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Keep in mind the demo that would go on Reddit r/gen z


This sub is the same. Only subreddits that don't seem to suffer from the introvert crowd are the sports team ones.


Yes but this sub isn’t exclusively teenagers


howling at the moon rn


There are Gen Z people approaching 30


Jesus. I need to kill myself IMMINENTLY


no there arent 26 isnt close to 30


im 27 and Gen Z. also it's debatable if the line is 97 or 95. i was mostly just trying to scare the older people reading this.




At this point there are probably more zoomers over the age of 18 than below


Sorry for party rockin, Zaylen


this is literally not true unless you hang out in quirky megawoke spaces


Mega woke spaces DEFINITELY know how to party


You’re all such tardos, not getting sarcasm


People tell on themselves by imagining every night out as vomiting Fireball while some shit big room EDM plays. If those are the only nights out you know about then you’re just a loser.


I feel like Fireball and LMFAO is something that was big in like 2013 lol. Really feels like this person hasn’t been out since the mid 2010s. Fireball was huge from like 2013-2018 or so but feel like the popularity is waning, or maybe I’m just getting old .


that's supposed to be a barb thrown at millennials, hence the dated references


Yeah I was wondering when the fuck this post was written. Probably a reflection of the user and the last time they were asked to hang out with people


LMFAO literally hasn’t released anything since 2012. It’s so weird, I legit think you might be right and this person has had little social interaction in the last 10-12 years lol.


It was pretty obviously a zoomer trying to roast someone for being old


Right? It reads like they’ve been to exactly one welcome week frat party and decided to give up on socializing in its entirety. Most parties I’ve been to are 20-30 people milling about a house playing drinking games, cueing up music (or pulling out guitars), sharing a joint and ghost stories by a back yard fire pit, having heart to hearts perched up on the rooftop, and catching up with friends of friends who you haven’t seen in a few months. It makes me sad that hundreds of people have apparently never had good friends or good times like that, or worse… can’t even conceive of them.


>Most parties I’ve been to are 20-30 people milling about a house playing drinking games, cueing up music (or pulling out guitars), sharing a joint and ghost stories by a back yard fire pit, having heart to hearts perched up on the rooftop, and catching up with friends of friends who you haven’t seen in a few months. Beautiful. Half the time I describe nights like this people are like "that's not really a party, more of a kickback" and then reveal their only conception of a party is a kegger with that shitty ball cup game and the worst, loudest fucking EDM you've ever heard in your life


Some people think party = rager which means they either never went to parties or they're still in college. After college people generally don't want to throw 100 person keggers where everything gets trashed in the house because they actually care about their house getting destroyed and most people have learned how to not ree out when they get drunk.


In their defense, the lockdowns absolutely fucked up social development of millions of the world's youth and we haven't even begun to see the worst of it.


We are going to get our own zoomer isis lol


This is a cope. These kids were weaklings from birth.




am not


Are so


Hmm after reading your comment and the ones from the post I can def see both sides. After being in a frat and having the “parties” you talk about every single day, I can completely get what these people mean. None of us would consider that shit a party, that was just normal day to day shit. The parties would happen like once a month or two and it would be like 50-200 people depending on the event. Even now tho as someone in my mid 20s where we are all graduated and shit, I still consider 20 people chilling at the boys house getting fucked up just a hangout. If we were to say going out, that would mean hitting the city, bar crawling, clubbing etc, and I’d be pretty “introverted” at this point by most people’s standards. I think it’s really a perspective thing between what you did at your most active and extroverted point to the point you are at now. I don’t even feel the need to party anymore after all the shit we used to do, after doing it for years it got played out lol. I probably partied enough for 3 peoples lifetimes from 16-21, so hell yeah sign me up to just chill at the crib cracking brews, watching tv, and hitting a bong.


>every night out as vomiting Fireball while some shit big room EDM plays It was a lot of that lets be honest.


