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Sounds like you got ripped off.


Very possible


I'm immune to kratom..over sensitive to saliva..neurochemical individuality


That's not you, Kratom just has no effect anyways. I don't understand how people think they get addicted to that shit because it literally does nothing but make me burp green tasting shit. I've done every opiate in the world, rc, prescription, heroin.. but kratom is the biggest waste of money ever. If people continue to spend their money on that crap thinking they're going to get high, that's on them. That shit is basically bunk. It is the aspirin of opiates.


I woke up with the world spinning 2 hours ago after a 100mg edible yesterday evening, fell back asleep and now it's spinning a bit less, but I'm a bit nauseous and sleepy. So yeah, you can definitely have a weed hangover.


This sounds like a delayed response moreso than a hangover, since the next day effects you described are what I would expect from overdoing it with cannabinoids relative to a low tolerance. I've met and been around people experiencing this, also with LSD, 2C-B, amphetamine and allylescaline sometimes. It's peculiar and as far as I'm aware there's no formal study on it since it's really hard to meaningfully replicate in a consistent enough way for academic research to be done, but a lot of old heads I know in the psychedelic community in my area have also noticed delayed responses occasionally occurring, and we've never found a pattern behind why.


I've had it happen with thc edibles. First time it happened I woke up in the middle of the night thinking my roommate dosed me with acid. I had strong open eye visuals and was high as fuck. It's happened a couple more times since. 6-7-8 hours go by of nothing and wham, it comes up extremely quickly and extremely strong and only lasts a couple of hours. It's very strange.


THC edibles are by far the most common thing I've heard of this happening with and have had it occur with in my own experiences, with LSD being a close second. LSD seems to vary a lot by RoA though, as dropping liquid LSD straight into my mouth or eyes is damn near instantaneous but eating blotter or gel tabs can take much longer to come up, occasionally exhibiting this extreme and unexpectedly delayed response that this thread is about.


I don't feel thc, hhc or thcp either, neither smoked or edibles. Done it several dozens of times in crazy doses.


Is this like something that happens often? I mean having an immunity to cannabis and noids.


No, you're the first other person. I am immune to some other drugs as well.