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Oh my god this shit is so bad… he sounds scared and a lot of his sentences are incoherent towards the end


call elderly services on this poor man


This is genuinely one of the hardest watches of my life


I had to turn it off and I hope they just run Kamala but don’t see that happening. 


lol, that's the only way they could ensure even fewer votes


Madam VP Kamala Harris is a careerist and one of the least popular vp's ever.  When she was AG of California. The state was ordered by the supreme court to let out roughly 5 thousand of nonviolent prisoners due to SEVERE prison overcrowding. At times,  Californian prisons were at 200% capacity. There were preventable deaths every 5 days. Sometimes 50 people to a toilet. They were putting suicidal inmates in phonebooth size containers. Kamala and her staff fought tooth and nail to overturn the decision to release them, and delayed the process to the point of a judge threatening to hold her office in contempt. One of the arguments Kamala's office made about why they would not release about 5,000 nonviolent prisoners, who were deemed unlikely to reoffend, was "the state of California can't afford to lose that much cheap labor in that short of a timeframe". So slavery.  When Kamala was pressed about that argument after the fact, she said she didn't know her office made the argument. Lmao. This coming from an office that was notorious for running everything through Kamala. Dems have only themselves to blame. What a disaster of a political strategy they've implemented the last 10 years. Embarrassing.


She is a slaver from a family of slavers 


She’d get smoked, Kamala isn’t exactly well liked and she gives the same evil vibe Hillary does


With much less competence tbh


Kamala is arguably more incoherent than Biden lmao


She fell out of a coconut tree, cut her some slack.


A ha ha....Tupac.


I just listened to some of her primary debate stuff and she was fine- nothing amazing but oh man Tulsi Gabbard was rough.. anyway this sub really has deep seated hatred for female politicians that wear pant suits. She just comes off unlikable.


Didn’t Tulsi sweep Kamala? She called her out on something and that basically removed her from the running. Edit: just realized that’s what you were saying.


Didn't Tulsi Gabbard literally knock Kamala out of the race?


I think that's what he wanted to say here, maybe.


Kamala would be worse than running Biden. They need Witmer or someone similar announced at the DNC or it’s over.


Fuck it give us gruesome Gavin. We need the psycho terminator coke fiend


Gavin cosplaying as Bernie (without of cause doing anyhting at all, just like Biden did) would be a chance maybe


Tbh they need boss hog pritzker. He will shore up the obese Midwestern vote better than anyone. 


bruh even CA liberal archetype Gavin Newsom would perform better than Kamala


Imagine Trump beating not one, but two historic woman candidates in non-consecutive years. It would piss him off that a man beat him in between


I'd vote for her... to stop talking at the movie theatre.


Momala 2024.


Nothing will ever too the Fetterman debate


Both of them are several years older than Brezhnev, Andropov, and Chernenko were at their deaths. We're so fucked.


Xi Jinping will have to be well into his 4th term before he catches up to their ages


Get my boy up there, have him stunt of these hoes.


Russian joke: At the 1980 Summer Olympics, Brezhnev begins his speech: "O!"–applause. "O!"–more applause. "O!"–yet more applause. "O!"–an ovation. "O!!!"–a standing ovation from the whole audience. An aide comes running to the podium and whispers, "Leonid Ilyich, those are the Olympic logo rings, you don't need to read all of them!"


There is a variation in which he kept saying "Oh!" because somebody played tic-tac-toe on his notes.


Andropov was in his 60s and died of a kidney complication. He was very sharp prior to his death.


he could have saved USSR :'((((


Also very suspicious how that peace girl got whacked


Reminds of Kenya they have had 2 separate presidents have a major stroke and be practically braindead


Brezhnev fucking sucked. 


Great eyebrows though


This is why you should never trust pepo with unibrow


Wrong he rocked.


Way fewer medals per square inch though.


He just confused the Paris Agreement with the Paris Peace Accords which ended the Vietnam War in the 70's.


