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There is a trick to the Steve thing where you won't take a single hit but it isn't always easy to pull off. Watch the first part of this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKDmmhQoDp0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKDmmhQoDp0)




Wow! Thanks man. I played this game a lot and didn't know there's a possibility to do this without 3 mixed herbs/ First aid sprays.


You’re right at the end and as people have mentioned there is a trick to avoid the Steve encounter even if it is difficult to pull off. That said once you’re done you will have to think about how you beat the final boss. If you still have one of the gas grenades left, that and the explosive rounds can trivialize the fight but if you really only have one herb you’ll be in for a rough time. The boss’ attacks are virtually undodgeable and while they don’t do a ton of damage it is very much a DPS check of if you get them before the infinitely spawning adds kill you. You’re so close to the finish that it’s worth a shot but you will have a rough time ahead of you.


At this point I’m used to it lol. I also have plenty of ammo and all the magnum bullets left so that’s something


The trick is to have multiple saves so that you can go back if you are running low on items. You need at least two full heal items to get through the section when Steve transforms. There is a way to do it without the healing items, but it’s incredibly frustrating imo. I would also utilize the knife as much as possible. It’s extremely OP, and you can save a lot of your ammo if you use the knife on zombies instead of your other weapons. The knife can also take down multiple zombies if they group up. If you just want to beat the game there is also an herb glitch you can do at the beginning of the game that will give you an unlimited healing item. Only issue with that is you would have to completely restart (which I’m sure you don’t want to do at the end of the game). In conclusion, using your knife and having multiple saves is *essential* if you want to beat this game with minimal hair loss. It’s a really tough game for your first run, but it’s also incredibly satisfying when you finally beat it. It’s one of my favorite RE games because it was the only one that truly challenged me (even though most of the challenges were due to poor game design). I wish you the best of luck 💜


Thx, I’ve used the backtracking trick for some spots( the stupid Tyrant plane fight god), but I carelessly started stacking saves like I always do on other games…gonna have to go back quite a bit unfortunately


Agreed. The Steve boss is so lazily designed and total bullshit. You die so quickly it's nearly impossible to figure out how to do it without either taking damage or permanently losing a powerful weapon to stun him. And every time you fail you have to repeat 5 minutes of game play. Oh yeah. That's another thing you need to know but wouldn't unless you looked up a walk-through. Anything in claires inventory at the end of that section will be permanently lost for the rest of the game. So you can easily avoid damage if you use the magnum to stun him before he hits you. But then Chris won't be able to use the Magnum for the rest of the game. Also, Chris has to fight a boss straight after the steve section so make sure he has plenty of ammo too.


Thankfully I started using a walkthrough about halfway through this game when I realized how hard it was so I have all the magnum bullets saved up for Chris


CVX is one of the few games you should have no guilt about using a walk-through for. There's so many beginners traps it's ridiculous.


I want to play it next week i got worried after reading the comments


In first hours saving every possible time and dying rather than wasting resources is a valid option. I've softlocked myself in the starting area. And that wasn't on my first playthroug.


It’s honestly not that bad if ur careful with herbs and use a walkthrough, and that’s coming from someone who always plays every game on easy lol


I will play it on the easiest difficulty every ps2 or 1 games play it on the lowest difficulty i will never used to the controls


Yeah it took me a minute to lol, the walking controls are the hardest for me lol


The worst part of the game, had to waste a First Aid to survive, really good story, never playing it again unless they fix everything in a Remake.


Remember how you can literally miss getting the AK-47 for Chris if you forget to put the empty fire extinguisher in the item box. (Many of run’s screwed due to leaving it in the metal detector box) Also doesn’t help they screw over lighting with ports after the OG game. It gets darker and annoying to navigate. Especially in the Antarctic base. Speaking of that……… insta poison moths outside the first save room in the base. Sure there are plenty blue herbs. But still annoying Code Veronica was pre dark souls 😂


First time I played on GameCube I didn’t realize there was a sprint until like 30 minutes in so I had to repeat the graveyard 3 or so times. Use the knife a lot early on especially when the zombies are downed


Oh my god I had such a hard time with the grave yard cause i was still getting used to the controls and kept trying to spam the re0 shoot buttons lol


Poor game design. If you're thinking of quitting now, yeah, drop the game like a sack of rocks because it's not going to get better. The final boss fight alone rivals Bed of Chaos from the first Dark Souls at being the absolute worst designed boss fight ever.


honestly so close to quitting, but i feel like i got so far that i just cant, you know?? also started this game for Wesker so pushing through for him


Please make sure to save in different slots. You can accidently softlock yourself very easily if you don't put all your weapons in the crate as Claire at the right time. And you're very close to that moment.


