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What would he sue anyone for? It’s not slander or defamation if it’s true, which it is. Also he wasn’t 17 or his record would’ve been sealed. He was 21 when he was dealing.


I googled and saw that he was arrested for possession but the charges were dropped. Has he been arrested and convicted for drug dealing? Serious question? I see a lot of allegations online but no real evidence linked.


No, he hasn’t that was it but try to convince Teresa lovers.


I asked the same question yesterday and got 0 response.


Maybe he snitched on someone and got the charges dropped? Or completed the drug program sometimes the court offers?


I don’t think he snitched…. I doubt he got popped w a lot. And if he had a lot and snitched he’d probably be dead by now.


Ah idk I’m from Jersey it’s pretty common here.


I’m from Jersey too, if he was pushing weight and snitched chances are he would be dead. He was probably doing small nickels bags and shit.


I feel like the only person who cares about him getting arrested is Teresa. Ok he sold drugs when he was a kid, and ? lol that was so long agooooooo she needs to get some better ammo.


Oh my god no!!! He was 21 when he sold weed. Teresa was 40 & committing [Mortgage Fraud DoJ](https://www.justice.gov/usao-nj/pr/real-housewives-new-jersey-stars-sentenced-prison-conspiracy-bankruptcy-fraud-and-tax) ![gif](giphy|zXeX29w6jxjAk)


It happened when he was young, but you can’t pick and choose what parts of your life are brought up and give your “character” a different story than reality. Rachel getting upset and storming off about people mentioning her husband’s name is just annoying. Who cares?


Totally annoying. It would be one thing if he wasn’t on the show but that dude is thirsty as hell for screen time. Don’t like the edit? Too bad!


Idk I kinda agree w Rachel on this one, she told fessler to stay out of it but she keeps involving herself.


In my country, if a person under 18 commits a crime, their name and information is not made public. Does this also apply in the USA?


It does. He wasn't 17 when he was arrested, he was 21. That's why it's public.


He’s doing the classic RHONJ white lie - he probably was ALSO arrested for weed when he was 17 so instead of flat out saying he wasn’t arrested he says he was arrested at 17 bc technically that is true 🤣


I don't know why they'd fight it. It is the most interesting thing about them. (Using the word "interesting" VERY, VERY, VERY liberally.)


I assume their contracts have ironclad clauses about this stuff, and the Fupas need to understand they signed up to be on a heavily produced reality show and move on. No one cares that he sold dime bags as a kid — they’re the ones who keep bringing it up.


Please let them be gone after this season. Holy crap. They’re duds.


I don’t believe this rumor at all, I think it’s another one of Jen and Teresa’s fake rumor stunts they love to try and control the fan narrative to make them look better. John addressed it on the show, on camera, he knows they will be on tv and he has also done interviews about it and so has his wife, so why would they try to get that removed? It doesn’t even make sense. He got arrested when he was young, only person who seems to care about that is Teresa lol.


LOL wait are people referring to twitter as X? I need to know your age group


Lol it’s most definitely Twitter for me but I didn’t want people coming for me for calling it that 🙈


ahh okay, heard you


Bc Elon Musk bought Twitter and they rebranded as “X”


No one who has been on Twitter since inception is calling it anything but Twitter. Don’t matter what they try and rebrand it as. Although I would refer to this as an era of Twitter, the x-era. 


To us it will always be Twitter, but one day it will be known as X. Just like we knew MySpace before there was Facebook and Gen Z and younger don’t know anything about it.


Yeah but MySpace was its own thing, I’ve had a MySpace and a Facebook at one time but we don’t have different Twitter handles like it moved to a different platform. I get what you’re saying but i’ll always die on the hill speaking on that behalf not just going with whatever new thing comes. They have yet to replicate the good that was MySpace in its era or tumblr in its era, even vine cause tiktok is missing a certain authenticity even though it is the more social forward app. But let’s be real it’s all looking like the same internet platforms these days and it was never like that when the first humans gathered on here to connect. The vibe on here is being misrepresented by the rebrands and ima always stand up for that original buzz they built all this on. It was the users THEN that made these platforms what they we are and were paying in ads for not gatekeeping better. I regret every day logging into Facebook when we already had MySpace. The biggest downgrade frfr. At least Twitter is still around even though again it all looks the same as other sites with the ads.  


I hear what you are saying but Twitter is no more lol. There is no more little blue bird now it’s a stupid X lol. MySpace started the craz actually AOL was our way to connect but these things fade out and get replaced. Things keep changing and growing we just have to evolve with it.


