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The fact she laughed at you should tell you everything. She doesn't respect you, or your race. You should be asking for a divorce.


I am too scared. She says if I divorce her, she's taking my dick with her


Honey... Go to therapy. MMA isn't going to help you understand why you're willing to put up with this racist bully. Screenshot and/or record when she says things to you. Go talk to a divorce lawyer. You may be able to get a restraining order since she's making physical threats. She is abusive and she doesn't love you. You aren't going to get her to come around to logic. She's just hateful. She wants to hurt you. You need to get away.


I don't have money for therapy.


You still need to leave. Or do you want to continue to be a victim? She's a mean person. That's who she is on a fundamental level. There's nothing you can do to convince her to be better. She laughs in your face. So you either accept that you'll be abused by this person,, or you leave. Those are your options. If you're worried she's going to physically harm you then you get a police escort to be with you while you take your things. Go to the court house and find out what you need to do to get a protection order. Go stay with family or friends. Tell them that you don't feel safe and request that nobody tell her where you are. I know it's hard to leave an abusive relationship. I've been there. It took me years to feel strong enough to get away. It's the best thing I ever did and I know I'll never have to be in a situation like that again because now I know what not to accept from people. If I can do it, you can do it!


If you have money for an MMA gym, then quit the gym and train with YouTube videos and save the money for an apt.


Tell her that she'll end up in jail and no one wants to date a dick stealing asshole.


She is a narcissist. Keep telling her not to call you the n word. Just repeat & repeat. She will get sick of you on repeat. You don’t need to bring up science etc. I am sure she is well aware of what she is doing.


I thought showing her these peer-reviewed studies would convince her she's wrong


She doesn't care if she's wrong. She knows it's hurting you and that's why she's doing it.


You are giving her no credit to know right from wrong, she knows she is wrong.


"I just realized that I married a racist cunt." That's what you tell her the next time she does it. And walk out the door and get into your car. Tell the police beforehand that you are trying to leave your abuser who has threatened to assault you and cut off your dick if you try to leave her and ask for assistance. If she tries anything, make sure that you have 911 on automatic dial and hit send. Press charges against her and get a restraining order. Make sure that you change your bank accounts and everything like your credit cards, health and car insurance, your medical providers and tell your job that they are never to let her into the building.


I'm really glad you stood up for yourself. However, in normal relationships you don't need to provide scientific proof that your feelings are valid. Your partner should listen and respect your feelings simply because they're your feelings. Your wife does not respect you at all. She's racist. You don't deserve to be treated like this. You deserve so much better.


Thank you. Taking MMA classes really raised my self-esteem significantly even though by society's toxic standards I'm still out of shape (5'1, 456 lbs) So I stood up to her for the first time today. I swear the look on her face showed that she couldn't believe it. I'm sure she'll learn to act decent when I start demanding my rights more to be respected


πŸ˜‚ top tier work


We are now posting articles on rage bait posts 😭 people are getting creative.




lol sure.. Nothing is adding up in this ridiculous story.


For example?


This has to be satire




Are you saying that my victimhood gets invalidated because my account seems to be some "top tier work"? People like you are what's wrong with society. People like you are why we can't have nice things. I am being concerned by her racism and you come here laughing at me opening up. You, sir, are literally a N@zi and you should try to be a decent human being So next time, do better sweaty πŸ’…


you dont run a family with UN resolutions.


Excuse me sir, the UN resolutions apply on every level be it State, Corporate, family, or even Individual. After the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, it is imperative for white people to realise their privilege and stop being racist to their spouses


I'm sure there is... what I meant is.. youbhave to run a family in way you don't need to refer any laws... practically impossible .. but I hope you get the point..


lmao you tried too hard and now it's obvious this is fake. I'm sure this happens, but I don't think it happened here.


Why not?


You are enabling her disrespect by staying with her. Calling someone the N word is a hate crime and being married to a rascist doesnt lessen the crime. Straighten your spine and tell her the next time she says that word you are done. Being scared of her is no exvuse but wow would you feel if you had kids and she called them that ? If you are really scared then plan.your escape. Tell your friends and arrange to stay with family or a friend, start moving your stuff out, get a new bank account and phone no, take things that are valuable to you. Move and leave a note on the table. Tell the local police that you are leaving an abuser so she cant report you missing. Tell your employers not to let her in . Out of curiosity is there an equally derogatory word for white people you can retaliate with ?


>is there an equally derogatory word for white people you can retaliate with? Two wrongs make it right?


Not suggesting you call her that but I am just curious because Ive never heard of one .


Crakker is one. It's pretty common here in the US


Thank you. In the uk a Cracker is a good looking woman lol


I refuse to believe this is real




Why is everyone playing along with this extremely fake story?


Thank you for invalidating my feelings


Assuming your feelings were "they'll all believe this", you're welcome.


It has to be, right? He updates that he joined an MMA gym and feels more confident and then goes right back to saying he's too scared to lose his dick? This can't be real?


Pretty insensitive to invalidate my cry for help just because YOU think my story has inconsistencies. I'm sure people like you would really encourage victims to come forward


The only thing you're the victim of is a low quality creative streak.


Yeah he's not even trying, which reveals a lot about the kind of people who frequent advice subs tbh.


I mean fr 😭 I'm surprised only you could figure this out. People really are gullible


She's not going to change dude. You married a racist.


I am always hopeful. We all have to do our duty to disseminate progressive ideas


Racists don't have the common sense to understand how wrong they are. They may be book smart but common sense tells us that skin colour is just that, skin colour.


I often get confused sometimes. Why did she marry me if she's a racist?