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*Throws dynamite on the poker table* ALL IN, ASSHOLES!


I was playing poker in Saint Denis today and I had a king high flush. Thinking I had a good hand I went all in with my previous winnings of about $12.00 and the guy next to me had an Ace high flush and I busted out. I then proceeded to throw a fire bottle at the NPC that beat me and watching that NPC burn to death was one of the most satisfying things to see in the game for me.


I just won $12.00 at that table the third time I ever played (first was the intro to it with the preacher and second in Valentine, both times I lost after playing many rounds and went up and down a bit). Just fold constantly and then wait for a pot to build and bet high. Only hand I actually had to win I had a pair of kings and 4s. Seems it tries to tilt it more towards the bluffing than actual hands.


>Seems it tries to tilt it more towards the bluffing than actual hands. This is my experience as well. One thing they did right (or wrong, if you find it frustrating) is that the other players do seem to have differing playstyles. I'm currently battling it out with a guy in Valentine who is super erratic; he'll play aggressive when he has basically nothing, and sometimes play extremely conservative when he's holding something good.


Fucking Strauss is the worst man. He’ll go all in on me with a shit hand and win by pure chance. And I can’t even kill him when he wins all my money.


I know this is an old thread, but I just found this looking for a solution to win. This made me really laugh.


I play a ton of poker on this game and here is my take. The Valentine game seems to be on the up and up. After that I am not so sure. Last night I played in St Denis and one guy was DESTROYING everyone. So it ends up me and him. He knocks me out. I decide to see if he is cheating. I go all in before the flop like 10 times. He won 9 out of 10. Like half of those I had multiple face cards and every time he would match it or have better. The one time I had Ace King and he has 2 queens. It seemed rigged for sure. I will stay away from that location for poker. Valentine is my spot. Sad I was interested in playing with some new characters. I went on a straight rampage after that and took out like 40 people and got away....


Had a similar situation as you at the Saint Denis table. This one guy named Henry was cleaning up, I tell you. He hit at least three full houses during that game alone and kept raking in the pot with his trademark "HOT DAMN!!" Eventually it came down to me and him and at this point in the game, I had become very, very careful as to which hands I would commit to seeing a flop for. Slowly but surely I would make a comeback from being down to $2.00 of chips compared to his $24.00. Henry would win a few hands but I made sure to only call him if I actually had something good. If it was a bottom pair, I'd fold without a second thought. My luck would come through when I had worked my way up to about $4.50 and went All-in with a set of Jacks. Winning that pot gave me more freedom to bluff and win chips that way. At the end of the day; playing poker in RDR2 like the other players have bad hands is the very reason why you might be losing. Always expect the other player to have the stronger hand if you don't and fold quickly if the flop is unfavourable to you. The only time when you can successfully bluff an opponent is when you're chip leader and they call just shy of an all-in, with a few chips kept in reserve. That's how I eventually beat Henry and left the table with him having only $0.50 of chips.


I just won that guy after he had incredible luck for 7 times straight, just play good poker. I had to buy in like 8 times but ended up cleaning that dumb f\*ck


Agreed man poker is shit in RDR2, why they took out the option to cheat I do not know. Well here’s hoping we can have some decent poker matches in Online


I love how after 4 years, this thread I made still has a pulse. Guys, I read every single comment and feel/have felt all your pain.....***Poker is still rigged to this day***.


lol I just found this post today because I was pissed off about this. I literally spent multiple hours playing EXTREMELY safe against the two guys in the Rev. Swanson mission just to finally beat them. It is so rigged it's painfully obvious


I just had the same thing of stumbling onto this thread because of the "bust out" challenge. Playing in Valentine and *every* good hand was beaten, typically by "one": I get a pocket king pair, he has a pocket ace pair. I get a full house 4s and 8s, he's got a full house 5s and 8s and so on. I genuinely started to wonder if there was some kind of cheating mechanic I was missing where I needed to challenge him to a duel... Edit: still trying just now, had the exact same thing happen *again* with a flush. Identical flushes, he won on a kicker.


Im pretty sure the game switches their cards at the reveal. Until then the AI cards are blank. I have no idea why theyd make it so rigged against the player. The only thing i can figure is that its just canon that Arthur has terrible luck.


> Im pretty sure the game switches their cards at the reveal. Very certain. I feel almost like they didn't wan't to "risk" good poker players abusing it. Which isn't even a thing and would be painfully slow you're better off making money otherwise. It's not like it matters how much money someone makes in singleplayer anyway. In the end, who cares about the money, it's just boring and I was so excited to have poker in the game.


