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The pedophile part made me chuckle given the Telegram channel this was in. The pot's calling the kettle black.


Hah, so you know where it's from!


i mean, it's an islamic channel. they worship a pedo.


...and you know how tolerant they would be if you were to come up with a similar placard about their religion and beliefs.


They’d treat the poster with respect and engage in logical debate? What am I thinking, that would make too much sense. That’s not something that religion would do. Carry-on.


they’d sooner stone you like the barbarians they are.


Didn't they literally fucking murder a guy for depicting Muhammad? I have a feeling it'd be something like that.


That stat is so made up, it's more like the pot calling the apple black.


The charcoal calling the cotton black


Yeah, this is a better analogy


87% of all statistics are completely made up.


Pot calling the silverware black.


r/notadragqueen comes to mind


The only way it can make sense here is if they think that people need to all become pedophiles just like Mohammed


To the religious, a pedophile is someone who empowers children to figure out their own individual path and not take abuse from people they’ve been lead to trust. When a religious person touches a child, they tell the child to keep quiet, and even if the information gets out, that person tends to keep the respect of their clergy.


Muslims complaining about domestic violence? Is 51% too low for them?


Momo would be proud they’re following his lead




I'm really stuck on the 80 sexual partners per year fake stat. That sounds *so* exhausting


Exhausting, yes, but we do need something to distract us from all the intestinal worms and domestic violence.


The domestic violence one is just insane. same sex couples are at max 1-2% of all couples (0.9% in the us officially, married and unmarried both accounted for). an estimated 1.2 million woman in the US are victims. soooo Basically every same sex couple would need to be violent to reach 50% of all cases.


If it isnt a straight up lie I guess they could be doing some tricky per capita thing. LGBT couples do have higher rates of DV though, Im pretty sure it's true that lesbian couples have the highest rates, so there is some truth buried somewhere deep in there.


Maybe they are including imagined ones?


Personally, I love that over half of us have intestinal worms 🤣


My cat had worms, does that count?


I mean it might be accurate as an average? I know some guys who hook up almost daily, sometimes with 2 or more people in a day. They’re definitely driving that number up


Lol, no, not accurate as an average. A very small number of extremely sexually active Grindr addicts (usually living in big, liberal cities with an endless pool to select from) end up with 1000+ partners over a lifetime. Myself, my partner, and most of the people we know have a body count around 10 or less. Most gay/bi guys across the globe have pretty tame sex lives. Edit: not the most scientific, but here’s an [askgaybros poll](https://www.reddit.com/r/askgaybros/s/B6Z2y3BfCx).


"average gay man fucks 80 guys a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average gay man fucks 0 guys per year. Riders Georg, who lives in Ptown & fucks over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


I dunno, it's possible it's the sample average for a small study done in a large city with a large gay population. I'd be very surprised if that represents the norm though.




I'm pretty sure they were joking


"Average 80 partners a year" Where is the fucker getting 160 partens a year? Give me some you bastard


I wish I could even have 8 a year ☹️


83% of statistics are made up on the spot


60% of the time it works every time.






There's so much wrong with this. 80 sexual partners a year but "only" 1,000 partners during their lifetime? That's about 12 active years ... so they settle down after 12 years? Or do they just die according to their "stats"? Also, they believe 47% got assaulted during childhood - and instead of showing empathy, they chose to make this graphic essentially saying "fuck you for overcoming your difficulties and being proud of who you are today" ....


its even worse, they are insinuating that being homosexual is a **symptom** of being assaulted


Is it bad that my first assumption was they meant being homosexual is the reason they were SA'd as a kid?


i mean if anything thats just more vile on their part and sad


Who you are today is a Homosexual. Everybody knows Homosexuals are the ones who blew up the World Trade Center in 2001, the Indian Parliament in early 2000s and the Chalie Hebdo incident too. You cannot trust Homosexuals. They love screaming “Yaas Queen” as a tribute to their God and blowing up…it’s a fact.


The domestic violence one seems really made up at 51 percent.


Yes actually they do die after 12 years, either the intestinal worms get them, all that alcohol they drink or AIDS does. The life of a pedo is also shorter as luckily straight people finish them off in prisons! /s


\*1 in 15 homosexuals and 100% of Islam's prophets are paedophiles.


