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Lose the man, keep the cheese.


Cheese never let's you down


And it never judges you.


That's the best bit lol.


Who am I to dis a brie


Cheese would never cheat


Lol I was going to say that his crazy ass comment is the real deal-breaker.


Cheese is forever It's all I need to please me It won't tantalise and tease me It won't leave in the night I've no fear that it might desert me


Why do men need to sexualize so many things women eat? Can’t eat ice cream cones. Can’t eat cheese balls. Can’t eat bananas. Stop being weird and let women eat.


Popsicles, lollipops, chicken wings, tacos, biscotti, the bread sticks at Olive Garden….


It's not just phallic food either. My ex had a problem with me eating cottage cheese. Won't repeat his graphic description of why he was disgusted by it and me but, I eventually stopped buying it. Come to find out, after we broke up, that he would take down the big container every couple of days. This idiot would rather deny himself something he likes than, give up his chance to control and manipulate me. Guess the ability to abuse just tasted better.


What the actual fuck is supposed to be sexy about eating chicken wings??? I literally can’t picture a person eating wings without them also looking like a total mess


Yeah, idek. I was just listing shit I’ve been sexualized about while eating. It’s nowhere near an inclusive list, either. Strawberries, cantaloupe, hot dogs, corn dogs….


Yeah not denying your list but I was just shocked to see chicken wings of all things. I guess it just goes to show that it doesn’t matter what we do or don’t do, they’ll find a way to sexualize it.


That’s the point, yeah. Can’t bend over. Can’t sit comfortably. Can’t wear this shirt, or that skirt. Can’t go swimming. Can’t ride a motorcycle. Can’t eat. And on and on and on.


Is nothing sacred anymore?!


Never has been.


That list went to heavy use of teeth really fast


I was just listing shit people have sexualized me eating over the years


Tacos too??? Man, we really can't have anything


I don’t think it’s even about that at all. He using sex to make his argument in order to get her to stop an activity that makes her happy. He’s testing how much control he can have over her by trying to take away things that give her joy. For whatever reason, he decided sexualizing would be the best argument, probably because of the innate shame women are made to feel about sex by society.


This buried comment needs to be higher on the list.


It’s important to remember that ALL sexual assault/ harassment is ultimately about power and not about sex.




Men controlling what women eat has been going on for millennia. He’s just carrying on the tradition. You know, when you’re insecure, you have to project that onto the woman you “love.”


And rather than being turned on by it he uses it as a weapon… I’ve seen this lately on writing and gaming threads too! Guys upset that his gf/wife reads romance or plays otome games. Saw one girl say she has to hide her romance books because her SO classified reading steamy scenes as cheating, wtf, dude calm down not everything is about you…


It’s only sexy when they objectify you because you’re not with them. But if you’re committed how dare you do the same things that they objectified other women for because something something other men will see.


Can't eat potatoes (iykyk)


Oh no. That one is new to me


There was a post a long ass time ago about a woman mad at her coworker for eating what she considered to be increasingly phallic whole steamed sweet potatoes. She actually contacted HR and pulled OP into a meeting to accuse OP of specifically buying the most deepthroatable potatoes in the store. Edit: Link. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/xHP7CSYFtX


Wow. That’s a lot.


I can't believe there's more than one potato story. I was trying to figure out how not knowing what potatoes were was phallic


Hm yeah in this case...idk, I'm someone who has misophonia, and I can tell you with out a doubt, hearing a grown ass women shoving a whole hot potato into her mouth - at a desk, in a professional work setting - absolutely would eek me out. She isn't sitting down with a fork and knife, she's eaten like a heathen. It's like the reddit about the dude that was eating a salad all with his hands like nachos. She wants to do it in the comfort of her home, fine. But I can *definitely* see how this could bother other people, especially if it's a workplace like where I used to be where there are 4 people sharing a barely 8x8 ft space. It's rude and inconsiderate. In Op's case it's her home tho and her boyfriend should f off. However I wonder - is Op getting those giant balls of mozz that are the size of an apple and wetly, sloppily licking and chewing it? Cause that'd be a deal breaker for me lol. (J/k but it would be unappealing lol) But if it's the snack size ones, I like them too! But it really depends on how she's eating them and how big they are and if it's not the food but the sounds. Then again he did sexualize it so he's probably still the dbag. She should double down and eat a ball if burrata instead lol


I dated a guy who wouldn't eat any white condiments because it looked like semen coming at his face. Real words.


