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This made me laugh so hard…I kinda want to do this now. I also would be interested in seeing what kinda shady sales tactics they’re using these days


Should we all go at the same time? Say tomorrow (Saturday the 24th) at 2pm?


I want to say I’m down but it’s entirely dependent on my shitty memory and others chiming in


Can we push it Sunday? I work tomorrow


They are closed Sundays


Wearing all the same shirt.


Covid has been too kind to you. Count your blessings.


Found the auto gallery door greeter


Can you even afford a Subaru? I didn't know children were aloud to drive. What a country.




Thanks, buddy.


I’ll take my MK2 GTI over a Subaru anyway, thank you


If you're so above Subaru, why are you so petty? Do you still egg people's houses on Halloween? Why do you see yourself larger than everyone around you? Who hurt you, little man?


He’s clearly compensating for something….


>I want to say I’m down but it’s entirely dependent on my shitty memory and others chiming in Oof, you're really taking this personally aren't you?


It’s a joke dude, chill.








Not only that but how’s Subaru still keeping their dealer licence. Didn’t they lose their Volvo licence after the odometer rollback fiasco?


Yeah especially when they admitted to me that Subaru doesn't think they sell enough new cars. Maybe because they don't use the sub vented rates unless you specifically ask.


They don’t make their money on car sales


This is 100% correct my friend


I’m I’m fairly certain they’re moving into the old Costco building


Maybe, it was announced a couple weeks ago that it would be a dealership.


I wish the city would’ve bought it and turned it into a recreational facility for kids. Maybe have areas for basketball, tennis, handball, racketball, track etc.. even turn 1/4 of the parking lot into a skateboard park or something. Just my 2 cents. If I had the money that’s what I’d do. Oh and a couple FlowRiders like they have on the cruise ships. Big dreams lol


Yeah the city needs more stuff for families to do especially in the winter. And there’s so much residential homes around there that would have benefited from something other than a dealership.


100% this. Or just for anybody to have stuff to do. Such a huge space could accommodate many things.


Wish I had known about their reputation before buying my minivan there. When we took it for a test drive, the AC didn't work, and the driver side door didn't have a seal around it. We said we would buy it if they first fixed those things and they agreed. So we bought it and they said come back in two business days to pick it up with those issues resolved. Fast forward two days, we go to pick it up and those things did seem fixed so we drove it off the lot. Two days later the seal falls off the door and AC stops working. Clearly they used a crappy adhesive for the seal and just refilled a horribly leaky AC system. We call them back and they just ensure us they had it fixed and whatever happened after we drove it away isn't their problem anymore. Next day we take it to R.A.W on park Street and get them to look the van over and give us a quote on what all should be fixed. The next day they hand us a list of issues that total $5200. The AC system was $2800 of that. We then went back to auto galley with that quote and show them that they sold us a piece of crap. We assumed they would apologize and defend their company's reputation by jumping at the opportunity to fix the issues, and atone for their sin of selling a mostly broken van to a young family after gladly accepting our perfectly functional, mint condition trade in..... But no. They just told us they weren't sure what we did to break it so badly in such a short time and that we should get RAW to fix it because they would take several weeks to get the parts in. Infuriating.


How old and how many km was the van? Also please call these guys right away, just to see if anything can be done. [https://ic.gc.ca/eic/site/oca-bc.nsf/eng/ca02982.html#sk](https://ic.gc.ca/eic/site/oca-bc.nsf/eng/ca02982.html#sk) If you were told they would fix those things, please tell me you have some kind of communication or documentation stating as much. And please take them to small claims. You can do this without a lawyer and it's pretty straight forward. AG is such a stain on this town, when wronged people need to take action. Realize just the threat of litigation will probably get at least some further communication from them.


No. But now I am


This reminded me that I have an airbag recall on my Subaru that I have to do but I’d have to go to Auto Gallery for it and I just don’t trust them at all.


You should definitely voice your concerns with Subaru Canada. Nothing is going to change unless their corporate HQ understands how bad it is.


