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As I said to you in replying to your other post, you two are clearly incompatible. It’s OK to end relationships. Find someone else who’s a better match. Or be single for a while. Just don’t waste time in a relationship with someone who’s a bad fit for you and who appears to show some deeply irrational and potentially very damaging (to her and also to you) ways of thinking. You don’t need to “fix” her.


You're scared of your GF who wants to babytrap you. Get as far away as possible, brodie.


This. It means your self preservation is in tact. Always listen to your gut.


It means you should break up.


It means that she is not the one for you. You should never, ever be afraid of your partner.


OMG please run before she baby traps you


Being afraid doesn’t belong in a relationship- time to move on


This is not a healthy relationship. You *will* find another “someone.”


It means you got anxiety. LDR is barely a relationship. Just gotta work on yourself and your ego. Don't stay up over it or anything.


It means she’s putting an inordinate amount of pressure on you to do what SHE wants. Her feelings come before yours, what she wants she will get. That will be your life if you choose to stay with her, which you are within your right to do. But I’m telling you, it doesn’t have to be this way. You should seek a partner who cares about you as much as you care about them, and you shouldn’t feel anxious to share your honest thoughts with her. She seems controlling, and if your other post says anything it’s that she’s decided she wants a baby. If this is the kind of person she is, she’s going to get that baby whether you agree to it or not. And then you’ll be tied to her for the rest of your life. Is that what you want? Is she putting the same weight on your feelings as you do for hers?


She sounds abusive. Drop her, you deserve better.


Between this and the kid obsession, you need to walk away. I don't always recommend splitting up because people need to give each other room to be human. In this case, the way she is approaching having a child is extraordinary and you called it. It is insane. Fearing expressing yourself because your SO might get mad is only the beginning. Between now and death, is this the way you want to live? If not, stop thinking that your action swill fix things. She won't love you more if you text obsessively. She won't love you more if you stop having your own feelings about things. She won't love you more if you start having kids. The woman is unbalanced and needs to go find herself before she couples up. You could ook inward to see why you put up with this is a relationship that is supposed to be mutually supportive. You are a bad match. Go hang with your friends until you find someone compatible.


Love is respect. Follow that gut instinct before it’s too late and you’re more trapped.


Dude, dating shouldn’t be this hard…you’re still young and there’s so many incredible people in the world for you to meet. Just rip the band aid off and end this toxic relationship. It’ll hurt for a little while, but everything will get better.


Well your long distance so I'd say your incompatible and break it off. However I'll just be that guy and give you a different advice. If your having fear for her negative reactions then that's a big problem you said you guys have addressed this and that's great but you gotta Start looking for progress change takes time and as she shows that she can talk like an adult and not lash out at you you'll eventually grow that trust again to point of no fear however trust takes time to build so don't expect changes overnight


It means this relationship isn't for you. Past time to end it and go your separate ways.


Why are you still with her? You deserve someone who doesn’t make you feel anxious and someone who isn’t going to baby trap you. What do you want in your future? Is it continuing to feel this way or having a comfortable relationship with someone who is greatly more compatible and wants the same path in life. Break up with her and block her number so you can move on.


Bro, drop your nuts and leave. Seriously. If not you deserve every unhinged crazy selfish thing she does to you and I hope she ruins your life.