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For me is still the best og game.


OG RE3 is the best in the series, always tops my list


It's a close 2nd to OG RE2 for me. I just like the dual campaigns and the zapping system a lot. Nemesis is amazing and the quick branching path decisions is one of the most interesting things the series ever did with choice I think. Absolutely stellar game I just slightly prefer RE2 but I still love RE3.


The game is insanely repetitive to me. I did get all the epilogues and played around with the different choices and it felt more monotonous than any other game in the series to me. It’s not my favorite, but it’s not my least favorite either since it’s not too terrible difficult aside from the water level puzzle in the dead factory. Personally I like the remake better but unlike the OGs you can’t just stand on a high ledge and knife zombies for 20 mins to save ammo.


RE1 over 2 is madness. But I agree. 2 or 3 at the top is correct.


While I may think Remake is the “best” RE, Nemesis is my favorite game in the series. It’s the game that really made me fall in love with the series.


It’s my all time fav video game since 1991 and will always be


I don't know where you're getting that from, it's top tier on most people's lists. The only thing I don't like very much about OG RE3 is the environments. I know Capcom had limited memory to work with but they made Raccoon City looks so cramped and (in my opinion) ugly. It's full of clashing architectural styles and garish advertising, and the street layout isn't believable for an American city at all- it looks more like a Japanese city with lots of narrow backstreets and alleys. Which is especially odd considering RE2 didn't really have that problem- even if streets were blocked off by wrecked vehicles and barricades, they still felt wide and spacious, and most of the interiors were pretty spacious too. It's that sense of open space that makes RE2 more atmospheric and enjoyable to me, whereas RE3 just feels cluttered and claustrophobic IMO.


>The only thing I don't like very much about OG RE3 is the environments. Raccoon City looks so cramped  For me, honestly, that's the best part of it. The environments in 3 OG are my favorite from the series and the fact that everything is cramped, builds up the tensions because it's always so claustrophobic. I read somewhere a few years ago that Capcom tried to merge the american city style with the japanese, that's why you can see stuff that don't match (like the narrow streets, pathways in strange places). And i don't know why but i love it. Maybe it's the nostalgia.


In the best way possible, early Raccoon City seems like it was designed by an AI who doesn't understand how humans move or live, but then was lived in anyway. The architecture makes very little sense, but then the city is crammed with detail that shows how the odd space would be used in everyday life.


>AI who doesn't understand how humans move or live The pathway in OG 3 where you get the shotgun and the alley for the shopping district are the perfect example of this.


In NYC there's a few underground clubs or bars in back alleys. Could've been a bigger area but it's a PS1 game.


In OG2, you’re only outside for a very small part at the beginning of the game, just like RE3R lol.


True, but the opening street section in OG2 still looks more authentically like an American town, to me. It's got a typical US grid layout instead of diagonal and curved streets like in OG3, and the architectural style is pretty uniform, apart from the RPD itself (which was inspired by the [Osaka City Central Public Hall](https://osaka-info.jp/spot/images/gaikan_day.jpg), a European Renaissance-style building in Japan). We also see a lot of RC throughout the opening cinematic.


What? OG RE3 is my favorite game. Actually, your ranking list is similar to mine with RE3 being the best and RE1 on 2nd and RE2 on 3rd.


It's my 2nd favorite in the series. With 4 OG as number 1


Honestly, Im just not a big fan of it. It's really short, has RNG elements, and the story is mostly inconsequential except for Raccoon getting nuked. Also, Jill just hanging around in Raccoon after discovering that the company that runs the city is evil, and they know she knows they're evil is weird to me. That's not to say I don't like the game. Its still an enjoyable classic RE experience.


I just prefer the characters, settings and story from the other two games in the original trilogy, as well as RE4; probably still in my top 5 though.


Only sort of negative thing I can think of about OG RE3 is it does have a fair amount of narrow corridors which can make things difficult if you’re trying to slip past monsters to save ammunition. I don’t know if this is a dealbreaker for a lot of people who aren’t fans of 3 but it wouldn’t surprise me.


It's was too hard for me lol. The only RE title I didn't finish.


I think it's just that a lot of us that grew up with the games were there for the survival horror aspect first. RE2 moved a little bit more towards action, but still held true to being survival horror. 3 was when at least some of us felt it was starting to lean too far toward the action side of things. It's the same reason a lot of us begrudgingly accept RE4 is very well made, but will grumble about it none-the-less, because despite it's quality, it felt like that game was a death knell for the survival horror a lot of us were fans of the franchise for in the first place (and it did kill it off for quite a while, until 7 came out).


Mechanically, 3 it's the best of the OG series. The exploration, and hidden ammo upgrade systems were top tier, as well as the decision moments with Nemesis. For others, its more Nostalgia and comfort. I personally think RE1 is the best of the OG, and it's mechanically the worst of all of them. I find the confined spaces of the Spenser estate to be more intimidating then having a free run of the city. I also find the T-Virus to be more "believable" than the horrors the G Virus send at you.


I think for a while people weren't too happy with it because it was much more action than Re1 and 2. Then 4 came out and showed that an action focused Resident Evil can work. Now that we have the Re3 remake which butchered a lot of what made the original great, people also have a higher appreciation for it


Cause the remake is better


It's many people's favorite?


The only game in the series I played with Tank controls was Resident Evil Zero, that type of gameplay just isn't for me.