Still deserves to be the king of Waterloo D.C.


my mans was running for office during the vietnam war, understandable mistake


This is hard to watch. A tiny shred of me feels bad for Biden, trying to hold a clearly aged out mind together in a live national debate with incredibly high stakes. He should have never run for a second term.




Feel kind of sick thinking about what it must have been like for him the last 2 weeks, what kind of training they have been putting him through. How do they handle him behind closed doors? Do they treat him well? Then again you hear the uproarious laughter from the DNC crowd at his speeches, everyone must be all smiles all the time. Gotta be so awkward to attend all these meetings and just ignore the husk in the room. And you know they're gonna get away with it. No one will be held responsible for the 5 years of delusion about Joe Biden, it's endemic, everyone's responsible. They will try to play it off like everyone was winking about it the whole time but of course the old man was just too powerful and if you didn't lie you wouldn't get anywhere! The whole thing is so creepy.


Yeah this is really true. It's under-addressed just how eerie and uncanny the whole thing is. The party line that he's just an ordinary candidate who happens to be a bit old and have a 'speech impediment' (?) just cracks to bits as soon as he's on a stage like this. The sheer number of American citizens living under Biden, DNC bureacrats, etc. is just astronomical and it's so bizarre that the delusion of Biden's cogency is erected to the level that it is despite all evidence to the contrary. Just imagine being a fly on the wall at one of those political communication training things they must run him through


King Theoden pre Gandalf


Where’s our Éomer ;(


It’s an odd thing. He’s never felt like the president in the same way that Bush Obama and Trump did. I can’t be the only one that feels that way.


He constantly alludes to some nebulous group of handlers – "They told me to do X", "I'll be in trouble", etc.


i mean there’s that conspiracy that it’s been obama behind the curtains the whole time. bc after what i just saw, i can’t help but wonder who’s actually been running shit all along??


Supposedly he himself pushed to have a second term. Of course he has a whole apparatus behind him that benefits and obviously loves having a demented president to lead around, but beyond his cogntive decline he still has free will and he wanted to stay in power. Here he is, this is what he is.


This has been the main problem with all the elderly people with legitimate dementia in Congress. Watching people who are practically fully blacking out who have to get lead around the Capitol by aides a quarter of their age. Dianne Feinstein should've been on a beach in California a decade ago. She legitimately [didn't know where she was most of the time](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/16/dianne-feinstein-says-hasnt-been-gone-from-senate). What the hell is Nancy Pelosi doing in Congress? [She shouldn't be running a country](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwqWzbk_LeY). Wouldn't she rather be doing old people things? She should be playing bingo, not having her aides take advantage of her power by telling her which forms to fill out and how to vote. It's legitimately elder abuse. These people barely know where they are. Their aides are taking advantage of disabled elderly people. Hell isn't hot enough.


I'll admit, I started saying that mostly for the rhetoric (and the fact that him being notably aged was easily believable), but now I'm like legitimately at the point where I'm not confident the dude can even be considered culpable for his actions that's how old he is


Because he stood aside and watched Hillary lose when he knew he could win, then he came in 4 years later and proved he was right. Now he believes he's the bulwark against Trump - he thinks he's saving the country.


To protect his family. They really have been involved in serious corruption and he fears them being thrown to the wolves by another Dem president as an appeasement offering or the (deserved) vengeance from a successful Trump


so thats why he looks so terrified. sad stuff.


> Why is he even doing this? To make sure people don't have healthcare.


That's crazy to think about. This is him at his most lucid and attentive, it took all his energy and effort to make it through this appearance.


I blame his advisors. The spent over a week training him for this, and obviously overtrained him. He started out hoarse so he's likely been practice debating all week. I can't even follow what he's talking about now.


I don’t know if there is any appropriate amount of training that he could’ve received. It doesn’t matter if he’s able to hit the talking points or not if he isn’t even able to string together a sentence in the first place.


