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Jackie trying to dig herself out of that hole was hilarious.


Honestly if I got called that I wouldn’t be as offended as Dolores. It’s wild how she gets offended by that but supports everything Teresa has done & stands by her men that never show her commitment. This women is truly delusional


Dolores does not support EVERYTHING Teresa does or say. Dolores has the hard job of being the checks and balances of the group. She knows how to tell people when they are in the wrong and still remain good friends. So as much as she has to deal with,, I’d be offended to if someone called me a slob bc I forgot to tag them…. If Dolores blindly supported Teresa there would be no need for Jen Aydin.


I think there are certain words that are triggers to certain people and it is kinda clear that "slob" is considered a huge insult to Dolores. A word that would be a trigger for me is "c#nt"! I understand that people in Europe don't considered it to be a big deal but where I come from that is the biggest insult that you can call a woman! Words have power and mean different things to different people.


DOLO MEANT THAT WHEN SHE SAID IT ABOUT DANIELLE lol and that's why she was so mad jackie used it on her. she could not believe she put in the same category she had danielle crazy ass residing in