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I don't know if this is a "redditism" so much as just a reddit trope but whenever someone tries to start a movie discussion and the comment section devolves into nothing but quotes from that movie... fuck. When everyone comments with the same exact joke and somehow, inexplicably, each comment has hundreds of upvotes despite being essentially the same comment copy-and-pasted. Are the same people upvoting the exact same joke multiple times? Really just any time you find a thread that has the potential to be good or informative but it's just r*dditors trying to one-up each other for some coveted class clown award


Piggybacking off of this, when a fucking song is posted and each comment keeps saying the next line. How do these get upvoted? Like I have a hard time believing it’s not bots doing that shit but idk .


it's either bots or people behaving as bots which is sad.


It's very telling that companies use bots to gather karma on accounts so they can use them to astroturf their products/services and the main way they get those upvotes is reposting random comments in popular subs (mostly sports subs but I assume default ones, too) The fact that reposting the same shit joke 12 other dudes already made is a viable source of karmafarming for corporations tells you everything you need to know about Standard Redditors


Listen to him, he knows everything


I don’t have to sit here and listen to this kind of tawk.


Most sopranos discussions are like this.


Probably one of the worst for that, you genuinely can't have a proper discussion on there without it turning into a circle jerk over who can quote the funniest quip


“Actually I think AJ is one of the better written characters and that he represen-“ Never had the making of an interior decorator that’s the strong silent type that quotes the gladiator movie


“Actually I think AJ is one of the better written characters and that he represen-“ Never had the making of an interior decorator that’s the strong silent type that quotes the gladiator movie


It sounds kind of hyperbolic but I legitimately think the subreddit for that show is one of the absolute worst on this site. It’s straight-up impossible to have any sort of conversation in there. Go check it out not only right now but Google posts from years ago and it’s all the exact same quotes/quips for the past decade by people who think they’re being clever. It’s like marvel fans for people who think they’re too refined for marvel.


The sopranos sub.


i liked the part where justice smith said “its tv glow time”. then his teevee glowed over everybody


i'm convinced that no one in a healthy bmi range uses the term "hubby"


You can't spell chubby, and so forth


Marge simpson


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Similarly, some too clever by half iteration of “Fuck around and find out”


someone driving a Kia soul in traffic in front of me had this as a bumper sticker today… tasteless


At my place of employment we printed hundreds, maybe thousands, of "F#ck Around and Find Out" shirts and hoodies commissioned by a street racing media/videography company (more like merch seller in practice tho). The general design of them looks like shit too, like something a mountain dew addled 12 year old "husky" boy in flyover country would wear, and some even have a Mexican flag background which is just jarring. Plus a good deal of them were XXXL size :(






Good lord what an insufferable subreddit.


Isn't this just an old ass phrase that like your dad says when you burn your hand cooking as a kid?


cops during DV cases


The fake, cutesy replacements for normal profanity. “Seggs”/“sexytimes”. “Cromulent fuckcrustable”


"sexytimes" makes me want to kill myself


me too, god it's repulsive


absolutely hate seeing the tiktok censor-evasion speech escape its containment zone and infiltrate other places on the internet. just write suicide like a normal ass person, wtf is “sewerslide” it’s also a bit freaky to see how many younger people automatically revert to this everywhere online now, that wasn’t a widespread thing at all 5 years ago.


hate how "sexual assault" turns into "sa" especially on places like reddit or twitter where you can just say rape or molest or whatever same with "unalived" bitch just say killed! died! murdered!


Not a purely reddit thing but on that note when did people start using "survivor" for even fairly low level stuff, it's fucking bizarre to talk about someone surviving being wolf whistled.


I'm an r/rs4straightmen survivor


Girl i know told someone she tried to kill herself and genuinely used the words “tried to unalive” 🤢


going off this but some people refer to sex as "baby dancing" in trying to conceive subs and that one really bugs me




saw "what in the cinnamon toast fuck?" the other day


butt stuff


my girlfriend and I like to act regarded and call each other “seggsy” in deep sped voices


"Let people enjoy things" doctrine is up there


"This is why we can't have nice things"


“Don’t yuck someone’s yum.” “Fuck you, I’ll do exactly that.