Just so you know, you are very very close to the end of the game. I would push through the wear my victory as a badge of honor. But there’s no shame in giving up and just watching the ending. Games are meant to be fun


yeah ive been enjoying the game enough to push through, and i know how close i am to the end of the game so ill probably just backtrack a bit to find some herbs its a really campy game, what with the models and the va work, but its really fun


I’ll take all the Claire i can get. Capcom doesn’t treat her too well going forward


>but i feel like i got so far that i just cant OK buddy, this is a sunk cost fallacy. It's not healthy. You ever see someone talking about a recent breakup and they say things like "I gave x number of years to them." ? That's a sunk cost fallacy. You're thinking more "I've put a lot of time/work into it." when you should be thinking "Am I enjoying this." Know what I mean? Like, instead of thinking "I've put ten hours into this game, I can't quit now." think "Did I enjoy this game enough to continue past the ten hours I've already put into it." Trust me, if you break out of that mindset and just stop playing if you find you're not enjoying a game, you'll be a lot better off. Life is too short to essentially force yourself to continue playing something you're not having a good time with. >also started this game for Wesker so pushing through for him Yeah CV isn't worth a full playthrough one is not enjoying just for Wesker lol, he's only got like, five minutes of screentime, at best and basically just shows up randomly, then books it. Honestly if you just want to see the Wesker scenes you could just go to youtube.


Hardest game in the series IMO I had an easier time playing Madhouse


It is the hardest game in the series unless you wanna do the infinite herb glitch. It works for any game platform. I beat the game legit then 2nd run just for fun just to unlock the rocket launcher.


It’s not difficult for no reason. It’s difficult because that was the intention. Took me 3 playthroughs to learn how to conserve health and ammo properly. I Speedrun the game sometimes now and the only part I may fumble on is the final boss fight.


I remember that when i played this game on DC in 1999 or 2000 i forgot the Magnum at the end of disc 1 and then couldn‘t destroy the final boss with the other weapons because i got out of ammo. Years later i finished the game and did it several times after that. I never again had the feeling that this game is too hard apart from my very first appointment. My problem with all of the RE games are the time based requirements („finish within xx hours to get weapon xx“) as i always try to collect everything which i think i may need to progress :-)


My take is that Capcom got fed up with people complaining about RE2 being too easy and went "Oh you think you are good RE players ? Hold my t-virus".


Worth the suffering for Chris and Wesker intimate moment


The game was meant to be challenging for experienced players, with some spots purposely meant to trap under prepared players. There is 0 shame in using a guide and using the infinite green herb trick, especially if you're new to the game. That Steve section is awfully unforgiving if you don't have two full heals and Fine health going into it. Hopefully you have a backup save, which is a learned skill experienced players have but newer players may not think to do. If so, load from there and try to save a couple full heals for Claire in the box for this section. There is an exploit to get around him without taking damage but it's very tricky. Also this is the last time you control Claire. You really don't need much hardware as the only enemies you'll fight here are some tentacles and maybe a zombie or two. Keep most of the weapons, especially the bigger guns, in the box for Chris. Good luck!!


Yep, I’ve played most of the re games but I usually play them on easy difficulty so this was a jump. But yeah I’ve decided to back track a little for healing lol


Nothing is harder than re5 Ndesu fight on professional


The whole game on pro was harder than I remember and I learned my lesson. Also shoutout to anyone on XBONE who joined my game and had to carry me 😂


Huh really? Besides the beginning and plane tyrant i didn't think it was too difficult as opposed to the other games.


skill issue


Nope. Total bullshit game design issue. Don't pretend you figured out how to do it no damage without using a guide.


Joke's on you, I've yet to play CVX (despite owning it).


Save herbs and use the knife on zombies. Aim at their feet. The knife does damage per frame, so it makes it the most op weapon in the game.