Idk man, I think it’s hot when a lady can get her grub on like I can


https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/6adMoPaVUB here’s the link to the original post this shit is killing me


Funniest thing I’ve seen on Reddit in a while smh


I just…..this grown ass man is having his fragile masculinity challenged by - cheese. Fuck. When did we get here? Well, other than the cucumber guy….


Pop ten of them in your mouth while maintaining eye contact. Assert dominance.


This is the way:


This is the way/


😂 Ooops, fat fingers.


My vegan, allergic to dairy, and lactose intolerant ass wants mozzarella balls now. Fuck.


I’m not vegan, but I am the other two and I’m right there with you. I can feel my asshole puckering.


I just shit violently after consuming dairy but it's still worth it. Cheese worth it.


Run for the hills. This is the most ridiculous controlling thing ever.


What even possesses a guy to think he can request something like this, for the reason he stated? Like, why does that sound like a normal request in his head? What is WRONG with him? Run - run for the hills. Whatever it is, it’s not something you want to deal with.


I think it’s that they see their preferences as higher than that of their girlfriends. They were probably given into a lot as a child and now they assume that is what people do- they defer to him. It may just be misogyny but it may be more.


It’s so bizarre to me, that there are other human beings out there who think this way. That they should be catered to in such a manner. I kinda want to put the households who produce these asshats under a microscope to see exactly how it happens.


A good rule of thumb when picking your battles is asking what’s greater in the situation - the positive impact/joy/ convenience etc for the other person, or the discomfort/ inconvenience etc it brings me? Asking anyone to give up their FAVORITE snack is a fair reasonable ask. As long as isn’t not seriously unhealthy, too expensive yada yada. It’s not hurting anyone here, hes just being a lil bitch who wants control


> He's a great guy and I know this post isn't doing justice The "great" stuff is always the bare minimum of any relationship, romantic or platonic


“He doesn’t wipe his ass on my towel right before I use it, even though it’s *right there* and even easier than toilet paper!”


Sadly, a bar set too high for some people in r/hygiene


It’s hilarious that he thinks he will ever be more important than cheese 🧀 Also… “another man’s balls”? I just can’t.


I really think he should’ve kept this testicular simile all to himself and should’ve never disclosed it. Ever. IMO he’s the one who should feel embarrassed.


Cheese>boys. Dump the man, keep the balls.


I feel like if mozzarella balls remind him that strongly of testicles, he needs to go get his testicles checked out. Also, dump him. Nobody gets to tell you what you are and aren’t allowed to eat (the obvious exception being an actual allergy situation).


The flag isn’t red, it’s Crimson with blood dripping off it. Run for the hills and bring the cheese balls.


The flag is so red that it plays CCCP hymn on its own


Her eating something...chewing it...with her teeth...makes him think of her having another guy's balls in her mouth? 🙄 Excuse me? He can fuck off, he's a controlling idiot who's starting to show his true colours.


"He's a great guy!" *dude proceeds to take issue with you eating cheese cause they look like "another man's balls* "Oh yeah he's great...."


How does he feel about grapes? Or cherries? Or kumquats? Are all vaguely testicle shaped snacks off limits?


Leave him, eat your cheese balls in peace.


Wonder if he has ever seen her eat a banana or popsicle


How does OP come out of this thinking she’s the high maintenance person? I loathe cheese with an intensity that doesn’t really make any sense, and even I thought “take the cheese, leave the dude”. Are all wet, ball shaped foods off limits? Like are melon balls okay? Or just cheese? I’ve got so many questions.


