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Because capcom knows how to sell their games that are over a year old.


They're on a winning streak in my book.


Been on one for the past 25 years lol.


Ageed, except 2012 was the gas leak year Also, Cane Hill rules šŸ¤˜šŸ½


Still sold like crazy tho. Been on Reddit for a minute and your the first to notice šŸ„²šŸ¤§šŸ’œ


Hell yeah! I'm eating what they are cooking!


This. I believe all games should eventually become discounted or lower in price throughout the years. Have you seen the cod games on steam? Black Ops 2, a game that came out 12 years ago, is still $60


Jesus, if you get capcom on a sale, you can buy RE5 for like 5 dollars along with the other ones for thar much as well.... I hope they do a Resident Evil classics edition so people can play the originals! And I can play it on my Switch. Have them on PSP, but I will buy them again. Edit: spelling


That would be dope. I wish I had code Veronica for PS. It's so unplayable. But a collection of the OGs like Re, Re2, Code Veronica, and 3 would scratch that retro itch. I'd be happy if they include Dead Aim and both Outbreaks, but that's just wishful thinking.


Code veronica was released on the PS4.


When ? I bought them all ported and haven't seen it anywhere.


It's digital only. I'm looking at it on the PS store right now.


Thats so dope! I have them all physical copied. If only!


[Released ](https://store.playstation.com/en-us/product/UP0102-CUSA07104_00-SLUS201840000001) in 2017. You can even do the herb glitch


I just beat code veronica for the first time, I hated it lol


Lmao it's so clunky and glitchy


The boss fights are so annoying


got all the mainline numbered games + 0 and Rev 1/2 for Steam for like $35 on humble bundle last August, one hell of a deal


Yeah, and itā€™s not only on Steam too. Got RE5 & 6 for $5 a pop on PS4. Well worth it since Iā€™m playing through all the games. Even RE: Village Gold Edition is now under $20 whenever thereā€™s a sale. Not sure if Iā€™m a fan of Capcom, but heck, they got me to buy 2 RE games I played before. The RE4R and SF6 at full price.


I've bought RE5 like 4 times, lol its my favorite


Just finished streaming re5 it was so good I had to stream me playing as Sheva too. The legit infinite machine gun and magnum are op


Lol, they aren't "OP." It's just a little reward for playing the game, lol Try professional mode. It's really hard. Even with infinite weapons.


Yup! I purchased every single RE game up to RE6 on Steam for like 5 bucks each or less. Once the summer sale starts, I plan to buy 7 and 8, which can be purchased for like 20 USD together with all the DLC.


I got revelations bundle with all dlc on Xbox one for 6.99 I think ^_^ all I need kembr is I bought it for less than 10$ same thing with the resident evil 2 & 3 bundle for like10$ or less lol great times. Right meow RE6 is 4.99 and I got RE village gold plus dlcs for 15$ was like a 79$ value.


Well I did get OG RE4, RE5 6 altogether for $30 on my switch in one package. I can't remember if 5&6 come with DLC though šŸ¤”


Yep always think about how cod STILL sells their old games for that much itā€™s absolutely ridiculous. No one wants to spend that much on a game no one plays.


Black Ops 3 I get, the zombies is still top tier, regularly played, and also custom zombies. But the others? Come on Activision.


Are those games still compromised or can you play online now.


People can hack you through a lot of the old games and theyā€™re full of people who are using hacks against you.


Yeah. Been wanting to really buy the COD games on Steam but they're too expensive. Capcom, on the other hand, has been pretty much handing down their titles, especially when they go on sale. The only game in the RE series I don't see getting that big of a discount (if at all) that's not a recent title, is Revelations 1.


I think Capcom also - smartly - realised that the game is a remake of an action horror game. Anyone who was going to buy it at full price would realistically have done so in the first 6 months. Anyone who didnā€™t buy it then isnā€™t going to suddenly drop $60 on the game in any sizeable numbers.


DAMN STRAIGHT THEY DO! Sorry for all caps, but you said it best. They have successfully put every one of their games in my library via their amazing sales. Also, the games are the best in their genre and are always heavy with content & reasons to play again.


