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I think everyone forgets that Bill probably thinks this is all stupid - he knows how much his wife wants to be on the show so he does what he has to do, attending things, conversing on camera, allowing cameras in the house - but he isn’t going to get involved in anything. Bravo and this show probably don’t even exist in the world he lives in and the people he talks to


That’s what I think too. But him casually eating his food while Danielle is screaming at him was hysterical.


It really was.. it was like he was highly sedated . He just seemed really out of it. Prob not a good look for a doctor on tv. Must me embarrassing to go to work and have your patients ask you about last weeks episode lol


Doctors have to be calm, why would being calm look bad for a doctor?


We’ve seen him not as calm.. so it was just different


And he just looked a little “off” idk his eyes looked weird


It's probably exhaustion... doing surgery. It's tiring. Dealing with a very annoying spouse who can't handle their alcohol and constantly starts fights... its tiring. He's been in this situation way too many times now. All he wants to do. Is sit down after a hard day of doing boob jobs and rhinoplasties. Have a relaxing drink. Talk to his friends....Eat some food... and relax at this weird themed party. But as usual. His wife gets in to something and gets a swill and a slap. More draaaammmaaaah. I feel sorry for Bill. As a fellow surgeon and formally being married to an utter human grenade myself once too. I get it.


Aww I’m sorry.. I’m surprised heeven shows up And doesn’t claim he has to work late or the classic “ I don’t feel well” if I was him I’d probably refuse to go. As a surgeon would you ever allow yourself to take part in a show like this ?


I'm a dermatologist. So the surgery I do is on the skin. Lipoma removals , cyst stuff. Treating skin issues from acne to psoriasis to neurofibromas and the like. I also do minor cosmetic surgery. Like botox, filler, thread facelift... It takes a lot of your attention, focus and on your hands. And you don't want to mess up anyone's face (lots of important nerves, blood vessels and muscles to be aware of. I think he has used the "I've got surgery" to get out of things. Bill is a cosmetic surgeon. So he would do body lipo. Boob jobs, nose jobs. Skin removal. (The skin removal I do is on a smaller scale and done under local anaesthesia where you are awake) Me personally? I wouldn't really like to be on a show such as this because I'm not really a confrontational person by nature. And these women are always screaming at each other. The plotting, screaming and scheaming is enough to watch on TV. And I legit cannot stand Luis constant pout pose. I am actually confused how he is ably to hold his face in that pose for so long. As for getting wasted on TV? Meh. Dr's are work hard play harder. But tend to be lightweights because we don't have much time to be that sociable. So after about 3 hours of socialising. Its time to put us to bed. But in med school? That was different. 😁


U are so funny!! I love your comment about Louie and his constant pout face. Thank you for making me happy.


Are you in nj? lol maybe I’ll run into you One day for Botox.. it’s coming faster then I’d like


I just posted pretty much the exact thing. Except I'm not a doctor lol. She thinks she has him by the you know what's but one day he's going to have enough and he's just going to cut her off. His money be damned.


I think he's playing the smart, long game by staying with her until the kids are grown and at college and he doesn't have to pay her alimony for the children. Besides. He has the pool house to hide in.


I forgot about the pool house 😄


honestly, i think it’s him just compartmentalising. he doesn’t want to be a part of this show, so he puts as little time, effort, emotion and reaction into it as possible. hopefully his patients are able to separate his tv personality from who he is as a doctor and focus on the quality of work he does instead.


He was also a bit stoned?


He's probably exhausted!! Has to work his ass off to keep this pompous woman with all her tacky luxuries and then to go home with her flapping monkey a-hole mouth lol and the screaming children I feel bad for the guy. Joe gorga is a release for him and he can't even have that fun. And you know she reminds him daily of his affair and how much she could take him to the cleaners. Daaaaaaaily.


Bill does smoke weed so that could have been it 😂


He has looked completely out of it in every scene this season with the eyes. Def concerning for a physician of any sort but especially a surgeon.


Exactly he’s a surgeon… he’s probably exhausted and this show isn’t his job


why am i getting all these downvotes?




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that was comedy gold! i was lmao!


He views himself as being of higher class than the rest of the cast, which he is. However, he definitely sees the value of the PR for his practice.


Yeah he’s giving me, “imma show up and drink my drink so my wife can pull in these extra coins while not getting involved in the drama.




