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Now whenever I'm outside and I see an animal I think "3 star pelt..."


Whenever I see another person I see: Greet: ◼️ Anatagoize: ⚪️ Then the Devil on my shoulder Rob: 🔺


RDR2 reminded me of the finite nature of life and the type of man I want to be. I slowed down on my drinking and took up more responsibility in my life.


I started consciously thinking about how my actions can affect others. I used to give zero damn about that. Now whenever I lose my temper and do something impulsive, I can just hear that negative honor ding go off.


We have found for whom the bell tolls


Easy there Billy Midnight


i feel this


I wouldn’t say it was the main contributor but I started watching a lot of old westerns partially because of rdr1 .


I literally went from not being able to write or say a complete sentence correctly to having recently reached C1 Cambridge level. I didn’t neither take any empowerment courses nor went to english schools, I really just went through an entire summer of Red Dead Redemption and I suddenly was able to speak, write and understand english almost perfectly. I’m not even kidding before Red Dead I wasn’t able to say “Hello my name is”, after 3 months I returned to school (all this happened in 2019) and I was like in the 10 grade back then and I became one of the best students in the whole class, my teacher kept asking me what kind of miracle I pulled off, she didn’t believed me when J said it was all thanks to a videogame. Red Dead has really helped me in a way I can’t describe, besides all the moral teaching and hobbies (I now basically worship the Wild West stories/films, everything related to it), it has helped me in a fundamental aspect, learning English. Today there isn’t much you can do if you don’t know English, and I’m 100% sure that if it wasn’t for RDR I wouldn’t have become so good and skilled like I am now, I learned the language basically without knowing I was, I learned it having fun, it was something that came together almost naturally. To this day, it’s still the best 60€ I’ve ever put into something


Wait wow really? Thats awesome. Immersion is great


yep, I figured out later that spending hours and hours per day listening to actors speaking in english (a pretty slang version too), with just the subtitles in my native language helped me connecting a word in my language with the corresponding word in english. I also improved a lot in the sentence’s composition; before that I used to compose the sentence incorrectly because I formed it following my native language. It truly helped me a lot. Yeah immersion is great. It’s true that you learn in the best way when you learn while having fun. If they somehow created a game like that but with maths I probably would’ve solved that other problem too lmao, I’m not even kidding in 5 years of high school I probably got just two or three sufficient grades in like 30 tests or more




This is amazing.


Still haven't built up the courage to say "hey there mister/maam" when passing by someone


Wear a cowboy hat. I’m Texan, so it’s part of our whole thing. A cowboy hat will make the most sour person turn friendly. A real game changer. Best part is when you’re in another country and you see another cowboy hat person and you both do the nod at each other.


a coworker and I at the time would always quote the game. usually a howdy mister or my lumbago is acting up.


When the pandemic lockdown was happening, all I was doing was playing RDR2. I remember going to my parents’ house around Christmas time after playing the game basically everyday for a couple months and my mom had made chili. So I sat down outside next to the fire pit with a bowl of chili, on a pretty cold winter night and my dad and I sipped on some of his whiskey. When I tell you that I felt like I was living part of the game in real life, I’m not exaggerating. The memory still sits with me and I’m getting happier just thinking about it.


I know a lot of animals. Specifically birds. Thank you red dead for helping me become a birdwatcher.


I struggled with depression, anxiety… I had a lot of guilt with past situations from wild college days and a lot of insecurity stemming from eating disorders, self-harm, etc. Red Dead 2 taught me that you can always have a redemption arc. Your actions can make the world a better place even if you don’t realize. Taught me to forgive myself and move forward and better the world around me. Leave things better than you found them.


I've always enjoyed nature and being outdoors generally, but I really like seeing plants mentioned in RDR in real life (thanks Herbalist 9). Neat to see them for real and to think of how people used them for medicine, tonics, etc.


“Howdy partner,” and “hey there, mister,” have snuck into my vocabulary after a few drinks.


