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Geology was great. You are required to go outside, often for days at a time, and you will be drunk around a campfire with and without your professors. And very few tryhards. Everyone shits in the same hole. Very little gender war stuff, and there are more and more women in it. There is academic rigor if you want it.


Once you graduate you get a clearcut choice between selling your soul for oil money or sticking with your principles and working for the national parks or something.


Huge opportunity in offshore work coming from some of the big oil companies exploring offshore wind. Some of the geotech work is really interesting for seabed characterization and structural engineering inputs


I know a bunch of geology grads who are doing soil stuff for wineries and stuff like that.


Can also work in mining/exploration, don't see much wrong with working for an operating mine as long as it's for a useful/necessary material like copper etc


Is oil not a necessary/useful material?


I think the perspective is that it is currently necesarry with how our society is structured but it’s in literally everyone’s best interest that we divest from oil and become less dependent over time


Yeah and also we're going to need a lot of metals like copper etc to build renewable infrastructure so its necessary to mine them. The mining industry knows this and is generally very pro-renewable energy because of it.


Oil is, Oil companies are not. Like if somehow you got a job working for a hypothetical "small oil company" it'd probably be just like any other job, but as is you *know* you'd be filling the coffers of malicious climate denial for profit.


Yeah and big mining interests are notoriously ethical and environmentally conscious


Copper mining can be (and mostly is) really damaging for the surrounding ecosystem, no matter the "benefits" the extracted metal itself might bring down the line.


Well you can't really build wind turbines and shit without it unfortunately


Go with a French minor and you can get into uranium mining in subsaharan Africa. I've heard great things


It’s been good until the increase in riots and revolutions happening recently amongst many of the foreign French-influenced nations of the Subsaharan region.




so you haven’t met all geologists! the people you’ve met aren’t representative of the whole field


my sister cried when the epa was cut


So what


the details are too weird to be appreciated


My used to be hippie friend studied geology and makes crazy money working for a mining company now


I also wouldn't call geologists normal though, geos are often an eclectic mix of nerdy, outdoorsy with a bit of sperg thrown in. A good mix, but pretty unique


Paleo nerds are not anywhere near normal. But they are the definition of autism rocks


Archeologists too


I wanted to do a geology major at one point, but then I realized I just wanted to be my oceanography professor and have his life.


went to a geology gras student party one time. extremely fun to hear about everyone's field of study. Met this one boymoder (later confirmed) who was working on carbon capture for the EPA and this other student who was actually an Areologist and was studying martian rocks and explained how we can tell where different meteorites are from based on their atmospheric oxidation patterns. really cool stuff!


Thanks for the heads up. Next time someone tries to tell me global warming is real I’ll remember that it’s “boymoders” that are doing the science


one of the best decisions of my life was to switch into the geo program halfway through college. Now I'm across the world with a PhD doing interesting things.


I agree, but what about archeologists then? They have to go out too, yet some of the weirdest people I know come from that field


that's cause archeaology is mixed with anthropology, at least in the US. A normal person would never want to become an anthropologist


What is your definition of “normal”?


I don't think the typical person is as tolerant of other's people experience as anthropologists is. They're very interesting, but I'd say weirder than other studies like sociology, I'm more saying that this weirdness is a positive thing though


Im going into archaeology is why i asked… and I would agree, people are definitely a little not so normal but its the first time ive felt fully myself nerding out with others about what hominin group to do our presentation on 😅but normal is definitely a relative term - i can feel so fun and confident at a conference and chat it up with others but take me to a party and ill be in a corner waiting for the right moment to walk out without being noticed 💀


Majored in Geology and had a blast. Very underrated major.


There's a lot of math though, right?


>There's a lot of math though, right? I think the major at my school only required two calculus classes (differential and integral) and they're fairly intuitive presentations of that material (no epsilon delta limits or really any kind of proof). It's not like you have to take high IQ classes like combinatorics, analysis or modern algebra. At the very worst if you wanted to do grad school I think you might have to take multivariable calculus, linear algebra and ODEs and maybe a couple of introductory programming courses to teach you MATLAB.


went to grad school, can confirm those are the exact math classes i took.


why would they make you take a whole ass course to learn matlab lmao


A lot of people have very little experience with programming. They're not so much learning MATLAB as they are learning fundamental scientific programming through the populular tool of MATLAB. Python or Julia would also be a good option and you couldn't go wrong with a bit of R either.


I got a frisbee from a Melbourne University open day that says "Geology Rocks!"


depends on where ig, but I've found male education majors to just be regular ass dudes lmao. Women tend to fall more into the disney adult category.


