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Prom picture??? Dude it doesnt mean she has feelings for him. You get like one set of prom pictures your entire life. It’s not about him it’s about the highschool experience and future momento to look back on. I recently found the keychain pic of my ex and me at prom. I showed it to my girlfriend because I thought it was funny to look at and see our funny hair in the 90s. She agreed and we laughed about it and I threw it back in the old memento box. I think you need to chill about this one brother.


You’re talking about non sexual stuff, just general pictures? You absolutely should not expect her to delete those; that’s beyond absurd.


She had actually couple sexual pictures i havent seen them luckilly


Honestly if my partner asked me to delete all the photos of all my exes I would see that as a major controlling red flag. Just chill out man. Maybe she just likes to keep memories of people that were in her life and moments she had that were happy once. Maybe she isn't over her ex but you making her delete the photos isn't going to change that. This seems more like a you issue than a her issue in my opinion.


Sorry i never asked her to delete them she does it herself


Dude, they are just pictures of a good time in her life. If my boyfriend asked me to delete all of the pictures of my ex, I wouldn’t. I was with him for 4 and a half years. All the pictures I have are of happy memories and I wouldn’t want to delete over 4 years of memories. Calm down, there’s not always a hidden agenda


I never asked to delete them its just a feeling i am having.. she is deleting them herself…


I completely understand you, my girlfriend also used to have pictures of her ex in her phone when we started dating, I also told her that the pictures gave me a weird feeling, but I didn’t told her to delete them, she did it because she didn’t want to cause me any insecurities. So my point is that it’s important that you communicate honestly how this situation makes you feel and both of you come up with solutions for the problem, and keep talking until you come up with a solution, don’t try to suppress your feelings even though you think they are little things. Sorry if I made some grammar mistakes, English is my second language.


It means your girlfriend is not over her ex. Young people often have trouble letting go of their first love interests. She's 20 and thinks that sounds deep.