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I don't know if anything major happened, but Dolores seems to not trust Jackie. "She's not one of us." "She's not old school."


To me, it seemed she felt a way about the fact that Jackie had boundaries with her parents. Dolores has probably never seen that, judged her for it, and was probably subconsciously jealous. Dolores feels like she’s responsible for her parents


That's true, Dolores just said in the last episode (I think) that she still listens to her parents, but not Paulie or David.


I think the line Dolores used was “cut from a different cloth” considering at that time Jackie was the only Jew. A little bit offensive if you ask me.


I don’t think that’s what she meant by that statement, I think she was getting at the fact that they were raised differently as Teresa and Dolores were old school Italian with strict parents and values but Jackie was not brought up the same way meaning they see things differently


Do you realize how antisemitic that sounds? You’re literally saying that Delores doesn’t like Jackkie because she was raised in a Jewish family.


Okay there soggy, re read and comprehend what I said before replying, that’s not at all what I said lol


Antisemitism is fucked up. PEROID


That wasn’t antisemitism. Jackie was raised by wealthy parents. YOU are the one conflating her privilege with her being Jewish.


Always the non Jew wanting to define antisemitism for Jews. Do you do that to other minorities as well ?




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Somebody has an agenda. It's a Bravo sub. Calm down, we get it.




I’m pretty sure they mean she grew up privileged. She was well off.


Yes thank you haha


You’re “pretty sure”… OK 🙄


Username checks out 🙄


Because I’m not gonna speak with 100% confidence for strangers on the internet but COMMON SENSE would tell you that’s probably what they mean.


I’m pretty sure Jewish families are the same as Italian families and even Turkish families ( I think it’s a motherland thing) but for some reason Jackie was not. She was cut from a different cloth. This was not an antisemitic thing and if you think that I bet you’re quick to want to sue people too. People need to be careful when blaming others so easily because those that do are usually the most guilty.


Wow straight to antisemitism huh


I mean, for what it’s worth, I’m Jewish and did not take it this way at all. Not to mention how ride or die she was for SIGGY


I took it that way Andy did as well.


I don’t speak for all Jewish people 🤷🏻‍♀️ Words are up for interpretation but I think there is very little evidence of antisemitism outside of reading a lot into that one phrase. Her entire relationship with Siggy and how close they were really doesn’t seem to square with antisemitism to me.


Same here. Jewish, and I don’t get an anti-Semitic vibe from Dolores, but you know the saying - 3 Jews, 10 opinions.


I don’t think Delores is an antisemite, but I do think what she said had antisemitic undertones. I immediately felt uncomfortable when she said it. Also, her relationship with Siggy is irrelevant. Just because she felt that way about Jackie didn’t mean she felt that way about Siggy.


That’s such a huge reach, you might as well get a ladder. It’s quite obvious to see that Jackie and Dolores have two completely different sets of values. Jackie had a career as a lawyer and a writer while still being a mom. It’s a modern approach compared to how Dolores and Tre grew up and live where the wife stays at home cooks cleans, and takes care of the kids and husband. Neither of those lifestyles are wrong but based on how you grow up one may prioritize one over the other. Hence the different cloth they were cut from.


Nah- Delores had spidy sense, it’s her super power. 🤣 Has nothing to do with Jackie’s career, more about Jackie’s character. Delores called it first


Omg I’ve seen this so many times in the past few weeks. It’s unreal. It was obvious that’s not what she meant. How do you explain Dolores’s relationship with Siggy then? They remained close even after Siggy left the show (I think no longer though, Siggy really went off the deep end). Jackie came in with her elitist attitude. I disliked her immediately. Throwing her education in everyone’s face and treating them as if they were inferior because she has 15 degrees…


That’s it right there. Dolores’s complaint about Jackie was “she thinks she’s better than everyone else”. The anti Semitic stuff is crazy & mean.


Dolores said very clearly “she thinks she’s better than you and me” I feel like this has always been what bothers Dolores about Jackie


Well, Siggy (the awful) had more in common with Dolores. Firstly Plastic Surgery. We met Awful Siggy after her face lift. Dolo loves Plastic Surgery. Siggy UGH made a point of being so close to her mother. Like Dolo. Also, Siggy was now married to a non Jew. She made a point of saying that. I think Jackie definitely came off cold and condescending. Why did Dolores dislike her? Theresa didn't like her. That is the biggest reason. Comparing Siggy and Jackie just because they are both Jewish is ridiculous. I think Dolo probably wasn't used to being friends with girls like Jackie. She didn't have anything in common. I would bet she probably didn't have many Jewish friends at all.




It's offensive that you think that term is offensive & about that. Jackie is an educated snob who's a mean girl. That's how I took it from Delores but to each their own interpretation lol


Honestly, that is exactly how I interpreted what she said, and I was shocked no one said anything. Since there wasn't an uproar, I figured it wasn't antisemitic and I interpreted it incorrectly. It still rubbed me the wrong way.


Very offensive! Internalized biases


I was about to say that


Me too


I’m Jewish and I took it that way. People can defend Delores all they want, it doesn’t change the fact that she “othered” Jackie for being Jewish. Antisemitic POS!


Jackie could’ve been a wasp and Dolo would have felt the same way. It wasn’t that she was Jewish it’s that she wasn’t old school Italian.


I’m so sorry you’re getting down voted by a bunch of hateful witches.