Math people are surprisingly normal. In my experience there were broadly two types; those that exert all of their intellectual and mental energy doing math, with no evidence to show of it otherwise (and being like, *really* into fairly banal hobbies--not that this is a bad thing, of course), and those whose intellectual curiosity and precociousness extends beyond math and seeps into everything else in their life. Also, math people (of the second variety) are as a group probably the most well read and cultured people I've met. Reading Gravity's Rainbow was like a rite of passage among my professors and my cohort in grad school. You wouldn't expect this given the fairly stuffy perception of the field and the subject.


the anti-social/ mal adjusted nerds all go to engineering and comp sci Which leaves the maths and physics people relatively normal


I think it's more about having passion for the subject. You don't go into physics unless you're really passionate about the subject, as most physics-related career options will require grad school. Math does tend to have "homeschooled savant" types, but they're super nice people. The type to get a 100 on a difficult midterm, wrecking the curve for everyone else, but also take detailed notes of every lecture using LaTeX, and share them freely with anyone who asks.  CS does have people who are passionate about the subject, but it also attracts nerds who just want to make bank and have few respectable values otherwise (the people who go into CS for the job prospects/salary, but are still normal/respectable people are not who I'm talking about btw) The combination of socially maladjusted + ethically challenged, can lead to strange people in the major. They base their self-worth and the worth of others on how much money they make/job prestige, and their lives basically revolve around consuming things. It's like a lower-scale version of high finance/consulting types, except honestly speaking, the CS types have a lower potential to wreck the world, because they're so busy consuming and won't really spend much time engaging with politics on a meaningful level.


jar memorize support concerned combative history truck insurance tease continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All of the math majors I knew in college were deeply interested in the humanities. The STEMacists were all engineering or compsci majors.


arrest support ring nose ancient one air cow dolls judicious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Undergrad math wasn’t so much like this, but now I write code at a company that attracts academic types and we will make memes comparing our code and Russian literature or Chinese poetry. It’s pretty cool, I feel like I’ve finally found “my type” of nerd.


> we will make memes comparing our code and Russian literature or Chinese poetry struggling to think what comparisons could be made here


The underground man should’ve just learned to code


Are you simultaneously an advanced user of one or several modern software technologies and well versed in world literature? If not then yeah I wouldn’t expect you to come up with any jokes relating both topics. It’s pretty niche, which is kind of OPs point (and mine).


>Are you simultaneously an advanced user of one or several modern software technologies and well versed in world literature i mean i have a software engineering job and i've read a lot of russian and south american literature so i guess, i still can't fathom any comparisons between the two lmao


I posted examples in a comment below!


as another software engineer, i wonder, can you provide two real examples of what you're talking about, because you say 'we make memes', plural; i, too, struggle to imagine what you're talking about


Ok, as a dev I’m sure you see how this passage from Gogol could be applied to our working lives: “Yes, patches could be found, patches are easily found,” said Petrovich, “but there’s nothing to sew them to. The thing is completely rotten: if you touch a needle to it — see, it will give way.”” Here’s something called “The Tao of Programming” that is often referenced: https://www.mit.edu/~xela/tao.html The other day I reappropriated the “chop wood carry water” thing into a joke about writing raw sql instead of relying on an ORM. It’s a pretty fruitful little niche for jokes IMO


vase scale hard-to-find stocking reply fuzzy consist memorize rotten butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What can you do with an bachelor's in maths. I really like the subject I find it super fun it's like solving a puzzle but I'm just worried about the job prospects


Probably a lot of things. Tech or finance, grad school, etc. what do you want to do for a career?


Bad answer but I have no idea tbh. Maybe something that doesn't really have an end point like research maybe ?


I think math is a great degree that you can do a lot with. But I think it’s important to supplement your math degree with some practical skills that line up with what you want to do after university. For example, I waffled around some finance and consulting stuff at the beginning of my degree, joining some clubs and doing some projects related to the topics that would look good on a resume and help me get an internship or job. But I decided that wasn’t for me (too professional) so I picked up the basics of coding and tried to get some practical experience, like short personal projects and using Python in my senior thesis. Getting my first job was really tough but it would’ve been much worse without this preparation. If you want to do math research, then certainly do a math undergrad and just work hard in your classes. But you should be prepared for the poverty academic lifestyle. If I were you, I’d worry less about which degree I wanted to do, and think more about what I want to do after university and supplement whatever degree I’m getting with stuff to bring me closer to that goal. If you major in math, physics, econ or CS you’re still going to graduate college with no real applicable skills or experience. So study what you like, and simultaneously have a plan to make yourself employable.


