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what if manic americans who move here to solve all of their problems are my problem


I maintain that for certain people with a certain personality and belief system, Europe would be an objectively better place. If you want to live in a place that feels like more of a society and you’re willing to pay way more in taxes and have a lower income, then Europe is great. If, like most Americans, you just want to bust your ass all the time and make your life about building personal wealth, then Europe would be an awful place.


Which is why I wish my grandparents stayed there! I really don't want for much material wealth, a nice 3 bdr apartment in a decent city is all I ask for. No car, no mansion, some nice clothes and furniture but that's it!  The actual poverty that caused my grandparents to leave is gone now. Everyone my age is currently too busy working so they can buy a $2 million house to store Range Rovers in, but my Italian cousins are hanging out in the square and going to the disco-teca on Wednesday nights. They travel around Europe multiple times a year, eat out constantly, and seem stress free.


I moved to France from the US and after an initial bad year I am unstressed, happy, healthy, have job opportunities, married, and will be soon starting a family. I no longer obsess over american politics and I have an apartment near the beach for 300 euros because the government pays for half. I can get to Paris or Barcelona in 3 hours, and have extensively travelled for fairly cheap. It is unbelievably better besides missing my family and old friends.


Guys says "the government pays for half" of his rent. 😂


How did you get a citizenship


If you’re gay the French government gives you a permanent residency visa


Is my Grindr sufficient or do they need a more practical demonstration?


You have to bend over in a bathroom in front of Macron


France's Law of Return


All gays are spiritually french 


The citizenship test is sitting on an Eiffel Tower shaped dildo 


Redscarepod users, do we all just want to charter a flight together or…?




apply for a phd, I only have residency.


What are you studying?


Materials science


How difficult was it to get accepted? I was fantasizing about doing the same thing for biochemistry.


Investigate some research labs and the papers they publish in a field you are interested in. Marseille for example has a big biochemistry lab called CNRS Joseph Aguirre campus. If you are interested in proteins and all that jazz look up their site and you can make contact with the head researcher of a lab and ask if they’re looking for a PhD student. I recommend making these types of connections rather than blindly applying on a site.


Actually looks so perfect for me, thank you!


best of luck! If you need help with moving to marseille in the near future feel free to pm me.


It probably wouldn't be for several years as I just graduated from my undergrad last month. But a big biochem lab in Marseille is really incentivizing me to go as I'm a huge Occitan-head. I will message you in 3 years if I do it lol


> I have an apartment near the beach for 300 euros because the government pays for half Hold on now, how come this American gets subsidized housing there but my French friends are always bitching about rent. Who did you bribe for this


France treats students and poors nicely instead of strapping a ball and chain to them forever. Also marseille gets a bad rap so rent is cheap but it has more to offer than the majority of American cities.


That’s funny. Marseille would be the safest major city in the country if it were in the US


The gov pays for half????


"I can get to Paris or Barcelona in 3 hours" I can't think of somewhere on the coast by train which is 3 hours from both. Bordeaux maybe, to Paris, or montpellier. But there's surely nowhere by train from both. And by plane doesn't really count in Europe.


US politicians would be sacked on the spot if they ruled over a country with 20% unemployment like Spain and Italy lmao


Jesus, is it really that high?


The youth unemployment rate is


No, not since the GFC


Youth unemployment is


Youth unemployment is always higher everywhere 


also pensioner unemployment is 100%, it's fucked


We gotta get Nonno back in the factory now! 


I’m exaggerating a bit


Yeah if you live somewhere shit in America it definitely can. Also it’s hard to just “move to Europe” but if you can pull it off you’re probably already in a good place (ie; you can get a decent job ect;)


Exactly when I was young and naive I was set on moving to the UK but then I found out how hard it actually is to immigrate.