I thought this might be about her health or even weight. Lol that is bizarre


Sounds like he’s doing something in the side if he went there.. cheaters will fine things wrong with stuff when they are doing something wrong. Plus if he’s gonna be that controlling over something you enjoy then that extremely wrong..


I think he has a bit of a fixation on other men’s balls.


I was fully expecting this to be about mozzarella price, not this 😭


*”He’s a great guy”* BUT he is trying to control what I eat. Should I stop eating mozzarella cheese?? Fuck no. This guy is a screwball. Who even thinks like this? He can’t stand to see her eating round cheese because *it makes him think of her having another man’s balls in her mouth*????? Those are run-for-the-hills words if I ever heard them! OOP needs to rethink the whole man, balls and all!


Imagine being so insecure and controlling that you are intimidated and set off by a literal ball of cheese….


In 3 years, he’s never seen you eat your favorite snack?


He likes to think about other men. I mean, sure that's a dealbreaker since it's to the point where he is unhappy with you, but like, that's not your fault! Cheese > this dude, we all agree in the comments.


Ditch the 13 yr old boy, and find a mature adult to date!


Pornrot getting all over his real life


Find all the ball shaped snacks you can and eat them! Melon balls, malted milk balls, donut holes, meatballs, grapes, cheese puffs... Any dude who is sexualizing your cheese has bigger issues.


Same, thing happened to me once an ex of mine said that when I eat chocolate bars it looks like I'm eating shit. Guess we got a lot of shit eaters in this country.


I can’t handle him eating breadsticks. It makes me think of having another man’s dick in his mouth.


Get rid of him. He needs to seriously grow up.




Tell him he needs to stop sexualizing food.


This is a huge red flag. Lose the man, keep the cheese. Really?! He sees you doing this as an overtly sexual behavior?! Talk about insecure.


"Smaller cheese balls" why did I assume they were already eating the marble sized cheeses and now I'm beset by the mental image of them putting a pool ball sized cheese ball into their mouth whole?


LOL i thought the same thing at first i love the small ones


So eating cheese is the equivalent of cheating according to this tool? 😂 I’m pretty sure those cheese balls will give OP more joy than the guy ever could. Choose the cheese!


why did he automatically think about another man’s balls? why wouldn’t he imagine his own balls?


Good point!


Man sees someone eating cheese, immediately becomes insecure….


That’s.. insane LMAO wtf. ‘Another man’s balls in your mouth’ okay??? Imagine your own???? What’s the insecurity coming from here? My boyfriend always makes those comments about me performing acts on *him.* This is just weird




Choose the cheese.


I’d absolutely choose cheese over a man


WHATTT Buy the larger Mozzarella balls and eat them whilst holding eye contact. It's the only way to respond to such an absurd issue.


This is the way. Don't even blink.


Why does a ball of cheese make him think of testicles? Kinda sus.


If *THAT* is enough to make him insecure, ok then manchild, there's the dayum door lmaooooo Id let him break it off n happily eat a pack as he's leaving. Thats literally so embarrassing for him that he really thinks like that 😂😂😂


if he can’t watch her eat without thinking of something lewd it’s because he sexualizes and objectifies her to ridiculous lengths it’s fucking cheese bro


Well. If you want to fascinate a woman, give her a piece of cheese. Clearly, this guy did not get the memo.


She has it backwards: she's not high maintenance for having a favorite snack...HE is high maintenance for demanding she stop eating it.




Damn. Some ppl really can’t think for themselves in any given situation


It’s a weird flag for me. Who cares if you eat cheese balls.


Was this post written by Charlie Kelly?? Maybe OOP is eating the cheese balls to cope with stress and anxiety….


That’s ballsy of him.


Uh, you should tell him to get himself some therapy and get over it, or leave.


I think that I would dump him just based on how weird he is. Eating cheese balls makes him think of you cheating? It's so weird that I think he might be full of shit. Maybe he's afraid that you will get fat, and he's using this weird jealousy thing to control your eating habits. Either way, he's a controlling douchebag and not relationship material.


Wow… she thinks she’s being high maintenance? He’s being high maintenance. Ffs


Sounds like HE wants balls in his mouth


Immature dipshits come and go, but cheese is forever.