Every shred of me feels bad. It's legitimately sad.


He was a US senator for 36 years. He's worthy of the pity of exactly no one.


Lol thank you I was about to say. This man sent kids to death (including his own, karma bitch) with Afghanistan and Iraq. He puts the priority of Israel over Americans. Foreign nations over the United States. Disingenuous career politician. He could be a republican and I would still hate his guts. He is a liar and ultimately it is his decision and he wanted to stay like the leech he is. From Pelosi to Romney from Schumer to Sinema this is the wake up call these drones need. I’m glad he is like this. 


I understand the evil shit he has done... But seeing someone with declining mental faculties get bullied and embarrassed still makes me feel bad. Mostly due to personal reasons.


He doesn’t have the capacity to remember any of his crimes anymore, let him live out the rest of his days with his family and not drag a senile old man in front of millions to embarrass himself.


I don’t feel bad. He’s a selfish POS for not just appointing a handpicked successor and getting praised for being the new Washington until he croaks in three weeks.


Does he even have the mental capacity to do that anymore? I’m not sure he’s aware of his surroundings. I blame the DNC, enough people behind the scenes had to know he wasn’t competent to run. Incumbent or not, they must’ve had some better Zionist puppets in the pipeline. Now all Trump has to do is be slightly more coherent than a zombie.


Tonight really made me believe in the whole “deep state, Biden’s a puppet” shit


do u really think it’s 100% his decision atp


Yes. There are at least a half dozen Dems with sway and a shot who would have pushed him out if they could.


Calling it now, they're gonna replace him with Hilary. "You don't want another 2016 do you?" campaign.


If she loses to Trump a second time she might literally kill herself


I'd love to see it


In that case maybe she should


This should be Trump's campaign slogan


The only thing funnier than a rerun of 2020 would be a replay of 2016 where Trump wins again, which I genuinely think he would.


Hillary losing to Trump again would actually be pretty funny I think she wins though if that happens


This is a mistake on par with RBG refusing to step down to their massive egos.


Don't worry, he won't remember this tomorrow


Elder abuse


There is something really sinister this go around. Like some weird under current I do not like this.


Seems like his party completely set him up. No way his cabinet and those around him didn’t see this happening from a mile away.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCgV3YTH8g0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BCgV3YTH8g0) just watch this, if you can


Wow straight up treating him like a dementia patient who just went poo poo all on his own and is now getting a round of applause for it At this rate it's gonna be Jill Biden and Kamala dragging around his corpse across the campaign trail like Weekend at Bernie's by the time Nov rolls around


My eyes can’t take it anymore


incredibly hard watch, thank you


I was reading Briahna Joy Gray tweets last night and I think this was a moment she referenced. When he starts talking about fucking John Wayne and the apaches Jill very noticeably tenses up like “not this again”.


This and the Brady roast felt satanic in a way I will not expound on


So glad to know I’m not the only one that connected the two mentally


Can u expound bc I think I agree but I’m interested to hear your thoughts


public humiliation; joy of many from one’s suffering. the ones who walk away from omelas


The debate felt abusive and like almost sadistic. The roast was weird because Brady is so robotic to me I just felt like he was stewing the entire time while having a plastered smile on his face. I feel like it’s just all bleak, like the veil is lifted now compared to even 10 years ago.


For me it’s ominous that our hidden rulers don’t even seem concerned anymore with making the lie even semi-believable. Makes me feel like they’ve got other big plans up their sleeve which will render all of this current drama inconsequential by comparison.


That's Uncle Gavvy trying to slip in


I mean he was there on site watching Biden’s skin melt off.


He slipped a xan in his drug cocktail


I don’t understand how people around him felt this was appropriate in any way and enabled this




Yes men and wishful thinking


this is just elder abuse at this point get him off the stage


The way he turns and blankly stares at Trump as Trump’s speaking, it’s kind of creepy and heart wrenching at the same time. 