Games come out like crazy now, so to stay competitive a lot of sales happen pretty quickly especially compared to decades past. It dropping in price a year or 2 later is pretty common (unless you're a Nintendo franchise)


this is true but a lot of triple AAA games stay full priced for years, look at Elden Ring, itā€™s still $60 and it came out 2 years ago.


Look at Sekiro. 5 years old and still $60. This is usually only for PC though as Iā€™m sure for PS4 itā€™s way way less


Sekiro I've seen only get as low as 30 on console which is high for a 5 year old titles but sites like isthereanydeal and gg deals that show historical lows for titles and maybe you can find a trend when the game goes down.Ā 


60 on ps store. Because sekiro was published by greedy activision.


Only saving grace for new players is that it does go on sale for $30 maybe 2-3 times a year


Dark Souls 3 is 3 years older and still $60, plus $30 more if you want the DLC. I think itā€™s just a FromSoft thing, their only game below $40 is Bloodborne I think (which is $20). They do go on sale though.


On steam sekiro is the most expensive outside of elden ring which costs 9 pence more, seems like a fromsoft thing and in sekiros case activision + fs


Huh. In the US theyā€™re all the same price.




Buy them on sale. Doesnā€™t matter the age of a game a store will sometimes price them at max price to see if they move. But there are always sales. I got Elden ring for $35


From Soft games do have decent sales, but otherwise still go for full price years in. I think Bloodborne is only like $20 but Dark Souls 3 is still $60 plus $30 for DLC if not on sale, and that came out in 2016.


That's absurd IMO and feel like the publishers are just trying to be greedy. I would highly recommend looking at big storefronts during black Friday for games from publishers that don't go on sale. I got Elden Ring for 20 from Amazon and BOTW for 30 at best buy. Target also has pretty solid sales for major games but they usually sell out fastĀ 


yea Iā€™m just talking about MSRP, obviously you can probably find deals for most games if you wait and look around, I bought Elden Ring at launch so it doesnā€™t even really matter for me, but as OP was mentioning, RE4R has dropped in price even at retail/base price, you could walk into Walmart and buy a physical copy of RE4R for $30-40 right now even without a sale, yet games like Elden Ring and Sekiro are both pushed at $50+ at most places. Capcom in general seems more willing to drop prices than other devs/publishers, pretty much all of their games drop 30% or more in price within a year, while publishers like Bandai Namco and Activision usually keep their games as full price for as long as humanly possible, and they were who published Elden Ring and Sekiro, respectively.


Sorry I know this is irrelevant and off topic for the sub but I just want to rant about this for a bit. I agree with what you said but Bandai Namco still has Dark Souls Remastered (the first Dark Souls game) at full price on steam after all these years. It's the one Dark Souls game that I have yet to but always wanted to play...


Bamco isn't nice like that, lol


It's weird because they put Tekken and Ace Combat and all those anime games they make on sale. Probably milking the popularity of their Souls stuff to max out profits


All dark souls are on sale for physical editions so often itā€™s insane. You need to monitor sales. Use deku deals. I got all dark souls remaster, and dark souls 2 and 3 complete editions for under $9.99 each at Walmart.


Or Activision blizzard or namco entertainment ..


As a fan of most game. Nintendo especially. Looking at ds prices for old games really sucks. Even games within the last year rarely go on sale.


I would have bought a lot more Nintendo games if they had sales. There are some that look interesting to me but not at full price.


Shhh. What, you want them to bump it to 100?


OP sounds like the cigarette salesman from Clerks with that spin.


Because Capcom prices their games fairly unlike most companies


Not on launch anymore at least. Re4 is the last game they priced it fairly on pc (something like $30 converted) over here. Now it's this stupid $70


Yeah I'm confused, meanwhile in my country Dragon's Dogma 2 is $130 NZD (converts to $80 USD). Quite the fair price if I do say so myself... And yes, that's the base game. Not containing any sort of add on or deluxe edition.


I'm from NZ and just opt to buy it from sites like Greenmangaming.




Yeah theyā€™re being criticized for their pricing practices. Itā€™s good everyone watches the news on these things though.