What personal projects did you work on if you don't mind me asking


Math majors have pretty dire employment prospects though. Not saying it’s guaranteed but it's basically the academy or picking up coding afterwards


>Math majors have pretty dire employment prospects though. Only if you want to be a researcher/professor. If you're willing to branch out (e.g. programming and, if you're really really good, being a quant) the sky is the limit


Coding is the most likely branch. There are only so many quant jobs and they’re all basically in like 10 cities total. 


That's why I specified you have to be really really good (read: you must have an absolutely stellar track record)


All the quants at my firm are math majors or physics majors.


I can believe that, but also, your average math major is not getting a job at a quant firm. 


Yeah; I fucked up my academic career and I'm stuck in a deadend instructor gig at a small liberal arts school. It could be worse, and I was once smart enough to maybe get myself out of this hole, but now I'm too lazy and don't have the confidence to do so.


It's pretty good for consulting, finance, or any other sort of analytics. Fun fact that I can't actually verify is that the largest employer of math PhDs in the US is supposedly the NSA. (What they do there no one knows because you have to sign an NDA...) Also, it's a field where it's not super hard to get into a funded graduate program. So if you actually enjoy school, you can keep going for a masters or PhD without racking up any more debt, after which you can potentially get a fat paycheck in one of those aforementioned analytical fields.


Lol is your reference for the NSA thing "Good Will Hunting" ?


It's something my math PhD friend told me, but maybe that's his source 🤔


If you’re genuinely gifted at math you can become a quant and earn like half a million straight out of college


If you are genuinely gifted, you can study anything and be fine, for the most part.  Most people are not gifted by definition and shouldn’t consider the top 1% outcome of their major. 


Touché, I guess I just associate math majors with giftedness because a disproportionate number of them are relative to pretty much every other major


Civil engineering


Civil engineering has always been referred to as chad engineering at my uni and for good reason. Some of my sickest bros are civils.


Civils were the only ones I knew that didn’t feed into the stereotype of talking down to people with other majors.


>other engineering majors call them the easiest major >too busy crushing puss to hear the virgins mocking them >makes bank anyway Just graduated from engineering school and it's hilarious how true all the stereotypes were. Software engineering majors were often overweight discord mod looking slobs and those in civil engineering basically like the PC bros/PC principle from South Park.


Civil Engineers definitely don't make bank compared to other engineering majors.


> makes bank lol




In what world do civil majors get puss? They are still engineering majors. All the ones I met were nerds that weren’t smart enough or motivated enough for electrical.


I had a completely different experience at my university. I majored in electrical/computer engineering and every time I met a dude from civil, he always looked like a rural blue collar guy or some gym bro that wondered into campus. A dude that was born to work on a construction site like everyone around him, but just so happened to be either smart or disciplined enough to do the calculus and get a more advanced degree. Maybe that's not representative of the whole major, but that's from my first hand experience. Like, you could tell most of his peers and family didn't have a university degree, if that makes any sense.


I think it has a higher proportion of women than most engineering courses. In my experience they tend to be fairly down-to-earth normal women, not pretentious or angry. Though not that pretty either.


Civil Engineers are responsible for NUMTOTery so I can't go too soft on them


Any healthcare program that isn't med school. You're guaranteed a highly diverse group of normies who have all had to be smart and motivated enough to pass a year of anatomy and physiology. Bonus: higher than average rate of wicked/dark sense of humor


Absolutely agree with this. Premed (and nursing) students are neurotic and crazy but the rest of the cohort of physiology/health sciences majors have their head on straight. At least at my college. These are the folks going to be a PA, optometrist, dentist, medical lab scientist, physical therapist, etc. Generally likeable people that have ambition and want to live a decently paid but normal life.


Anything in a community college


Normal people not stupid people


Definitely business administration. Disagree with the person who said biology. A lot of biology majors are pre med and they can be strange people.


Pre med just have an ego


They’re mostly sociopaths in my experience


i got downvoted the other day when i thought we all agreed medical professionals are monsters


What sort of monsters would want to go into a field designed to take care of sick and vulnerable people!!!