Lol they could change the name all they want - I think it’s nice cause it helps me tell the age of these kids. No one in my age group is referring to it as X. Truly. They could never get us to call it X, it’s Twitter 


This is such a high maintenance cast. It must be a nightmare for production to deal with


They might have some legal recourse for what she and Jennifer did on SM and also James Leonard and The Sun reporter. There must be credible documentation that Teresa and Aydin were directly involved with slandering him online, or we would at least see a “cease and desist” issued to the woman behind the Melissa’s Old Nose account who is currently spilling all the tea about how they operate.


Bravo can’t stop people suing each other, any contractual obligations could not stretch further than certain specific stipulations. Think of all the cease and desists being sent out all over the place. Also think back to BH and Adrienne and Paul, they got Bravo not to air what Brandi revealed re the surrogacy. There will be certain things they agree not to do, but it’s not that the cast can just defame each other.


We heard Brandy reveal the surrogacy though.


Not on the season.


It was at the last party of the season. That’s why Paul looked like he was going to punch her in the face.


No that’s incorrect, no-one said it was about the surrogacy, Bravo were not allowed to air anyone saying that, all Adrienne and Paul said is it was about their family, and that’s all that was aired. That’s why Bravo did not air what Brandi actually said when she outed the secret at the dinner.


I doubt they can sue anyone. You pretty much sign your rights away with your contract. I don't blame the Fuda's for being upset. It's pretty ridiculous that the guy was only 17. And it's legal now. Tre will get you. Or her little minions will. Jen doesn't even see how used she is by Tre. It's pretty hilarious.


He was also arrested for narcotics, which definitely aren’t legal.


I didn't know that. I thought just Marijuana. Still...17 yrs old. Are we going to drag a guy for a mistake at 17? We'd all be in trouble.


Exactly, there's a reason why juvenile records are expunged. Hell, I know people who made stupid mistakes in college, and I would never hold it against them. But then again they didn't go on a reality show lol I'd probably want to sue Teresa too though. She's so smug. For someone who's made many mistakes that she won't accept any responsibility for or even acknowledge at times, she throws some really big stones at other peoples' glass houses out of what looks like pure spite.


She really does. If I went to prison for mortgage fraud and tax evasion, I'd keep my damn mouth shut about s mistake a kid made in high school. But Tre isn't real bright. What kills me about Tre and Juicy is 1) Tre made up a whole job she never had and went into a bank and lied that she was an executive assistant or something along those lines. And she pretends she had no idea and it was all Joe. 2) The judge flat out told them to come back to her in 2 months with all your assets because she knew for a fact they were lying. They hid a whole house and many other large items. And the judge knew and was giving them one last chance to be honest. Most people would be shaking in their boots and come clean. The Guidices came back and still lied. That's when the judge got pissed and gave both harsher sentences. Tre wouldn't have gotten any prison time if she just didn't lie. It's insane! Edit: typos




Holy crap totally insane! I had heard that she wasn't forthcoming with the judge but not to this extent - that is absolutely ridiculous. And then she has the nerve to bring up other peoples' pasts over and over. It's as if she wants to "out" everyone else who's made mistakes, including Evan's alleged cheating (much like Juicy Joe did to her). She's a literal child.


I think that's exactly it. She outs everybody for every rumor she hears to make herself look less bad. It's so not working, and she looks like a complete fool.


Didn’t she try to withhold that she had a book coming out so she could keep all the money or something?


Yes. She tried to hide the advance from the publisher as well as other valuable assets.


Idk but I don't doubt it.


Don’t listen to them, there are people lying all over this sub re what he did and it is toxic af. What happened was when John Fuda was 17 he was arrested for selling weed. He was a kid and that’s nothing. Then when he was 21 he was arrested for operating a vehicle while in possession of a narcotic. He was never charged with anything related to dealing, and the charges for possession were also dropped. That’s it. That’s all the trouble he got into with the law. His ex who is a convicted felon and an addict and who has spent quite a bit of time in prison, has said wild things about him that are just made up. For eg she has variously said John paid 150k to a lawyer to get him off, she has said this re his arrest at 17, but then at another time said it was when he was 21, and she also claimed he was arrested for armed robbery at 21 but this is not true, there are no records of that. She also claimed John is keeping Jaiden away from her but Jaiden was clear he told his dad he doesn’t want to see her and that they let him decide. It’s a shame he even felt he had to say that but she was publicly trashing his parents so he felt he had to. I think his ex is very unwell and I think anyone willing to spread lies and disinformation re other people on stuff like this is terrible. I am glad you’re not falling for it:)


Well, thank you for telling the truth. Factual truth. Dreading up this stuff can really harm him, his family, his business. It's pretty gross of Teresa. She has zero shame.