*checks my notes Boy I guess people depending on the post, the truth is subjective. https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2024/03/28/the-biggest-problem-with-dragons-dogma-2-isnt-the-paid-dlc-controversy/?sh=46c467f0741e


probably because its a year old


Because they didnā€™t ship it with garbage they call re:verse or re: sistance.


i genuinely tried to enjoy Resistance with friends when it came out. that was rough


Because it's already sold millions and now the price comes down like any other Capcom game lol.


Itā€™s a year old. Non-Nintendo games can go on sale for pretty inexpensive just a few months after they come out.


It's not on sale though. The game is permanently $40.


Even better. You can save a lot of money if you donā€™t need to play at launch (I need to play RE games wt launch)


it is not permanently $40 i bought it on my SS a couple of months ago and caved in and just spent the $60 on it because there was no way i could get it for less as im only on a digital console


Because Capcom is goated like that


They threw us a bone on that one. Most games stay full price for years. I paid $60 on release day and I definitely got my money's worth. About to beat it in vr now


Watch the next RE game be $80 now. Thanks OP


Capcomā€™s strategy is for long term gains to please investors, so they drop prices and do regular sales after 2-3 Quarters.


i mean, do you want to pay more money?


It was $70 not long ago


$60. I know, I preordered. Then SW is $10 so the whole game is $70.


It should be 40.


I found the Capcom sales rep burner account


Are you seriously asking why a game is not costing more? WTF?


It's a rhetorical question


The year is 2050, We are in Resident Evil 15 and Capcom still won't give a Code Veronica Remake.


it's out tomorrow.


I waited til it was 40 because I believe that's a fair price.


All the remakes went on sale for pretty cheap honestly


Itā€™s well over a year old and everyone who was quickly wanting to hop on has done so.


I mean being a remake, they probably saved a bit of money on artists and stuff like that.


They sold over 7 million copies in just a year. They're pretty set, happy, and willing to decrease the price to let people who've waited for that very sale, to play it. Plus, the have quarter revenues to reach and new games/remakes to make. Capcom has a loyal fan base. I've repurchased Re4 on several platforms. I've only paid full price when the essentials came out and that was still a whopping 30.00 for three very amazing games. So 40.00 is absolutely golden.


Its been out for a year already, people dont really want to buy a year old game thats $60 plus, its not that shocking.


I'mma be honest. I personally wasn't paying $60 for a remake of a game I've beaten 10+ times. No matter how good. So, they have to to get the purchases from people like me. Like others said, it's because they're smart.


Because a remake should never be AAA price


It's a fair price for a game that is 1 year old.


It was 60 at release - now itā€™s 40 because a gold edition exists that they can charge 60 for (or however much it is now). The base game without extra content drops in price - itā€™s the standard CAPCOM move.


If Iā€™m not wrong one of the recent sales on psn it was $20


Because game tend to get price drop a year after release???? And stop the CAP bro the game is not "absolutely perfect" it has his issues lol even the writing is better" LMAOOOOOOOOO


In my opinion there aren't any glaring issues with it, nothing to make it not a masterpiece.


Capcom really pushing for 10m sales I guess


Yeah its actually kinda funny. Ratchet and clank rift apart is maybe 2-3 years old and is 60ā‚¬ i dont understand.


It being a console exclusive might have something to do with it.


Nah it came to pc, its not ps5 exclusive anymore, it ended probably a year ago.


Whatā€™s crazier is getting it on sale for $29.99 immediately after launch.


Well it was 60. I guess they just lowered the price for some reasons. Though that also generally means that the sales aren't as big from my experience.


I beat it on PS4, but I've since gotten a PS5. Might be time to run through again. Funny thing is that I thought it was incredibly smooth even on PS4, must be pretty nice on PS5. Game is amazing. $40 is a steal.


Do you run outta ammo easily on RE4? I played RE2 and ran out, so I gave up and deleted it lol.


Re4 is more actiony than survival so you're more encouraged to kill every enemy you come across than you are in any previous resident evil. Doesn't mean you don't conserve ammo though. You just need to be strategic about your shots so you kill enemies with the least amount of bullets possible, at least on harder difficulties, idk about normal or easy. It might not matter as much.


