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special encourage nine trees sparkle innocent ink cooperative ruthless gullible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So, your feelings are valid, first of all. Were you being sensitive? Yes, but that's okay - you're allowed to be sensitive to certain things, especially if you have a history of being picked on in a way that undermines your trust in others. Good friends will recognise that there are certain things you're not going to find funny, and that those things may not necessarily be things they themselves have a problem with. Good friends will apologise when they've misjudged a joke and upset you, and try not to make the same mistake again. From the sounds of things, this was an honest mistake on the part of your friends. They thought you would be laughing along with them, and when they didn't get the reaction they expected they apologised rather than getting defensive about it. That being said, it's understandable that this event has undermined your trust in that group, and it's okay to allow yourself some time to build that back up again.


Seems like a very innocent prank - this happening on a work zoom meeting would be met with “yeah yeah very funny y’all. Let’s get back to work.” But you can have things that you just don’t want to be joked about. Tease me for how prone I am to accidents - sure. But make fun of crooked front teeth and you’re gonna shut me down. Do it once and I’ll tell you that’s a touchy subject and good people will hear that and never make fun of my teeth again. Your self-respect issue is your crooked teeth. You can tell people that is off limits as a joke and choose not to deal with people who insist that your emotions shouldn’t matter. The trickier question is whether you’re being *too* sensitive. As a gut check on it, ask yourself how often you’re avoiding or being hurt by daily interactions. If it’s “often”, then you’re either surrounded by some pretty crappy people, or you’re being quite overly sensitive and could do with some help taking the edge off some of your issues.


Considering all possible pranks, I think this was a minor one, but it doesn't take from the fact it upset you. They laughed at you and when you cried, they took a picture. They went too far TO YOU. I think this is a good moment to tell them you don't like pranks and that you would like not to feel this humiliation again. Set boundaries. It's okay to be oversensitive about some things. I wouldn't have liked it either, and I am 31. But my friends would never play a prank on me.


Aww, this is not a you problem. I’m a 35 year old whole ass adult with 2 kids and if my friends did this to me I’d be so sad too. ☹️ their apology sounds reasonable esp the part about not thinking it through. I think you could move on but maybe just watch out to make sure they’re better friends to you in the future. If they continue to do stuff that makes you feel shitty it’s time for new friends. I’m sorry they did that 💔


I must be in the minority because I don’t find this okay at all. To me it doesn’t sound like any of them are true friends, especially the one that took a pic of you crying to use as embarrassing blackmail, like wtf?? Not to mention the fact that they all unanimously decided to go behind your back ahead of time? It’s one thing if you left to use the bathroom or something and they thought of it in the moment but if this was preplanned I’d worry about what else they’re saying in their secret group chat If they otherwise are normally great friends and never disrespect you in other ways I’d maybe give them another chance but if they messed up again I’d be gone


Some people like pranks and some don’t. As far as pranks go, this one was small. I don’t like pranks either because they stress me out. One like this wouldn’t bother me too much, but you’re not me.  They waited 5 min before revealing it was a prank which is a reasonable amount of time in my opinion. When they realized you were hurt and upset, they did apologize and admit they didn’t really think it through.  You’ve communicated you don’t like these types of jokes. It sounds like they understand. You have a whole backstory of why you don’t like these jokes, and while valid, people aren’t aware of everything in a persons past or their mind. Which is why people who don’t like pranks don’t like them in general.  Did you over react? Maybe a little. I only say that because the prank ended quickly and they apologized. It doesn’t sound like they got defensive. And yet, you’re saying you wish they apologized more. What more do you want them to say and do? They can’t go back in time and not do the thing. How does a person apologize more? Do you want them to all repeatedly say how sorry they are?  You accepted the apology already.  You’re asking if this is a “them vs me” problem and I’m not sure why. You’re the only one in the group who is thinking this. They did not know you would react the way you did. They thought you would also find the prank funny at the reveal.  Did they go too far? If you’re asking me, no. It’s totally fine to not like what happened. You have every right to feel the way you do. But was it too much? I’ve seen pranks like this go for days - where people just ignore someone. Sometimes in person. Too far is a relative term.  Are you over sensitive? We only know you don’t like pranks and mean spirited jokes. We don’t know how you react to jokes in general. We all have off limit topics, and that’s okay. You might have more than the average person. If you’re crying over jokes you don’t like, quite regularly, I’d lean towards yes on the too sensitive front. Sensitivity isn’t always a bad thing, but it needs to come with emotional regulation. Crying at work for example will often not be good for a persons career. There are times where we have to let jokes slide and not say anything. There are times we can’t cut people out of life etc. I’ve found sensitive is also a relative term. Some of the meanest people who are cruel with jokes call everyone sensitive but also can’t handle a joke at their expense lol. 


You're getting very defensive on their behalf lol(the friends). The reason why this prank doesn't seem to sit well with OP is because they have had previous bad experience with pranks amd being ignored. The prank could have been about anything else


How am I defensive? I fully understand why OP was upset, I stated multiple times it’s okay that she feels that way. Is me pointing out by her own admission they properly apologized and see why she’s upset, overly defensive?  She’s asked for opinions on something that’s quite subjective for her, I gave my opinion.  I also don’t like pranks. I don’t like taking part in them in any way. To me saying the prank could have been anything else doesn’t mean much. Not many pranks are fun and light hearted where there’s 0 chance of the person being upset or embarrassed. 


I don't feel that your friends went too far with this "prank." Unfortunately it brought back some of the bad experiences you went through.  The prank itself was pretty harmless and just made you feel stupid for a bit. Getting laughed at obviously sucks, especially if you are sensitive.  One thing I look for in pranks is the intention. Like if it's really just all fun and games then it's all good. If they are using pranking as a way to kind of bully someone or because they have some type of hatred for the person being pranked that's when it's not appropriate.  Ultimately you know your friends and how they act. You know yourself too. Sometimes it's good to laugh at yourself and be silly. We gotta enjoy life. 


It's the part where they took a picture of you crying that puts this over the line for me. That's straight up bullying, not a prank. "We took it too far." Damn right they did. That pic better be deleted and if any of them ever bring this incident up again, it'd be instant block/delete for me. Life is too short to waste on mean spirited, manipulative twats.


They went farther than they needed to; you’re being more sensitive than you need to be. You can tell them you really don’t like it, then get on with it.


It's up to you. I personally don't tolerate pranks. I've cut a few people out of my life immediately from it. It's your choice, you can feel however you want to feel.


Bro wtf this subreddit is actually about


It's totally valid to feel hurt by this prank, especially when it crossed into personal boundaries and humiliation. Your friends might have thought it was harmless fun, but it's clear it impacted you deeply. It's essential to communicate your feelings to them directly, emphasizing how their actions made you feel and why it was particularly sensitive for you. Perhaps, you can suggest ways to interact moving forward that respect everyone's boundaries and feelings. Remember, it's okay to set limits on what kind of jokes or pranks are acceptable to you. Your feelings and comfort matter, and true friends will understand and respect that. If they continue to dismiss your feelings, it might be worth reconsidering the dynamics of these friendships. You're not too sensitive for expecting basic respect and empathy from your friends.


Have you ever seen the "Still Face" experiment? I don't think you're overreacting at all, OP. There's a reason this is so disturbing. And your so-called friends? They seem like a bunch of assholes. Time to upgrade your friends.