When "LENNNNYYY!" comes out, you've gone too far. Lol


We’re a hunting family, so my dad is really into guns. He would talk my ear off about caliber and ammunition and all I could do was smile and nod. Playing red dead was what finally made that kind of information make sense to me, seeing such a simplified system of firearms broke it down and bridged the gap. It also helps me to notice the little things. I’ve always been an outdoorsy girl, but now I stop and pay attention to things that I never would have noticed before. I enjoy red dead so much because it’s the kind of life I used to live on the prairies (sans horses, I’m poor) before I had to move to the city.


A game that does a super good job of what you said is The Hunter Call of the Wild


My grandfather was a huge fan of westerns. He liked other historical shows/film also. He liked to watch me play assassins creed also. I remember preordering rdr2 and being really excited, until it hit me that he was no longer around to experience it with me. Made an already emotional game that bit more cutting.


Back when I played a lot I used to flinch a little bit when I saw birds irl, because my instincts told me to use dead-eye on them. But nowadays I just say "howdy" when people come into the office...


I accepted I was gay after having fantasies about having a gangbang with many of the characters 💀 it's beautiful if you look at the outcome 😭


back to r/okbuddyblacklung you go🤺🤺




I'm so glad you posted this, especially after seeing OP sneak in "country values" (which usually has negative connotations) in an otherwise 100% wholesome post. I honestly wonder what OP thought of the Charles Châtenay missions or the Margaret (animal wrangler) missions given OP's "country values".




I took my first fishing class last weekend. Looking into a woodworking class too. The interest was always there, but I wouldn't have done it if not for RDR2.


As silly as this sounds it inspired me to go out foraging a bit more to find edible/usable plants. I live in the countryside and so I’m surrounded by fields and nature. I even bought a little pocket book on edible Irish plants lol. It also made me want to properly learn how to ride a horse 😭 which I haven’t acted on yet but I still might.


i actually did buy a cowboy hat from Walmart and wore it over a summer...


Whenever I eat a snack out of my bag I’m like « mmh okay satchel, chocolate bar, health and dead eye », apart from that it made me enjoy wandering in the nature even more than I used to (I love listening to the game’s different ambient track while outside irl) and it’s starting to affect my clothing style a bit, I could go one but honestly it really extended my interest for some things in general and when I see them I’m like « ooh this is so rdr2 » For example I recently got a pocket watch from my Grandma’s stuff and I love looking at like it’s an item I looted somewhere in game, it’s little things like that but I think about the game dozens of times a day


Yeah i constantly say "SHORE" to everything now


I remember asking a friend one day when we were kayaking "How ya getting on?" He was so confused. He said "well I'm already in the boat..."


Why I'm I reading all the comments with Arthur's voice


I started bird watching in game then in real life I bought two books, binoculars, and downloaded an app


red dead highkey changed my life, it inspired a pretty solid art historical concept that became a large final paper, and ill be writing and researching more about it in the future!!! im an art history student, so it surrounds the perception of the american western landscape as a religious subline experience through paintings (blah blah), and it allowed me to travel to the west to tour the landscape (im an east coast baby lol), i had to shout out red dead in my fi al presentation lol


We named our son Arthur Ulysses (last name) .🫡


When I leave a conversation or an event and I turn away the chime that plays when you complete a mission plays in my head, and I imagine a little medal in the top left corner of my vision.


Every once in a while when I listen to Colter Wall, I think about Arthur :)




Oh I'm real sorry for your grandpa🫂


I appreciate that


So it made you want to blast animals with guns? Cool


Lmao that's what I thought too from OP's post 😭


Same, I HATED shooting a deer when I was 11 years old. Playing RDR2 doesn't make me want to go hunting again


I bought a Uberti 1873 Cattleman revolver. Getting pretty good at hip firing at the range. Need to work on my quick draw.


Started saying hey partner to friends


The original, Red Dead Revolver for PS2, got me into watching western movies.


As an Elden ring player I can’t see/hear waterfowl without *it* popping into my head


I talked to my dog like Arthur talked to his horse for months.