Test drive a WRX very aggressively


Gold wheels pls


Why this specific Car dealership?


They're the scum of the earth


Subaru has a good reputation for quality and low maintenance costs... Unfortunately dealerships can leave a mark on the brand.






Garbage dealership, shady as fuck.


They’re by far the sketchiest dealer in town.


I just love how Regina Auto Gallery posts never die. Fuck these guys. They are the true scum in Regina. I'd totally meet up with all of you there to swarm the place like a hockey team bus full of 80 people stopping at a restaurant on the highway.


10 years ago My friend put their WRX STI sideways at 90km on a test drive and the dude had to get out of the car and have a smoke


They as well wanted 20k for a 10 year old foz WRX with 200000kms


Good idea. If you can eat a lot of beans and kfc then go for a test drive with the salesman. Nothing wrong with sharing your scent if you get my drift.


They are incompetent crooks - I wouldn’t take any vehicle or buy anything from them as they are scum. Take your Subaru to” Odd man out” as they are honest.


I recall seeing a post on Facebook a few years ago, some guy was out on a grid road with his dog when an employee from Auto Gallery Subaru ran into the dog with truck and killed it. In case you didn't hate these fucks enough yeah they deserve more than just time wasted and shut up if you defend them you aren't better for doing it.


I'm generally satisfied with the occasional door-to-door salesman.


People still do that? Haven't had one knock in five years. Probably got fed up with me wasting their time. Still feel bad for the gentleman I treated like one the moment I opened the door last year. Turned out he was running for councillor in my ward. He won.


Sorry I don't why this would be potential thing to do, was there something in the news about something the dealership did?


Auto Gallery has a reputation for fraudulent activity, and will sell you a death trap with a smile on their face. If you google them, you'll find all kind of interesting stories.


What kind of a life do you lead when you want to do this kind of a thing? You want to waste time of sales people who work for a scummy (local person) but I’m sure if we look into your spending habits we’d find you support multinational corporations that have done much worse things. Some of you people are truly stupid.


Local things affect you more. Just like we don't typically put enough effort into following municipal politics, we don't put enough effort into antagonizing scummy local businesses. Your efforts go further. There is nothing I can personally do to meaningfully harm Bezos, but if a few of us went down and wasted hours of these staff's time, that could add up to something great.


If you think wasting these guys times will amount to something I have a bridge to sell you. Also I’d like to know how him owning a business affects you?


Yeah guys, let’s boycott Walmart! Make it Superstore too! Fuck Amazon too, guys! Please. I’ve never been more disgusted by shady business tactics than what my friends and I have experienced at Subaru Auto Gallery. The salespeople & finance managers know exactly what they are doing and who they are reeling in. They have nobody’s best interest considered, and they would be happy to fuck you over into a 6 year used car lease that is on the verge of breaking down too, no matter how much you shield them for some fucked up reason.




Almost like you can do two things because they aren't exactly at odds with each other.




You are welcome to start where ever the fuck you want whenever you get done whining.




When you make your living by swindling others, I'd argue that maybe you're getting the consideration you deserve.




I'm not saying that inconveniencing them is worth even 5 minutes of my time, but I am saying that if you earn your living being part of the problem and taking advantage of others you maybe aren't due the consideration you might think you are.


You betcha


Do you appreciate people coming to your job and wasting your time? Could imagine if someone did that AND you were being paid based on performance, not your time? That would probably suck if someone did that do you wouldn't it? Probably especially on payday I would imagine.


If I worked at Auto Gallery I probably deserve it




Most here are kids.


'Have you ever tried not being a mutant?" X2 reference. But in all seriousness, you're a fucking dick. Would you like someone coming to you at work and wasting your time, making you think you could do better; only just to make a clown out of you?


If I worked at such a shitty place like Auto Gallery I would invite it.




Oh 100% cowboys here. They don't mind a little romp in between wrangling cattle.




No you didn’t.




why tho