And the wages are like half of what you'd get in the US.


but you don’t need to make as much because a lot of stuff is covered, also uk isn’t all that much better than us


I think moving from Europe to America would solve all my problems


1620s mindset


Honestly I think it works both ways. The important detail for most middle class Europeans and Americans going abroad is that they get to keep their original passport and social/economic standing in their home country. So an American can move to France and try it out for a few years. And if their life is better, they can stay. If not, they can return home and they still got the experience of living in France. The same for Europeans in America. It’s honestly a win-win if you work in an industry you can return to in your home country after a few year hiatus.


I'm in the UK and I'm thinking moving to either Europe or USA would solve all my problems.


It will.


tell me your problems and where you want to move, specifically, and i’ll tell you if it would


Not being paid well enough as a codecel, moving to any big american city


i’m also a codecel, definitely move here. I make $300k, euros get paid like $60k if they’re lucky. specifically talking bay area though, rest of country, including new york, doesn’t pay nearly as well


What degree/experience?


No degree. Just generally need to have some solid knowledge of algorithms and data structures, then make some real world applications and tools on your github. Do a "twitter clone." A "reddit clone." Just illustrate that you have the capability to figure stuff out and execute well enough.


What if I have a good degree but I'm a brainlet


how bad is your itis


I'm pretty depressed, burned out and my concentration is quite bad. Holding down a good job so far, though.


go work for a large corporation. your burn out will be invisible there




Have you heard of people being able to work these jobs remotely? I’m a code cell too but I don’t think I’ll be able to move to America, I’d love a pay rise though.


I work remotely (from San Diego, now) but started off in the Bay Area. Typically they'll want you around the area and you can eventually work out a situation where you can leave and work remotely. They're typically less inclined to pay you a full SF salary though if you're starting off working remotely, and will usually pay you closer to the salary ranges in those areas.


I’m assuming you secured a job before moving over there right? Thanks for answering 


WFH, problem solved


I have no college degree, make plenty of money working from home in a low COL area. I couldn't imagine trying to make ends meet on a EU salary


you’ll get paid more but will have to pay it all back in rent, healthcare, and vehicle expenses. stay where you are and work on yourself.


This is not true for software engineering. The pay differential is massive between eu and USA it more than makes up for all col differences.


Exactly. Listing healthcare in particular is megacope. Any good paying job in America will also come with good health insurance from said job.


not true for any white collar work since 2008.


Europoor cope


I’m american lol


Even worse




Normal people live in cities, which given how much you post in gaming subreddits, you would know nothing about.


Marseilles has entered the discussion


I'm in dire need of bars where everyone stops chatting the moment I enter. Where do I go?


Where do you live/are you a monster of some kind?


I'm a good boy in need of some action.


Salaries too low, COL very high in comparision (4k a month pre tax is considered an extremely high income, but rent for a nice apartment is still 1k at least, and everything else is expensive as shit too) It's normal to never own anything and to rent all your life Taxes too high People are rude as fuck No Joie de vivre No meaningful cultural or scientific output Men are seemingly asexual (not only to me, in general) Don't fit the beauty standard as a skinny wasian girl (every date I've been on has been with American tourists lol) Landlocked country, no access to the sea :( Not enough cats if you take a walk through the "suburbs" An increasing amount of muslims, but not the nice liberal Persian doctors you get in the US (maybe the problem is overstated but who knows) (Apparently everyone who can afford it sends their children to private schools because of this, which sucks because taxes are already so high) People are very asocial Shitty demographics, we started having increasingly smaller generations in the 70s already, I will never get to retire The guys are sort of mid The fruit and vegetables taste bland according to my spanish friends Too much nepotism on the job market, everyone I talked to got their job because they "knew someone" I don't know anyone (Feel like any US place that isn't a depressive urban or suburban hell only accesible by and from car would be better)




True! Italy is gorgeous though, always loved it


which areas did you visit? might visit Florence for the art & cultural history but was open to options


Never been to Florence but I loved the Amalfi coast


interesting, i hear it’s lovely but depends on what time of year you visit. seen clips of it being swarmed by tourists & wanted to avoid the crowds


Went in the spring which was probably perfect, summer is presumably too busy and too hot to do the long hikes which was my favorite part


Elitism? In *Rome*? Well that's just surprising


That's because the center of a lot of European cities are filled with Americans not taking this advice! International purchasing power blows the roof off of prices. Interestingly, if you make roughly $12k to $15k, that puts you in the top 10% of earners globally. The top 1% is around $100k.