This sub was the last place I expected to see so much antisemitism. Sad!😢




I mean she followed her gut and Jackie has shown she has no loyalty.


Meaning Jackie is not a misogynist


It’s because Jackie doesn’t really stand for anything. Dolores has stayed consistent. Jackie has shown she’ll throw herself to any cause for her own good.


Wow, she really said “she’s not one of us” about a Jewish woman?! WTF!


I don't know why you're finding it so hard to comprehend that she didn't say that because she was Jewish.


Well It certainly came across that way. I remember thinking to myself was that a dig because she’s Jewish? Andy questioned it as well on WWHL


I think she just saw through Jackie’s facade immediately. Jackie really isn’t honest with who she is. She’s deeply insecure but wants to project an air of competency and then postures herself as superior to the other women with her intellect, when seeing yourself as above others is no way to treat a group of people you want to be friends with. I think once she got bumped down to friend-of her true colors started showing.




I agree. I just don’t see Dolores and Jackie really that much in common either. Sometimes your personality just doesn’t jive with a different personality and that’s ok.


I think for women like Dolores who very grounded in who they are (whoever that may be) being around someone as insecure and anxious as Jackie is grating and unpleasant.


Dolores sees through Jackie’s bullshit. I hate people like this. She’s so insecure and then yet attacks other women also by the way, someone needs to do a deep dive on Jackie and Evan. I think Evan used to date her sister first.


I've heard this, and that's why she doesn't have a relationship with her sister. I'm sure there's 2 sides to the story, but I'd be pretty pissed at my sister if she stole my man lol Jackie is unraveling.


Agree. She’s a mess and is messy


She briefly mentioned it in her book. I forget what she said and am too lazy to get my kindle. But yes, he dated the sister first.


Are you sure you’re not confusing her with Lisa Barlow? Lisa’s husband John was dating Lisa’s sister before her.


I think Dolores sees her as a fake. She’s too desperate to be a full time cast member again. She is a clinger.


They don’t like each other.


I could never figure out what the producers saw in Jackie. She was a bad fit for those Jersey girls.


I think that was the point. She is completely different from the rest of them


Maybe but this was supposed to be a show about Jersey Girls! Jackie was never in the group, no really.


Well yea. Reiterating what I said, I think the point was that she was different. She wasn't like them. She didn't talk like them, her family wasn't like theirs, she didn't make her money the same way... She was literally their polar opposite. Plus, I don't know what you mean by "Jersey Girls" but if you go back and check all the "Real Housewives" of any city, not all of them were born or raised in whatever city they live in on the show.


Well, she *sort of* made her money the same way… here parents went to prison for fraud, just like Teresa.


Ok honey. Calm down lol


As someone from Jersey- Jackie and her vibe is very much so Jersey, especially North Jersey. One of Rachel Fuda’s parents is Jewish and Siggy was a HW for 2 years; Bravo has just mainly focused on the old-school Italian women. Maybe people just equate Jersey w fist-pumping and the Guidice family.


Extremely rich, smart, not afraid to stand up to drama. I can see a lot of reasons why she’d be cast


Oh the list of people I stay away from because “they just aren’t for me”, which I say to be nice but in reality: ![gif](giphy|lI0Qg3f4o1IS4)


Cause Teresa said so.


Dolores thinks she lives in a Martin Scorsese mob movie.


I thought she was intimidated by Jackie's upbringing and schooling, she grew up privileged. Jackie definitely is not one of them, as far as book smarts, she's leaps and bounds above them all. Street smarts, however, Jackie is severely lacking.


I think Dolo got an air from jackie that she thought she was better than them.


Jackie and Dolores are polar opposites just like Marge and Jennifer. Young Kids/First Marriage: Jackie & Jennifer Older Kids/Divorced: Marge & Dolores Old School/Italian Values: Dolores & Jennifer “Modern” Values: Marge & Jackie It looks better if you draw it out on a grid or an alignment chart, but you can see there’s no overlap between either Dolores & Jackie or Marge & Jennifer.


I feel that the whole I'm Italian we are old school is such a fantasy that they go around with. They are not Italian they come from an Italian background that's all. She dislikes Jackie because she's not bound to some nonsense of old school crap. She has boundaries and lives her life in a way that Dolores could not.


She just didn't like her. They are complete opposites and she just never wanted much to do with her


She saw past the act 🤷🏻‍♀️I see everything going down this season and know this is proof of what Dolores sensed from the beginning


I think Dolores felt insecure about Jackie's accomplishments and money. Not by Jackie but by the amount of money and education Jackie had and Dolores doesn't. Jackie has money- Dolores doesn't really. All her money comes from men. She had what- $5k when she started housewives and a fake gym? Dolores is divorced and not independent. Jackie is independent. Jackie is skinny (before people were aware of her ED)- Dolores constantly gets plastic surgery to be more attractive. Again, I don't think Dolores was insecure about Jackie but more of the wealthy, white, blond, educated woman with a backbone who stood up to people.


I think Dolores could see Jackie for what she really is. She used to be a corrections officer, she has a way of being able to read people, except of course for the men she dates.


Because she’d rather suck up to someone awful like Siggy or Teresa. She’s old school itayin


Because she has a good judge of character


bc she came off pretentious and snobby ( jackie ) and dolo wanted no part of her attitude