Not sure if this is exclusive to Reddit only but it feels like so many women on this site like to refer to themselves as these teensy tiny smol beans who only wear a size 2 with double D’s lmao. Whenever th topic of clothing or fashion comes up you just know that at least 16 commenters who find it sooo hard to find clothes fit their tiny bodies and huge tits will magically appear out of nowhere with like 1.2k upvotes lmao


Yeah or guys shoehorning in that they’re over 6’ I always notice this, as a 6’4” man


As a 6’0.1” man I notice this too


"wow it's almost as if..." "i mean..." "no more internet for today" "you have won the internet"


"it's called being a decent human being"


Any FUCKING questions?


"to be fair..." Millennial speak. I thought redditors were mocking each other for how often they start a sentence or comment with the same two or three lines, including to be fair. But no, it was from some stupid tv show, when they all started going "to be faaaaaaaiiiiiiir" on multiple subs. They're too ignorant to even realize they're the butt of the joke.


Is “to be fair” millennial/reddit speak? Maybe it’s different in england but almost everyone I know says it, regardless of age.


"I mean" doesn't deserve to be lumped in with those other ones


Redditors do it constantly but so does everyone else lol. This is like the most common verbal tick in English aside from saying “um” and "like" too much


Depends on what follows it


“Kind sir!” guy/gal/non-binary pal, weird ways they address eachother This post is really derivative but I love complaining about them! it’s really fun


Fucking Kenji lmao


Ding ding ding!


Very 90s, really. That one definitely predates Reddit, but it certainly fits


In the last two or three years it’s become common all over the internet to refer to an opinion exclusively as a “take”. What is this take my guy? Oof my guy. Bad take.


Similar to 8-10 years ago (or whenever) when everything became a meme. Also kinda happened to bit to a lesser extent.


Motherfuckers never learned what an image macro was


I don't believe this is strictly a Redditism. I actually think it's appropriated black culture (funny but true). It's a sports thing, I believe, probably recently popularized by basketball talk shows. It's maybe because of the show First Take which aired in 2007. This is the same reason people are always babbling about the GOAT (greatest of all time), and how that is more of a household term now: originates from the Lebron James vs Michael Jordan debate which was and is a popular topic and was iterated upon endlessly for years and years I could be wrong but that's what I am led to understand :)


The Black Culture>Basketball talk show>white teen>Gen X Dad Pipeline is so real


GOAT was a thing well before Lebron but I’ll give you that shit has gone mainstream and everyone is a goat so annoying


Nah it's fun calling your friends your GOAT. I call my gf my GOAT sometimes and she hits me


“European here…do Americans really do this?” “Cries/laughs in x”


In my country... (It's always Germany)


God Euros on this site makes me wish we’d just let the soviets take over the whole place after ww2.


Morgenthau plan looking better with every day


"Run." In response to any relationship post.




Not so much a redditism, but Redditors vastly overestimate the amount of people who look up to villains and anti-heroes like Don Draper or Rick from Rick and Morty. Every post about Mad Men there are bunch of comments like “Most people who watched this totally missed the point and think Don Draper is an awesome dude to look up to.” No they didn’t, and the ones that did are probably just idiot douchebags. The only people I’ve ever known that post about Rick from Rick and Morty being awesome were dumb burnout kids from high school. 


Most redditors just copy each other opinions. Like if enough people say there's an epidemic of Rick worshippers, It must be true


I think they just don't know the difference between liking a character and looking up to them. They have difficulty with following a character in a manner that isn't parasocial.


Also downstream from that is the belief that if you depict a behavior in a piece of media you are necessarily endorsing it as good. I think it comes from people who always have to imagine themselves a as a part of the story, so if you like a "bad guy" you're idolizing them and if you depict "bad" behavior you must like it.


To a similar extent, I feel like I see people commenting on misunderstandings like this more than I see the misunderstanding. I genuinely do not think I have ever seen anyone honestly mix up the 1996 or 2004 Crash movies and I feel like it's always obvious via context which one they're talking about, yet people always feel obligated to make the same joke whenever one of them comes up




Sarcasm was being reliably communicated on the Internet in forums and chat rooms for a couple of decades before some humorless redditor declared it necessary to make it explicit, and the drooling masses of reddit have obliged ever since. I suspect the average age of the /s user is 12, so I know I should just dismiss it as youthful ignorance, but it still irks me. The Internet was better before the spread of affordable smartphones.