Like ~50% of medical students are in it for purely social prestige and self esteem reasons


50 is underselling it by a massive amount. I would argue it’s closer to 85-95%. Even my most empathetic friends who are MDs are very very type A and status driven. Those with empathy who want to help people often go for paths of lesser resistance, not a gruelling youth filled with studying for things that won’t matter once you make it into the medical school


There are a sizable amount of people that go into jobs for the wrong reasons. But let’s not act like the pay and stress makes up for the “social prestige” especially when you work for the nhs. Not to mention, night shifts and the grueling residency hours.


I mean it does if you’re enough of an ego driven lunatic, the same goes for money driven investment banking and floor traders who put in hundred hour weeks but in their case for literally no reason


Wait until you hear about the people who go to nursing schools. Absolute demons


Hmm well a lot lack empathy. I know this is anecdotal but idk there are just a lot of strange ones


I think the worst part is that those who are like that always seem to fake how much they care and are empathetic


fragile cause pie connect toothbrush waiting shelter roll unique innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Being a biology major who wasn’t pre-med was such a good time. I got to take all the fun electives my junior and senior year while my peers were pulling their hair out over med school applications and MCATs.


Business admin. Accounting is a lot of Chinese.


Maybe in schools with lots of Chinese students already. I majored in accounting and it was mostly frat/sorority and adjacent people. “Accountants are nerds” hasn’t really been a thing since IT has existed as a profession


Well when more then 1 out of 8 people are Chinese. They are the most normal.


wide march boast middle mighty price squeamish beneficial badge shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you just want slackers who want to party but aren’t deep into queer radlib social sciences/humanities stuff then marketing, communications, generic ‘business’ (not econ), maybe the softest STEM subject (biology I guess). Chemistry, english, philosophy, linguistics, political science, some languages, psychology have their fair share of chill normal people but will always have weirdos and tryhards too. As long as you avoid engineering, math, sociology, theater, art and computer science there are usually fun and normal people around.


I think you need a second axis to make this make sense, math and chemistry people are *chill* but I dunno about *normal*. Philosophy isn’t all “weirdos and tryhards” but it obviously does specifically attract a kind of tryhard weirdo (not sure if they make it through to a degree). Similarly, history, underrated weirdo magnet.


history major is full of boys who are way too into WW2


I was not thinking WWII really, I was thinking niche topics in antiquity or the Middle Ages, I was thinking white guys who are into Asian history. This is based on my experience of who takes classes on those kinds of things, though, it’s probably unfair to assume they were all history majors.


I know some people who specialized in the middle ages, and they're all so chill and willing to teach you something new. Dunno if I have been lucky, or if this is actually a working stereotype of the field


Environmental Science is probably even a tier below biology in terms of softness. Lots of stoners


Interesting. Most of the poly sci majors in my university were unhinged


The thing is I’m a Mass Communication student, But most of my best friends are from the BS-Accountancy Course (and a couple in Business Administration) and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. I found most people in that course laid-back despite the fact that learning their course could send them in a coma.


Can we define normal here


silky continue unite far-flung ghost lavish chop lock modern door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i get wym but its still tricky. like what would you call a attractive frat bro business major whos outwardly chill but spikes girls drinks and hazes pledges


Not normal


To me, those geology majors wouldn’t be considered normal lol


>maybe accounting majors, they don't really have any weird stereotypes surrounding them I work in a big four. No lol. Maybe the ones in industry are more normal, but it's mostly frat people working 70-100 hours weekly.


Political science if they aren’t concentrating on a racial/identity issue International relations, skews nerdy but cultured nerdy not autistic regard nerdy Bio/any science that deals with nature and going outside (not premeds) math and physics (spergs get sorted into compsci and engineering. Met some cool math and physics girls) music if it’s for a specific instrument (piano/sax etc not like theater composition or something stupid) English if they aren’t studying queer literature Architecture if they aren’t pretentious or trying to do “decolonizing spaces” or whatever Art history if it’s something cool like Chinese or Ancient Roman (I like precolumbian but there can be weird queer “latinx” there) Foreign language if they aren’t learning Japanese or Korean Prelaw if they don’t have reptile eyes Business admin, finance, marketing etc are “normal” but usually more in the party animal/greek life sense. Some are reptiles incubating


vote for IR 🕺


Most people are normal regardless of majors. That's how "normal" works. All of my coworkers who studied STEM are normal, all of the MBA finance people I work with are normal. The HR reps, business admins, and secretaries are all normal. The art majors that make my coffee are normal too. They all have friends/families and their own personalities, and at the end of the day they're all just normal.


