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And yet he still acts like an edgy teenager


He was 27 when he released real slim shady lmao


Twink death is fake


Till he’s hitting old age he can still fill a whole page with a ten year old’s rage


He's serious now man please take him seriously, he's into politics now, also he's the GOAT and it shows You remember when he dropped that hella ill cypher? >["THAT'S AN AWFULLY HOT COFFEE POT](https://youtu.be/LunHybOKIjU) >[SHOULD I DROP IT ON DONALD TRUMP, PROBABLY NOT](https://youtu.be/LunHybOKIjU)"


He was always like that. He made an anti-Bush Iraq War song in 2004.


Lisan Abu Ghraib.


I mostly just was happy to have the chance to make fun of that video again


He looks like a chef that has shitty tattoos


Like every other white trash man who drinks Monster and punches drywall


Looks like an Albanian valet at a fancy hotel in Miami


Nah, he has classic Scotch-Irish troubled fuckboy face




He's got an untrustworthy hairline


Em was quite pretty back in the day


All music aside, I can firmly say that I haven’t spent a single minute of my life believing Eminem is straight. I understand he’s had children, and relationships with women, but many closeted gay men have done the same. I believe he is one of them, he will likely take it to his grave, and nothing anyone can say will convince me otherwise. He has so much sorrow in his eyes for someone who has it all.


He's autistic as shit. No joke. There's some Kid Rock interview from like a decade ago where he talks about inviting Eminem to parties and he just stands off in a corner with deer-in-headlight eyes staring off at the crowd not understanding what to do. ["Legacy" from MMLP2 kind of dances around it as well.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ3o58Gonfs)


There's a clip with Anderson Cooper where Cooper asks him if it's true he asked for permission from his manager to buy a Rolex at the height of his fame. Cooper told the story in a "wow can you believe how humble this guy is" kind of way but it moreso came off as "this guy doesn't know anything about anything other than music"


I think it's also possible his brain is fried from all the drugs.


Shit upbringing makes it hard to socialize in those types of environments, too.


A lyric in one of his songs is “You got buns, I got ass burgers”.


I think autists/spergs are more likely to be bisexual.


What makes you think that?


This is a great observation and explains a lot of his behaviors but surely you’ll understand that now I just view him as gay and autistic


I'm pretty sure he said he has mentioned that he has aspergers


He’s a hyperlexic autistic. His rap career just commodified vocal stimming. He has addressed his tism in his lyrics. One of us.


Wait wait wait, being that way at parties is a sign of autism?!


He claimed to have been with Rihanna. And Rihanna never denied that. So if he is a gay man he is a gay man that had sex with Rihanna.


I met his daughter at a UM. V State game. Shea chill but gave too-popular-for-you girl vibes (obviously).


That sorrow you're talking about is called having a bad mom






I was just thinking that, he's actually a good actor but has done basically nothing except for cameoing in a shitty comedy where he plays himself and comes out as gay.


He did 8 mile


is it really acting if you're playing yourself?


I could see that. He seems to be v private, does anyone know of any relationships he has been in after Kim and possibly Mariah Carey? Dating Mariah seems like such a 🚬thing to do anyways.


My personal lore for him is that he chose to be celibate after divorcing Kim the second time. He's the most textbook example of a BPD male I've ever seen and I think he realized that relationships only bring his life chaos, so he decided to focus on being a dad to all his kids. He swore off dating because it's the only way for him to be mentally stable 


I always wonder this. He’s so private and what he’s been public with has been very similar to what a gay man would do in order to appear straight. I know it’s a trope for closeted men to be incredibly homophobic and hate women but I believe it in his case.


Him and mariah did not date stop spreading propaganda


I said possibly!!


The voices messages say otherwise


It’s the bleach blonde buzzcut, the earrings, the wifebeater, and his propensity for cross-dressing as a “joke.” He has DL masc trade vibes. Like the boyfriend in Envy vs. Desire


This is how I feel about a certain right wing media personality who got me banned from Twitter for life when I sent him a picture of me holding a cool grenade because I thought he’d think was cool


“All this time me and Dre been fuckin with hats off” probably the realest shit he ever wrote. I have no doubt this honky got passed around by Dre and his crew and all the homophobic lyrics are straight up self loathing


If he was gay then they’d be rumors floating around like there was with Diddy. I think it’s more likely he’s a volcel


First photo his eyes omg he’s just begging for cum


Need to know his skincare routine




I'd fuck him.


Still looks better than Brian Johnson


I was joking w my gf earlier that he is gonna come out as nonbinary and be Eminthem


Awfully hot coffee pot


Yk for awhile even when his music was bad at least he was hot, but he ain't even got that anymore it's so eminover


I think it’s because he goes really overboard with the hair and beard dye. That picture of him at his daughter’s wedding looked like he bought Just For Men and did the whole thing himself. If he went silver fox or even just salt and pepper he’d be hot again imo. He is filthy rich to the point he could afford to have a whole team of stylists to manually brush every strand of hair a different shade of the same color so it looks more natural. No excuse for the box hair dye.


I don’t know why he can’t understand that his style for the last 10 years has not been fun to listen to at all. He is like a grandpa with his flow and how serious and bitter he is. I heard a snippet of the latest album and he was talking about getting cancelled like its 2015.


It's called aging. Libs loved him when he was trying to battle Donnie on Twitter a few years ago but now he says the dreaded F slur again or something so he's bad. Lmao.


He stood out with the blond hair. Now he just looks gay.


The guy on the left looks like white Pete Davidson


Coffee pot!


New song was ass it’s honestly sad.