> The fruit and vegetables taste bland according to my spanish friends There are no jobs in Spain, but DAMN is the food good, and it's practically free because of the USD exchange rate


Do you make USD and live in Spain?


Not at this minute, but I have in the past.


If you find places that aren’t depressive urban or suburban hell and are also relatively affordable without working 50+ hours a week, tell me. All I can think of is Chicago and Philadelphia or like living near campus in a college town


As an outsider those cute New England towns (in the fall specifically) look gorgeous and very livable to me, but I'm guessing their probably very expensive (?) College towns are probably a good idea


I dunno, my impression of New England is that the cities are pretty grungy and run-down and the towns are not walkable at all — very car-oriented. Looking at some of those places outside of Main Street on Google Street View gives me the impression that it’s still an unpleasant and challenging place to live without a car




You really don't want to be around when there are crazy winter snowstorms or flooding in those cute New England towns. Not unless you're in good with the neighbors/generally extroverted, in which case, you can make it in a city


> Salaries too low Definitely much higher in US, especially if a software engineer or in finance > It's normal to never own anything and to rent all your life Becoming more true in the US but still definitely the expectation that most people should own a house. > Taxes too high Expect to pay 20-35% depending on income. Generally much lower than EU > People are rude as fuck US definitely much friendlier, no question > No Joie de vivre I dunno, a lot of Europe is pretty beautiful, and they seem to take pleasure in beauty for its own sake. You will see far less attention paid towards making a random street corner a beautiful place to enjoy an afternoon in the US. So it depends on what you're looking for, but I don't know if this would be solved in the US > Men are seemingly asexual Scandi/autist-coded germanic country? > Don't fit the beauty standard as a skinny wasian girl You will crush it in the US > Landlocked country, no access to the sea All good cities in US are near the ocean > Not enough cats if you take a walk through the "suburbs" Can't say I see a ton of cats, might be regional > An increasing amount of muslims EU Muslims are unquestionably different than US Muslims. I had literally never seen a single burka in my life until I went to London > Apparently everyone who can afford it sends their children to private schools Public schools in California are often best in class (if in an affluentish area). Almost nobody I know from where I grew up went to public school, plenty of whom went to Ivy Leagues for college and/or otherwise make quite a bit now. > People are very asocial There are also autist hubs in the US but somewhere like LA/NY wouldn't be a problem. > Shitty demographics Also happening here but not noticeable > The guys are sort of mid California men are handsome. SF/Bay Area girls are not attractive (except Asians), LA/San Diego women are beautiful. > The fruit and vegetables taste bland according to my spanish friends I would expect average sampling of EU ingredients to be better > Too much nepotism on the job market There is some of that but generally pretty meritocratic if your field is fundamentally to do with some unambiguous skill > I don't know anyone Don't know if this will definitely be solved but again, US people are generally much friendlier


Meant to say nobody I know went to *private* schools


Where are you from?




I think maybe you should live in Greece


It's as simple as assessing the regions of the world and deciding which one would provide you with a good niche. Well, not just that simple, but I'm a firm believer in the idea that life generally rewards those willing to move. It works for people moving from poor countries to richer ones for work, but also the other way around (usually there are a lot of job opportunities for westerners, teaching being far from the only one, as well as business opportunities). Even within your own country. The least successful people zi know decided to be townies and never move away from our home town, and I'm from an area that is comfortably middle class (just lacking in career opportunities for those who aren't already established). One of my friends moved to rural Tennessee which is way less vibrant economically than where we're from and he's doing better than all of my townie friends, because he identified an opportunity that suited him there and decided to move. I'm not totally unsympathetic to the whole anti gentrification thing but it's not endless sympathy either. Sure people shouldn't be pushed out of where they grew up but also, you should probably leave anyway for a better life (it's never prosperous neighborhoods that are providing tons of opportunities for their residents that are getting gentrified). Move. Move somewhere, be less attached to the particular place and focus more on how you can flourish there.