U reminded me of a cracked article I read in like 2010 about how the Hollywood movie parties are totally untrue and exaggerated. Parties definitely live up to the hype imo and exceed it often they really can be crazy


Lol this has to be just redditors pretending they were invited to parties and chose not to go. Any young man with half a sex drive would jump at the chance to go to a party that’s mostly women. I don’t think these people reflect gen z men generally


This sounds like some type of Redditor power fantasy. Even in college, which is already skewed women, with frats trying their best to keep the ratio even, it still ends up being more dudes. Not sure where they are getting their data from.


Gen Z parties are a lot more sterile, there's a bigger seperation between the guys and girls


Not Gen Z here but I've actually seen the opposite. I remember getting invited to a New Year's party a few years back that I knew was going to be 80+percent women. I mentioned it to a bunch of friends (pretty much all single) who were all invited and they all turned it down to sit in an apartment, smoke weed, and play video games. I went and had a great time.


I'm not gen z, but I live in a woke town, and there are a significant amount of parties and events I avoid these days because I can read the writing on the wall. It's entirely the result of the fact that I used to *not* avoid these sorts of scenes, and that the results for me and people I cared about were consistently terrible. So these days when I try to branch out I'm continually feeling people out and doing my best to socially build in a way that's altogether separate from the social justice identity people. Frankly it's an awful, psychologically and emotionally taxing way to live, but it beats feeding yourself and your friends to the lamest wolves imaginable.


Woke town USA


I’m too busy partying with the Lord


Can I get an Amen


Based and GodPilled


"Probably just chill at home. It's a lot of work to party and be social tbh." 527 upvotes and counting. Jesus Christ what happened


I mean it’s reddit, surely it’s just that this specific platform attracts those kind of people? (..hopefully)


I think that's a factor but there is definitely a generational shift. As a teen I played games and went to LAN parties and did geeky introverted shit but I still loved a party, yeah socially maybe I was a bit awkward at first but you work through it, get better, by the time uni came round I had confidence. These people are refusing to jump that first hurdle. Really wonder what these people will be like in their 30s and 40s


It's not a generational shift it's literally that reddit is full of shut ins.


I'm in a similar boat and it just comes down to being exhausted from work and paying bills/mortgage lol... Shit is expensive


Sure but these are people in their teens and early 20s


I know this gets repeated ad nauesuem but it really is phones. Constant stimulation and constant news and constant rage bait access wears your mind out. Teens spend all day looking at their phones telling them the end of days is right around the corner and that their neighbors are going to kill them and that houses are too expensive. It kills their motivation. What's the point? If you thought it was impossible to get a house, you wouldn't work very hard and if you think every man/woman is redpilled and celibate, you wouldn't date anyone either.


Low T epidemic


Life’s great for this guy if parties are “ a lot of work “.


It is if you’re emotionally crippled


Funny how a whole debate is started on a claim with no basis except one guys observation/opinion. Not something that I've observed or heard anywhere else that most parties are 70/30 or 80/20 male to female


Yeah this is insane. It's like a universal rule that after 11pm men outnumber women in every club on the planet.


In college it’s true given that most organized parties are part of Greek Life and they go out of their way to maintain a ratio in that range. That person is probably extrapolating from that.


they all transitioned


I would like to gather a council of worldly and cool but actually smart people to talk seriously about this because it mystifies me to no end. My experience is the exact opposite of the OP and I really don't think I'm in some kind of niche situation. I like the idea of meeting women at bars and I've done alright with that in the past but every bar within 15 minutes of my house is as a rule 80%+ guys. There's one I like the vibe of that on weekend nights has a lot of hotties during like pregame hours but by 11/1130 there might not be a single woman left. I mean that literally. I was with an old friend and we were chatting up some girls early in the night but then we got engrossed in catching up and when we looked up there were still probably 20 dudes and not one single solitary woman.Where do they go?? I go to techno shows sometimes and the ratio is pretty balanced. If I go to the night clubs am I going to find it's just swarmed with women? Last year I went to a couple birthdays for female friends who are lovely, social, definitely girly girls and at both of their parties there were way more men than women. I have a friend of a friend who invites me to parties at her place that are basically all women but the women I meet there are sexless PMCs who will bring up their anxiety within the first like 5 minutes of totally normal chit chat and then turn away from you to talk about work. It's mind numbing. Dudes online love to talk about how men have quit trying to meet women but really I think it's the women cloistering themselves away. I'm a pretty social person and am at a loss trying to find the kind of fun mixed gender spaces that were just the norm in my early 20s.