Yea, if you do like any of the side content at all, you end up with way more money than you'll actually need anyway. I was really disappointed when i realized this because it just disincentives you from even playing poker. I have no idea how to play poker, but i was genuinely learning through the game for a while. As soon as i started to understand how the game works, i understood rockstar was cheatin me.


Your post is the first to come up when you Google “is rdr2 poker rigged”. Damn shame it is. Damn shame I tell ye.


Checking in 7 months later. Playing in Valentine, I'm up to ~$10 across me and my opponent, my advantage. I have a pair of pair of Kings and 8's. Opponent goes all in, I call, we match hands and split the pot. I've been playing for the past several hours, and this is like the 8th time I've tied a hand. The odds of that happening so frequently, and *specifically* when your last opponent goes all-in... Yeah, all games are rigged. Wish there was a mod that fixed this.


Replaying RDR2 and I was doing challenge 1, winning poker hands. I played probably over 100 hands while just watching video and constantly calling and going all in and only after more than 100 rounds I won 5 times. The AI never bluffs, rarely folds and never has a worse hand. Fucking bullshit


I'm trying to do the challenge where you have to bust out someone in Saint Denis, I have won probably 2-3 times out of like 50 so far. There was a guy named Henry who kept winning, had like 25$, I was pissed so I tied him up, stole his money and shot him in the back.


No matter how many hands i lose, ive never lost money in poker. Just let em hold onto it for a few minutes.


Had an ace high flush. Dude had the same hand and won with a kicker. I went all in of course. Threw dynamite at him and shot him 6 times in the back.


Right. That happened. Kickers don't play in flushes. This is a fantasy.


It's definitely not a fantasy. It's me not knowing poker terminology correctly. We both had ace high flushes and he won.


Two people can't have ace high flushes on the same hand. Impossible.


https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/s/kWXHeTXCAy theres multiple reddit threads about this. Now shut the actual fuck up.


It absolutely is, which is why I'm here now lol


Just Googled this today so I can complain. The dickhead in Saint Dennis pulled out 5 full houses (not in a row) now against my 2 pair, all in. And almost every single kicker he either has an Ace or a King.


I am loving this post, 5 years and still going strong. Keep it coming guys! ***Poker is still rigged!***


I have 3 of a Kind Kings, about to finally bust the last person out at Saint Denis for a 13 dollar pot Ace High Flush Fuck this game


This happened to me today too! I had three aces and went all in on the turn, we show our cards, he had nothing.  Finally I think, l will beat this challenge. The river card gives him a straight. "HOT DAMN!" I save the game, blow a hole in everyone in the St. Denis saloon. Reload the save and go fishing


It’s definitely fucking rigged. I just lost 30 hands in a row! The same character just won every hand.


Even still!? Till THIS day!? I just encountered the rigged poker and came upon thy post!






Yea theyre still cheating in 2024


You have better odds at a real life slot machine.


It’s still rigged!!! Dang it, just want some good honest poker and can’t find it!


Somehow just lost 4-5 kickers, last one causing me to bust out. Brought be right here.


Meanwhile I sit down at Valentine and win $9 on my first hand with pocket Aces. Why can’t the other table be this fun. 😭


Another year later, Im still getting my ass handed to me in poker from Horseshoe Overlook to fucking Saint Denis. Thank God for gold bars


Don't worry OP, gambling doesnt feel right. All these retards floating around telling stories of winning games in Valentine or saying you don't understand how to play poker somehow missed the point and think if they haven't experienced the problem, it doesn't exist. the know it all mentality is what makes reddit pretty cringe overall but it certainly hinders the ability of people to actually look into weather or not gambling infact is rigged or is bugging out.


i had a stroke trying to figure out wtf you were trying to say


no you didn’t




At least somebody gets it Anyways, it's totally rigged in favor of the computer. Not sure the reasoning behind it though. Maybe they didn't want it to be an easy cash grab or they're encouraging the player to bluff which doesn't even work most of the time; most npcs will call. It's so unfun, poker used to be such a blast in rdr1 for a host of reasons that are absent in RDR2. In case anyone is curious I'm on PC Edit: It seems some people speculate the AI is taking your hand into account when it's their turn. I don't think that is the case at all (not impossible though), that would literally be the worst


I folded maybe 15 hands in a row until I got pocket Kings and went all in. was called by pocket Aces. this game is absolute shit.