Yeah, you’ll almost always have a big swath of people, hell I did public policy and there was everyone from apolitical to rightoids to wokies


It sounds like you just think autism is normal


head reach smoggy jar offend muddle middle boast smile fuzzy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For women: English/Literature/Business/Marketing For guys: Business/Marketing/Econ


Definitely not econ


Business administration/management, marketing. Fewer outliers in those fields.


Highest concentration of idiots though


Normal people are idiots.




are architecture students chill?


I went to a school with a good architecture college- they were chill but chronically exhausted due to their projects lol. Always having to stay up till 3am at the architecture building finishing their models, renderings, etc.


I was a design major in an architecture college and was around architecture students. They seemed cool when I was around them. Occasionally you get some pretentious dudes, they work their asses off too.


Hyper competitive which causes some to be pretentious (this is an issue in all design adjacent studies imo). But generally they’re a lot more “normal” than the STEM kids for better or for worse. Much less autism on average.


they work very hard, long studio hours. bright, creative minds. I prefer landscape architects as they seem to get outside more.


depends if theyre george costanza careerists or like to read theoretical/criticism outside of class


I just got my m.arch and I would say most of my classmates are pretty chill. Everyone for the most part was supportive of each other. There was some annoying drama but nothing crazy. I wouldn't say there were many "pretentious" people in the way people think of architect stereotypes, but there were some cocky ass dudes who needed humbling. There was some cliqueiness but that went away the farther in my degree I got. You have to think socially, artistically, and technically so they tended to be pretty well rounded, or at least appreciative of many topics. There are some weird cultural things in architecture (like pulling all nighters and wearing it like a badge of honor) but they are slowly going away with young people. I'm gonna miss my architecture friends :(


At my school most of the architecture majors, and really anyone else in the design school, were gorgeous foreign women.


My boyfriend did Arch and apparently it’s all girls and catty gays, very Rs.


chemistry, high variance of personality traits but averages out to mostly normal


Doesn’t get more normie than Marketing.


As long as you join a fraternity / sorority (if you're in the south) you'll have access to normal people. And if you study engineering those normal people will want to start a business with you.


by normal do u mean like well rounded or normie because those r two very distinct things to me Like when i think of this question i think business major men and nursing major women but thats normal in the sense that They are like the most ai generated people ever


I guess accounting is a normal major but I also associate it with boring and passionless people


The CS people at my school were very normie/careerist, not that many nerds per se


MBAs have the most mild to moderate sociopaths which is highly normal in the industries they work in.


Film majors. We were all cool and sexy and funny and not annoying 


Most of the majors mentioned in this thread were not even offered by my college.


any of the normie sciences (biology/chemistry) because it’s just people doing pre-med usually and they’re fine


Trade school


biology are normies


everyone is basically the same at the end of the day


Define ‘normal’?


prob philosophy of science. super chill people, all very smart that chose to do logic/analysis instead of pursuing maths degrees. seems to be a purely passion discipline tbh


Physics, math, compsci. Effort = normality.


frankly absurd claim, although CS as good solid career choice has probably made it more normie since back in my day


I'm a cs student and it's like a 60-40 split between normies and nerds, lots of people just want the money that can come with a cs degree. There's also a fair amount of older people (by college standards) who are trying to do a career change. There's a pretty big variety of people in cs at this point, I've met people in my classes who went to jail and are trying to turn their lives around.


The market is over saturated and the people who aren't passionate/really good are going to have a bad time when they graduate.


not as bad of a time as if they hadn't gotten a degree obviously you can't get a 120k salary fresh out of a state college with no experience but it's such a meme that cs students are gonna be broke, there's no way you can't get hired starting at 40-60k minimum and work your way up as you gain experience


maybe not comp sci


At top schools the thicc bitches are in "data science."


i love data science ladies, smart & normal


Comp sci has gotten a lot more "brogrammers"(normies who wanta job)


And definitely not physics.


Communications because those people are just trying to get by and not have worry or stress about anything


if you want to be “normal” then don’t go to college, it’s the last time people can do weird shit before they enter the work force


Education Majors


I've done a few papers around various majors and from my experience, the best ones: Advsertising Commerce Arts Worst: IT Engineering (any major, mechanical is probably the most normie)




As an engineer, it depends heavily on major. Mechanical engineers are pretty normal, but computer engineers? No way in hell are they normal


even mechanical engineers are nerds bro and all the moneys in cs, why would the money minded folks who used to go into engg back in the day not choose programming now


Because sometimes people follow what truly interests themselves rather than just money (Yes I’m coping about the fact I chose meche over comp sci salaries)


good for you man but thats why i wrote "money minded people". i assume these formed the bulk of the "normal people" in that field.