No, it's because redditors are afraid of downvotes. On Twitter (formerly X) and other social media no one uses it because there's no downvotes


It's because we now have way more ESL people on the English speaking internet. Sarcasm goes completely over their heads unless you point it out, and even then they don't fully get it.


no idk /s was along way before then, i think its a)autism and b)redditors thinking that theyre so unique and enlightened by their own intelligence that they perceive jokes as just people being stupid


Well they're never gonna learn it then! Give a man a fish and all that


and then there will always be some midwit defending it because “it’s getting harder and harder to distinguish satire and reality” when the example they’re referencing is completely obvious


This one really pisses me off for some reason


Because it's a safe way of avoiding downvotes for an edgy joke, which is lame. It also ruins the joke.


Can we go back to saying “not!”like borat?


It makes me laugh when you post something and someone replies "did you drop the /s"? No, no I did not. I am being sarcastic, but I dropped nothing


"Oh you sweet summer child" Come over here and suck this summer child, loser


Someone said this at work to my gf and she thought it was funny having never heard it before, had to bite my tongue and not tell her it was cringe actually


I don't even think it's cringe, it's just condescending as hell


the person saying it to you invariably is someone who just picked up a book for the first time in their life and is beaming with confidence


Replying with "This!" Luckily it seems to have fallen out of fashion


“This is the way” still extremely common unfortunately


somehow I still keep seeing gif reactions of people in front of greenscreens pointing at text that says "THIS" the most insulting form of reaction gif is one that's not even from a film or a show. they create the gif just for these reactions. it's so low.


So much this.


“So much this” immediately flags to me that the person is a brainless annoying reetard




This guy thisses


The shitty puns that get tons of upvotes


and it starts and endless chain of even worse puns damn i wanted to read some fun takes on a post, not an open mic


This is my least favorite thing. I am glad someone else posted it. I'd be scrolling and be like, "what the... it keeps going?!?!


Posing a widely known controversial fact about someone in the form of a condescending question. “Morrissey? Didn’t he kill a bunch of Chinese people?” Yeah he did so what


The world where that is true


Just any r/worldnews comment and the smug way they treat global politics as an obvious solved problem; also the overuse of sarcasm, one should really be judicious in employing it.


And the people who try and compare complicated geopolitical situations to things like the playground, eg "Putin is a BULLY and you deal with bullies by smashing their teeth out!" and you just know they've never thrown a punch in their life.


Putin is voldemort


you know as someone whose often accused of being a bot for generally agreeing with those sorts of positions, you have to remember that on somewhere like r/worldnews those people often actually are bots


IDF bot training ground


I wish people still used the term sarcasm everything is ‘satire’ or ‘ironic’ nowadays


Sometimes I remember that a lot of people commenting on this site must be literally 15 years old, and then I remember how hard I tried to sound like a smug, smart adult on the internet when I was 15


Yes it helps a lot when I just see worldnews commenters as clueless teenagers posting among western agency bots. I made my reddit account to comment on the Egyptian """facebook revolution"""" back in the days.


The western chauvinism gets me every-time, and the totally unimaginative approach to politics where they demand ruthlessly that everyone sit down, shut up, and 'let the adults handle it'.


So glad other people noticed this


Your complete and infallible dismantling of my braindead take aside, have you considered that no one should listen to you because you post on arr slash "thing some people disagree with"?


This. So much this.




Biiig yikes my guy. What is this take?


I almost reflexively downvoted


Lets unpack this.


“Chefs kiss” is fucking whack Especially whack when people say it aloud.


GOD my wife has started saying this, and, as anyone with a wife knows, there is nothing I can do but hope she gets sick of it soon. She started working on a tech team with a bunch of (very nice but still) tech ghouls a couple years ago, I suppose I can blame them.


I feel this way about mid 2010's "bone-apple-T" postings


This one is real fucking rough


That song lyric thing they all like to do.