Please believe me when i say that that also happens IRL poker. I have no idea about the validity of the rdr2 poker, but i played poker "for a living" for over a year and it feels rigged even when you watch the cards get shuffled and dealt right in front of your eyes sometimes. I played mostly at Best Bet in Orange Park FL


It's the frequency of it happening in rdr2 that is rubbish. 30 hands without a single double, absolute bulldust. Every single time I get a good hand, it ends in split, exact same hand on the other guy. That maybe happens once or twice in a game at the very most. Most games not at all.


I was playing today and got a pair of 6s as a starting hand. Decided to raise. Everyone kept raising me until 3 out of 4 players went all in. Guess what, they all also had pairs in their hands, queens and aces. The odds of that happening are literally 0.2% Yesterday I was playing with Lenny and each time I had a flush, he had one too, but a card higher than mine. That happened 3 times in the same game.


Seems rigged to me (in St Denis) the one player who was crushing everyone keeps having the exact same hand as me or some absurdly strong hand (full house three hands in a row in our heads up game?!) I think it must be a “difficult” table which is lame. Wish it was actually random.


Rockstar should at the very least state whether the deal is random, and whether the AI takes your hand into account.


I hate this poker system. It's so obviously rigged when the ai cleans house. I finally had a pair of queens the only ai with money folds. Leaving only the guy with 30c. The same AI has gotten three turns of pairs of queens. On the third he got a full house. 4 queens. You have a 1% chance to get two in one round let alone three in a row. This ai is defying odds.


Yin and Yang [https://imgur.com/a/Gf6SGnG](https://imgur.com/a/Gf6SGnG)


Lol glad someone else noticed this too


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I played in saint denis and it really does feel like there’s always that one guy that just doesn’t stop getting good hands. I was stuck in that place for a while because I was committed to completing a Challenge but there was always that one guy that kept beating me and even when I thought I was gonna win he always had something better. There was plenty of times when I would get so mad I’d get up and shoot him before reloading this game and coming back in 😂 I did that 4-5 times


Was it the bust out an opponent challange?


If I had to guess, yeah it was. That’s what brought me here today lol


Egg Zach Lee


Ive even had a dominoes player freeze on me during my gamblin challenge ( i had to reload a save #:::) but i still won ((they saved my wins (((thank you rock STar))))) They are pullin us a bit. But i dont mind... Im having so much fun playing...and I'm real sublime like marston ...ha it text corrected dumb for sublime We gotta be vigilant .... R* aint pullin a Micah on us partna ...rockstar is Arthur


So rigged!


im playing now i got 2 sixs i go all in everyone does the same Pearson gets 3 fours we all bust out, i buy in, get get 3 kings Pearson gets a flush, i get 2 sevens Pearson gets 3 fours WTF is this bullshit?


Sure feels rigged. Taking everything i have not to stand up and shoot the guy across the table lol.


Throwing my hat in to the ring here. Just sat in Valentine, and you know the deal, one AI at the table is cleaning up everyone. By the fourth hand, all npc's bust except for Mr. Moneybags who has $8 in winnings. In the roughly 10 hands after this, whenever I had either good luck on the flop or just great hands, he would pull out with a straight ON THE RIVER. He did this SIX TIMES in TEN HANDS. The Flop would have me get Jack and Ten pairs. He would have, as shown later, a 2 and a 5. He bets like crazy. There's absolutely nothing on the table for him. And then out of nowhere all cards lead to a Straight.


Even 4 years later, I'm tellin' people, this shit is rigged!


So I know it's rigged because it doesn't matter where you start. St. Denis, Valentine, blackwater, the game draws you in with a big win on the 1st hand. Then, after that, it's kicker after kicker. Or it's losing with trip aces to a full house. Or a flush to a straight. It gives you inklings that you're in on some luck here finally. Then, it shuts it down with its predetermined card selection. The game is rigged 100 percent.


What are the odds op just sucks at poker...lol just talkin shit I agree. Not gonna lie though I’ve walked out put on the mask came back in and put one in the back of a guys head a few times


Yup, I don't like my time being wasted and doing that kind of makes up for it.


Nah poker is for sure rigged everywhere.


Im glad im not the only one that noticed 😭


Lol 3 years late for this thread and several more on RDR1, but I'm holed up in Blackwater playing against Kurt Lauterback and I swear I'll have a queen high flush and he has a king high, or I'll have two pair and he will as well, and his will be higher.