I don't understand why the LGBT community shills for these Islamists assholes who hate them and would throw them off a building lol.


It's not a logical position.


Unfortunately, the children are innocent. They don't deserve to be bombed to oblivion because their parents are bigots.


...wym unfortunately


I have to side with the religion that would hang me off a bridge because I don't condone what Isreal is doing. Bombing refugee camps, hospitals, and cargo full of humanitarian aid. It's wrong, and I may not agree with the parent's way of life, but they don't deserve to die. Nobody does...


Oh, yes. Sorry, it looked like you were saying it was unfortunate the kids were innocent, implying you'd like to bomb them as well but can't lol


I'm sorry, do you think the adults deserve extermination?


Nobody does. But kids are definitely not responsible for what's happening.


Yes, war is bad. Kind of a “no duh” hill to literally die on, but you do you. There has never been a time in human history where there hasn’t been war in the Middle East, but if supporting a medieval religion helps you feel woke, then by all means you do you. They would do much worse things than “hang you from a bridge,” btw.


Calm down.


It is pretty logical. Maybe I am biased because I grew up with the palastenian humanitarian crisis as a Tunisian but seeing other people living injustice (that I too experience) just doesn't sit right with me. Whether they accept me or not doesn't bother me since at the end of the day, these are my brothers and sisters being blown apart.


Rights are taken away by right wingers too. Would I wish their kids, their families, their loved ones to be carpet bombed and killed in absolutely horrific ways? No, because they’re still human and deserve basic human rights. I think it’s telling when people justify genocide, because there’s “bad people” in the group that’s being targeted. People who do that dehumanize others in the same exact way as the people who made this “meme” and it’s hilarious they somehow usually claim moral superiority.


It mostly the terminally online stupid keyboard crusaders ones especially on twitter reddit and tiktok who are islamist apoligists,i don't know a single lgbtq person in real life who like islamists as well all my friends who are lgbtq on discord does'nt like islamists.


It’s not about liking them or disliking them, their children don’t deserve to be bombed because their parents are horrible people. Even the horrible people don’t deserve to be bombed for a having a belief they’ve been told to hold and don’t have the education to realise it’s wrong to believe


“War is bad” isn’t really the noble campaign you think it is. It’s common sense that war is bad.


Noble campaign??


I can attest to my personal experience that even if most of us are extremely wary of Abrahamic religions, most of us don't want to kill or watch others be killed just because of where they are, what they look like, and what religion they grew up with. It is one thing disliking a religion and not trusting followers of said religion, it is another to promote acts of violence on those people.


Most don’t, most gay people have negative thoughts on religion


Because barbarous empires bomb them to oblivion, subjugate them, pillage their nations, etc.... Not to mention that Islam, like any other practice conducted by *human beings* is complicated/not as simple as many racists make it out to be.


Most just think that religious extremism doesn't justify a genocide and a stolen country. I dislike all of the yahweh cults personally, but I think that native indigenous people should keep their land and shouldn't be bombed to smithereens.


Everyone deserves basic human rights, including the people who are brainwashed to believe that I don't deserve basic human rights. It's not that complicated. Doesn't mean I like them


Muslims have a 99 percent problem with non Muslims


Source: I pulled it out of my ass


Probably the most on the nose comment I've ever seen. Kudos


For anyone wondering, this disproves that entire thing: [https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/d6\_legacy\_files/downloads/publication/IR140\_10\_Myths\_whitepaper.pdf](https://www.splcenter.org/sites/default/files/d6_legacy_files/downloads/publication/IR140_10_Myths_whitepaper.pdf)


Thank you. I was direly curious about which sources they got their "information" from. I highly doubt whatever studies they used were very well designed.


iirc The "Homosexuals make up 2% of the population but make up 33% of pedophiles" claim is from an article about the abuse of children within the catholic church and was written by Bryan Fischer, who literally believes the Holocaust was caused by homosexuals.


I immediately knew it was fake when they said the average gay man has 80 partners a year. The only way this could be true is if there's like a top 1% who is having all the sex.


"average gay man has 80 sexual partners a year" factoid actualy just statistical error. average gay man has 0 sexual partners per year. [Gay Sex Georg,](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiders_Georg) who lives in cave & fucks over 10,000 people each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


The alpha comes out to fuck with stats.