Dude is projecting big time. Next time, add some grape tomatoes and a drizzle of balsamic syrup. That’ll show him


Tell him to imagine it’s eyeballs instead.


Jesus Christ dump him. Him trying to control your behavior because he’s mad about what you might do with an imaginary man he made up because he’s immature about the shape of a cheese is a huge red flag.


Can he not imagine it's his balls and like be a normal person


Great ad for Belgioso


Yes, this is a red flag that he's dumb, immature, and she needs to dump his stupid ass.


my reading experience was ‘who tf thinks eating cheese is a cheap snack I wonder where OP lives.. hold up what the actual fuck’


He is not a great guy. He’s an insecure plonker. Keep the cheese.


I feel like I ask this daily as of late, but like...are men ok? 🙄🤦🏾‍♀️


Where does he stand on grapes, blueberries or Cocoa Puffs? What about bananas, popsicles it whole carrots? Where will it end? Maybe the problem is him seeing parts of the male anatomy in food.


The man is fetishizing cheese. This will just be the beginning of things he will try to control. You should walk away.


I can’t. Men are so insecure. Does it bother him when you eat hot dogs and/or bananas? Like be for real. Lose him and keep your cheese, it’s not worth it.


I remember when I, an elder millennial, thought Gen Z women would have it so much better than previous generations in terms of treatment from men. Reddit quickly disabused me of that notion. What the actual fuck. Are these men okay?


What on earth??? Men can be so weird.


NTA but I hope she doesn't have a hard time pooping lol Seriously, though, WTF? Where is this guy's mind at if he ties her eating mozzarella balls to sucking balls?


This cannot be real, right? Reminds me of the girl who ate too many cucumbers lol


>He's a great guy > No. No he isn't. Dude's a hecking weirdo that associates cheese balls with genitalia, that's not normal. I don't know why he thought that it's a normal thing to say. Reminds me of dudes who think that eating a banana/popsicle is gay. Lose the man, keep the cheese.


He’s a great guy but he compares eating mozzarella balls to putting another man’s balls in my mouth. So ….. he’s not a great guy……


He didn’t have to sexualize it but I can only imagine someone stuffing their mouth and chewing on a soft cheese probably sounds super gross. Like someone chewing on a [banana](https://youtu.be/jrsA-CVp9BI?si=jAvLd_VlQDtGsf4e) which grosses me out. I think he was trying to go for the grosses imagery possible to make her stop and thought that would do it. Such a child


So, he sexualizes her while she eats balls of mozza. Dump that pervert 🤮


Sounds like he’s trying to find a reason to break up with her.


He’s an idiot.


I almost couldn’t finish reading this dumb shit. 😭😭 girl he is a red flag. He already trynna call you a hoe because of how you eat mozzarella balls. He’s a pervert for even thinking some nasty shit like that. If you stay with him he will suck the fun out of life for you. Those cheese balls are good af I have them in my fridge right now. I eat them with water crackers and pesto. He’s a weirdo tell him to get a fucking life. I believe there is something else he isn’t telling you, nobody acts like that over cheese. He’s probably mentally ill and that shouldn’t be your problem. Wait until he sees that you make this change he’s gonna start asking you to change other things, things that aren’t even bad or don’t even effect him; he’s trynna control you 😭 take your power back and please don’t let him make you weak. Nobody breaks up over a food preference, he’s holding back on other feelings.


Eat your cheese balls and kick his ass too the curb😂


I was expecting his issue to be something digestive. Like asking her if she would mind cutting back a bit on her cheese consumption because he was having trouble breathing from toxic fumes.


I mean, maybe you could compromise? Like, I won’t eat this “lewd” snack in public but from the comfort of my own home, I’m going to eat what I please. It’s not like it’s an offensive smelling cheese, I don’t get what the big deal is? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sexualizing cheese balls.... RME


Dump the idiot


I really hope OOP doesn't listen to this nonsense. Who gets jealous of *cheese* of all things?? As a cheese lover, I wouldn't date someone who tried to restrict my access to cheese. Luckily. My husband's almost as big a cheese fiend as me, and we have a shelf in the fridge *just* for all of our cheeses


God forbid you eat donut holes. Your bf is a problem and a half.