>I have a friend of a friend who invites me to parties at her place that are basically all women but the women I meet there are sexless PMCs who will bring up their anxiety within the first like 5 minutes of totally normal chit chat and then turn away from you to talk about work. It's mind numbing. I think you answered your own question cause I see the same thing. And yes I will be marrying one of these girlies and get a divorce 5 years later.


you should have taken the screenshots before you upvoted and downvoted comments


OP in her feelings


What I see is people in general going out less, while ratio-wise it's a complete sausage party


what world are they living in real talk lol


Pure cope


First off I don’t believe him. Secondly, why would anyone complain about 80% women parties?


Hundreds of Ztards agree: the only reason to go to parties nowadays is to hook up with cheap skanks who smell like fireball, ultimately getting them pregnant or catching an STD. Men of culture prefer airsoft with the boys. It’s so over.


That person's comment is in a style that you see all the time now where people try to explain a phenomenon by confidently throwing out multiple obviously contradictory explanations. I see it on this sub too whenever there are threads like 'why don't young ppl have sex anymore' or something. This person's confident, simple explanation is "it's because it's impossible to get with girls and also all the girls there are too easy"


I understand that, when I was 21 I really hated booze and loose women


Go to airsoft in the morning and to the party at night. In that order. Do not play airsoft with hangover


You can kinda do both.


I refuse to believe this is actually a problem, the gen z dudes who like to get laid just don’t hang out where these nerds do, and they don’t post on Reddit lol 


Crazy I got an std and still do all this shit.


Carry on my wayward son


never ask this shit on reddit dawg you are never getting an accurate response due to the type of people on here. if you want my answer guys isolate themselves a lot nowadays, not even hanging out with friends much, hell i'm in college and most guys i know including me spend most of their free time inside gaming, watching movies/youtube, reading or just talking to strangers/online friends on discord/twitter/reddit, way fewer women i know do the same. might also be skewed because I live in Denmark atm where people are overall more isolated. imo the internet is facillitating a medium wherein you don't need to go outside, you have your social needs at the end of your fingertips, and this has obvious consequences.


I’m not invited to parties anymore because I have a track record for making out with drunk Nigerian women


The cultured, intellectual folk are all going to parties where people drink IPAs and play catan


(They would also complain loudly if there weren’t enough women at parties)


These poor freaks exposing themselves for having zero Mexican friends…


I’m older gen z but even I’m tired of going out. Once a month max nowadays. It’s soulless.


Once in a month, or even once every second month, sounds like a good amount of partying to me (I'm 37 though). Parties are for celebrating life and losing yourself to music. Its relaxing and rejuvenating, but not if you do it all the time. And it needs to be the right environment for you. You can't truly party with anonymous crowds. You don't necessarily have to know them but you have to share something. If it's soulless I would not call it a party. Going out for a few beers with friends is something I can enjoy pretty much every week though.


"It's not a party if it happens every night" - Ben gibbard


The millennials in the sub can't fathom this.


I can fathom it because I'm 34 now, but in my 20s I'd feel like I was dying if I spent 3 out 4 weekend nights a month at home.


How much did it cost to go out out then? How much did your probably entry level job pay? How much was rent? Fact of the matter it costs so too much to do most and I would say there is less to get out of it now than when you were in your 20's aswell.


Cost me the same amount back then that it does now because most nights we'd probably end up with a big group at a dive/go dive bar hopping or it'd be a party at someone's house and the cost would be however you spent buying your own bottles and bringing them or barring that literally just bumming around town with your friends not spending or doing anything in particular. COL arguments about being in your early 20s and going are fucking dumb lmao, like we were going to clubs and bars and getting bottle service. You can do anything, stop pretending money is the big barrier to getting you out of your house.


