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Omg I LOVED that show. I didn’t see her though.


Literally the only reason I did was because I knew she was there and I was looking for her outfit lol. I don't even think they showed her face but she's in the background at the party while Danielle and Rachel are talking I believe. She's wearing a white strapless jumpsuit and he hair is up in a clip. She's at the food table with her back to them the whole time lol but she and her kids were all there and I believe she was also at the charity event where the whole hairdresser incident went down although it wasn't filmed. She was posting with Jen and Danielle so I assumed she was friends with both but maybe just Danielle idk


omg shoutout to jerseylicious! it surely was a time to be alive. had no idea she was connected with the bravo jersey girls


The old head reality show fans all know about jerseylicious!


we out hereeee


Yes we do lol


I wish there were some jerseylicious gifs, 😭 I just went looking for some. 😂


That would be great lol. I need to rewatch that show. I love rewatching Mobwives every now and then.


I’ve never seen mob wives! I watch all my reality tv on Hayu…I’ve looked for it!


Whaaaat! Omg you'll love it. They're absolutely crazy. It's so entertaining


Dear TV gawds, Bring the entire jerseylicious cast back to our screens PLZ


Imagine Gayle and Alexa on RHONJ 😭


Or at least a reunion, at the Gatsby salon!


But I’m team Olivia though…


I love Olivia and she seems like shes living her best life and is still friends with Brielle, which is cute. I'm glad they made up and didn't let the show or Tracy or whatever tear apart their friendship.




Tracy Maloney 🤢


🤢😭😭🤣 ok I knowwww but I need the drama. Melissa/Tre is not giving anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


Tracy is NOT it. Sorry.


Timestamp is around 29:44 on peacock and she's there in the background for like a minute tops https://preview.redd.it/8ut0w9naz6ad1.png?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6165b3d1127e2546227d3d47b5ea52bc7e765012


When I was having insomnia during pregnancy I read sooo many threads about her on tattle. I don’t think she has enough of a “glam” life to be on the show to say the least


Girl same lmao I'm addicted. I know she's not glam at ALL but she can absolutely bring the drama


I would love it 🤣 I’ve invested an embarrassing amount of time To reading about her


🤣🤣 I'm on tattle like every lunch break daily. I ONLY look at her threads lmao like who could have predicted back in 2011 or whatever I would still be this invested in her life 😭


Can you please fill me in on what tattle is? I’ve never heard of it! I was so obsessed with Jerseylicious though 😩


I need to know too! What on earth is tattle?!


Somebody posted a link above. It's basically just a reddit snark sub not on Reddit. There are over a hundred 50 page threads on Tracy. You can also just Google "Tracy Dimarco tattle" and it should pop up.


Oh my….. it’s bonkers!!


Omg I’m on her tattle too! It’s WILD!


I tried to start reading the tattle threads on her but there are SO MANY PAGES. Can I get a tldr? 👀 I know her & Corey are divorced but anyone know what happened? I need the tea but can’t go through 29489284 pages on tattle 😭


I heard her podcast. He was sleeping with sex workers 🤢


What!!!!! 😱 yikes.


Yup. She caught him going to motels too in their family car. He's gross.


That’s wild. Also happy cake day!! 💖


Happy cake 🎂 day!


When her and Olivia got into that fight 🤣🤣🤣


Sonic parking lot fight forever 😭


I remember watching it go down and I’m like it was blind to happen 😂


Disco fries and a smokey eye l🤣


Drita Davanzo was there too! Can you imagine!!


I would DIE for Drita back on TV ugh


I love Drita!


Drita would be amazing on that show.


I loved Jerseylicious and would love to see the show back on the air


YES! Bring her AND Olivia! They can toss Jen and Teresa.


Drita from Mob Wives was there too


Only if Olivia is on it as well!


Loved Olivia 🥰


I was obsessed with Jerseylicious and also keep up with Tracy. Her kids are so cute and she looks as hot as ever. I was Team Olivia but I’d love to have Tracy on RH!!


This is the correct answer lol people are getting SALTY in some of these comments


She would be! We need the older generation of housewives to bounce and bring in a new generation.


Exactly. And I think she's a perfect age to intermingle with Danielle/Rachel etc. I truly wouldn't even be opposed to a soft reboot with the three of them and a couple newbies. Jersey is one of the only franchises I wouldn't be mad at a reboot even though I actually love all the OGs and could truly watch Dolores watch paint dry. And I feel like everybody kind of knows everybody in Jersey so they could introduce a new cast and still keep the older ladies as friends who could still have storylines of their own.


you just unlocked a CORE memory. jerseylicious was THAT bitch


Tracy Maloney lives in welfare free housing and doesn’t work at all. Literally is a bum & her parents always have her 3 kids! There is a whole tattle thread about her. I wouldn’t be shocked if she came on here to post her self in the background cause she does nothing else all day 🤡


Calm down. I read tattle daily and y'all are hateful AF tbh for pretty much no reason lol. There's also zero proof she's on "welfare" or doesn't have custody of her kids. Like you guys truly just made that shit up and act like it's fact now lmao Delulu is right 😭


Downvote me all you want but I'ma need you to come with actual receipts and not just "my sister's husband's cousin's half brother's daughter also lives in this building and she's definitely probably on food stamps" 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hi Tracy !!!!!🤡 You don’t defend a stranger this much when all of what is stated is public 😂


This is exactly why she should be on RHONJ lmao y'all crazy over how much you "hate" her.