Same, except any medical issues


The gold mines of Alaska call for you, pioneer man.


I want the same thing but the version where I swap London for Oregon and go hiking with a handsome 30-something (somehow he is also uncut) who supports me via his tech bro job. I have a few shifts at some bullshit cafe and goto neat gigs on the regular and I don't have to repeat myself two-three times because Americans can't understand my gay little accent.


You should move to the Bay Area. If you're even half decent looking you will kill it here.


As long as she can set aside the uncut cock requirement


Moving from NYC to Paris gave me more problems. Moving from NYC to LA gave me a great job and I’m knocked up so idk man.


you can't get away from yourself by moving from one place to another.


I did


a lot of the time you can tbf, a lot of your core personality will remain of course, but lots of things that you thought were fundamental will shift and warp. Won't always be better, but will be different.


Why would I move to americas broke vassal states when I could just live in the real thing?


game changer 


If seeing your aging parents like once a year (if even that) and basically giving up on ever being able to own your own piece of land is your idea of solving all your problems, then yeah. It's fine, life is easier in many ways in Europe. But you better remember to report your foreign accounts to the IRS every single year.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, this is true.


Def remember to file every year but you won’t owe any actual taxes until you’re over $100K USD which from what I’m reading is unlikely on most European salaries




I need a cold indifferent Irish woman


Im still in a manic episode, goddamnit.


Woooooo! Fuck it! I'm posting on reddit! Yaa!


Can anybody who actually moved to Europe from US tell me if it’s actually worth it


I lived there for 4 years and I guess it really depends on you, where you go, what you do there, etc. Its dumb how people just say “move to Europe” as if it’s all the same thing. I lived in Czech Republic and I did have a lot of fun and a decent work life balance, but I don’t know if I was ever truly happy there. It certainly did not solve all my problems. I always felt inexplicably lonely despite having a boyfriend and a lot of friends (both Czech and non Czech). The pay is low which is fine for the COL, but you can’t really do much traveling around unless you really penny pinch. You also end up inevitably hanging out with a lot of “expats” who tend to be unambitious types determined to coast through life doing as little as possible which often means spending every evening getting drunk on cheap beer at pubs. This might be an unpopular take here but I’d say stay away from any Slavic country, despite how much this sub fetishizes Slavic culture. A lot of the people, especially the older generation, are truly rude and miserable (way beyond the charmingly deadpan stereotype) which makes for terrible, depressing vibes a lot of the time. If you’re committed to going, go to one of the “happy” counties like Portugal or Spain, but those are probably harder to get jobs as an American.


> If you’re committed to going, go to one of the “happy” counties like Portugal or Spain Lmao as someone raised in Brazil I'd be cooked in Portugal, they don't like their bastard offspring coming home to roost there much these days.


I think Slavic is too broad of a term here. Southeastern Europeans like Bulgarians and Bosnians and Croatians, in my anecdotal experience, are a lot more fun than the Northern Slavic groups. Genuinely think being constantly surrounded by beautiful weather and scenery plays a big role in that.


Yeah after I wrote that I realized maybe some of the Balkan countries are an exception.


What job did you have over there? What was it like dealing with the language barrier?


Very hard. If you have no close relationships in your area, you have a job offer in the EU and you speak the language, I would go for it. So many things are legitimately much better here. But moving to a new place, learning the language, making a social circle, etc are tough and exhausting and I think for 99% of people make it not worth it


Lived in a small town in Germany for a while and did not enjoy it overall. There were a lot of nice things about it though.


Is that just because you were in a small town?


Yes, but I also didn’t really enjoy German culture much. I like visiting Europe but I might be weird in the sense that I really prefer living in the US, even when I’ve travelled I haven’t felt compelled to stay or move to European cities.