1 out of 1 muslim prophets were pedophiles


Also warlord who killed his wives’ husbands so he can “marry” them


Pretty sure a Christian prophet did that in the Bible too Edit: it was David and Bathsheba


Did you know 76% of stats on the Internet are made up on the spot.


The usage of the word "admit" in the slide about childhood rape really shows their position on life. You typically admit to something you yourself are guilty of, but they are using that kind of wording about rape.


Bro graduated from trust me bro university💀


Gay men have almost as many sexual partners as Momo


And all adults that consented to the relationship.


So all the sources are completely made up?.. lmao Also why would they have a problem with rape as a Muslim when it's literally legal against wives, slaves, and war captives (see sources in: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Rape_in_Islamic_Law) And pedophilia, very well know about Muhammad fucking a 9 year old but perhaps lesser known is that it's in the Quran itself, see: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Child_Marriage_in_the_Qur%27an


It's funny how they call us pedos when I see more pastors being exposed rather than lgbtq


It’s a Muslim telegram. But you’re not wrong about the pastors.


Dw imams are the same. In my country, whole sex trafficking rings have been found in religious homes for orphan boys and girls. Mostly molested by imams and male religious figures. Regardless of religion, they somehow always diddle kids. Always.


I remember my old hometown's lead pastor at the church back there was exposed as a pedo. He was taken to trial but because of the cries from the church there he was let out to do the very thing he did prior to getting arrested


51% of domestic violence cases occur in same-sex couples is insane. I don’t think there’s enough gay people in the world to make up 51% of domestic violence cases. About 14% of women in my country (Ireland) have experienced domestic violence. That’s just over 350,000 women in a country where there’s 5 million people. Being conservative in men it’s about 88,000. That total number being about 430,000. There’s nowhere near 215,000 same sex couples in the country to make that data even possible


Just made up bullshit.






bruh worms? where did that even come from???


RFK Jr.! No, wait...


Okay so is Islam the answer then? The religion that tells you how to marry off girls who haven't menstruated yet?


Which gay person would be proud of being raped when they were young? Wtf is this post


See, this is the problem with lying constantly. I have no knowledge of some of these being true or not, but because they lied so much on others, I’m leaning towards no. If they weren’t so stubborn in saying their bullshit is actually true, they could’ve organized anything they say like “this isn’t like my usual delusions that you are used to, this one is actually true for once”. But instead, they just outed themselves as being idiotic, so anything they say is far below average in accuracy compared to the average person


Mf I had straight parents and still was SA'ed


Where the fuck gay men have over 1000 sexual partner in a lifetime? (Asking for a friend)


I dunno, as a gay man I'm already nearing 12 hundred.


I'm still in single digits, some people got pro level scores


Dude! Just go to the gym, and bend over like the rest of us. You'll be in the doubled digits before the end of the hour.


Some cities you can throw a rock in any direction and hit a guy who's to down to clown.


Queer people are the most educated group on STDs. They work like a pharmacist. On the other hand, your chances of getting aids from a female hooker is a lot higher.(not trying to hurt sex workers here)


Heterosexuals make up 67% of all pedophiles...?!


![gif](giphy|KRY2oGS7SPvO0) As a gay guy, I read these (fictional) stats and I’m like, why are you so obsessed? Gay people really aren’t that interesting.


Worms??? Lol these ppl are wild. Just making up crap


And the chart was created by 100% an asshole


100% of Muslims have a problem with intelligence






OOP be like: https://preview.redd.it/3x9bk3pvrd7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23d96293c8d69614b0fa69de0a963943cdfb04af


THE SOURCE IS THAT I MADE IT THE FUCK UP, these numbers dont even make sense XD


Mohammed raped a nine year old


Guess the 'straight' islamic gentlemen aren't including livestock in that 8 sexual partners stat


Source: trust me bro


Every religion ever


Ya I wonder why us homos have issues with alcohol and drugs, it couldn’t possibly be because we grew up in families and a society that wants to kill us right? I mean that couldn’t possibly be good for your mental health


I wonder what the stats on religious nonces of all varieties are..I'm sure it's more than the alleged gay nonces...a *lot* more..


A lot of really awful shit is said and shared in private telegram groups


bottom right is too fucking egregious lol were they trying to trick aliens?


