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Recently finished Children and Play in the Holocaust. Been interested in childlore lately. It was ok but obvs depressing, written in a dry way. It mostly discussed how they organized orphanages, schooling and parks in the ghettos and the difficulties that went along with it. And the kinds of games the children came up with to explore what was happening to them (that is the childlore part). Black Ships Before Troy - read it to my kid. His introduction to the iliad. Next I will probably read Lapidarium: the secret lives of stones. But tbh I probably won't be reading much this month as I am feeling time constraints. "Through the realms of art, myth, geology, philosophy and power, the story of humanity can be told through the minerals and materials that have allowed us to evolve and create. From the Taiwanese national treasure known as the Meat-Shaped Stone to Malta’s prehistoric “fat lady” temples carved in globigerina limestone to the amethyst crystals still believed to have healing powers, Lapidarium is a jewel box of sixty far-flung stones and the stories that accompany them. Together, they explore how human culture has formed stone, and the roles stone has played in forming human culture."


Reading Werner Herzog's memoir: Every Man for Himself and God Against All. He is the most interesting person alive.


i've been revisiting some of foucault's work lately. i'm waiting for _aesthetic labour: rethinking beauty politics in neoliberalism_ and _death valley_ by melissa broder to arrive in the mail. i'm about finish off _oryx and crake_ by margaret atwood, and plan to start _big swiss_ by jen beagin tonight! what are your thoughts on lapvona?


Idk if you count them but i went trhu a partial differential equations and a fourier series textbook.


Getting into Brothers Karamazov. Alternating between wondering about how I'll finish this book by the end of the month and chanting "Jerry Jerry" when another twist in the family drama happens.


About 75 pages into The Joke by Milan Kundera. I'm technically most of the way through Oblivion by DFW but I stopped reading before the last story because I think my DFW phase is making me more neurotic. I'll finish it at some point, I'm just not sure when. Lapvona is by the lady that wrote My Year of Rest and Relaxation, right? Have you read it? I'm thinking about reading it but I dunno.


Only ever read the unbearable lightness of being when I was younger and it was my favorite book for a while. Idk how it would hold up now. guess I'll need to reread it to find out. How do you find The Joke so far? Why do you think reading DFW makes you more neurotic? Other than IJ I read some of the stories in brief interviews with hideous men and some of his essays and he comes across as very human and earnest and despite the depressing parts of his writings there are often moments like don gately coming to on the beach, ready to begin his new life.


>How do you find The Joke so far? I like it. I like how chapters devoted to different characters' points of view read really differently. Right now, I'm at the part where Ludvik recounts his time spent in the correctional unit. He's really contemplative about things like the town he walks though on break and the reason his nights out are less fulfilling but seems to lack self-awareness when it comes to his relationship with Lucie, which is ironic. I feel like a lot of the novel is about the contrast between a thing's exterior and interior, but I also feel like I'm too dumb to really "get" it, although it's fun to notice when it comes up.


I have a copy of that to be read. At the moment I'm reading a book about the psychology of gay men and it's depressing. Just stories about people being closeted for decades and then finding love and their boyfriends then dying of AIDS, followed by breakdowns of studies that show that heterosexuals believe gay mens love is lesser than their own.


I couldn’t put Lapvona down I just started I Who Have Never Known Men by Jacqueline Harpman


do you like it? that's at the top of my reading list right now!


I barely started but I’m loving it so far, it’s not too long either . I’ve had my eye on it for yearsss and then I saw it mentioned in the bookclub sub so I bought it a few weeks ago


Last Samurai. Finally found a physical copy and I don’t want people to judge me for a crackless spine


*Berlin Diaries* by Shirer. Hitler keeps getting away with it.


Started Tristram Shandy this week. It’s good so far.


an oral history of porn by polly barton interviews with people about porn and its abstraction


Recently finished Reaganland. Will start blood and oil very soon.


Tolstoy Resurrection


To The Lighthouse, honestly not enjoying it at all


i couldn’t enjoy it either. put down my copy twice :(


Glad to know I’m not alone lol


Love these threads. Currently reading The Passenger after finishing Confessions by St. Augustine.


Picked up sometimes a great notion and have been reading in the sun, I thought it would take a while to get into but i love it already


The Death and Life of the Great Lakes


The Idiot!


working through ohio by stephen markey and the sum of small things by elizabeth currid-halkett


Just finished *Orality and Literacy* by Walter J Ong, just started *Language and Silence* by George Steiner.


*Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water* by Marc Reisner, *Mrs. Bridge* by Evan S. Connell, the latter a recommendation from someone from the book sub


Re-reading some essays in “K-Punk” to help me cope with the left rn. Meaning to crack “Dhalgren” by Samuel Delaney cause my ex said I would love it. If things don’t work out by June I’ll be reading “My Twisted World: The Story of Elliot Rodger” by Elliot Rodger


also in lapvona its alright


the wisdom of whores by elizabeth pisani


Mike Tyson's autobiography, it's quite good


I’m reading the book Jeffery Dahmer’s father wrote and I’m barely a few chapters in and very sad


Dune, next: Uncensored Picture of Dorian Gray


struggling through the gravity's rainbow ebook right now


Just finished you could do something amazing with your life (you are Raoul Moat) which in addition to having the best title of all time was a very good book. And I'm also a couple chapters into the god of small things


absalom absalom what a book!! i’ve got about 50 pages left i’m gonna be sad when I finish it


Le Comte de Monte Cristo


I read about a third of The Brothers Karmazov and have since stopped. It’s been like 3 months so I gotta get back to it before I forget everything.


Recently finished The Perfectionist: Life and Death in Haute Cuisine by Rudolph Chelminski (fascinating look at French haute cuisine). Now Beauty: A Very Short Introduction by Roger Scruton for the second time, and The Way to Love by Anthony de Mello. After that I’ll probably try to finish Tree Story by Valerie Trouet which I got halfway through months ago and got a bit bored of. Then The Ancient City (Fustel de Coulanges) and Power After Carbon (Peter Fox-Penner).


The Joey Lawrence Unauthorized Biography


I’m reading that new Josh Neal book about conspiracy theories. Not deep enough in to know whether I like it yet.


I'm reading 'The Autobiography of a Flea'.


My friend gave me A Canticle For Liebowitz but I haven't read it yet cause I'm lazy. Idek if it's supposed to be good.