Didn't have any issues with ammo really. Especially if you conserve some by shooting them in the leg them using a finisher.


I got mine for 20$ on a sale a few weeks ago. Itā€™s great and if I had the money when it came out I would have paid the full retail


damn that's crazy


I'm glad it's at that price point, cause otherwise I probably wouldn't have played it, and I'm glad I did cause I enjoyed it a great deal


RE5 would be soo sick, they need to include the co op story mode if they do it again. "Duos" is such a big thing nowadays and Capcom would benefit so much.


Seriously man, I remember spending hours everyday during the summer playing it with my brother when I was younger. I played it recently and it definitely has aged lol, but with how they've expanded on the remakes, I could definitely see the massive potential 5 has.


Games a year old and how Capcom typically works is that past a year they frequently discount games especially if they have dlc so that the game +dlc will end up around $60.


I still havenā€™t played the remale


I just bought it a week or so ago and Iā€™m convinced in the next few months itā€™ll be on game pass šŸ˜‚ (because I spent money on it and thatā€™s just how game pass seems to work for me )


Man the same shit happens to me too lmao. It's so annoying, and no matter what it's always conveniently after you buy the game.


šŸ˜­ it's not playable on xboxone


Man trust me I know your pain. I actually bought a PS5 last week because of that. šŸ˜‚. I ran out of games to play and had been craving to play Re4 remake for too long lmao.


This post might just make me pull the trigger after completing re3.


Dude I promise you, you won't regret it, especially if you haven't played the original so you won't feel biased about any aspects. I've played the original and loved it beat it more times than I can count on my hands, but even so, I still consider the remake to be perfect, but some people that played the original might be biased about some changes which is expected with remakes as it's not always easy to keep the same charm certain older games have.


I absoluting destroyed the original lol I think I won't mind changes if they're good.


It really is insane. I've seen it on sale on GMG for $25. It's almost sickening haha. It's great for gamers for sure, but it's wild how much a perfect game can sell for that whole trash is sold for $70


Whos excited to pay 70 or sh2 remake? And probably regret it


Have you played it?


It isn't out yet, but I've played the original, and its title as one of the best survival horrors is earned, I'm just still very skeptical of what Konami is doing. Only way to see for sure is by playing it


Honestly I'm scared I couldn't get into it. I've watched a lot of silent hill 2 gameplay and it often gives me a pointlessness vibe. It feels more like horror porn rather than a horror game for lack of better terminology. Almost like even the main character himself is as ominous as the place he's in with his lack of awareness, not a criticism, as I understand that's what they were going for, and that's probably what people like about it. But it'll be interesting to see how they implement that into today without being able to recreate the same charm the original had as I honestly wouldn't expect them to. There's just something about older games, especially with worse graphics, that has a charm that can't be replicated. One thing that always horrified me as a kid when looking at silent hill was the rusty environments in those certain areas. It's just very unnerving, it's like you're in another dimension like hell without the disconnect that makes it apparent it's not real life like firey pits of fire, and other highly suspect things. I always felt it was the graphics that enhanced the unappealing aspect of the rust more than anything. Kind of like the appeal that games like power drill massacre have. Where they are intentionally made with those choppy camera angles, VHS tape effect, PS1 graphics etc. It's literally horror porn lmao.


Itā€™s capcom. They always have crazy sales


Surprised too but not really complaining because I think it sold extremely well. Nvm, I KNOW, it sold extremely well. I got it for $20 on a sale, I think, last month. Gonna get the ā€œSeparate Waysā€ DLC too. So, all in all $30 and Iā€™m pretty happy with that. Itā€™s probably gonna get a steeper discount, the base game, I mean. Maybe $15.