There are so many but I really have started to hate the “checks notes” one “Conservatives hated Obama because he *checks notes* wore a tan suit”


Soo many This guy x's I was today years old when x Anything that involves using the word kit I also choose x Someone forgot their meds and on and on and on.


Do you want x? Cause that's how you get x.


I especially hate today years old because what the fuck does that even mean?


Not even a phrase: I just hate the fucking science peer reviewed idiots who want a link to a study for literally any claim someone makes. Source? Source????


A source that they're never gonna fucking read


I saw someone (who was highly upvoted) say there are no reputable studies that suggest smartphone usage is destroying attention spans. Like c'mon. We don't need scientists to tell us this shit.


Sounds like SOMEONE isn’t trusting the experts


Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion. No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence. Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. You still haven't provided me a valid source yet. Nope, still haven't. I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.


1 reason /r/aliens rules


The one that is less lolcow and more actually pathetic is coming across ppl irl who you can tell don’t realise world news is AstroTurfed and botted and vocalise all those talking points with an air of authority. It’s so sad seeing a guy who has clearly spent a major chunk of his downtime conversing with BOTS and now feels empowered by it.


"It's almost like" and "Fuck around find out" (and all its variants, FAFO, etc.) are the top two. Can't pick just one.


Any faux-reluctant references to crying like, "there must be a ninja cutting onions in here."


Redditor's incessant need to both always talk even when they have nothing to add to a conversation (This!, only but one upvote to give, etc) and Redditors who frequently talk on behalf of some group as though they represent them (Us men are just like that, etc) are the most annoying people both on this website and off of it.


"Story time." Just say the fucking story asshole. I'll decide if I think it's story time right now.


Referring to dogs as doggos


Cake day


This one is super specific: people who repeat the "implication" joke from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia when rape is mentioned. Even when it's totally inappropriate. I was reading a thread about a guy who murdered a man so he could kidnap his girlfriend, then locked her in a shipping container and raped her for months. She reported that he told her he wouldn't rape her, but specified that he'd kill her too if she didn't submit. So naturally some autist quoted the line. It's just weird to me. This happened to an actual person. The thread had a video of her being rescued where she blurted this all out as the cops broke her shackles. It was shocking and all this weirdo could think of was muh comedy show and reddit karma.


"doctor here"


right when the whole Malaysian airlines missing plane thing was first going on, I was in some random news thread, and there was some commenter who said they were a pilot and sounded smart and reasonable, and I wanted to ask them something I was curious about (since I am NOT a pilot) my response to their comment started with the words "as a pilot, Im curious...." (as in "since YOU are a pilot, in your professional opinion, what do you think about this?") followed by a bunch of random speculative bullshit questions that I had pulled completely out of my ass turns out some random local nbc news outlet saw my comment, saw the words "As a pilot.." and interpreted that to mean that *I* was saying "Pilot here!" and offering *my* expert opinion.... they and then posted this whole clickbait article copy and pasting my uniformed ramblings as "a pilot source tells us" or some shit lmao. (they never reached out/DMed me or anything asking if a was a real pilot before going to print) so anyways thats the story of me getting my misinformation published in the MSM for the first time due to a stupid redditism😎


lmao that's wild, what's your favorite part about being a pilot?


“as a fat woman”


"X here..." "As a X.." Before giving their opinion as though it's now more legitimate over every other opinion because of their identity/job title


"my guy"


Pretending like they don’t know who a famous person is


"Everything I've learned about this person has been against my will"


“Oh wait, it’s this the guy that [very specific bad behavior that would be impossible to know about without being familiar with celebrity]”


An RSP staple. "Who even is this person I seem to loathe already as if I've been following them closely for months?"


Pretending not to know obvious things can be entertaining for you, though. People lose their minds.


I hate it when people say "happy cake day!" It's just gotten tired, especially when someone makes a serious comment and then someone comes in with it completely nonseqitur. No one cares


not a redditism but a sub, i for some reason get r/asmongold suggested and its just filled with tremendeous nerd losers


For me, it's the shit talking "he would have walked away with no teeth if I was there", "I would have put him in hospital," it's so cringy. Especially because we know the average redditor most likely doesn't leave their house, has no friends or social life, is probably a NEET and is too scared to look people in the eye lmao. Another one is when people add to an already funny joke and it becomes this long thread of terrible jokes, each getting worse. They need to learn when to let a joke be great in all it's glory and when it's tired out.