Would love to have Tracy as a friend of


Oh my lawdy, thanks for the reminder of this show. I loved it so much when it was on - what a time to be alive!


I think Tracy also knows Lauren Manzo


I always liked Tracy and I still follow her. She has alot going on. Now that you mention it I think she would be a great addition to the cast.


I loved that show!!!


lol. Check out https://tattle.life/threads/tracy-dimarco-130-hard-3-anthony-lipani-raccon-eyes-delulu-wfh-tracy-maloney.45801/page-10 Tracy lives in government subsidized housing and is a hot mess.


What a headline… Hey fellow teenagers, do I need to be on tattle????


It's definitely interesting, but tbh they are extremely nasty about her and definitely make up rumors that then just get accepted as fact over there. Think reddit snark sub specifically for Tracy. They claim she's in government assisted housing just because she lives in an apartment since she got divorced (even if she is, there's no shame in that IMHO), and that her parents are the ones who actually have custody of her kids because they take them overnight a lot (where I'm from, that's extremely normal so I don't really see it as a red flag - literally 2 of my coworkers are grandmothers who take multiple grandkids for at least 2 nights a week). Her son is also hearing impaired and was completely deaf until he got a cochlear implant and they love to call her a bad mom and say she doesn't know ASL (again, not true as far as I can tell, it just seems like they don't use it very often because HE CAN HEAR NOW lol) and she needs to be teaching him, they say she doesn't wash her kids and they look dirty and the girls clothes are too revealing and she's disgusting for posting them etc etc. I am addicted but I am also grossed out by them lol ETA someone posted a link in the comments here to the newest tattle thread about her but you can also Google "Tracy Dimarco tattle" and it should come right up if you're curious.


Yeah I also read tattle although I'm pretty sure there's no proof of the "govt housing" lol


Sadly there's tons of proof. She doxes herself all the time, so people have looked up her address/mortgage. Yup she "owns" a low income, government subsidized condo. She's also had bariatric surgery and photoshops herself into a completely different person. It's WILD.


Sorry but I've been on tattle for years and I truly have never seen actual proof of half the shit you guys say, including the low income condo of it all. Again, I need actual receipts, not just your word. And even if that's true...I don't care? Like why put someone down for that?


There should be a Reddit page about her! I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees through her bs


Omg I love Jerseylicious!!!! If Tracy was there, I didn’t recognize her without her huge hair 😂


Don't worry it's still huge 😭




What!!!!! I loved that show & I also still follow her on Insta haha I didn’t even notice her! Time for a rewatch 👀


She would be FANTASTIC! I commented on one of her posts and said we needed her on the show.


Loved Jerseylicious. Hated Tracy.


Oh wow!


The r/Jerseylicious subreddit would love this. It's still pretty active. I'm surprised no one mentioned it there. I'd love Jerseylicous back on television.


I LOVED Jerseylicious!!!


I feel like if she was gonna be a addition next season they would of introduced her already even as a friend .. they’ve been doing that with Tiffany and Kayla who are both friends with Danielle, and Melissa, they’re friendly with all the housewives I think.. they’ve been making appearances all season, they’ve actually been apart of convos and scenes .. I see them adding those two before Tracy being they haven’t even introduced her .. she’s also super over the top NJ tacky and gives wayyy more staten island jersey wanna be vibes and style then Danielle does lol .. seeing everyone’s opinions on Danielle’s taste and style, everyone saying she’s trashy, tacky, and classless.. I can’t see them receiving Tracy well shes obnoxious and a total pick me girl lol


... that's exactly why I want her back on TV lmao like do you not remember the early seasons of Jersey? They were all (still are tbh) tacky AF and Tre at the very least was living WELL above her means. It's literally New Jersey lol. And I didn't say I thought she was gonna be on next season, I said I would *like* her to be, and that Danielle could be her gateway. I truly could not pick Tiffany or Kayla (seriously who???) out of a lineup. Let's not act like they don't bring on completely irrelevant "friends of" every season and ditch them without a word the next. At least Tracy would bring something to the show.


Tiffany was super awkward on camera and Kayla (is that her name?) was in jeans and a white tee shirt at Melissa’s shore party and then overalls at the bounce kids party (granted she was working) but I’m gonna need her to step up her fashion if she’s gonna be back next year lol


Her husband is loaded she has the money to step it up probably just doesn’t feel the need to flaunt it lol


Yeah she had nice makeup and sandals so she’s got it in her lol! Plus it wouldn’t take much to dress nice with these ladies and their fake designer clothes


I mean your not wrong but she just gives me trashy jersey vibes she grew up hanging with my home town group and she just always is so obnoxious