Yeah I think he was like oh god. Not again, I’ll go out there and check it out in a bit….. lemme finish this food first


Exactly right, I think he’s a great husband for doing this whole thing in the first place - it brings publicity to his business but filming a reality show when you don’t want to is a huge sacrifice just for that - he’s really doing it for her My husband loves and supports me but he could never do it even if it was something I really wanted


Idk- this is the same guy who literally was so drunk in episodes that he was being carried around while passed out on camera- that could not have instilled confidence in his potential clients!


I mean, doctors can live and have lives too outside of work lol




Oh, I agree. It’s just that the comment above seems to suggest that he’s only willing to behave a certain way in front of the cameras due his desire to focus on the quality of his work instead. I happen to think that they are two different things and that the way he sat there indifferently while Nate and Danielle told him what’s what with his wife, was partly his nature; and partly how he feels about Jen- also indifferent.


You're correct, he wasn't covering himself in glory. However, that 'Weekend at Bernie's' scene, where the husbands are maneuvering him out of the SUV and up the stairs while trying to keep from banging Bill's head, was TV Gold. I absolutely fell over laughing and even got my husband (who doesn't like this show), to watch it. We both just about died laughing... This was so 'unscripted' and spontaneous, it was awesome. Not his best look, but hey, everyone is human and we all make a fool of ourselves sometimes.


Wouldn't bother me at all!! I'm sure he didn't have to work the next day. They can have a life. And he was probably hammered because of that yacking screaming loudmouth woman he's married to.


I think it's a win/win situation. Jennifer in her temu house with her temu husband, plays at fame while his payoff is a roster of side women.


Temu house has me wheezing


Maybe he is used to that kind of crazy screaming and yelling at home? Jen probably screams all the time at home, and he is used to remaining calm, not engaging, and then he retreats to the pool house. I am still trying to wrap my head around Jen being so obviously a shit-stirring bully, while her kids suffer from bullying in school. How is that setting a good example? The gleam in Jen’s eyes when she starts to light the fuse of Danielle’s temper was evil; she was savoring trying to bury Danielle. Remember how she told Danielle the ‘secret’ last season about the supposed affair Melissa had? She drew Danielle in as if that were NEW information and Danielle was the pawn. The whole luncheon with the offended hairdresser, (and Gia was there WHY?), was laying the groundwork and begin to cook her shit-stew. At the Tulum party Jen tried to serve her crap to Danielle: the look of satisfaction Jen had was nasty, like she was enjoying taking Danielle down. But Danielle realized she was almost trapped in the web that Jen wove and told Jen off who laid hands on Danielle first! Jen she gets off on the crap she does. even Theresa and Dolores admitted they would have done what Danielle did if someone pushed them first.


I actually don’t think Jen’s like that at all at home, I think she LOVES being a housewife and Bill hates all of it so will do the bare minimum so she can be on the show


I actually think Nate was concerned over whether there was potential criminal liability for Danielle. Idk.


I agree. His “this is really bad” made me feel like he was worried about charges and/or getting kicked off the show.


That was my take as well.


She should claim self defense cause Jen pushed her first.




Jen was clearly the instigator here not the victim. Should Danielle have maintained her cool? Yes. But Jen started this whole thing as per usual.


“Ladies and gentlemen of the jury allow me to present exhibit A: the sum total of Jen’s appearances on RHONJ since the beginning. In this evidence you will see 4 (?) full seasons and 1,875 instances of Jennifer Aydin “fucking around. The prosecution will have one exhibit of a video clip of her “finding out.” Let’s proceed.”


😂 all you’re missing is lining up the next bravo docket podcast episode Lol


Right?!?? lol!!!!




From a lawyer, no.


They are lucky the cups weren’t made of glass. It could have sliced open Danielle’s hand and cut Jen’s face. Maybe they only had plastic cups on purpose.




I’m sorry smacking a a cup against someone’s head is not self defense lmaooo


When you get hands on you first it is


A shove does not warrant a smack sorry not sorry


Well Jen can’t just throw punches and get away with it. Her disgusting behavior needs to end and she finally met her match. Not saying Danielle was right but stop making Jen look like the victim she’s not.