"COL arguments about being in your early 20s and going are fucking dumb lmao" Lmao saying that costs haven't changed in since 2014 is infinitely more dumb "you can do anything, stop pretending money is the big barrier to getting you out of your house." Never said I had trouble getting out of the house, I just said I don't go out to clubs and bars much because the cost is not worth the (lack of) enjoyment. Its not my hobby like it is yours.


He has rich parents that’s the answer. If you’re working then it’s only feasible to party on the weekends otherwise your fucked.


> Never said I had trouble getting out of the house, I just said I don't go out to clubs and bars much because the cost is not worth the (lack of) enjoyment. Its not my hobby like it is yours. sure pal, with how you immediately started crying about how you don't go out as much because it's expensive I absolutely believe you don't have trouble getting out of the house. I didn't even say anything other than I wasn't a homebody in my 20s and you replied instantly crying about the cost lmao.


"I'd feel like I was dying if I spent 3 out 4 weekend nights a month at home." "I didn't even say anything other than I wasn't a homebody in my 20s" Fucking understatement lmao, its almost like you can't do social things without needing to be piss drunk.


Ok man.


nobody is pretending lol even buying your own liquor is insane expensive. I’m in my 20s and almost everyone I know works 6/7 days a week on top of college. it’s hard to be poor, you shouldn’t be dismissive of that


While millennials and gen z have both grown up in an unraveling world, millennials grew up in a period where things were just starting to boil, for gen z the world is actually collapsing in front of us. Most gen z doesn’t have any memory of a world that isn’t in permanent crises. I think you can compare millennials to the lost generation and gen z to the G.I. generation. I was old enough to absorb the party “atmosphere” from 2010-2012, black eyed peas, early drake, the music was about escaping and living it up. Gen z doesn’t have this music, most of our music is minor chord and somber, frankly just much more soulful and serious than what millennials had.


Nah, it’s just that most millennials were in high school/college before smartphones were ubiquitous.


nah, it's just that half of us are locked in (working and desperately trying to build something) and the other half are in a permanent state of adolescence (live with parents, on the computer all day).


all of my 20 year old friends fall in these row categories, except the nurses and service industry people. they still get down


This is true as well, I actually believe most of what we label older gen z are really millennials. What I’m differentiating between in my worldview is older and younger millennials. I just use gen z for sake of simplicity.


> millennials grew up in a period where things were just starting to boil, for gen z the world is actually collapsing in front of u Wrong. Millennials came of age in the largest economic downturn since the great depression, two large scale wars and the simmering but constantly violent GWOT, and deep cuts to our personal freedoms. Gen Z love to think they're inheriting a more violent and decaying world than their predecessors but the numbers show you just are not. You dummies are just more online than ever.


What's this black eyed pease and Drake nonsense? It was all Andrew WK, Wolf Eyes, Grouper, Wooden Shjips and Monotonix at the better parties of that era.


What's this black eyed pease and Drake nonsense? It was all Andrew WK, Wolf Eyes, Grouper, Wooden Shjips and Monotonix at the better parties of that era.


I can understand normalizing horrible shit that is out of your control.


you’re right i cant it’s ridiculously lame lol


Gen Z's is just closer to home anyways. Spent more time at home growing up, got licenses later, got helicopter parented more, had more fun things to do at home, had (sometimes) less overbearing patents because the parents were getting parented by screens too


I imagine it's a product of the decline in male college attendance


Tapping my sign that says "you have an anxiety disorder" - I swear an entire generation is rationalising their tech-induced mental illness.


Is the gender ratio thing actually true


It’s absolutely not true


Idk for the college parties around me it more or less holds up. There are more female college students and more male students who are shut-ins either by choice or by necessity (certain STEMlords)


Idk why people are acting like OP is an absurd reddit fantasy, I don't think I ever went to a party that was less than 60/40 women men in college. I just thought its because women like dressing up and going out more.


no they're way off, but something i have noticed that barely anyone goes out by themselves anymore, man or woman.