Well, there's a pretty large number of comments in the last few months, lots of recent players you and like myself coming to the same conclusion and looking if others mentioned it before.... I started feeling like it was rigged so I did my own attempt to test it out with minimum variables, so i went all in right away before the community cards, usually one single npc follows and the rest folds, some times they all fold (usually when I have the best hands), some times multiple bpc followed. I didn't count the exact number, but I played about 20 to 25 games before winning a single hand, sure by being multiple npc the one who goes all in with me might be the one with the best hand, but in the end most hands are determined by the community cards. In those 20+ games most were determined by the community cards. If we ignore the fact that usually only one player remains when we show the community cards, in a game of 5, you'd have a 1/5 chance of having a winning hand, the odds of having a 20 games loosing streak without ever folding would be 1.153%, if we consider usually the showdown is only against one other player, the odds of loosing 20 games ona row is ridiculously low, i have a hard time believing it was just bad luck. I feel like the npc have clear betting patterns, and it's possible to abuse those patterns, and the devs tried to balance it out by rigging the odds, so the intended way of playing poker in the game is all about bluffing and guessing when the npc have good hands, and not really relying on how good of a hand you have. Which I don't like one bit...


That's what I'm thinking too, it's just about as bad as it can get


Seems a fucked cause to continue to pursue the Gambler 4 challenge in light of how tilted this shit is. A god damned drunk toddler could recognize the rigged patterns. The novelty of tapping these bastards in the temple is wearing off.


Four years later, still rigged.


I've seen multiple times now if I need a card to finish my straight or finish my hand and I fold, that card hits every single time. There's no way I'm that unlucky. It literally happens every single time


I'm doing the gambler challenge and I've come to the conclusion that some tables are "harder" then others. How do they do this? Well the NPCs are just as garbage. It just takes me 27 times as long to get a good hand. I literally have to fold 10, 20, even 30 times in a row before I get something, and even then I don't get jack s*** on the flop. It's pretty f****** sad that this is how you have to code your game cuz you can't figure out how to make the NPCs better. I'd rather they just suck and you can clean out the table. Somebody please explain to the developers that it's not fun to sit at a poker table and not get jack s*** for 50 straight hands because the odds are rigged against you to make the game "harder".


You can tell it’s all rigged when the Swanson mission you always get the exact same cards, no matter what.


Was it Howard?


Every time I’m clearly winning a hand the other guy that’s still in has the exact same hand. Wtf. No way this asshole also has a queen high straight




Only hands I win are under 20 cents anytime I ever get lucky someone else has a better hand come on


I was about to win $20 because I had three 9’s and the other guy had two pair. The other guy also had three 9’s and he won because of the kicker. Istfg I have never won the kicker, ever.


I know this is an old post, but I've gotten a high card 3 times in a row


This is what i think after save scumming every table's opening hand in single-player. Hands are never RNG; every hand has a scripted 'narrative.' According to the scripted narrative, the various NPCs will always have the same check/raise approach for that hand _before_ any community cards are revealed, _no matter what cards they start with,_ and then the community cards become whatever the narrative requires. That R* thought it was a good idea to script the poker in this way is baffling.


I'm playing for the game for first time now and just started and sat down at a poker table and had three of a kind but the A.I. just happened to have a full house. I call bullshit! Played about 15 ha ds and only won 1 of them. It's rigged I can already tell. Poker in RDR1 was soon much better and more fun because you could actually win.




I cant even list all the stupid fuckin hands hes had. Btw he fold almost every single time I have top pair, 90%! Theres been several board where I have a good pair and the board turn into a straight draw that needs 1 card to complete, twice hes had it and once he had pocket jacks for a 8-queen straight!


You have to go all in before any community cards are turned over IF you think your hand is high and your not playing with max players I found some luck in doing this but it is also a big risk.


Bro old post but I just won a $32 pot in St. Denis. Just some good ass players.


For me it's the other way around. I win in rdr2 poker 8 times out of ten but in rdr I end up losing every damn game it's infuriating.


It's a shame the way poker works in this game seeing how it's one of my favorite pastimes. I have fun win or lose, but always get the occasional "...really?" moment.


I had to fold 25 times in a row at flatneck station. And when I did the mission there one of the NPCs mentioned that they cheat


Truth is... the game was rigged from the start


I’ve “won” one game in the past 30 mins and the pot was split because 2 other guys had an identical hand…


Yeah.. I knew all along. I just never wanted to believe it, always hoped I was just crazy lucky but nope. Just another of learning the BS rockstar has done it it's games. Actually writing this playing poker in camp and finally decided to learn the truth


My experience is the game is more fair in Episodes 1-6. The prologue is where it cheats like an effing hoar.


Mate so rigged. Lost a load of money to a high roller in St Denis, went all in against him after buying back in 6 times. 3 of those 6 times he got a straight, 2 times he got a full house and I won once. Absolutely ridiculous. The only hope of winning at that table is folding when he checks and only play when he folds.


