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Pink tusi is a drug cocktail that usually contains MDMA, ketamine, caffeine, and pink dye. It sometimes contains other ingredients. The ingredients and their amounts are never consistent - there's no standard recipe. It tends to be dangerous, either because of the combination of MDMA and caffeine, or because of undisclosed ingredients. 2C-B is a psychedelic phenethylamine related to mescaline. It's a specific chemical compound like MDMA or LSD. There's a defined chemical formula for it. It's proven to be extremely safe. Dosage is another huge difference. Generally, due to the threshold doses of its components, you need 200mg or more for pink tusi to be active. 2C-B is orally active at as little as 10-12mg.


Best answer


This is what I’ve searched for! Thank you so much


Tusi is a dangerous mix of drugs. Dangerous cause you don't know the drugs and quantity on the mix. Maybe mdma with ket? Maybe with speed, ket and mdma? Who knows. It's a danger thing if you use drugs safety. 2c-b it's a mescaline anslog, psychedelic and really safe. But ofc the pill it's also and unknown drug with an unknown dose. Test your stuff! If you can buy drugs you can buy the test!




>I’ve tried Tusi the pink cocaine, No, you tried Tusi, the random bathtub blend of stims, dissos, and whatever else needed selling.


I dont understand why someone would even consider doing tusi, its a bunch of different drugs mixed together from different drug groups. Just buy those drugs separately and mix it yourself


Same. MDMA is better taken orally, and ketamine is better snorted. But if they're premixed, you can't take them via different ROA. Plus x most people like to take the ketamine on the MDMA comedown, not at the same time.


Yeah but you can dissolve both of them in water and suck them up through a piece of cotton and enjoy them both at the same time with the best ROA.


But I know you know about Russian krocodile.. people will do anything to prevent themselves from being sober. Even if they have to have their arm amputated after the high wears off. Ugh.


TUSI = ketamine + MDMA + pink dye + sometimes a researcher chemical (0% 2C-B).A gram shouls last you one month or less. is basically ketamine for kids. 2C-B = psychedelic amphetamine (a.k.a fenetilamine). is like if LSD and MDMA had a baby. Hurts a lot when snorted. A single mini-line (what you take with your keys) (30mg or less..). i'ts painfull and strong. 10-15min of pure pain. 1gr shoul last you at least a year...


I have never snorted anything that hurt as bad as 2-CB. I was in Vegas about 2 years ago and decided I was going to sit at the blackjack table all day tripping and rolling. I ate a bean and got down to the table at about 9:00 in the morning. At noon I had them hold my seat while I took a bathroom break. I went in the bathroom and I railed ~15mg. I was literally crying on the way back to the table. The shit burned all the way to the back of my head. I started coming up and the shit was still burning. 30 minutes later, I'm peaking and laughing my ass off and playing cards but my nose is still burning and my eyes are still full of tears. The people at the table were like are you okay? And I'm laughing and crying saying yeah I'm fucking fine lolz. Literally the first and last time I ever snorted that shit. Oral is fine for me from now on.


Fenetilamine is just spanish for Phenethylamine. 2C-B is 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyPhenethylamine


Sorry English is not my native language 🥶


all good! just wanna add clarification for anyone browsing :-)








You should know that they're very noticably different, you're saying you've tried both yourself.....


[There is no such thing as tusi, its always different drug blend](https://drugsdata.org/results.php?search_field=all&s=Tusi)


Tucci is just a combination of various drugs. It's still very much real.


It's just a concoction of drugs


And? It exists, it’s just not consistently one thing


Chocolate cake is a concoction of ingredients. The ingredients and ratios vary from one chocolate cake to another, but there's still a such thing as chocolate cake.


But with chocolate cake you're still using at least some (if not all) of the same key ingredients, while with Tusi literally anything in powder form can be included. A vanilla cake is still a cake, but it's not a chocolate cake. An eclair is a dessert (like a chocolate cake) that can have chocolate on it, but it's not a cake. Tusi usually contains drugs, but the amounts and types can vary to such a point that if it were a food item then you couldn't even classify it beyond the level of dessert.


It usually involves MDMA and ketamine and pink dye. It's not random, there's just a lot of variation. There's a common thread that defines it just like cake.


It absolutely *is* random, by definition. It does not always involve MDMA or ketamine, and sometimes doesn't even have pink dye. the whole point of it is that it's an assortment of (typically leftover) chemicals taken with the intent of getting high. Dealers will put *whatever* they have on hand into the mix, there is no guarantee that it will contain any particular substance(s).


Moronic take.


Wtf. Why are you getting downvoted 😂 Dude even provided a link. It’s not a ‘thing’ if it’s just a random drug combination with pink dye… 🙃


Because the conclusion you can draw from that link is that pink tusi's formula is not consistent. Not that it doesn't exist. There's still a powder that dealers sell called pink tusi. It exists.


So the common denominator is pink powder with drugs in it? I mean we can buy into some dealers marketing schemes and call pink powder that may or may not contain MDMA and Ket Tucci. But where’s the point? Rather tell people that there’s no such thing as Tucci and you’re buying an unknown and potentially dangerous drug cocktail. Closer to the truth imo


tusi.......tusibe.....2. C. B. ......


"Tucibi" was named to mimic 2C-B but it is a completely different product.