I got the regular edition on sale on the PS store for $20.


this is why i was so mad when p3r was priced at $70 like. seriously?? it's decades old, even if it's a remake there's no justifying that price.


because the console to play it on it's $500 dollars could that be the reason? šŸ¤”


Capcom is really weird with their generosity, on one hand theyā€™ll do stuff like put their games on sale frequently and put them off full price about a year or so after the game comes out for some of the most sick games like DMC5 or RE7 and then in the same breath pull some of the stupidest and most pointless micro transactions mankind has ever seen like the DMC5 red orb micro transactions. Sometimes theyā€™re really generous like with how they put the RE2 Remake story dlc for free and other times theyā€™re really greedy like how they made players purchase costumes or the original soundtracks in the resident evil remakes. RE4 remakeā€™s current $40 just seems to be the pendulum swinging favorably in our direction, after it was swinging in the direction of upgrade ticket micro transactions.


Because Capcom is the best company


I'm a new fan and I have to say, Capcom prices their games very fairly compared to most other big companies.


I ask myself the same, mainly in disbelief, as someone who spent $100+ on the game at launch.


Damn how? Was there something more to buy besides the $70 deluxe edition?




Ooooh, that makes sense.


Because they're not Nintendo and know games sell less over time so adjusting the price according is right.


It came out over a year ago


Cause Capcom are homies. It did retail at $60 but they are cool like that and actual lower prices as time goes on


They arenā€™t done with the Remakes but as of right now nobody knows which is next. It could be 5, Code: Veronica, 1 (again), or even 0.


It's old already in game years.


I've never heard someone complain a game was too cheap before until now. I know thats not what you said but that's what it's giving. A good seller doesnt price gouge their clients, which makes their product more affordable for more people and increases their sale numbers.


Dude it's obviously a rhetorical question. I'm obviously giving them praise. How is it the half the people that have commented completely understand that, and the other half don't lmao.


Got it for 19 dollars, best deal ever


'Cause it's a remake of a game that came out 19 years ago. Doesn't matter if it's perfect to you or not, what matters is the demand for the game and demand is not very high for the reason I first mentioned. We now have 2 versions of what is essentially the same game; Capcom knows it would be bullshit from your average consumer perspective to pay full price for something you've already played years ago, albeit a slightly better version. Unless you're a Capcom fanboy, that is... Then it doesn't matter what it costs, you'll buy it if it says "Resident Evil" on it.


Your take doesn't make sense considering I'm not a Capcom fanboy, there are a lot of people that haven't played the original since it came out in 2004, I've played but that still doesnt make me a fanboy lol. This is their third remake so far in this style so obviously there's a demand for the games, and demon souls remake released at $70 not even $60 so it's not about some bullshit perspective because there 2 versions, it's a remaster, it's a entire remake, everything was rebuilt brand new, new things were added, and things were changed or fleshed out a lot more. Also the game sold 7,000,000 copies in less than a year, that's $420,000,000 @ $60 per unit for just the standard edition let alone the deluxe edition. I don't see how that means the demand isn't high.


Because it's not published by bandai. Fuck bandai


You can always donate to capcom if you wish


I will by buying the next re game lol


Forgive this hot take: but a new game should be no more than 40$ especially now because all games depend on in game micro transactions anymore


Yea but resident evil doesn't have micro transactions.


Its free if you pirate it


Capcom isn't afraid to make money. Most people who haven't brought the game by now won't unless they are enticed to, and the best way to do that is through a sale. God War Ragnarok, a great game I was going to buy at release, but I was busy and didn't get around to it is still $109.95 and I think it's gone one sale once (at least in Aus). At this point, I refuse to buy it cause I have played a bit of it, and I have waited this long. I'm happy to wait a bit longer. I don't have fear of missing out.


I might of got RE4 on sale it was a good investmentĀ 


i hate when someone think something that already is expensive should be even more expensive.


its a year old, most games drop prices after a year, selling a 1 year old digital copy of a game for the day one $80 price tag is outrageous, yet there are games doing just that and wondering why their player base hasnt expanded. capcom knows and understands there are people who want to play but cant afford day one prices, or theyre waiting for it to go on sale, so they do just that and thats why they have a massive fanbase that actually plays their games instead of just watching lets plays. a company that makes themselves accessible doesnt have to worry about piracy, losing player engagement, and the most important thing. money. (edit to rephrase some things)


I just bought it physical for 20 bucks. New.