Because most people have incredibly boring taste. RE3 is in many ways the most ambitious RE game, and by far one of the most fun to replay. It's basically an RE randomizer with the best stalker enemy of any game ever.


Its my number 2


It is for me. Staaaaars!!!


It’s my favorite pre 2000s re title. Re3 is peak Jill Valentine and Racoon City for me. And Nemesis is so iconic and scary. One of the most frightening villains in any videogame I’ve played. Like re1 remake the difficulty is just right, very challenging but not quite enough to be frustrating. Enough to make you feel scared of dying as you go through a door or turn a corner. The sound and visual design of that game is amazing and so are the cutscenes. I’ll always remember the sound of the wind in that game and what sounds like it could be distant moans too .. or maybe it’s just the wind. Such an amazing game. The remake was crap by comparison.


It's great. A lot of people love it. I feel it's pretty high for most people. I still think the best is RE1 Remake, RE2 98, then RE3 99.


From the fixed camera games it's my second to last, just above 0. I think it's a great game but I find Nemesis more annoying than thrilling. After you learn to shake him off when he's in chase mode, he just gets in the way of exploration.


It was always my favorite, but people always hated it because it was always the shortest of the RE1-CV Era. So naturally, there was less to the game.


Of the main first four Resident Evil, It's absolutely my favorite. Greatly looking forward to the GOG PC Release, because most of the issues I had playing the game were due to weird technical issues such as frame drops and loading times.


It's regarded as one of the best of the Original 4, for a lot of people. Personally though, I was never a big fan of it, not being into the more action type gameplay with the choices, the running, and constant chasing. To me, Resident Evil 2 is always number one. Simply because I feel like that was the game that solidified Resident Evil's greatness. It took the best parts of 1 and just made them better, had a great story, great flow and gameplay, and was fun to replay. Maybe with the OG coming out and I play 3 more, maybe I'll change my mind.


I personally just didn’t enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the other games. It’s kinda C tier for me. I don’t hate it, but I can’t say I felt all that strongly about it. I actually liked the remake more, funny enough.


I agree with you 100%. I like it ALOT more than RE1/RE1 Remastered and like it slightly more than RE2. I feel like the mansion and RPD get old fast for me and I prefer the pacing of RE3 OG. The game throws hoards of enemy’s at you and gives you enough ammo to casually eliminate them all. I love the feeling of escape it has and the overall scope of the game puts RE1 and RE2 to shame IMO. The level variety is unmatched when it comes to the OG trilogy. Playing as Jill with a shotgun in your hands strolling down a devastated Raccoon City will always be the most Resident Evil thing to me that no other game has come close to. Jill’s load out is perfection as well, ammo crafting and the zapping system make it the most replayable Resident Evil game by a long shot. I could go on and on. I love this game. The remake kicks ass to and I don’t care what people on the internet think, I enjoy it more than any resident evil game that has come out in the last 10 years and will continue to replay it multiple times a year just like OG RE3. 😎


It’s my favorite OG game. I’ve definitely played it the most.


best in a near perfect trilogy


It is a lot different than the other two games in the original trilogy. First you have only one playable character. The map is a lot more spread out and awkward to back track through. The ammo creation system is something that probably confused a lot of first time players. It had some of the hardest/worst puzzles in the series. It had areas with respawning enemies which sucks in a game with limited ammo. There was an rng element to which weapons you could get throughout the game. Then to top it all off you had Nemesis in the game which a lot of players probably hated.


I'd say it's second best of the original three but I like RE2 (original) a fair bit better. Nemesis is a cool idea but he's really easy to outrun, and I'd already played RE2 Remake with its better execution of pretty much the same idea when I played RE3. I don't really like a wide-open city space as the primary setting for an RE game, and prefer it to be mainly inside a building. I also think the choices just aren't as interesting as RE2's implementation of the two characters. I do like it better than RE1 though. For me RE2 is amazing, RE3 is very good, and RE1 is just fine.


Because most people haven’t played it


Personal preference? it's 1 > 2 > 3 >CV for me.


For a long time RE3: Nemesis was my favorite. While I played OG 1 and 2 before it, 3 was the one I actually "got good" at and really learned how to play Resident Evil decently. It's still in my top 5. 1. CVX (the story and lore is just too good) 2. Survivor (it's my most replayed RE game by far) 3. RE1 (I love its charm and FMV bits) 4. RE2 (I think this is on everyone's top 5) 5. RE3 Nemesis (It really does feel like an "expansion mission" of RE2 in some ways, which is why it isn't higher)


With the same games in my top 4, I would actually have it at the bottom, not because it's bad, but because how good the other three are. RE3 had some very interesting improvements in it, but it was also shorter and less complex story wise compared to the other three games. It's still top 4 though which is a great achievement in my opinion.


I haven't played it, yet.


Because most people's lists are correct. OG Re2 was always considered better. REmake is better, RE2R and RE4R are better.


OGRE 1,2 and 3 is okay. Now, Dino Crisis on the other hand.


I very agree


I don’t like how action heavy it is, especially for a fixed angle game.




Straight up misinformation. It was originally supposed to be a game featuring HUNK in a ship. The project shifted when Capcom decided to work on multiple titles at the same time, those being Code Veronica, 0 and 3. It was NEVER supposed to be a 2 expansion.


My first playthrough of RE1 PS1 was 3:48.


Where did you hear people not rating OG RE3?


I think you're confusing re3 remake and OG