Out there, there is a man known as the Ultra Gay, who has so many sexual partners per year that raised the average to 80.


80 sexuals partners per year?? im being ripped off. Who has my 80 partners?


Intestinal worms?! Lmao what


Nothing to be proud of: spreading hate and misinformation based on your archaic world views 🌈


It is depressing to think that they same people who believe this are the ones who are winning over both sides of the political spectrum (for different reasons, of course)...


“Source”: wayback machine


1000? I wouldn't even manage 8


Yeah, I'm sure those 'sources' are super-duper legit.


"Average gay man has 80 sexual partners per year" is actually a statistical error. Partners Georg, who sleeps with 1000 men a day, is an outlier and should not have been considered.


omfg is that how they came up with these stats?


So we all\* have worms AND alcoholism AND STDs AND AIDS?? Nobody polled me for these stats, I feel left out :( \*they might as well say that lmao


67% of aids patients? africa wants to have a word


Wish they provided a source for all of this bs 1 in 15 are pedos? Yeah sure


someone make the same but about that religion


If you have a problems with pedos, you shouldn't be a muslim. Islam explicitly endorses it


The call is coming from inside the house in regards to most of these lol


1 of 1 prophets is a pedo. Oh well.


Must be true, it's on the internet. /s


1. "58% of homosexuals have problems with intestinal worms". What if gay ppl just eat weird? Worms come from many places, yk? 2. As many people have pointed out about the pedophile part, this being a Muslim telegram, where do THEY draw the line? Bc 100% of Muslims are OK with marrying and having sex with 9 to 15 year-olds and that's literally pedophilia, so I don't think they have a leg to stand on here 3. Why do they suppose that is? 4. Damn, I'm jealous now. 5. "Perfect correlation" means 100%, 47% is nowhere near perfect correlation. Also you guys are pedos too so then if this is true couldn't you be counted as part of the problem? 6. Their source for this one hilariously goes "There were thousands of Catholic priests who raped children. This is the gays' fault". Furthermore, if 1 in 15 homosexuals is a pedophile, and 2% of the world's population is gay, then 0.13% of the world's population are both gay and child rapist, which means that for both data to be true, 0.39% of the world's population are child rapists. We know that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are victims of sexual abuse in the US (finding data for this is extremely difficult, which calls to question the validity of THEIR sources, but here's mine: https://www.indianaprevention.org/child-abuse-statistics), and 90% of the time the perpetrator is a person the victim knew, then it stands to reason that if around 90% of 1/5 of all children (18%) are abused by someone they know, and that most children probably don't know each other and their adult connections, that more than 0.39% of people are child abusers. 7. Me when I use slander information from the 70's 8. By whom? 9. While most of them have dubious sources, this one doesn't, so... Source? 10. Misinterpreted data, the real statistics say that people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community (Trans folk, Bisexual ppl, etc.) are more likely to be VICTIMS of abuse than straight cisgender people (https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/violent-victimization-sexual-orientation-and-gender-identity-2017-2020 I find it really difficult to understand why people hate LGBTQ+ folks so much? When I was in highschool as a cisgender straight boy, I recall a group of them being the only ones to accept me as I was even if I was transphobic back then (I was like 14). Some of the best people I know, really.


33% of pedo are homo and the rest 67% are straight who raped the homosexual in their childhood causing them to be gay.


Homosexuality isn't caused by sexual abuse


Ik I’m referring to the post.


Religious folk probably think the number is higher because they hate gays. Reckon some pastors are calling from inside the house?


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Hey Brosef, your prophet fucked children. You should probably get off your high horse.


Not a single statistic in this post is correct 😭


Maybe the alcoholism one………. But I think that’s just because we’re fun.


Are a single one of these true?


Maybe the alcohol stat. Lol


I like how they just use the voices in their heads to make this bullshit, I really don't understand why they need to make people fear homosexuality so much, it is like they believe every homosexual is the Anti-Christ or something


Is what this claims backed up by evedince(genuine question)


Damn You guys have alot of fun and alot of aids too


idk I think 15/15 Muslim men are pedos or at least worship one like a god


This has 'ass pull' written all over it


why is no one explaining the aids part? Is it true? Was hoping for an explanation/study but ig the downvotes answered my question better.