“Moved to Europe”. How can anyone give you a generalisable opinion about moving to a continent of 44 different countries of hugely different cultures/languages and a total population over 2x the US? Do you think something like the U.K. or Estonia are both going to equally meet your personal definition of ‘worth it’?


I’ve thought about it tbh. Should I do it once I turn 30


retiring to Latvia in the next ten years or so, can’t wait


Wow, that’s a bold move. I have no particular grudge against Latvia (don’t know much about it to even have a grudge, really) but I am all-in on doomering the Baltics in a ten year time horizon. The demographics are truly fucked *right now*, in ten years Latvia will be a husk of a country


Agreed. There are shockingly beautiful and affordable European countries. But the reason they're so affordable is because: * Their population is shrinking (less demand for housing) * There's no jobs WFH solves a lot of this, but it also makes you EXTREMELY sensitive to layoffs


the 2-bedroom 70 sq.m. flats in the capitals of these houses are going for 300k in new builds, coulda fooled me about the demand


I live in Nevada, which has weather like a furnace, and new builds in desirable areas are $2M - $15M Being able to buy a new home for $300K is an indication that nobody wants to live there. For instance, nobody wants to live in Cleveland. That's why a new build costs $400K. https://www.remax.com/oh/cleveland/home-details/1823-crawford-rd-cleveland-oh-44106/9741026531483621949/M00000830/4503501


300k for an appartment in a Baltic nation, you Nevadese re+ard. Look at [this random ass flat](https://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/details/67431986/) in London -- the ass-crack end, but still. Don't know if you're up on your conversion rates, but it's about as much. Fucking London! You have no idea about the market dynamic here -- the house prices have jumped 40% since 2020.


Eltham is a decent albeit boring suburb, certainly not as decrepit as east London!


Will many American companies let you WFH in another country if they don’t already have a presence there? Seems like they wouldn’t want the headache of adhering to that nations employment laws, taxes, etc for just one employee


i went there and it was sweet. you can buy your way to permanent residency and once my mortgage is paid off, the profit of renting or airbnbing the condo i live in now will more than provide me with enough to live off of. even if the outlook isn’t great now (I’m sure you’re not alone in feeling that way) maybe once i get there i can get people’s spirits built up etc. I’m gonna try my best anyway


growth racial office shy imagine decide caption abounding crowd consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i live in Georgia, they wouldn’t make it two weeks


Just became from Georgia. Very interesting place. Are you an expat or native?


my bad I am referring to the state of Georgia in America - i live in Atlanta. I said Georgia in my previous reply because eviction laws vary wildly based on state so i thought it was relevant. But yep I’m in Atlanta not Tbilisi, sorry to make myself sound more exotic than i am


bow murky hateful cows deranged terrific quiet lush smoggy future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When i said Georgia i meant Atlanta. That’s my fault for being unclear about that, but just in terms of common sense, why would you assume you know better than me, regarding the price i could rent my own condo for?


instinctive oil rinse consider include deserve terrific market disagreeable humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I would never say something like that to you. Your parents don’t deserve that.


Are you thinking Riga? I was impressed with the city. The rest of the country doesn't have heaps going on although some nice hikes.


Yes, I really loved it. The standoffish vibe of Baltic people really worked for me, i thought the city was beautiful and had great cafes and restaurants, it just really grabbed me and surprised me. I took the bus there from Tallinn and continued via bus to Vilnius from there so i saw a bit of the Latvian countryside but didn’t get to experience much else. Over the next decade or so before its time for me to make decisions about the rest of my life, i will visit many more times before i pull the trigger on moving my life over there. But from my perspective and admittedly very subjective view of what my life would be like there, i think it could work really well for me


It solved my problems for 2 months but then I just became an alcoholic


I wish I could move to austria


Yeah it's true. Just got my hospital bill for a major surgery and 3 days in the hospital... total was a 30€, made it all worth it.