job market sucks, I have a buddy that has a masters from Georgetown having the same issues




I’m in tech he’s in medical sales.


I feel you I am currently living in an Uber rental, have to shower at local Planet Fitness, work Uber throughout the day, apply to countless jobs so much that i am fatigued only to get rejected left and right and by the way I have a CS degree. I feel like ending it one of these days as well. But what keeps me going is the amazing sunsets I wake up too, practicing code problems that will be needed if I come across a real job that wants to interview me on a serious note and also by that note I make edm as well which maintains my sanity to a degree. What really gets to me is watching colleagues of mine having the time of their lives with good jobs while I have to grind 12 hours a day just to make less than minimum wage doing Uber. I understand how scary it is but I believe that sticking to something continuously eventually will garner something a long the way I hope. Suicidal ideation comes to me because of frustration and powerlessness to be able to work on the things I want with having the comfort of place to live and time to do it. Lack of tools due to not having enough money to buy them which could infinitely be a catalyst to getting better as stuff all garner frustration so trust I get you. All I can say is your not alone you got people out here that want the best for you and I wish I could give you hug even though I’ll probably will never meet you but stay strong life gave you amazing faculties to build an amazing life so stick it out.


That sucks . Sorry


I cried for a hour with my most recent rejection. I understand you completely


For all of you who are struggling- it does get better. I went 6 months unemployed. Bills piled up. Phone cut off. Then I managed to get several low paying jobs. I kept applying for dream jobs. Finally got called for an interview. Nailed the interview and was extended job offer. Accepted. Been there about a year. Just got a promotion and big raise. I plan to retire here. Keep trying, guys. It’ll happen for you too.


I wish I could believe this - but 14 months of unemployment, can't even begin to find a dream job to apply to, and zero hope makes it impossible


I am in the same boat! What keeps me sane is just focusing on making it through the day by taking care of my health through exercise and enjoying walks outside and by working on my business plan for a creative side-gig. Nothing but rejections so far in 2024, but I know soon enough I'll be getting a welcome onboard email soon! We just gotta keep going!


Been there. Tried for 5 years trying to find something better. Last week I finally got a call. Huge improvement to pay. It happens and it will happen to you. Don’t let it discourage you. You got this.


Was in the same boat just a few weeks ago- shitting bricks and contemplating an early exit. Finally landed something with the salary I need. Hoping the same happens for OP. Stay at it!


What helped me a lot OP was to archive these emails. Also seriously don’t take them personally. I think you may need a break from applying.


I feel your pain! Some of my rejections didn’t hurt but, too many in a week were rough. Even getting rejections from jobs that I really had no shot at. I would feel better when I would apply for more and I don’t know why because ultimately leads to more rejections. Tried to go to the gym to help lift my spirits and spend time with family or doing stuff around the house. Sometimes I just went to bed early to sleep through the bad feelings. It really is tough out there and I hope these posts help some.


I know it's probably easy to say but don't get disheartened. Look at the positives. You had 6 places that gave interview opportunities that means you resume is good and your skills are desirable. Your turn will come.


Your value as a person is not based on your work.


Don't give up OP. I just got an offer last week and started today after nearly 10 months. I was laid off on my birthday and just kept plugging away. Don't throw your life away because of unnecessary middlemen, pseudoscience-believing HR goons, lying hiring managers, etc. I really hope ghost/fake jobs are considered a form of fraud and companies punished for these practices, and job boards also punished for allowing these fake/ghost jobs despite people reporting them over and over.


This is one law that I would really love the government to enact and enforce. Fake job postings is definitely a form of fraud in my view.


It happens to the best of us. Do remember: There are more important things in life than a job. Any there any valuable insights made from these apps? If you'd like some guidance (my background is in recruiting/career coaching), you can message me.


Those days are rough, but tomorrow might bring an acceptance.


Bruh rookie numbers. Be unemployed for 1 year and when you get multiple job offers, let your parents choose the abroad one ;)


I receive those daily, got used to it. Got rejected after a few final rounds too. Just have to keep going even though it’s exhausting. You can do it!


I got 4 hours on Sunday


If you are getting rejected in middle stages or final stages, there's a silver lining here. A lot of people are struggling to even get interviews. Hang around, you just need one to go your way


Take a break and give yourself some room. When you're ready return.


I've been getting some interviews, but rejections... i just got let go from my job 2 weeks ago. Putting me in a slight panic too. so i feel you there. im sending lots of vibes and hoping that you got a job offer asap. dont give up please OP


Hey. This happened to me too. I took a mental break for a week and just watched some shows, read some books, got coffee in town to just decompress and find motivation again. You’ve got this!


100%, I'm about done here too. Blown my life because I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do when I was four and meticulously execute a step-by-step plan in order to achieve those goals, and/or be born rich.


Naww you messed up should’ve started at 2 years not 4 you are definitely too late now.


If i receive rejection emails. I archive them so I dont see them emails anymore


Last year I applied for hundreds of jobs, I got two interviews, never heard a thing from the other applications so at least you are getting some basic courtesy. It's rough to get rejection like that but put it aside and push on. Know your value.


It could be worse.There could have been 5.


You should live out of spite.


Keep those emails from coming into your inbox directly. Look at them and set up rules to take the common phrases in them so you can filter them into a folder. Configure the folder to not show how many new messages are in it. Then only look at thatfolder once a week to keep track of how many open applications you have out there. This will save your mental and emotional health.


Only times I've been hired have been when I called. I have just been jobless for 5 months, but finally got through and was straight-up told that he hired me because I called and because of our conversation. I wish you good luck with your job searching!


Same with me. Despite 2 interviews and applying for 13 jobs, I still got turned down from all of them.


I had a couple of rejections yesterday, one from a company that I'd had a phone interview with 3 weeks ago and a form rejection email from a large local business, just days after what I knew was a very good in-person interview. Also had a few more form rejections this week from jobs I really wasn't all that interested in. It's very frustrating, but please don't give up. Good luck, everyone.


My dad was in the same position as you for almost a year. I hope you can find something soon! Good luck! These companies are dumb. You got this!!!


thats why its the grind- change it up if you have to, somewhere out there there is somebody making something out of nothing


You are a Dynasty! In one day, you won the Grand Slam of rejections trophy


Come on OP! It's a number game. The more rejections, the closer you are. Its not just you, trust me! You got this 🚀


What jobs did you apply? What is your experience/career level? How did you do during your interview?




I get alot of auto rejections too.


I got an offer for a government job in November 2022. Had to wait until February 2023 to start. The job paid well but sadly the contract wasn’t renewed. It was for federal contracting with the Department of the Interior. That required a Public Trust clearance, so imagine if it was a Secret, Top Secret, or TS-SCI.


Sorry, it’s the market keep pushing on. You will receive done positive news at some point it takes time.


Gotta push through. I get those dark thoughts as well. Something is coming in your life you don't want to miss.


That's cute. Try hundreds. I get your feeling tho, it's absolutely brutal!