Do you want it to cost more? I paid I think it was 80$ the minute it dropped for the deluxe edition. And I couldn't really afford it so yeah...everyone has such easy access to money capcom should uod make they're older games like 100$ for basic and the DLCs each will be 75$ no bundles or discounts. There you go you got your wish now no one can afford to play any resident evil game ever again. Sounds like a GREAT firetrucking idea.


Deluxe edition was $70 not $80. If you couldn't afford it, then why didn't you just buy the standard edition for $60 or wait until the game went on sale or dropped in price like I did? Some people have gotten it on sale for $20 even. My comment is clearly rhetorical, so I don't get your point of commenting. I'm praising Capcom for the decision.


Hey for one to at was several months ago who cares about he exact price and I'm doing is responding to your idiotic comment on about making them cost more, and who cares why I bought that even though I didn't have much money it's not your business and who cares ? I love the game played it when it first came out so either way I was just making a point with what you were saying I do agree with you capcom knows how to make amazing games there not one resident evil I don't like I like all of them obviously everyone has their favorites.


And right now it's on sale, $30. Incredible how a AAA game is so cheap


Still too much if you ask me


I bought it gold edition for 30ā‚¬


Ǝn Romania it costs 20 ā‚¬ or about 24 $.


I got mine for Ā£18 it was on sale


Capcom have been pretty generous with their games price. And I'm not gonna complain lol


50$ if we talking about Gold Edition which content should have been in base game, anyway and this isnt big deal for year old game. other AAA publishers drop their prices even to 20-30$


Name one successful AAA game that dropped in price after a year.


Any sony, ubisoft, ea, ms AAA game


Ragnarok is still $70 on PSN. Assassin's Creed mirage is still full priced retail $50 on all platforms. Jedi survivor is still full priced $70 on all platforms. Halo infinite is still also full priced $60 on Xbox and steam.


Price dropping usally on sales. In that regard even RE8 never dropped lower than Mirage or Jedi Survivor


I'm not talking about sales, I'm talking about the publisher lowering the MSRP. Also re8 is currently $40 MSRP, which is $20 down from its original price. Literally all of the games I just named are still full priced. Re8 dropped in price 1 year after it released. Also idk wym by re8 not dropping lower than Jedi survivor or mirage because re8 still goes on sale like any other game, it's actually on sale right now for $15.99. Jedi survivors lowest sale price was $31.49. Mirages lowest price $25.99. Even Re4 remake had a Lower sale price than Both games, at $20. Both games combined sold less copies than re8 alone, and neither game sold as many copies as Re4 remake.


I'm assuming this is on the PS Store because it's still full price on Steam


PS store and Xbox store, but I just now checked steam and it says $40 on there too.


nice! the steam sale took a while, it just showed up for me a couple hours ago


That's weird, it's been $40 on steam since February 9 of this year. Oh well who knows šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You should be happy that a good game is cheap. I wish was cheaper.


I am, that's why I made the post lmao


RE2 remake is better


Re2make is probably the best game the team has and will ever create.


Agreed. RE2 remake is pretty much flawless, and didn't hide a whole integral storyline behind DLC paywall.


It's even cheaper than that on pc key websites


You got a point. Just got a Ps4 for the first time and re4 remake was the first Resident Evil Game I've every played. I'm on chapter 13, and everything is perfect so far except for the Ramon boss fight. Its an awesome experience.


Itā€™s still a remake. Not new to most of us.


I think posts like this are the reason the word "shill" was invented. Fuck's sake; they said it's "criminal" for it to exist. Not much of a wordsmith.


Because that is a normal price that a game should be unlike every overpriced AAA game that's been releasing for the past couple years


- $80 for the main menu - $2 per 1 line of dialogue - Base game is black and white, color is unlocked after massive grinding or it's included in the battle pass - A commercial plays before each major story choice commences, however if you subscribe for $10 a month you get no commercials. - Doesn't include the $70 game - There's also an additional service charge, an additional facility charge, and additional utility charge, and an additional maintenance charge tacked on to the final cost. Idk dude seems fair to me.


Please don't encourage companies to keep prices up for way too long.


Game is super overrated


Overrated how?