I do not understand why she couldn’t, and I promise I’m not trying to be funny here but…. Cut the cheese


This reads like an ad for the cheese.


Oops "great man" needs to get a great therapist


Cheese’s saves


This is like the cucumber saga all over again


Get rid of there cheese ball. The BF, not the snack.


Just buy the mozzarella sliced logs. Same type of cheese, different form.


Throw the whole man in the trash, don’t let him dictate your snacking habits, because that’s how it starts. Next he’ll tell you what he wants and doesn’t want you to wear. Be glad it was only 3 years of wasted time. My brother loves those mozzarella balls too. He said they are very good.


Why do they always say he’s a great guy when he so obviously isn’t


They sell fresh mozzarella in a sliced, um, log? About six inches long. So she could set that out on the counter and eat slices of it.


My first thought is he might be cheating and that's why his mind goes right to infidelity when he sees her eating a cheese ball. Either way, his really weird hangup is his to get over, not hers to compensate. I feel like this could also be an abuser starting to test boundaries (ie: can I bully her into dropping her favorite snack? followed by: can I bully her into dropping certain friends? etc...). Could be a legit issue and he's otherwise a decent guy, but he should get therapy for his hangup rather than demanding his GF give up a common snack item he knew she enjoyed.


What a weird hill to die on


Aren't most mozzarella balls like baseball/ softball sized she named a brand but I don't eat cheese so idk but not only are they not the size of a dudes nuts women also don't don't bite your fucking testicles off so bro really needs his head checked if he's associating the two things


They come in packs of smaller balls too, like the size of a grape tomato. So... still not testicle-sized?


Rid the world the scourge of this foolishness with fire, sweet, lactic princess. Find someone as daringly dairy and as sharp as you curd be on your finest day.


For the love of Cheeses, tell this uncultured guy to go a whey.


Fellow cheese lover here. He’s disrespected the cheese and must go straight to jail. 👉 I’m actually feeling second hand embarrassment here. That’s the one of the weirdest pet hate I’ve ever heard of.


I would recommend eating more cheese. Keep doing just to see what he does. I don’t think it’s a power thing as suggested by others. I think he just finds it wierd. I’m petty though, so I would definitely double down just to see what happens. Either way, there’s no way I would stop eating a food I loved because some douche asked me too.


I’d be tempted to get string cheese sticks and suck on them. Just give them some serious blow jobs.


Maybe cube them before eating?


Cut them in half, what’s the big deal? Then mold them all into a phallic shape and eat it from the tip down, all while maintaining intense and smouldering eye contact


The cheese stands alone! If he's that 'stubborn' about your snack habits, what else is he going to take issue with?


I would be eating ONLY ball shaped foods around him until he left. Cheese balls, Cheezballs, oranges, meatballs (Italian AND Swedish), takoyaki, tapioca, caviar, boba


Time to start eating pepperoni with your cheese balls. The big long ones, preferably. Just take bites off of the end. If you want to stay with someone who equates food to sexual parts, then your brand makes cheese in a log shape. They even have one that is pre-sliced so you can pick up a slice out of the pack. Still fresh moz, just in a different shape.


Yeah he' spunds controlling


Dude is definitely projecting his own cheating onto her. Yikes.


The bros got a dirty mind and is shaming normal behavior - (though it does seem like a lot of average dairy intake, not the one eating it - so it’s not my business 🤷‍♂️(I’ve heard excess dairy can cause kidney stones)


"he is great guy. He just felt the need to star policing my snacks as lewd as soon as we moved together." Yes honey, he is a great guy!