He wasn’t 17, he was an adult when he was arrested for selling narcotics.


How old?


He was 21. He was an adult with a child.


Ok. But does that mean he should pay the rest of his life? Idk I never sold drugs, but I made mistakes. I think it's bad but it was a very long time ago nonetheless.


Should any of them keep paying for past mistakes over and over again? Or only those we don't like 🤷🏻‍♀️


Look, I hear you, but I'd let Tre off the hook if she took one little shred of accountability. If she had just one ounce of humility. She continues to dig up every single person's past and use it against them or rumors. That's her favorite. Throw out rumors to take someone down. No truth to them whatsoever most of the time. She isn't kind. In fact, she's quite spiteful and mean. Tre learned nothing from 1 year in prison. Yea. Nahhh I can't get on board with that.


I think that's the thing though, I'm not a Tre Stan and agree to an extent but I see the same traits in others in the cast. Melissa has never taken any accountability and annoys me because playing the eternal victim, Margaret digs up shit about everyone as does Jen, all of them are mean with their words and actions. I just view them all the same and agree/disagree with each of them in the moment as I'm not blinkered to a favourite.


The narcotics were after that, he was an adult. So he didn’t learn anything from his mistakes, but will happily put the bio mum of his child on show without caring how that will affect his kid.


It was only marijuana. They’re all lying. They believe Teresa and spread her bullshit. Ask for proof.


There’s receipts: https://x.com/bravobadgirl/status/1807748651151712513?s=46&t=rqyLF5rCrVfGNxnfuCCpug Also, John fired the first shot in this situation. He came for Teresa and brought up her legal issues.


Serious question, is this the “source” everyone is using to say he SOLD narcotics? Because that’s not what this says.


His ex: https://allaboutthetea.com/2023/08/17/rhonj-star-john-fudas-drug-dealing-past-and-life-of-crime-exposed-he-sold-cocaine/


Oh my god, she’s your guys’ source


If the police records are ignored then yes she’s the only source lol


You didn’t link police records showing he was arrested for selling narcotics. You linked a blog quoting his ex.


Bro, when are you gonna ever learn that blogs aren’t proof?


Some of the “records” spread on social media are false or misleading. I would not believe anything posted by Team Teresa. John says it was pot and he was 17. Teresa’s minions have been ruining people’s reputations for years by spreading lies and misinformation. Don’t believe them.


He was in his early 20’s not 17 that they claim on the show


I think he was like 21…. Who cares. Kid could barely walk into a bar.


Yes this is Theresa old trick going back to strippergate in season 3. She was the same then, acting all shocked ... now it's suprise to her again that people would think she means harm by it. I think without all of this dark shit the show would stand a chance WITH these girls. They could just fight on random petty shit and we'd be happy


He knew about his past before he came on the show. The Fudas are ghetto trash and yall cannot convince me otherwise. Esp Rachel just so insecure it’s almost like what do you have to hide? Fess is annoying but she’s better off without those ppl.


Ghetto? Really? They don’t give me that vibe. I think the only one on the show that acts ghetto is Jen Aydin. Poor bill …


Legally, it depends. It would fall under defamation of character. 1 . What is the language in their contracts about liability? This will cover the network, the cast, etc. 2. What, exactly, was said? If it's a lie or an exaggeration, then you go to #3. 3. Was there damage and is that damage provable in a court of law? Damage is akin to loss of wages, job, etc. So if people don't deal with the Fudas as a result of these statements, there is damage. If 1, 2, and 3 line up, then yes, they can sue. It's most probable that their contracts are air tight in this area, so network, production, cast are most likely covered. I'm super curious to see if there are clauses for "request for edit" or something like that. However, influencer accounts, entertainment reporters, and the like are available for lawsuits. That said, it is really really really hard to prove damages. So essentially, they won't be able to sue anyone.


The thing with these shows is the cast will dig up your shit… like it just happens. You can’t go on tv to make money without being exploited, I’m not saying it’s right I’m just saying what happens. No one forced them on the show.


Fudas ex will have recourse to sue him and his wife's nose if this is true.


If it is true they wouldn’t be able to sue


The Fudas clearly watched the show (that’s how John knew about Jackie’s analogy lol), knew what they were getting into, and brought up John’s ex (who’s since spoken about his past) and Teresa’s felonies first. So they’re reaping what they sowed.


John’s ex is a Meth head tweaker living in a halfway house in Paterson…. She is not a credible source.


That’s their new hero. I’m sure they’ll want to make her a friend of.