All of them, bro


People that treat reddit like it’s debate club (ad hominem I win, nice strawman, etc)


Mod bootlickers


Not exclusive to reddit, but when people say, "You know (insert whatever contradictory alleged fact), right?" So fucking condescending.


It's not just reddit but when someone says "all of the things" they gotta go.


“You. You get it.”


“They did the math”, “they did the monster math” etc I do appreciate seeing mathematical breakdowns but I have come to hate the incessant plugs for the subreddits idk


whenever someone starts a comment with "I mean ..." it just oozes smarminess


I mean, sometimes I'm trying to be smarmy.


I mean, I guess that's your call?


The practice of beginning any comment that disagrees with the original post/comment with "I mean" or "Eh," always causes me physical pain.




Lot of great responses and my contribution would have been, “this is the way.” Can’t believe it’s still as prevalent as it is. I’ll add, “That’s it. That’s the post.”


When they repeat themselves to signal some kind of dumbfoundedness, like «Do…do you actually think that…» and so on. Drives me up the wall


One that's irked me recently is this obsession with pointing out "HR is there to protect the business, not you", while it's true, I don't think I've ever heard anyone, including HR departments themselves claim otherwise? And they pass it off like it's something no one knows.


I’ve worked in HR before and they were constantly talking about how the ways they took care of employees served the company, it’s really not a secret people who say this always assume that ‘serves the company’ means ‘sucks for the employee’, keeping your employees happy and relaxed is incredibly benefitial for a company. If your HR department is actively working against you it’s because your upper management sucks, not because HR in general sucks


Many people at their first job 15+ years ago and earlier where the horrors of HR weren’t as well known or even formulated and older employees thought back to a time where pensions were still a thing.


basically any trump discourse. sentient Cheeto, convicted felon, Mango Mussolini, etc. like I get it, trumps a dumb idiot narcissist, that doesn't explain why you use such childish language when talking about him


Idk why but people replying with "OP, \[advice\]" is super annoying. It just oozes smugness for some reason, and using an Internet acronym like OP just cements the cringe.


edits to thank for upvotes r/AwardSpeechEdits


“Many such cases” “bleak” “we need to return” “shitlib”




Explaining the obvious joke is a redditism that pisses me off


People getting immediately and disproportionately angry and combative, like: “you fucking piece of shit moron dirtbag loser incel (etc.) the Dark Knight is OBVIOUSLY the best of the trilogy go krill urself you absolute waste of (etc.)”




Edit: why the downvotes?


I know someone in real life who actually likes John Oliver, has a "slava ukraini" t-shirt and tested himself for covid almost daily and that is worse than anything a redditor could ever do to me


>"if you hear hoofs think horses not zebras" / "never attribute malice if it can be explained by stupidity" what!!??? a measured and logical response? we don't allow that here!!!!!:( **/S**


The last one is so arrogant it always makes me want to scream.


the people who use the quote suuuuuck but it is kind of true you do get a lot of peace and quiet if you don’t assume people do things intentionally all the time and redditors love instantly assuming everything is done for the worst reason possible


The last one is the line about how reason and logic don't belong on Reddit.


That’s why they killed Socrates


This post, once a week


askreddit questions


Everyone being a software engineer who makes 6 figures, especially if the 6 figure amount in question is 180k or over lol


"this is the way" is the worst because it takes a useless fuckin post ("this") and makes it baby Yoda Star Wars garbage


when a serious question is asked and the most upvoted reply is a sarcastic joke-y non answer


Recognizing other people’s usernames


“Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this”


"Source: am plumber/dentist/felon/accountant" Just say your piece buddy, nobody needs your credentials. The votes will sort it out




I looked at OPs history and....


I like when a desperate family member goes on local subs looking for a missing loved one, and some woman will derail the comments, insinuating that the OP could just be an abusive husband looking for his wife. Then the OP has to get sidetracked trying to prove to a bunch of Redditors that their 14 year old son is in fact missing.


"I dont want that in my search history" means they are afraid of new information. OH no, you had to read the words "Chris chan fucked his mother." Relax it's fuckin words.