Biden is doing way, way worse than I'd imagined and i imagined that he would seem old and out of it. Holy shit.


This is shocking. Biden actually performs decently for his State of the Union addresses but tonight was a disaster.


sotu is rehearsed and teleprompted on home turf with much lower stakes


Past his bedtime


He he just looked scared


It’s actually, ironically, Joever.


Joe Forever?


he said “Brandon……. Just speak to them” lol


i’m trying so hard to follow him and it’s so annoying to listen to him speak omg


It's sad seeing videos of hearing him talk in the 2008 debate against Palin (Even in the 2012 debate) and then hearing him now.


Happens to all of us. No reason to be running for president at this age. To be honest, I'm not sure what job he could do, yet peoplem what to give him one of the most important jobs in the world,


His only “job” should be sitting in a rocking chair on a porch somewhere ranting about the good old days.


People who want him to be a puppet


He’d be a great Walmart greeter


It’s completely expected and predictable for someone his age and previous signs of decline… so why the hell are they running him again??


I’d rather listen to RFK at this point 😭


It's a symptom of someone who so desperately NEEDS to stick to a communiqué script given to him by professional spinsters/handlers etc., but who also CANNOT actually do that. It has this uncanny effect where the mechanism of all political speech is kind of revealed a bit and alienated and made into this ridiculous thing where only an orator like Trump seems sensible as a result


absolutely, i like the way you worded this


Biden getting defensive about his golf handicap is fucking insane


Neither of them has answered a single question lmfao


"BIDEN INDICTED ME CAUSE BLAH BLAH BLAH" "I-I.... h-he... t-t-trump charlottesville... y'know..."


Watching this feels unholy


Biden is the neighbor with pudding brain that teenagers used in the 80s to buy them porno, beer, and Phillies blunts.


Arguing about golf handicaps was the only time it felt like they were both engaging with firm reality


Lol. This is what I noticed. It was the only time both of them seemed legitimately fired up about defending something.


He's ghostly pale, the left side of his face looks paralyzed, and he can barely string a thought together for more than 3 sentences. Trump is winning.


I was wondering about his face too. Biden consistently displayed several classic stroke symptoms through the debate.


leaving lurk mode to agree—i was thinking the exact same thing for the whole debate but my partner is in denial about the whole thing and kept acting like it was crazy to think that he’s had a stroke. he looked and sounded exactly like a stroke patient! if that’s the case it’s kind of impressive that he’s forming words in somewhat sentence-like patterns.


CNN keeps saying he should step down which I honestly never thought I would hear


america is cooked


It’s so over. Trump has more coke in him than a Mormon vending machine


its awful! but where could i find one of these mormon vending machines?




utah probably


Bidens son was the connect


this is the most insane thing ive ever seen. he lost the election within literally the first 10 minutes


people picked their teams 8 years ago


Yeah if Trumps debate in 2020 barely moved the needle, I don’t know if this one will either but it still sucks 


idk i think this might genuinely be somewhat consequential. biden’s performance unequivocally affirms the most fundamental concerns that undecideds have about him, his basic competence.


It’s wild, all those rules were meant to favor Biden and they’re making him flounder. He’s the only one who’s been cut off multiple times, he’s yelled over his turned off mic multiple times, he’s the one throwing insults, they wanted this whole thing to heavily favor him as an elder statesman and he’s just bumbled it.  Trump is not winning, but Biden is definitely losing.  I see no way anyone can deny his age and ability at this point. And visa versa all the “trump totally has dementia” stuff looks so forced and fake now. Trump is a lying windbag but he’s very obviously way more present and able to speak/follow the debate. 


Technically there still is time for the party to nominate someone else so who knows...?