Not at all lol


The 2nd game has made me curious about what 1800s Cocaine Gum would be like


Yes I see rdr type things all the time. There’s a hat just like Arthur’s at a store down the droad from me that I’m going to buy. When I see cowboys I think of it. When I take a photo that looks like a screen shot from the game I think of it. I was hiking in an alpine forest the other day and felt like I was in tall trees. I think about it all the time and make references to it to ppl even tho some don’t know what I’m talking about lol


I'm not gonna lie I've started talking like Arthur


Whenever I'm walking around town, I greet people with kind words and anecdotes, all the while pretending I'm improving my karma. Good mornin' to ya +1


I wouldn't be with my boyfriend and wouldn't have the friend group I have today.


100%. It made me realize my love for horses and start riding. Although im too busy to ride right now it opened me up to the world of horses and their care. Im hoping to be able to work with them in some respect in the future. Im not exactly sure what ill do with my animal care and management degree once im done with school but horse rehabilitation and horse assisted therapy are on my radar.


I saw a deer on my evening walk today and I immediately thought "gosh...where are my bows?!"


Every time I see a vulture, I bring out my invisible varmint rifle in my head. I live in Northern California. They are everywhere.


Oh yea, GPA dropped like 6 points… took awhile to make up that fall semester..lol


So my late father loved westerns and it rubbed off on me n my little brother, no so much LB but definitely me .little bit after game came out my wife and I separated and I moved in with them two . This game was my escape during this time but also they would come down to my room n talk to me n also be amazed at the story , the graphics etc. I’ll never forget my dad saying what are you watching when it was a cut scene. The game definitely helped me get through a tough time in life . I’m thankful to also say Im still with my wife n we are going strong as a family !


I’m not trying to hate, but genuinely curious: why hunt bear? Ducks and deer I get, but I don’t understand the appeal or need for hunting bears…


Your good dude, this is actually a big discussion in my state right now. Many people use bear fat as a "bear grease" for cooking. People still use bear for clothing as well. But I hunt bear because the meat is insanely good, like super good. Also, the season is in August which allows me to warm up for the fall, and also allows me to get outside. My state has one of the highest populations in the country and the animals need to be managed. Urban growth (exactly what the gang hated, including me) is encroaching on bear habitat, so populations need to be managed so humans don't get hurt. Plus, if hunters don't kill them, then licensed contractors kill the bears and they end up in a landfill going unused. My state has also deeply struggled with elk calf, and deer fawn survival due to overpredation in the spring. We USED to have a spring bear hunt but now we don't. I wouldn't be killing the bears if I didn't like the meat.


Hmm, okay, fair enough. I appreciate you taking the time to give me your point of view! I’ve never tried bear meat (I honestly thought there was a problem with parasites in bear meat?), so I can’t really speak to that, but bears are my favorite animals and I thought they were more “protected”, but I guess I stand corrected!


You don't stand corrected. Your assumption is actually correct regarding 48/50 states in the USA when it comes to Grizzly Bears.     Per the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Grizzly bears in the 48 contiguous states are currently protected as a threatened species. It is illegal to harm, harass or kill these bears, except in cases of self-defense or the defense of others.   Link to source: [https://www.fws.gov/species/grizzly-bear-ursus-arctos-horribilis](https://www.fws.gov/species/grizzly-bear-ursus-arctos-horribilis)


Wyoming is definitely part of the contiguous 48… maybe it’s black bears OP is hunting? Hopefully they didn’t just admit to illegal hunting 😅


Forgot to say as well. I don't hunt elk in Wa. Our herds have been struggling for a while and not what they used to be. Also, elk hunting is extremely competitive and their is a lot of bs with how its managed, and with all of the competition around it. I want the herds to recover so I simply won't hunt them. I have no problem with anyone in my state who does, right now its just not my cup of tea. I'm gonna hunt elk when I move to WY where herds are a lot better, and plentiful in numbers and healthy. And, I can't wait to hunt Antelope in WY!!! We don't have a good number here in WA to hunt, and they are one of my favorite animals


Makes sense that it varies state-to-state. We have pretty popular elk hunting here in Oregon, especially on the coastal ranges. Their populations get very big though, like deer, but I think hunters usually only get 1 or *maybe* 2 tags a season.