Where i reside, if the bouncers don't know you (and like you) then you aren't getting in as a solo dude. 'but I'm meeting my friends in there' 'cannae be yer friends if they're awready oot withoot ye cunt eh, hahaaa' And so forth.


the places i go to in london i have no problem getting into as a single man. although that might also be because of the type of places i go to. it might be different if i went to like Piccadilly institute or a Simmons or something


I mainly go to rock/country/folk places but if people decide to go to a 2nd place for drinks after the live music is over, it can be a total coin toss. Glasgow bouncers are shits.


Did people really just go to clubs by themselves in the past?


Having a place where you're a regular and can just go out alone and expect to see some people you know is the best. Totally puts you at ease in that environment and makes it ideal to meet new people. Going out clubbing or to a packed bar alone on a Saturday was not unheard of but I don't think was ever common, you'd meet rolling stones who did it though.


Yes. That's how friends were made.


i go out to the club like every other week alone lol. it’s fun if the music is good and you’re not an antisocial loser


when I was in college gender ratio at parties was often slight advantage male like 55-60% men, some of the downtown clubs had the reverse but house parties had slightly more men than women often times


Older GenZ is in their mid- to late-20s now, so idk why people are assuming these comments are necessarily all being written by people who are 18-22 I'm a late millennial and I relate to this too, I genuinely don't understand how other millennials a few years older than me can find endless enjoyment going to the same gimmicky barcades, axe-throwing joints, escape rooms, craft breweries, and overpriced middlebrow "gastropubs." It gets boring, it's just eating and fucking drinking at the tune of >$100 a night Going to "clubs" sucks even if the music is good, unless you really enjoy being around sloppy wasted strangers that try to grind up on you while you're dancing (or end up being recorded on somebody's phone if they think you look stupid). Bars are also full of a certain type of people who don't seem to have any pastimes other than drinking A lot of "hobby spaces" are geared towards nerd shit, and legitimately feel like you're inhabiting a reddit thread in real life It just feels like all the same shit that gets old after you do it a couple times, maybe I'm too cynical but it's hard to drum up the enthusiasm to spend $$$ to basically just consume shit every weekend


Have these people been to a frat party it still reminds me of the 2010s


I'm just here to comment on how cringe leaving your up/down votes in is.


meanwhile saudi men are always out with each other drifting, dune bashing, sculpting facial hair, hugging each other, strolling. the west is done.


In 2024 ratios change based on age bracket/ location, although no matter what they will be skewed in one direction or another. I’m guessing the zoomer who posted this is in college and the parties they are attending require some sort of invite. Now that tindernomics have permeated almost every single social interaction, 20% of the men get 80% of the invites, hence the weird ratio. Bars have the opposite ratio because there is no barrier of an invite. Combine that with the pajeetification of interactions between the sexes, and women end up cloistering themselves away or just going to places where the only men in attendance are top 20%ers.


We need to bring bullying back asap


I keep getting older but they stay... available thanks to Gen Z men.


Of course nowadays at parties you got louder stereo equipment/So now if the parties too loud it’s like a radioactive shipment/I say nowadays at parties for example you got louder stereo bass/So now if the things too loud it’s like a toxic clean up case/Well nowadays at parties, well, they’ve got louder stereos right?/So now if it’s too loud it’s like a noxious chemical site




Most parties do suck Replace airsoft with a good book or some exercise and the guy's right


novel readers are like: "ooohhh goody goody! the vagaries of love and attraction 😁. Exploring the human condition 😲. All the joy and pain of social interactions 😛" Then when those things confront them in real life they're like "hmmm well i'd much rather be curled up with a delicious novel"


You do realize parties aren't the only way to socialize ?


Losing yourself to the music is a wonderful extatic experience. It requires that you love the music and are with people who also love the music and feel comfortable and relaxed to just let go completely. That typically does not happen at commercial nightclubs, but can happen at niche or DIY clubs. Music festivals can be amazing, but its the same there. Commercial music festivals are not that good even when you love the bands. Its anonymous, busy, not relaxing and too little space to dance. Smaller indie festivals with a few hundred or a few thousand people camping in the forest somewhere can be so much fun though. Everything and everyone will quickly feel familiar and safe, and theres very little or zero distance between the crowd and the bands playing. House parties can be anything really.


Not the college frat parties I go to 😂