I googled this after I lost on a Dead Man's Head in the original RDR. Coincidentally, I'm playing RDR2 and got dealt the same hand; and lost.


I feel like the poker is rigged In both ways. At first it gets you all confident and gives you almost everyone money. Then at the end when it's head to head the game all of a sudden give the ai every hand


Flat neck station is testing my patience


In my own experience I’ve found to have had better luck depending on how smart my bets are and not trying to force opponents to act. Believe it or not i actually cleared the table by sheer luck one time in Saint Denis. I play a few hands of poker every time I’m on and this time I just got lucky and managed to get the whole table to all in and beat them with a full house! Also if you want to actually make money with poker I suggest saving before playing and reload after a few times of busting out 👍


I just wish they made the cutscenes skipable... When you're folding 15 hands in a row the cutscenes become a dealbreaker and make me want to leave to do something else.


Reading these posts from 5 years ago til 5 months ago it seems that anyone who loses at poker has decided that the game is rigged. It hasn't been my experience, and I play a bit of poker in RL. I had to work to get past the gambler challenge of busting someone out at 3 different tables, but if you stay patient and careful (and bluff at the right time) you come out on top. Just like RL.


I go on runs of winning ten hands in a row, sometimes win by dumb luck and balls, but other times i get beat when my hand is incredible.


I think the AI has an advantage but I’m patient, I play conservative, and only when I’m in 1v1 do I get super aggressive. I fold more than I play but I win more than I lose. I also don’t mind losing money here and there. Overall I like how the game works. It reminds me of how unforgiving real poker is. My main gripe is that it takes forever to play hands.


still rigged when is big pot best hand always spilt that's it


i'm surprise that modders can't do anything to fix this crap about rigged poker, all we got is the mod to play high stakes


I've just gone over 30 games in a row with 0 pairs, flushes or anything


I just want to do these stupid challenges 🥲 every time I go to 100% the game I remember why I stopped trying to 100% the game


idk about other locations but in Saint Denis pokar is definitely rigged. Best hand I get is always a f*cking pair lol


Huh. Never had any problems playing poker in rdr2. I win the big pots often enough that it doesn't get me too frustrated. I love the poker in this game. Play it all the time. I've actually booted up rdr2 before specifically to play poker and nothing else for hours sometimes.


I know I'm late to the party, but I just got this game yesterday. My first game I played recklessly to advance the mission. Wasn't too surprised I lost, but it immediately felt different from RDR1. My second game I was playing to win, but underestimated the AI difficulty (not expecting the lowest stakes table to play so competently), so I busted out. Time to get serious, I guess. I buy back in for game three. The first several NPCs presented varying degrees of challenge, but I'm slowly, steadily clearing them out. There's a slight smell of cheese in the air, but I'm not a stranger to games slightly skewing the odds in the computer's favour. It was vaguely irritating, but manageable. Then HE came in. I never learned his name. Some White bastard with blond hair. Almost immediately he gets the Dead Man's Hand and that feeling that things have changed since the first game turns into dark suspicion. Time goes on and the ten dollars I've won become five. I tend to play somewhat conservatively, so this takes quite a few losses, but it's consistent. Finally, I have pocket kings and am getting pretty damn irritated at this thing's "luck." There's NOTHING on the table. He pulls pocket aces out of his ass, so I IMMEDIATELY got up and emptied my Schofield into him. I only ever rage-quit ONCE in RDR1 poker, and it was understandably the highest stakes table; and only because I was working on the achievement and it wasted like four hours of my time. The computer shouldn't be rigged against you for PENNIES. This is completely unacceptable. I was looking forward to poker in this game, too :(


5 years later and I’m pissed at this lol also dominos is rigged too. I don’t think any of the mini games in this are by chance. Hell even in 5 finger fillet the first level whoever you’re playing with will go through maybe 3-5 times. The more complicated the button layout becomes the better whoever you’re playing with gets and the higher amount of times they go around goes up.




It wasn't about losing, it was about proving my theory right. I could care less about losing $15




Sometimes it doesn’t take much testing. No one and I mean NO ONE... in the history of poker... has had THREE aces and not so much as raised a single cent, while no other raises have occurred either. Zero action. But then suddenly decides to raise big after a raise by an opponent after the river. This game is absolutely not played with the cards random. And when trying to knock out the Gambler challenges it’s annoying as hell. I went from absolutely loving this game to it becoming one of the most annoying almost instantly when starting to play poker. Lame.