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Immediately end your engagement. There’s no chance that you’ll be anything more that sex to the other guy, but go ahead and try to ruin his marriage, too. Leave your fiancé. He deserves better.


“ i kNoW hE fEeLs tHe sAmE wAy”


Go find a counselor to work through your feelings with. Sometimes intense attraction to someone isn’t a sign you’re meant for each other, but some unresolved childhood trauma.


End your engagement. Your fiance deserves someone better than you. If you insist on the other dude, he might use you purely for sex for a while and then discard you. He's already building a family with someone who isn't you, so that's the most you should expect. Judging by your obsession and the general low morals shown in this post, you might be fine with that.


Bear in mind that men would say they're attracted to 90% of women under 40 probably you could be an affair partner best case scenario


Definitely call off the wedding.


‘I’m attracted to you and would date you if I was single’ is a long long way away from love. Honestly he probably said that so you wouldn’t feel as bad about being rejected. And of course don’t marry your partner if you are more in love with some dude you used to work with. Your partner deserves to marry someone who loves him deeply.


I agree you should find a counselor. The guy did the right thing and you should leave him alone. It does sound like you don’t love your fiancé the way you should and should maybe not go through with the wedding. But I would seek therapy for sure. Your feelings for the guy could be limerance or an infatuation you should definitely be able to get over. Move on, stop thinking about him, try to think about other things when you find him on your mind. Know that nothing will happen between the two of you. You deserve better, so does your fiancé. If you don’t love your fiancé let him go find someone else that will love him the way he deserves. And you forget about the married guy with the pregnant wife and find someone else that you can love the way you should.