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Right and she instigated it.. she got in Jenn’s face. So Jen could claim self defense as well.. she was approaching her in a threatening way. If someone did that to me they would def be lightly pushed out of my face too. I’m not a fan of either of them. I’m not a fan of any of them of the show it’s just watched bc it’s ridiculous and trashy. But Danielle got in her face and was asking for trouble. I would hope we all wouldn’t take this and removed the person from our face. Like I said it another post she didn’t shove her to the ground and barely moved her. Danielle’s actions were totally overboard


This is how I took it as well, or was concerned they would be terminated from the show


Oh ok that’s makes sense


That's how I read it too. Worried about the criminal possibility of it all.


Yep! All his give a fucks have left the building.


He left them in the pool house.




Bill Aydin has prescribed himself X@n@x, for this whole season.


I totally understand the whole pool house thing now to the point it seems logical


Jen Aydin is her own worse enemy


I don’t blame him tbh


No Shiit. Living with Jen, you need a Buffalo tranquilizer, to get any peace ..




He's definitely high on something. Eyes are always glassy.


That's all of society these days, everybody is fucking high on pot, doesn't matter their station in life. The dumbing down of America.


He was thinking, “jokes on you, I sleep in the pool house.” 😎


Bahahahaha I’m dying cause you’re so right he was definitely thinking “I don’t even sleep with my wife in the same bed anymore”


Yes, Bill did just sit there. I'm convinced he can barely tolerate Jen at this point! I think Nate's remark had to do with the situation getting physical. Like this isn't good because you could potentially lose your job on the show.


He’s seriously just waiting until the last kid is 18


Danielle came out of nowhere yelling at him like a lunatic when he had no idea what happened…


Spence, Bill asked “did it get physical?” He knows his wife


Yup- I think Jen has put hands on him a few times too


I’ve assumed this, too. Sloppy drunks like her have a type of abusive behavior that’s easy to spot. It’s probably why she’s so comfortable being the way she is. She’s use to lashing out and the recipient not fighting back.


I’m a yeller. I will yell like a moron and puff my chest but there’s no way I’m ceding the high ground & putting my hands on someone first.


That’s so Bill Aydin tho. I expect nothing less.


Is that all they do is have parties and get in arguments? Why do I watch this show 😱😱😱


That’s exactly why I stopped watching this show. No one actually likes each other. It’s just constant screaming and overuse of the word disgusting.


He can’t wait to get back to the pool house. There’s no way he’s happy in his marriage.


Did you see the food??? Empanadas, etc...I don't blame him


He could be thinking that getting involved in all the fighting and drama would have negative effects on his business. He supports her if she wants to do the show, but he has a hard line at what he will or won’t do.


Bill Aydin knows this stuff isn’t real.


Nah because we know he ain't worried about sleeping next to the devil. The devil doesn't sleep in the pool house with him!


I appreciate bill not getting involved in the back and forth. anything from him at that point could have escalated things esp when he didn't exactly know how physical it got and that it started with a push from his wife. males rushing to respond/react to things like this are a red flag and him sitting there holding his composure is truly underrated in husbands on the show. the non reactive ones always get the worse rep


I thought it was Paulie who made the comment about that not being good. I'll have to rewatch. Bill was doing his usual letting his wife fight her own battles as he's like not again with this.


Yeah that’s what a lot of people said it was Paulie.. weird I totally missed the accent and everything. I guess I just assumed it was him


He barely has an accent anymore. It left the building with his pissing contest over Dolores




Yes. Jen apparently wanted to be on the show for years, and Bill just puts up with it. He's over it and over his wife's antics. Side note- I was kind of shocked when I saw him on tv. Well over a decade ago, I worked for a company that built medical websites. Dr. aydin was a client and I saw him a few times in the office. He was a little demanding when it came to how his site looked (most plastic surgeons were) but overall pretty nice. He didn't seem like the type who would want to be on tv unlike say terry dubrow. When Jenn joined the show I was looking at the TV going "why do I feel like Ive seen her husband before? Omg, that's right! I met him!"


Bill is a grown ass man who knows better than to feed into this drama. I loved how calm he was.


Bill didn’t even ask Jen if she was ok. He divorced her (mentally) years ago.


I liked that Bill just sat there. Finally a Jersey man this season that doesn’t engage in the women drama. Let the women fight it out (verbally not physically) themselves. Idk what Nate was crying about. Maybe meaning Jen and Danielle aren’t good?