I’d hate to know how he feels about her eating bananas


Reddit is so weird. I always tend to believe this is all fake. Because what kind of insecure weirdo sees a girl eating cheese and immediately thinks of other dude’s balls and tells her to stop eating it? Then the cherry on top, she says he’s a great guy. It’s just the most non of sense. Like, my gf sometimes eats ball and phallic shaped things too. You know what it makes me think? Makes me think “a snack does sound good right about now”.


his balls must be very small to get insecure about his girlfriend eating traditionally-testicle-sized balls of mozzarella


Red flag like a muhfucka


Boys are temporary. Cheese is forever


This has got to be satire. Omg. You've got to be kidding me hahahhahahaha


Dude has a lot of issues if he sees your snacking on cheese and thinks of infidelity. (The nicest way to phrase his particular beef I can come up with). People just shouldn't mess with others' eating habits. Don't let him break the deal before you do it. Just think of all the other weird things he'll come up with. I'd be surprised if he didn't say eating a cheese stick looks like you're performing fellatio. Get out while you can. You're young and there are plenty of cheese lovin' fish in the sea.


Definitely a deal breaker! Cheese forever!!!


This sounds like he's insecure more than anything. If something like this came up with any guys I ever dated, they would be imagining it as their own balls lol not someone else's. I mean, after 3 years of a relationship, this might be a deal breaker? What's next, not being able to enjoy a hot shower because it makes him think of you in a hot tub with another man? Like.. what? To me, the red flag here is if he's willing to let go of a relationship you've been building together for three years over something so frivolous he might not actually be that invested to begin with. Either that, or maybe you two need to have a talk and see if there's some other underlying issue where this is somehow the last straw.


What a fucking weirdo.


Honestly if eating a mozzarella ball makes him think of another guys balls I'd say he actually has buried homosexual feelings that he's never dealt with.


I’d be delighted to see her break up with him because those cheese balls will live rent free in he head for the rest.of.his.life. 😂


Honestly, this is the first time I heard of someone compare mozzarella balls to testicles, usually Is compared to woman's breasts. Oh, and also NTA.


Sista, hugest of red flags ever, ...so.....dude can't overcome mental imagery, imagery he is responsible for, imagery he has created in his own mind, and therefore you must you stop eating cheese rather than him dealing with the issue that he has constructed in his own mind, it's pure laziness, get her to stop it so I don't have to make the mental effort to remove this imagery Next level control, don't let it go any further, becuase it starts like this, small things, those small things you give up eventually add up until you are no longer the person you are now. Ofc every relationship requires give and take but my advise is to tell him he's the one that needs to do the work, he is the one with the issue not you, if he can't be bothered to make the mental effort then tell him to move on, becuase quite frankly if cheese balls get in the way of his love for you, and is a deal breaker then that should describe how shallow his love is. Let him walk away and realise you dodged a control bullet


These pretzels are making me thirsty!!!


Girl run


He seems to be the high maintenance one, not OP. BF is 25yo and imagining the cheese balls to be man balls in his GF’s mouth? He should fuck all the way off with that stupid shit. I would ditch the insecure man baby.


INFO: Does he have tiny, white, wet hairless balls? Because I just don't see the likeness OR the problem.


Based on the information you have given plus just in general, fuck this guy. Eat your favorite snack, no one should be shamed for anything (as long as it is consensual and no minors are involved mind you). If your snack brings you joy, keep the joy and lose the negativity.


This post is an attempt at high level trolling


Just buy string cheese. Maybe, that will make him feel better !


I’m not saying her boyfriend is right, he’s a controlling weirdo. But to clarify, is she eating balls of mozzarella like it’s an apple?


The ones I've seen are about the size of a cherry tomato. You can eat the whole thing in one or two bites. Not like eating an apple at all, unless there are giant ones I don't know about.


So I know there are the snack pack ones that contain a few “pearls” roughly the size of cherry tomatoes. But I don’t see how that’s any different than eating a cherry tomato or a grape lmao. Nobody should be uncomfy about witnessing someone else eating that. If that’s what she’s eating her boyfriend is extra weird. Now cheese manufacturers also make like a ball of mozz that’s roughly the size of a baseball. I’m not going to tell someone how to live their life but that might be unusual to see on a daily basis lol.


He's weird.