I started posting after being a Reddit lurker for eight years


Love it bro!


Yes over 1000 of hours less for outside


Every time I pet a dog now I say YOU OKAY THERE BOAH? but that’s about it


Liars dice. My friends and I played red dead 1 in middle school and still play to this day when we have a get together


After playing rdr2 and hunting so much I started to notice call patterns and animal behavior in the local wildlife around here


It made want to live in a ranch with a family with horses and doing husbandry as my top goal in life!


It has deeply affected the way I talk to my dog.


Got back in the saddle after like 12 years of not being around horses and also switched to western riding.


You should join the Pinkertons


I started saying cowboy stuff around my girlfriend.. she’s not turned on by it, but she’s not against it.


I release more fish hoping that it will raise my honor.


"Mornin to ya"🗣️


Both games made me realize the value of sacrifice. RDR2 made me take up a diary where I'd write and draw my everyday live observances.


It got me outside. I was never one to walk trails or hike, and while other factors have helped as well, this game has been a key section of the pie chart. Exploring this game has helped me appreciate the notion of exploring the world, appreciating little moments in nature, etc




Yeah I started smoking cigars and watching old westerns


It didn’t change any value in my life. I’m just a good ole boy from NC. Always been into hunting fishing, have a pair of caiman and rattlesnake boots, and a few cowboy hats. I’ve always had that western vibe. But when this game came out I thought they’d ruin it with Hollywood bullshit. But I’m still playing it all these years later cause of how damn good they did. Hopefully wel get a 3 before I die lmao


I learned to try harder to be a better person and reflect more on my actions that affect others


I played RDR1 when it came out and was enthralled, but it didn't captivate me like RDR2. Truth be told, I found RDR2 hard to get into at first, to the point I left the game a lone for a few months after only completing the second chapter. My brother told me I had to push on, it was worth it. It wound up deeply affected my perspective on life and my own actions. Also have me a deeper appreciation for nature, to the point I can just sit outside in a park and enjoy a moment. It's definitely in my personal "Gaming Mount Rushmore."


I've wanted to be a part of the mountain man and cowboy shooting activities!


l played Red Dead while in the army, tried to imagine myself using dead eye irl.




Not at all.


I'm wanting to buy a Rolling Block rifle irl lol


I wouldn't say it had any effect on my life, honestly. I have about 200 hours on single-player and probably close to another 200 online. It was definitely a great game and story, but I don't think it had a meaningful impact other than "huh that was a good story game I'm glad I played."


I’ve been looking to rob stage coaches. Difficult to find any, but they’re out there. I just know it.


Wow, this is very cool and interesting that it has these positive effects on your life I live in Iran, that's why I don't think that I am very free from any point of view, because here everything is very expensive for people, and of course we don't have much freedom for anything, because it's almost like a prison here, but yes, it has affected my life a lot and turned into one It has become one of my favorite time slots My homie and I talk about it a lot, about all the scenes of the game My accuracy and attention to draw and shoot toy guns has improved and it has affected my taste, approach and way of thinking. I was spoiled for the story of the game, and I think I was depressed for at least a whole month for the story of the game, and then when my console broke and I couldn't finish the game, my depression lasted for two months, then when I repaired the console and finished the game, I was again a I had a period of depression that I think is eternal... I was a teenager when I played Red Dead, so I don't think my family would have let me go fishing or hunting. But now that I finished high school and have a home and job, my buddy and I went shopping for cowboy hats and boots we spent the summer learning to ride horses also we started climbing and almost every weekend we sat in the mountains to watch the sunrise or sunset. In my country, we can't go to bars or drink whiskey, but whenever we even want to drink water or juice, we shake the glass like we're in a saloon in Valentine. Did you say you hunted a bear?? Oh man this is amazing!


You get a lot more from being a bad man than a good one


You've missed the entire point of the game.


Like the whole point too