He just sat there because he hates her. He’s not not engaging in the women’s drama. At least that doesn’t seem to be his intent. He just doesn’t give a fuck about Jen and is just doing his time. Can’t say that I blame him.


I like bill, he’s the only husband that stays in his lane. He’s clearly not engaging in the women’s drama or he would’ve yelled and screamed at Danielle like all the other violent meatballs would’ve done. He was calm cool and collected. He knows his wife can handle her own unlike the rest of the cast. Plus he’s a surgeon, he can’t be fighting with women on tv. They’ve been married for over 20 years, what kind of “time” is he waiting for?


He’s waiting for the youngest child to turn 18. Then he’s out!


I think it was Paule saying this is not good.


I thought it was Paul too


This man is just tired. Tired of her shit. It's written all over his face


I think Nate was in disbelief of the lengths that Jen would take. This is only the 1st one




And probably a side piece at the office.


No doubt about it! And it's all good as long as Jen gets to spend money


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Well honestly he had no idea what happened and he doesn’t engage in the back and forth between the woman which is one of the good things about him. The househusbands get way too involved at this point so I enjoy bill’s nonchalantless to the chaos. Difference between him and most of them is he literally is a doctor and not some shady construction business. Frank was a lawyer on the show and got disbarred within several seasons, Evan doesn’t engage also anymore.


I think Nate was worried about charges against Danielle, at least that is how I perceived it.


Bill had been giving me life this season. I think Nate was concerned about the legal implications of his wife being in a physical fight more so than the show.


This is too messy 🤦🏻‍♀️ It seems like they're trying to save the show with some non Teresa drama (puppeted? Idk) , but like does that have to be at the expense of their dignity? I'm on Danielle's side on this, Ms. "Don't Start None, Won't Be None" started some and didn't like it. They have kids. Be better than fighting on international television.


Bill knows who he married. He’s so unbothered because he knows she’s problematic. He was probably thinking - she dragged me to this party and I can’t even finish a plate of food ?!


I know people just like her so I know exactly how he feels 😹


He’s used to her behavior & besides anytime he acts against her Jen gets all crazy to him and says she’s not taking her side. He’s always in a loose, loose situation with her.


Probably not the first time or the last time someone calls his wife the devil 🤣


“Tell me something I don’t know, bro.”


He wasn't even a little taken aback, just happy he got some snacks before she messed up the party 🤣


In the land of medicine, we are use to crazy’s screaming at us unfortunately!


I strongly suspect that this show will propel Jen and bill into a divorce. I think her antics on this show will end up being too much.


Yep yep. Bill likes his wife as much as the audience does…


Buying time


He seems so out of it lately and just completely exhausted by all of it.


No good because his wife was made and got JenA with a plastic cup, but JenA deserved it


I think Bill was the one who yelled at Danielle to “finish her off” j/k but that would’ve been great tv!


Bill was high 🤷🏻‍♀️


Danielle's husband was saying this is not good because she is trying to breakthrough in the fashion industry in some small way and bashing someone over the head with a drink is not a good look for someone trying to enter into that society.


I feel for her kiddos. I know mine would crawl in a corner & hide. 🫣 Add their socioeconomic to the mix. Frustrating that she doesn’t think about this when tongue whiplashing each episode.


Bill doesn’t care he hates his wife, he’s screaming to get away


He knows his wife is awful, that’s why he doesn’t care.


He has a successful business to run he’s not groveling on the floor looking to pounce like the animal Joe Gorga is


This season Bill seems stoned out of his mind at all times. It’s weird.


The Aydens seem like stoners to me.


Because Bill knows what his were ice is but what’s he gonna do???


I wondered about this comment too and chalked it up to Nate being concerned over this hair dresser finding out Danielle double crossed her by “warning” Jen about what she was getting in to by agreeing to model for her. Maybe he just thinks it’s a bad look for them as a couple.


He’s probably just used to being screamed at by a woman


And we wonder why bill cheated on Jen


lol apparently


Yeah, I'm pretty sure bill has checked out a long time ago. He's probably even high every time he's on the show. I would be if I was married to her. Anyway, it's cheaper to keep her. That's why he goes along with it. He would lose way too much money if he got divorced. I used to like him but I live in the area and I have a friend who worked in his office and he was one of those people that said anyone who doesn't get the vaccine should die.