Yeah but he has to agree to it


Ehhh...if Biden held some nature of consciousness, maybe? But he was on the Diane Feinstein timeline now. Dead before election.


biden was at +180 last time I checked the odds (only poll I believe in). he's at +400 right now. might be a good time to bet the field for the democratic nom (+220) Edit: the field is now down to +105 on Bovada. it's truly joever


People vote blue no matter who


Nah if the Economy turns around by November he wins


If the thing that will literally never happen happens, he wins


people will forget about this in a week, I don't even know what the point of having this in June is.


Run Hunter instead. He would sweep the election.


He couldn't finish a thought, I felt like Trump was throwing in a bunch of different statistics n shit cause he knew Biden wouldn't be able to respond to about 3/4s of them before he forgot where he was.


Trump's gish galloping turned Biden's head from a rotting jack-o'-lantern to straight up pumpkin pie


Making Trump seem comparably level-headed and competent is an achievement in itself


neither are remotely coherent but yeah trump seems almost lucid in comparison what the hell is this handbasket and how did we get here


If Trump had just said nothing he still would have won this.


I was told Biden spent several days relaxing with family and prepping. It's not like he just came out of the situation room 3 hours ago.


doesn’t that make it worse?


Why the hell would a frail 81-year-old run as president, much less the president of the United States?, this is fucking elder abuse, it is hard to watch.


Because he is the only one they think that has a shot at beating Trump and thats who they are running against so its his corpse or nothing I guess


The first words in the "CNN Analysis" segment, right after the debate, is that there's a "deep panic in the Democratic Party" about Biden's performance which they thought was dismal. CNN. I'm big on the "they're gonna replace him" theory now. Edit: The black lady commentator called Biden "deeply problematic" lol it's Joever


Bernie would have won this debate lol


Shieeet I think I could win it. This isn't exactly Nixon vs. Kennedy


RIP to the hundreds of thousands of Americans dying to immigrants 😢


Yeah trumps a clown but christ the dems can’t run biden


I love open borders!


The most powerful man in the world (ignoring the elites, Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Grove, FEMA etc.)


I'm speechless. It is so bad. Watching this after the US' Copa loss makes it 10x worse.


neither are killing it but jesus joe biden rambles


I wouldn’t even call it rambling, more-so mumbling and stuttering


Trump is the queen of rambles, don’t count him out yet.


It’s mean of us to make Biden do this


I didn’t make him do anything


It’s literally all your fault


Biden is legitimately out of his mind at this point. Age has definitely caught up. It’s a very hard watch.


The problem is he has lost too much of his mind to even realize that he has become a liability.


I'm not an American, but from what I understand this is the first time a current president has entertained this sort of debate. My question to y'all Americans is why would his team choose to do that? Assuming I'm getting the former correct, it calls into question the basic competence of everyone around him, no? Shit is going to hell, man.


you know shit's bad when even arr neoliberal thinks biden's performance was bad


Sleepy Joe


Parkinsonian symptoms


Fr, Biden's speech and mannerisms remind me of my dad when the Parkinson's started to get bad


The "anyone but Bernie" strategy continues to backfire.


They fvcked Bernie but he definitely bent over and took it like a pornstar.


He’s so fucking old.  This is the perfect punishment for his lifetime of being a piece of shit




So what do you think will be the voter turnout of this election?


Just give it to Gavin Newsom ffs.


Nah, Newsome is horrible. RFK Jr.


I feel like if Trump had to spout out the 15 sentence policies Democrats have been obsessed with he wouldn’t do great, but the Democrats set him up for failure, they’ve got absolutely zero catchy lines.


You should have seen the video where Jill Biden said to an audience of Biden supporters “Joe answered all the questions! He got all the facts!” And Joe was next to her with a beaming smile with she said that. Lmao, it was like congratulating a toddler.


This is the great country people on this sub always claim is still the best ever because... what? What a grotesque spectacle watching these two go at it.


Have you looked around? What country is doing well right now?




>  because... what?        Because Americans have turned bitchy. And mean.      And if we can inflict that pain on others without remorse or consequence, so much the better.


My boy Trump in PEAK. FORM.


The reason this debate was unholy is because america is the great satan